How To Manually Bind Data To A Data List

Oct 10, 2011

I want to be able for a user to click on a button and then it runs a function and then shows the results in the data list.i know i can get data and bind it through my tables


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Bind Data To List View

Jun 11, 2011

I want to bind data to telerik list view, if the database four record,each page of list view show 3 record, that means it will have an record show on 2nd page then still got 2 record was empty, so i want to show the first, two record under the fourth record,

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Bind Generic List Data To Combobox?

Jan 21, 2011

Please forgive, I'm new to Silverlight and am still trying to wrap my head around data binding...

I have a generic list obtained from a class using LINQ. The list has 4 objects, each object consisting of a Letter property (string - A, B, C and D) and a corresponding Number property (integer - 1, 2, 3, and 4).

In Silverlight, I have a combobox control and a text block. I'm trying to figure out how to:

Bind the combobox to the generic list so that the letters populate the combobox.When the user selects a letter in the combobox (say C), the corresponding integer value (3 for this example) is displayed in the text block.

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Data Bind A Drop Down List In A Gridview From A Database Table Using VB?

Dec 4, 2009

So in this gridview, there is a column for status and I want to have a drop down list with Pass, Pending, Fail appear when the edit button is clicked. These values are already in a table, so I need to somehow bind from this table to each ddl for every row.Here is the column from the gridview. As you can see, I would like to just have a label showing when not in edit mode, and a ddl when the edit button is pressed

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="During Production Status" SortExpression="DuringProductionStatus">


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Draw Lines Between Elements In 2 List Views To Bind The Data?

Aug 4, 2009

I am using VB 2008 and wonder if there is a way to draw lines between the data elements in two listviews to bind the elements together?

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Bind Data Using Data Source?

Sep 25, 2009

I am creating a database for Employees. In that I have some issues. I am trying to bind my data using data source. In the list box properties I set

lstemp.Datasource = Employeedatabase
lstemp.Displaymember = "EmplyeeName"
lstemp.Valuemember = "EmplyeeId"

I want to get my employee Id for displaying data in text boxes. How can get the data of the highlighted employee name in the list box to text boxes

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Bind My Data Using Data Source?

Sep 25, 2009

I am creating a database for Employees. In that I have some issues.I am trying to bind my data using data source. In the list box properties I set

lstemp.Datasource = Employeedatabase
lstemp.Displaymember = "EmplyeeName"
lstemp.Valuemember = "EmplyeeId"

I want to get my employee Id for displaying data in text boxes. How can get the data of the highlighted employee name in the list box to text boxes

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VS 2010 Displaying Data Manually?

May 22, 2010

I'm new to the world of VB.Net <-> Databases.I'm currently working on an application with SQL Compact 3.5.I realize that data et values on objects from the database but what I want is more custom...Students should have 3 fields for example, tableId, their name and birthYear.1 | John | 20002 | Peter | 1999And so on. What I want is to display their birthday on some label.text = "(" & DBvalue & ")" based on the selection of a listbox (which has tableId's listed as values). You don't have to worry about the update method of that label.text value, I just want a way to retrieve the birthYear value and put it into my label.text together with those extra characters, based on the tableId selected. (which I already have a way to get, so don't worry about that either).

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2003 : Manually Increment A Data Column?

May 14, 2009

What i am doing is trying to manually increment a data column with a range of my choice. Say i have a range from 1 - 10. Now with my update query i want to update a column with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 UPDATE TABLE SET Type = [min_range] to [max_range] WHERE Po = 'A' AND Loc = 'F'; WHERE Po = 'A' AND Loc = 'F' will return 10 records but i want type to be 1 - 10 for those records couple of days trying to get this work and i am using VB 2008 .NET.

View 1 Replies - Set Some Of The ListView InsertItem Data Manually (in Code)?

Dec 12, 2009

i have an insertItemTemplate as follows, and all i want to do is to programmatically add all the values myself, without asking the user, of course, the userID, picID and dateTime should not be asked to the user, the comments field of course, i want to ask the user as they are leaving a comment about a picture on the site :).

<span style="">UserID:
<asp:TextBox Visible="false" ID="UserIDTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%#


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Create A StringCollection Setting And Manually Enter Some Data?

Jan 16, 2008

I have used My.Settings for quite some time now, in both VS2005 and now in 2008, but never noticed this behaviour yet... I must be forgetting something trivial? I create a StringCollection setting and manually enter some data (strings).I write some code to handle this, and I get it to work.

Then, I manually add some new strings (and edit the older ones) in the Settings page, save the project, and run my code again.For some reason, the last changes have not been saved... Whenever I look in the settings page, I see them there, but my code cannot recognize them..


View 12 Replies - Execute A Stored Procedure And Place The Data In A Datagrid Manually?

Feb 29, 2012

I am trying to execute a stored procedure and place the data in a datagrid manually (without using the .net wizard). I am using and in visual studio.Here is my code but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

Imports System.Data.Sql,
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System


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Manually Save Data From My DataGridView To My SQL Server Database Table?

Sep 13, 2009

Is it possible to manually save data from my dataGridView to my SQL server database table?

if it is possible can some please tell me how to do it because i don't like using the data sets and reader VB has because it doesn't give me full control over the procedure.

please see the code below it all works fine its just the last two line im struggling with, which is where i am trying to save the data from the two columns in my DataGridView [code]...

