How To Save Date From Windows Form To SQL Server When Culture Is "ar-KW"

Sep 5, 2011

I have multi language application where i am using "en-US" and "ar-KW" languages.I also have WinForm where I am using the DateTimePicker control.When the user logs in, if his default language is "en-US" it saves the record but when he has default language "ar-KW" then this date format is not saving in database, and produces an error. Why?

The datatype of the Employee DateOfBirth field is smallDateTime in SQL Server.I am using the following code in VB to save the record. There is a normal INSERT stored procedure in the backend.


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Changing The Date To En-US Culture Irrespective Of The Local Culture?

Mar 20, 2012

The issue is in a windows based client-server application.In the GUI, the system date value is converted to string and is stored in a text box, which is displayed while the dialog gets loaded.How to change the format of date so that when the form loads the date is displayed in en-US culture irrespective of the regional setting of the system(for eg: regional setting of the system is "fr-FR").

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Culture Info - Get The Sytem Date Display?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm learning about the cultureinfo and doing ok but there is one thing I can't work out.I'd like to know how to find out the display settings of the date for the user pc.For example, I have an American bought laptop using the us culture so the date will be MM/dd/YY but I have changed the date setting to read dd/MM7YY. So that means I haven't actually changed the inbuilt cultureinfo, I've just "altered" a setting and it's that setting I want to access. When my project starts I have a label that I want to read as dd/MM/YY.With another pc it might be different - the culture might be uk but the date setting might be changed MM/dd/YY so I want the label to read MM/dd/YY etc etc etc.If the cultureinfo hasn't been changed then I want the label to read whatever the date is set to etc.

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The Date Is Appeared In The Current Culture While It Is Saved To Db In English Format?

Jan 15, 2010

i use ar-SA culture in my app and the date appeared correctly then i save this date to db and i look at the db i found it in English format how to save in the format like it was appeared in my form ?

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How To Get Windows Culture Strings

Feb 3, 2011

I'm wondering, Windows is installed with a current language... Isn't it possible to get those strings from a file? On a XML/INI/Database-base? Something like:

Dim LANG As My.Computer.Culture.Language = My.Computer.Culture.Language.CurrentLanguage
Dim Cancel As String = LANG.Cancel
'Output: Annuleren

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Set Culture For Windows Service That Developed

Feb 4, 2011

I want to Set Culture for Windows Service that I developed. Can someone recommend me a good read for or how to go about it.So far I have I Tried to do the Following OnStart() [code]

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Save CalendarExtender Selected Date In Sql Server Database 2008?

Jul 25, 2011

I am using an ajax calendar extender I want to save the records to a gridview on the selected date but i am getting default date like '1900-01-01'.

How to save the date as i am selecting the date in Calender Extender.

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Windows - Last Login Date Of Server Profile?

Oct 5, 2011

So I'm writing a program to monitor access dates on a server. My goal is to get the last login / access date of each profile that's on the domain controller, but I have no idea what file / setting / property I should be looking at. Currently, my program checks the last modified date of:

\my-dcc$Documents and SettingsuserNTUSER.DAT.LOG I did this because it seems to be the most recently updated every time someone's doing something. However, I did some looking up and apparently that file is updated every time the user's registry is changed, even if the user is not logged on. This doesn't serve me very well because then my program would report a lot of false positives.

TL;DR - is there a Windows property or a specific file I should look at when I'm checking the last logon date of a user?

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SQL Server 2008 Configuration For Client Server (Windows Form) Application

Apr 6, 2012

Case : I'm creating an application (desktop application) with VB.NET (actually windows form), and using SQL Server Express 2008 for its database.


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C# - Windows Form + Database (Sql Server)+ Windows Mobile Application?

Mar 17, 2011

i am doing project of Order Accepting system for five star hotels.Scenario is Waiter will accept order using Window Mobile which is Connected to WiFi present in hotel.I want to communicate to database(Sql Server) present on My Machine (Computer present in kitchen) through WiFi and Add order into table present inside database. This should notify my application present on Compter and should print order. After completion of Order Application from kitchen will notify to waiter about completion. My problem is How to Communicate with database present on Remote computer using WiFi from windows Mobile.

