How To Link Ms-access With .net

Mar 25, 2011

with this post i m sending my code enter code here


MY problem is that i hav created database and it is empty with specific colums defined by me but there is no data after defining that columns ... i want to store data at runtime so when i execute that it shows me an error like this " null refernce exception was unhandled " at this line

dtset.Tables("Table1").Rows(0)("Phone Number") = txtPhoneNumber.Text

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Best Approach To Link App To Access Database?

Jun 3, 2011

How to link my app to an Access database - there seems to be a number of approaches. I can add in my database via the Data Sources tab. Fine if I want to bind controls and view/edit data. But is this the best approach for queries that return an answer that is a different shape to the original table? Alternatively I can connect to the database directly (connection string, etc) and run sql queries. What are advantages/disadvantages of each approach? In terms of flexibility, is the second approach best? Also, does the second approach require the database to be added via the Data Sources tab?

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DB/Reporting :: Access 2003 Link Vb6?

Apr 23, 2009

i can't link access 2003 to vb6. its say's"unrecognized database format" explain to me in a low i have to create module?i have to create conn.txt? i just have to add source code in a form to link the access 2003??

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Link An Access Table Error?

May 17, 2011

I'm trying to link a datatable from one access db to another access db but i get this error:Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

this is my code:
Sub CreateLinkedAccessTable(ByVal strDBLinkFrom As String, _
ByVal strDBLinkTo As String, _


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Link An External Table To MS ACCESS

Nov 18, 2009

i want to link an externel table to an ms access database through Is this possible. I am able to create a new database and a new table is created.

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Link Up My Listbox To Access Database?

Feb 3, 2011

I would like to know how I can link up my listbox to the access database.For example: I have a textbox where I enter a code and a button that says enter and the code has an item that corresponds to it and that item must appear in the listbox as well as any other items that I need to put in the listbox.

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Link VB 2010 To Excel Or Access?

May 11, 2011

Using VB 2010, i want to input data from vb and save it to access or excel. And then use data from ms files on another form in this vb project. How can I accomplish this?

View 2 Replies - Link Access Database With GridView Control

May 29, 2012

I'm trying to link Access database with GridView control.Here's the question: One successful procedure to link database query.


However, I got error of "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized." on da.Fill(dt) when running the second time. First time was successful.OK I finally got mistake corrected. I gotta Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source = C:Class.mdb") again to use query instead of once for all queries.

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How To Link In A Query From An Existing Access Databse

Mar 17, 2009

Has anyone a sample code, or point me towards a guide on how to link in a Query from an existing Access Databse into my vb? Im wanting to populate some text boxes with information from a query.

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Link A Database In Vb2008 With Access 2007?

Apr 3, 2011

so i need to link the database but i want to use the bind source way, i dont like using the oeldbadaptionand all it needs to do is perform a search for records, insert new record and save the record but

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Link To A Password Protected Database (MS Access)

Mar 16, 2009

First of all, no i am not trying to hack a database , i am trying to link to a database, created in MS Access, and have the user log into it, but i still get an error sayingQuotean unhandled expression of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in here is the code i'm using to input the password and username from a text box


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2002 And Access Reunion - How To Link 2002 And Ms Access 2003

Jun 2, 2011

A simple method on how to link 2002 and ms access 2003

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Click The Button Link In The Web Application But It Says I Don't Have Access To The Server?

Apr 8, 2010

I have browser control in a winform application that navigates to a secure intranet location. In the web application that sits in the browser are several links that bring up other windows outside of the browser... like dialog type browser windows that may contain information like user information... etc.

When I run the application in a regular browser, it runs the new window perfectly but when I click on the same button link in the web application, it brings up a windows with no data saying that I don't have access to the server.

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Create Report And Link It With MS Access To Display Database?

Dec 21, 2011

how can i create report and link it with MS access to display database on this report..

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Link Into The Access Database 2005?

Feb 21, 2008

I am trying my hands on and is trying out a small application which includes a survey form. The form contains radio buttons and when the respondent clicks on a radiobutton, digit '1' should be placed into the relevant field of the database.I have established a dataset and tried doing it but not sure how to do it because the book (How to program Visual Basic.Net by Dietel) does not teach us that

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Link TextBox's AutoCompleteSource To A Access Database Column?

Nov 5, 2009

I am using a textbox's AutoCompleteSource I would like to link a column of a Access database. Is there a reference to it.

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Creating A Simple Application As An Example That Is To Link To A Access 2007 Database

Mar 12, 2010

So i'm creating a simple application as an example that is to link to a Access 2007 database.

On my main form i have four listboxes that are correctly attached to the table, I have one for First Name, Last Name, Phone, and School. I added 3 records to the database in Access to see if I could display the records in the listboxes on the form. I found that it was very easy by setting the properties and I have no problem there. I also have a command button that loads a new form for the purpose of adding a record to the database.

Here is my main form (frmMain.vb)...


And Here is the code for the form...


What i'm looking for is when the user presses the Add button on the frmAddNew form then it needs to close and the new record is listed in the textboxes and saved to the database. Id also like to know all kinds of things i might be able to do with textboxes and databases because i'm trying to learn for a larger project where i'll need to keep track of hundreds of records.

I understand that this is a simple procedure, but i've been spending all night scouring tutorials and getting lost in the msdn library online, so maybe some human input will be better.

