IDE :: Disable A Warning?

May 19, 2005

Is there any way to disable a specific warning. For example, in one of my classes are re-implement System.ICloneable.Clone. After doing so I now get a warning that states, "'System.ICloneable.Clone' from 'implements System.ICloneable' is already implemented by the base class 'XXX'. Re-implementation of function assumed." Is there any way to remove this warning from the Error List

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Multiple Warning Messages - Application Layer Gateway Disable

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to clean up my code in a project I have been working on by creating two separate modules one that disables a service and one that enables a service through the registry all of this worked fine in one big form all together but I would like to also reuse the module in some other projects, I am getting this message however "Warning1Function 'ApplicationLayerGatewayDisable' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used". [Code]. what do i need to do to get rid of these warnings ? or do I just ignore them?

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Application Running A Silent Install Of An MSI - (how To Disable Open File - Security Warning)

Jun 1, 2010

I am writing a small visual basic application to install clean up tools quickly on any machines that we need to work on here at my workplace. I am using 4-5 cleanup programs that I have packaged into MSI's and have batch scripts that I am calling in my visual basic application to run them as silent installs. However, because I am doing the silent installs, windows always pops up with the "open file - security warning" and I have to click run for each individual program. I am wondering how to get around this from my end within the application. I know it can be disabled in windows but I am not wanting to have to go through a process on every machine that I run this program on. I would like to find a fix on the back end in my script.

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Disable A Timer - Will Finish The Process And Then Disable Or Will It Immediately Disable Without Completing Process?

Dec 22, 2011

I am confused what will happen, when I disable a timer. Will it finish the process and then disable or will it immediately disable without completing process? for example


I want to run getMessage from somewhere else, so I need to disable timer during that time to be asured not to override anything and also before timer disable it should complete that function code.

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Disable Right Click And To Disable The Start Button And Task Bar?

May 16, 2009

to disable right click and to disable the start button and task bar?

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.net - Suppress COM Generics Warning?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm compiling a VB.Net 2.0 app (created in VS2008) using msbuild, and now I've added a generic return type, it's giving me the following:

Warning: Type library exporter
encountered a generic type instance in
a signature. Generic code may not be
exported to COM.

Having just spent ages removing all of the previous warnings, I don't really want to add a new one. Any idea how to get rid of it (aside from not using generics)?I don't know what details I'd put in the attribute, or what number to put in the project-level ignore list.

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Create A 15 Warning Before Timer Even?

Oct 6, 2010

I have an app with a timer control, and the interval is set to 60000ms (1 min). so every min i have some event happen. thats pretty simple. however, i want to have a 15 second warning that the event is going to happen. so basically 45 seconds after my timer starts, i want a message such as "15 seconds left until event x happens".

would i have to use 2 timers? i guess im lost on the logic. i know how to use the timer control, but i have been googling all night trying to figure this one out. i have tried using 1 timer set to 45 seconds (for the warning) and another timer at 60 seconds(for the event) but they go out of synch after 1 iteration and will not consistently stay 15 seconds ahead of the other. i dont want to post any code i have, because it is all trash and i want to start over from scratch.

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Encryption And An Obsolete Warning

Oct 26, 2011

I wanted to know how to encrypt data.And I've found a solution at this web site.This script works if I use it as a function.Nonetheless, Visual Studio throws a warning that says the following.[code]Visual Studio underlines the second line after the equal symbol above.I have no idea what that means.Does anybody have any idea how I can resolve this warning?

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How To Ignore The Warning Message

May 25, 2009

I have set up my form using with the languages and I have store the texts in the resource. I have debug the project and everything seen to be fine. I found that there is a folder in the project bin folder. The folder was called zh-chs. I have changed the name from roject1.resources.dll to testdll.dll and moved to the bin folder. I have added reference in my project and I have deleted the zh-chs folder. Suddenly, I have found a warning sage.

Code:Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "TESTDLL, Version=, Culture=zh-CHS, processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get


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How To Make Warning Messages

Jun 8, 2011

i wanna ask how to make warning messages when a user clicks the search button and found no record with what he input. [code]

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No Warning In .NET When Function Has No Return?

Feb 25, 2010

warnings got me thinking about old issues that always goofed me up when I was writing more VB.NET code.One of them was the fact that the compiler didn't warn if you declared a Function but never did an explicit Return statement or assign to the Function name. Running Visual Studio 2008, I just made a small experimental project, and it seems as though the behavior has never been fixed.I created a Visual Basic Console application, with the following code:

Module MainModule
Sub Main()
Dim test As Boolean = TestWarning()[code].....