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Culture Change Did Not Affecting The Control But It Works With Form Title?

Jun 5, 2011

I am here with the same Query but with a different look I want to apply the culture change to my program. I created a class library for culture change. and applied it . It is only working with the form name, i did it with two different languages and got the result. But the controls inside the form remains as it is.

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Programmatically Changing The Culture For A Multi Form Application On Startup?

Feb 18, 2009

Is there some way of programtically changing the culture for a multi form application on startup so that the application will interpret date formats correctly. For example if the aplication runs on a machine with a en-US culture it would be able to take a date from a database in the MM/dd/yyyy format and convert it to a date object and when the same application runs on a en-GB machine it can take that same MM/dd/yyyy date and convert it into a date object without getting a date format exception.

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Could Not Find File 'Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls Version=, Culture=*, PublicKeyToken=6595b64144ccf1df, ProcessorArchitecture=*, Type=win32'._[projectname]

Nov 22, 2010

I am getting the following error when i try to publish my application with the checkbox for ClickOnce Security On. Could not find file 'Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls, Version=, Culture=*, PublicKeyToken=6595b64144ccf1df, ProcessorArchitecture=*, _ Type=win32'. [projectname ]


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Save The Contents Of A Windows Form?

Aug 2, 2011

I've created a windows form in VB Express 2005 with lots of combo boxes and print and save buttons.I would like to be able to save the contents of the populated combo boxes, labels etc ie the whole form from the save button, preferably to excel 2003. However, would be just as happy to save it in the form format. The only code behind the save button I have so far is this, which just navigates me to the directory. When I enter a filename and extension, the directory is empty:

Private Sub save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
' Displays a SaveFileDialog so the user can save the file assigned to the Save button.


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.net - Save PictureBox Image To SQL ( Windows Form )

Feb 2, 2012

I need to save a form in it user browse image & set it to a PictureBox But on another button I need save that image to SQL Server .I have a stored procedure with Insert Command (with Image Datatype)

Browser Image from Desktop, PictureBox Code :-
Public Sub SelectImage()
With OpenFileDialog1


But When I run the form it gives me error "No mapping exists from object type System.Drawing.Bitmap to a known managed provider native type."

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VS 2005 Save Contents Of A Windows Form?

Aug 2, 2011

I've created a windows form with lots of combo boxes and print and save buttons.

I would like to be able to save the contents of the populated combo boxes, labels etc ie the whole form from the save button, preferably to excel 2003. However, would be just as happy to save it in the form format.

The only code behind the save button I have so far is this, which just navigates me to the directory. When I enter a filename and extension, the directory is empty:

Private Sub save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
' Displays a SaveFileDialog so the user can save the file assigned to the Save button.


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Windows Form Menustrip - Add 'save Record'

Jul 29, 2009

I have a bound windows form with a bindingnavigator control. I want to add save and new record commands to a menustrip. How do I code the menustrip selections?

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Socket Server, Windows Form App?

Jun 7, 2010

i took this code from another example, it works fine but it a windows console application.i took the code into a windows form app but it looks like i have to change somethingto start, it says client is not defined, so what should i use?lient.startClient(clientSocket, Convert.ToString(counter))

Dim serverSocket As New TcpListener(8888)
Dim clientSocket As TcpClient
Dim counter As Integer


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Viewing VB6.0 Windows Form In "windows Server 2008"

May 21, 2009

I am facing problem in displaying VB 6.0 windows form when it is accessed from activeX control on windows server 2008 Is there any work around or any patch available to resolve this issue

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Mass Email Using Sql Server 2005 In Windows Form

Jun 29, 2009

I am doing a project on sending mass email. My codes should be able to read contacts/email from the SQL Server 2005 database and send mass email with attachments.Below are my codes for sending email. My windows application limitation is that it can only send email from a valid email address to a valid address one at a time with the help of a relay server. Also, it doesn't allow the user to attach attachments and could not read from the sql server database.[code]

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Mass Email Using Sql Server 2005 In Windows Form?