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VS 2008 Linking Access Database To A List Of Labels With Link Integration?

May 4, 2011

I am working on a project that requires us to create a bracket type tournament and I am now stuck. I linked my access database to my project, and have 32 labels (lbl1-lbl32) and I cannot figure out how to integrate the labels to read from my database. It can be random or not, I just cannot get the labels to display the names of the fighters.

After the labels are integrated, the next coloum of the bracket has a link that opens a new window with each of the fighters match results, does the link have to include anything particular to display the attributes from the database?

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Make Login Form In Vb 2010 Express That Is Link In Database Access 2007?

Jan 2, 2012

The project must have different user and each has username and password will be saved in my database but only the admin can add users.

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VS 2010 Make The Download Manager Know It Is Link To Downloadable File As Opposed To Something Like Link To Another Webpage?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2010 express..I'm building my own web browser and want to add a download manager.I have been able to build one that will download a file if I type the file location into a text box.What I'm trying to figure out is how to have the download manager open when I click on a download link on a web page.How to make the download manager know it is a link to a downloadable file as opposed to something like a link to another webpage?

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Call An ASP Link From VB Code-behind Instead Of User Clicking Link?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a link here that works perfect for calling the postback close that I need to happen:

<a href="javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')"><asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text="Close Me"></asp:Label></a>

However, I would like to be able to call the *javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')* method from the code-behind file rather than the user clicking the link. I.e., when I have completed my tasks in the application code, call parent.doPostBack as my last function call, which closes the window in question.

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Clicking A Link In 1 WebBrowser Causes WebBrowser2 To Navigate To The Link?

Jun 12, 2009

When a button is clicked i am creating HTML that will be displayed in the WebBrowser1 control. With this HTML are several links to other pages. Is it possible that when one of these links is clicked, that WebBrowser2 navigates to the page instead of WebBrowser1?

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HTML In Windows Application - Add A URL Link And An Email Link

Jan 30, 2009

I have a project that I would like to add a URL link and an email link to in the Help/About dialog. How can I do this? Is it possible to add HTML code to a VB project? This is not a Web application.

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VS 2008 Find Clicked Url Link/ Open Link In New Tab?

Sep 4, 2009

Im trying to create a webbrowser in VB 08;

I was wondering how i would create new tab with the Link the clicked.

*EG* They Right-Click Link > Open In New Window/Tab > Makes New Tab In My Program > Navigates To The Linked Clicked.

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Access A Link With Rel="alternate" Using Process.start?

Jun 19, 2009

How do you access a link with rel="alternate" using process.start?

Dim Internet As New Process
Dim InternetAddress As String = eL(DiUs, 0)
Internet.StartInfo.FileName = InternetAddress
Internet.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal

eL(DiUs, 0) is a link to an RSS, but the post won't show unless the link is rel="alternate". How do I do that?

<link rel="alternate" href="http:..........." type="text/html" />

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Swf Link - Automatically Add The 1 To The End Of The .swf Link?

Dec 13, 2010

so I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I'm trying to make a program where I would have a textbox where the user would type,then a "Go" button. In the textbox, the user would type a number, lets go with 1 for an example. A user would type 1 in the textbox, then it would automatically add the 1 to the end of this .swf link: "http:[url]... after they enter the 1 in the textbox and press the "Go" button, it would add the 1 to the end of that link, then that link would open a new shockwaveflash form with the link being the Movie. Is this possible?

View 5 Replies - Back Reference Link (link Of Back Page)

Dec 18, 2009

i am using this function to get link of page which refered current page (in Back Button)


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Running Access - Application That Has An Ms Access 2007 DataBase Which Runns Great If Access Is Installed

Oct 15, 2011

I have an application that has an Ms Access 2007 DataBase which runns great if access is installed. Is there any code that I can use in vb that I would be able to run access with out installing it.

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Way To Link A URL

Jan 18, 2009

How would I simply link, say a command button, to a URL in my browser?

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Office Automation :: Controlling Access 2003 From 2005 - Error Occurs When - Access Any Property Of "access.Forms("frmTest")"

Jul 17, 2009

I have a program in VB.NET 2005. At some point I have to open an Access2003-Application for getting data in it. I do that by pretending my program is a human user and let it do all the work in Access as a human user would do. Filling Fields, pressing buttons etc. I use the Primary Interop Assemblies for that. So far so good. That code is in use for over half a year now. In the last week I got Office 2007 installed on my machine. Of course I tested the installed version of my program if everthing still works. Every test was succesfull. But if I do the same tests in Visual Studio it always crashes.

All I get is this Errormessage: {"Das COM-Objekt des Typs "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.FormClass" kann nicht in den Schnittstellentyp "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access._Form3" umgewandelt werden. Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht durchgefhrt werden, da der QueryInterface-Aufruf an die COM-Komponente fr die Schnittstelle mit der IID "{66B22FB4-F70E-4F03-A00A-F76E9ADBBF10}" aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht durchgefhrt werden konnte: Schnittstelle nicht untersttzt (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."}

For all who can't read german:

"Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.FormClass" can't be converted in to "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access._Form3" ... Interface is not supported.

Code I use:

Dim access As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application = Nothing
access = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application()


The Error occurs when I try to access any property of "access.Forms("frmTest")"

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