I also went into the Project Settings and turned On Option Strict and Option Explicit.I also set the Warning Configurations so that "Function/Operator with no return value" was set to Error.I compiled the project and got no warning, and no error on the TestWarning() Function. This seems like a great place to put a warning, because it will default to False, and you may have simply forgotten to do a return. C# will error without a return statement. I thought that VB.NET did the same thing with the "Function/Operator with no return value" configuration. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm missing?

Edit: Further Experimentation

Function TestWarning() As Boolean
If DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday Then
Return False[code].....

If, and nothing in the Else, there is also no Warning/Error. It will simply take the default, even though you likely intended (via programming style) to have an explicit return. In this case, I explicitly returned False (which is the default for Boolean), so it's likely a hidden bug that I should have returned True in the Else.

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StackOverflowException Was Unhandled Warning

Apr 4, 2012

how do i programmatically change datatable and tableadaper components name property in my dataset.xsd ?
this my code:

Partial Class DataSetBimeh
Partial Class bimeh1DataTable
Private Sub bimeh1DataTable_Initialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Initialized


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Unable To Display Warning

Jan 29, 2011

I wrote a small VB6 program to monitor the status of a Shared Network Drive. In this case it's an external hard drive. The drive is used for backup. The program is invoked automatically when the computer is booted and runs minimized.

If the backup drive is not turned on or otherwise not functional then the program changes from minimized to a normal window and displays various statistics and a warning that the backup drive isn't working.

I want to make the warning much more prominent, like minimizing the program that happens to be running or displaying the warning window in front of the progrmam that happens to be running. I want something really noticaeble. The computers don't have speakers so I can't play an warning.wav .

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Variable Used Before Assigned Value Warning

Apr 19, 2008

This program is for advertising ads and prices are determined by which radiobutton is selected.This program uses objects created from a class . I am getting a waring message that Variable 'ad' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. the warning is at ad.size = 225.So how do I get the variable filled before used if it depends on which radiobutton is checked? [code]

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VS 2010 PasswordDeriveBytes Warning?

May 24, 2012

I'm trying to decrypt a file with the following
Function DecryptAES(ByVal CipherText As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal salt As String) As String Dim HashAlgorithm As String = h_alg Dim


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Warning Messages In Immediate Window?

Jun 11, 2009

When i ran some applications, more ofter than not there will be some messages showing in the immediate window, such as:

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in


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Windows 7 Resize Warning?

Feb 11, 2010

Not a query, just mentioning a problem that might affect others, assuming it is not just some wierd bug on my system, that is. Perhaps someone can check this out.Under screen resolution, Windows 7 has a "make text larger option". On my machine at least, this has the effect of increasing the sizes/positions of any controls set in design mode. Not just in executable, it actually changes the values in design mode.

If you are relying on rescaling sizes/position set in design mode according to screen resolution only you may get incorrect positions when this mode is in use.This affects both and VB6.

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.net - VB Unreachable Code Error/warning?

Mar 31, 2009

I've been mostly working with VB.Net for over a year and just noticed this Am I going insane, or does VB.Net NOT have an "Unreachable code" warning? The following compiles quite happily with nary a warning or error, even though there is a return between the two writeline calls.


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CA2202 Warning About Disposing Objects

Sep 26, 2011

I misidentified the problem. It is actually like this:[code...]

Code analysis complains about this because ms can be disposed twice. That will only be true if zStrm, which takes the memory stream as an argument to its constructor, disposes of the memory stream when it cleans up. That seems like a totally nutty thing for the disposer to be doing. Does it really do that? Would a class that takes another class as an argument, be so uncivil as to dispose of that argument?

I suppose it would, since the alternative would be that the memory stream might not be disposed at all if it was created in the constructor like this:[code...]

I guess the only real question is whether or not I have to worry about this?