Jun 29, 2009

I am doing a project on sending mass email. My codes should be able to read contacts/email from the SQL Server 2005 database and send mass email with attachments.

Below are my codes for sending email. My windows application limitation is that it can only send email from a valid email address to a valid address one at a time with the help of a relay server. Also, it doesn't allow the user to attach attachments and could not read from the sql server database.[code]...

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IDE :: Encrypt Some Data And Save It To A Text File With The 1st Windows 2005 Form

Oct 10, 2010

I have two windows form. I got a text file. I am trying to encrypt some data and save it to a text file with the 1st windows 2005 form. Now with the second one am trying to decrypt the data and retrieve it here.

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Insert Xml Data To Sql Server 2005 Table Using Windows Form?

Jan 23, 2012

I have exported data from a SQL Server table into a XML file and the output looks like this:

Filename = 11190.xml
Table name = LRTest


Now I want to save the above XML file into my SQL Server 2005 table

With the same columns using windows forms, in every exported xml file there are 100 to 200 records. .

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Is Sql Server Needed For Run Windows Form Solution With Sql Database As Back End

Nov 26, 2010

I am using a vb.Net 2010 and sql server 2005.I want to run a solution that is windows form to another computer.There is No centralized server.

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Showing / Hiding A Form On Windows Server 2008 RD Web Access

Mar 21, 2011

I'm having an issue with my app where IE will get brought to the front of the screen when I am switching between forms. Basically I have a form with the man menu which consist of a few command buttons that will start up another form once a user clicks on the button. I do not want the users loading up multiple forms in my application, so once they load one form I end up hiding the main form. So my code looks as shown below when a button is clicked.


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Sql Server - Passing Parameter To Crystal Report In Windows Form?

Mar 16, 2011

i am working on visual stdio 2008( and sql server 2008 i working on crystal report 9 i have created a stored procedure in sql server i have add this procedure in crystal report data expert now i just want to pass a parameter to crystal report so that it will show me data in crystal report?

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Sql Server - Update By Taking Values From Textboxes On Windows Form?

Sep 16, 2011

I want to take the values from textboxes on a windows form and then update the values in the sql server database...I want to update only those fields for which a value has been entered by the user and leave the fields for which the textboxes are left empty by the user.....How can I generate the query dynamically for such a situation???


I haven't yet coded for the update option...Here is my insertion code and i wanted to implement the update feature the same way just couldn't figure out how i can generate the query dynamically....It's a Booking System application


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VS 2008connect A Login Form In Windows Application To Remote Server?

May 3, 2012

I am having trouble in creating a login form in my windows application.If i create a login form with its database local to the system ,it works fine .But my requirement is that the database is placed on a remote server so that the login is secured.When the user tries to use the application he first needs to login.When he puts the username and password in the login form it should send the data to a remote server for authentication.

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Convert Excel Date To Sql Server Date Time Format Using ACE Provider?

Jun 24, 2011

I am attempting to import data in a batch from an Excel Worksheet to a Sql Server database. Everything works except for the one date field in the spreadsheet. The date returned is off by four years from the value in the spreadsheet. Example: The Excel sheet has a date 10/24/2010 14:18, but when I look at the column in my query, the date is 10/23/2006 2:18. This pattern, 4 years and 1 day earlier, is repeated for every row in the worksheet.

The Excel column comes to me as a custom type, formatted m/d/yyyy h:mm. I receive this from an outside vendor and having them change the column is not going to be my simplest solution.

For what it's worth, the relevent part of the query is:

Select [Date Created] From MyWorksheet

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Inserting Date From Date Time Picker Into Sql Server 2005

Dec 18, 2008

I have an Sql server 2005 table called Emploeefl with 2 fields, EmployeeCode and Date of Birth. The data type for the date of birth is Datetime. I have a Date time picker on a 2005 form called dtDateOfbirth. When I click on the save button I get the error message "Conversion from string 'yyyy/MM/dd' is not valid. Below is the code

Dim newQE_Date As Date
newQE_Date = Format(Me.dtDateOfBirth.ToString, "yyyy/MM/dd")
'newQE_Date = String.Format("2008/09/10", "yyyy/MM/dd")


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