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Microsoft Reporting ReportViewer - Manually Creating Data Source & Dynamic Assignment

May 5, 2010

I am using .rdlc Microsoft Reporting reports. I have a form with one reportviewer on it. What I want to use is a combo box where they select the report and then click generate, and it shows a specific report. I have this code so far that changes the report:


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Data Bind From XML?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a vb winapp that reads data from an xml file; this is the code:

Dim doc As New XmlDocument
Dim ds As New DataSet
ds.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "Nomi.xml")
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt = ds.Tables(0)

But when i debug i get an error System IO cannot finde file C:...DebugNomi.xml

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Bind Data To A Form?

Feb 20, 2010

How to bind data to a Form. So for example i have a form called 'Form1' and want to add data from Table1 on to the form.

1. How can i bind data to the form

2. How can I populate a listview with data that I have bound to the form

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Bind Data To Other Controls?

Apr 6, 2012

Like how do I make a drop down menu populate with the data from a connected database? And how can a label pop out on a form from code that has to do with a database? Last, how to add data to a database from saying "yes" to a messagebox that was coded?

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Bind Xml Data With Datagridview?

Feb 21, 2012

I wrote small program which is reading xml data to datagridview (table). I used open file dialog and everything works fine. Now I would like to add some edit options to my program (add, delete, save). I decided to bind data and then use binding navigator?

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How To Bind XML Data Into PDF Form

Apr 23, 2011

I just get the database values. Database values are converted to xml format using for nested keyword. I am having the proper xml file. Now I need to bind this xml data into PDF form. In pdf form I a having one table. I need to fill this table using xml data.

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Have A List Box With A Custom Data Template Populate With User Data?

Jul 2, 2011

I am working on a project and I want to have a list box with a custom data template populate with user data. My question is, when I click on an item in the list box, how can I tell what item I selected? Basically, if I select "kevin", I want to display his data. If I select Dave, I want to display his data. I do not know how to get the data our after it is bound...

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VS 2008 : Data Bound List Box, Displaying Data Into Textbox?

Jan 3, 2011

I want it so every time I click an ITEM in the Listbox it displays ALL the data into the textbox. I know there's an easy way using table adapters and binding the listbox, but I'd prefer to do it this way for my project.

So this is what I got.

Lst.DataSource = ds
Lst.DisplayMember = "tblStudent.FirstName"
Lst.ValueMember = "tblStudent.StudentID"


It only adds the first rows details to the text box when I click the second record the first rows details are still there.

View 2 Replies - MasterPage Data Bind To GridView?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a Master Page with nested pages in ASP.NET. Fairly simply I want to databind some hyperlinks to a gridview for the master page. This however is throwing a null reference exception when I try to set the DataSource.

I tested the code on a separate page and it works as expected. When debugging I can see the Page_Load Sub hit twice, I don't know if this is the cause I have one nested page being loaded, this is a blank page at the moment

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Bind Data From Datagrid To Textbox?

Oct 16, 2010

my code below doesn't work Private Sub DataGridView2_CellContentClick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs)


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Bind 2 Fields Data With One Textbox?

Jan 6, 2011

i have a form issue and return form. where Issuer_ID is the primary key, this form uses for boht emp and for student issuing book. at run time the user has to select a radio button for student or for employe. if he select student so after entering the full information when he press submit button so student query is execute and data stored in database, keeping the Employee field null, and when user select the employee radio button and after pressing the submit button, so employee querry executes and stores data in employee field, keep the student filed null. remmber and Student ID and Employee ID or foreign keys in isuee and return table and radiobuttons are not the part of database, its just on form.

now i want that when a user gives his issuer ID and at the lost focus event of issuer id, it is checked that if the record exists so the data is bind on the form, if does not exist so the user has to make entry, but if the data loads on form so how user will find out that this data is of student or of employee?

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Bind A Data Source To ToolstripCombobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I just added a toolstripcombobox on a toolstrip and I tried to use a dataset in order to show data in the toolstripcombobox.

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Bind ComboBox To Data From Excel?

Apr 27, 2011

I have bound data from Excel to my project, but now I am trying to pull a specific column from the table and put the information in a combobox. I am trying to pull dates from column O of my excel file, and I want the dates to go into the combobox with no repeats.[code]...

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Bind Data In Href Link - ASP.NET

Jan 8, 2012

This piece of code doesn't work I can't seem to figure it out. Im trying to make it join the artist name from the database into the link.

[ <a href='Profile.aspx?Artistname=<%#Eval("Artistname")%>'>View Profile</a> ]

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Bind Data To Combo Box In Datagridview?

Jan 7, 2010

I have datagridview control with combobox as first column. I want to bind combobox to datasource.How can I do it?

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Bind Multiple Sources Of Data?

Jun 13, 2012

It's been a long while since I've done any VB.Net coding and need to bind some data to a form. I have multiple tables that share some common primary/foreign keys and need to easily be able to update them.

For example, I have a table with an ObjectID, TypeID, AreaID, and several other fields. When doing my layout, I need the TypeID (found only in the main table) to be a distinct value in a comboBox, and in the ComboBox which contains the Area to be the Area Description (from the main table tied to the Area table via the Area ID).

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Bind The Data Table To The TempCombobox?

May 28, 2011

I have the following overloaded functions I use to fill a combobox.The first function works the way I want it to except for the fact that I pass a combobox in. I wanted to create a simpler function, thus my second attempt.For some reason the line:tempCombobox.DataSource = tempTable does not bind the data table to the tempCombobox. What am I doing wrong?


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