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Expired Contract Date Warning

Apr 27, 2012

my problem is that I have a table " Contract" in sql 2005 Database,and each contract have an Expiration date,So in my application I want to show a Warning to the user a day before the contract is expired,and at the same time this warning have a 2days limit,and if the warning was triggered "Saturday" or "Sunday" the limit becomes 4days. and I'm using vs2008 and sql 2005. Ps: I'm not asking for code,

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IDE :: Warning BC40010 In VS 2005 Project

Oct 8, 2009

Using VS 2005, I create a new VB .NET class library project. The project created is automatically populated with an "Any CPU" build target. I create a COM visible object, check the register for com interop and build the project. The resultant assembly is NOT registered in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID. Instead it goes into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID. I have a 64 bit machine and 64 bit OS. I would swear that with VS 2003 on such a setup, I got an entry in the 64 bit registry hive.So I went to the configuration manager and specifically created a x64 config, copying from the (only) Any CPU config. But when I build I get two BC40010 warnings. One was for System.Data.dll. So I went to the project properties/References tab and then removed "System.Data.dll" (no mscorlib entry there - the other BC40010 warning) and then ran the add command and re-added System.Data.dll thinking that since I was working on the x64 config, the IDE would bring in the correct assembly.Still I get the warning. Why doesn't the IDE understand the meaning of the "x64" configuration the wizard created? The MSDN tells me I have to fix this:

To correct this error Examine the quoted error message and take appropriate action.Compile the program again to see if the error recurs.If the error recurs, reinstall the Visual Basic compiler.If the error persists after reinstallation, gather information about the circumstances and notify Microsoft Product Support Services.

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MSB3582 Warning When Including Reference?

Mar 6, 2009

I have a project in a solution.When I Add a reference to a vcproj project and build it I get a:
warning MSB3582: Could not resolve project reference "....componentsabc.vcproj"The project builds ok, but why the warning?If I look in properties/references it shows <the system cannot find the reference specified>How do I get rid of this?RegardsKim

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OpenSubKey Returns Null With No Warning

Oct 18, 2011

I am basically trying to access the CLSID portion of the registry... some CLSIDs are working, some arent...

Here is my code:
Dim regkey As RegistryKey
regkey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID" & location & "InprocServer32", False) 'Just Returns null when im looking for a certain CLSID
Dim SubKeyvalues() As String = regkey.GetValueNames()
Dim subkeyvalue As String
subkeyvalue = regkey.GetValue(SubKeyvalues(0))

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Search Excel And When Some Condition Is Met The Warning Box Appear

Dec 27, 2010

i have this excel file that contains description and 2 date (start date and end date) and i want to using vs 2008 to search the excel and get the warning box when condition is met.The condition is, when our computer date are 3 days before the end date of the excel data's end date it get the warning box message of every data that will expires.

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Security Warning - Publisher Could Not Be Verified

May 12, 2006

I have created a .exe that uses My.Computer.FileSystem and now receive an error "Open File - Security Warning" dialog starting:
"The publisher could not be verified."

The file is located on a Windows File Server under ADS on a mapped drive. It was created under VB2005 and the .exe was copied using Windows Explorer drag and drop to the mapped drive. If I select to Run the file I get a security error. Same problem happens with new Access MDBs stored on the same file server. I have backed off all the IE zone settings to no avail. ADS security properties look like I have permission to run OK.

Files (exe and mdb) run fine from the desktop. I'm guessing somehow the files are being flagged as coming from the Internet instead of from the LAN. MS KB suggestion indicates there is a file property that appears indicating Internet origin - that is not showing up. IE 7 Beta 2 is installed. This error is suspending project work!

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Sorting Array Warning When Migrating To .NET 3.5?

Aug 12, 2011

I've just converted my VB.NET application from .NET 1.1 to 3.5, and I'm getting the warning message

Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be


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VS 2005 Warning Assembly Not Referenced

Aug 6, 2009

I got warnings on my project, does somebody know how to reference this assembly. this is probably because the project has these crm.mytextbox type textboxes and other controls instead of normal not find type 'crm.Mycombox'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced.If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built.00

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VS 2008 - Warning - Serialport.encoding

Jul 7, 2009

My program has been running fine for months and still is, but I now have this warning, (which must have shown up since upgrading to VB2008 from 2005 a month ago).

It regards the serial port encoding setup and reads as follows -- serialport1.Encoding = encoding.GetEncoding(1252) 'for char > 127

Warning 1Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated. Perhaps there was an update on this with 2008 and it's now redundant or something?

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Warning At Closing The Form - How To Stop It

Apr 25, 2011

I wish that user gets a warning when Close button is pressed. I can put the warning message in _FormClosing event but I donot know how to stop closing if user choses to stop it.


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Warning On Copy Directory Module?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a function I got from a snippet and did not kick back warnings previously in VS 2008 but now kicks a warning on line 13 Full code below


and states the following: Warning1Function 'CopyDirectory' doesn't return a value on all code paths. Are you missing a 'Return' statement?

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