Search Excel And When Some Condition Is Met The Warning Box Appear
Dec 27, 2010
i have this excel file that contains description and 2 date (start date and end date) and i want to using vs 2008 to search the excel and get the warning box when condition is met.The condition is, when our computer date are 3 days before the end date of the excel data's end date it get the warning box message of every data that will expires.
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May 7, 2012
I have two array I'm trying to compare at many levels. Both have the same structure with 3 "columns.The first column contains the polygon's ID, the second a area type, and the third, the percentage of each area type for a polygone.So, for many rows, it will compare, for example, ID : 1 Type : aaa % : 100..But for some elements, I have many rows for the same ID. For example, I'll have ID 2, Type aaa, 25% --- ID 2, type bbb, 25% --- ID 2, type ccc, 50%. And in the second array, I'll have ID 2, Type aaa, 25% --- ID 2, type bbb, 10% --- ID 2, type eee, 38% --- ID 2, type fff, 27%.So, my function has to compare these two array and send me an email if there are differences.(I wont show you the real code because there are 811 lines). The first "if" condition is [code]I have two different layers in a geospatial database. Both layers have the same structure. They are a "spatial join" of the land parcels (55 000), and the land use layer. The first layer is the current one, and the second layer is the next one we'll use after 2015.So I have, for each "land parcel" the percentage of each land use. So, for a "land parcel" (ID 7580-80-2532, I can have 50% of farming use (TYPE FAR-23), and 50% of residantial use (RES-112). In the first array, I'll have 2 rows with the same ID (7580-80-2532), but each one will have a different type (FAR-23, RES-112) and a different %.
In the second layer, the same the municipal zoning (land use) has changed. So the same "land parcel" will now be 40% of residential use (RES-112), 20% of commercial (COM-54) and 40% of a new farming use (FAR-33).So, I wanna know if there are some differences. Some land parcels will be exactly the same. Some parcels will keep the same land use, but not the same percentage of each. But for some land parcel, there will be more or less land use types with different percentage of each.I want this script to compare these two layers and send me an email when there are differences between these two layers for the same land parcel ID.The script is already working, but it takes too much time. The probleme is, I think, the script go through all array2 for each row in array 1. What I want is when there are more than 1 rows with the same ID in array1, take only this ID in both arrays.Maybe if I order them by IDs, I could write a condition. kind of "when you find what you're looking for, stop searching when you'll find a different value?
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Dec 25, 2009
Couldn't think of a better title.(Background on the problem/me)Okay, so, first question/post here, so hi. Now that that's done with, the information pertinent to my problem. I'm fairly new to VB (and programming as well, aside from screwing around with C++ and learning assembler(well, attempting is the better word) god knows how many years ago), and have only seriously been programming for about under half a year, and my skill level is about at that stage. Only been using VB.Net, nothing older. Depending on the time of day and if I'm home or at school, I fluxuate between VB express and Vis Studio 08. Umm, this program I'm having trouble with was on a test that I took yesterday (took the problem home with me cause I really wanted to figure out what was wrong with it).
The stipulations of the test were:
No For->Each Loops
No using Built-In Sorting or Searching Functions
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Aug 24, 2009
I wanted to make an macro for the activity which i does in my rutune work. while recording the macro i used 'if condition' for an column but macro was shown error message as unable to record
here the if condition i used.
"=IF(AND(P4=1),"Not Allocated",IF(AND(P4=2),"Not Allocated",IF(AND(P4=6),"Not Allocated",IF(AND(P4=8),"Not Allocated",IF(AND(C4=4),"Actioned &
View 3 Replies
Jun 8, 2010
Hi,in my application i have to read from an excel files and check the value of every cell i'm using an OleDb connection to open it and reading but i have this issue if some of the cells in the excel sheet is having this warning when i try to read it returns DBNull .knowing that i can not force the user for not having this warning ...i have to solve this within my code .
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May 1, 2012
Am a student n am currently working on my final year poject n am new to My project is for a clearing n forwarding agency. i need to prepare a bill for the duty to be paid. in a particular invoice, there may be single item r multiple item. for each item i've to calculate some values n display it on excel. i've made my excel book to be a template with all the things i should display. n the calculated values'll be displayed in corresponding cells which'll be retrived from database. if its single item its all good n i can prepare the bill easily but for multiple items i've to repeat certain cells from the template. i dunno hw to do it. am attaching my excel file with tis.i want to repeat the cells A24 to J35 'N' number of times with th
Dim xla As Excel.Application
Dim xlwb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlws As Excel.Worksheet
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Jul 21, 2010
I have problem about search in excel,I open excel with VB but I hiddin it.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have a form with a couple of combo boxes. The first combobox adds items based on each row in an excel sheet.
Public Sub FetchExcelValues(ByVal ControlType As String, ByVal control As Object, ByVal xlApp As Object, ByVal xlWorkBook As Object, ByVal xlWorkSheet As Object, ByVal column As String, ByVal row As Integer)
This basically reads each cell in the specified column until it hits a blank cell. Then it takes the value of each cell and adds it as items to the first combo box. Now, what I want the code to do next is to take the selected item from this combo box and look for a match in another worksheet. When it finds a cell that matches, it should pick up the value from column B of the same row as the match. There might be more than one match as well, so every time it finds a match, I want to pick up the value of Column B of the same row and add THAT as items in the second combobox.
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Aug 8, 2010
I want search word in excel with some word .I can search with full word but i don't know how to search with some word Example.. When i put "123" in textbox i want result found is "123xxxx" show in textbox or listbox
this my code how i will can do.
Private Sub Search_form_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Search_form.Click
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Feb 1, 2010
So I have an excel app with a drop down list and it contains many values. Is there a way I can just search through that drop down list in I can't seem to find where these values that populate the drop down list even come from So I thought just searching through it is easier?
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May 26, 2010
I need to do a search-system from excel file. User can put some word to a textbox and then VB looks for this word from excel fail from first column and if it finds, then it writes the corresponding value from next column to a label.
I got so far this:
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim oExcel As Object = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
but on that underlined if sentence it gives error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Without that if sentence it shows the value, but I would like that it finds the right one.
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Feb 16, 2012
I wanted to know if i could use (visual studio) to create an application that seaches these worksheets for a key word then returns any rowns with this key word on?
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Aug 26, 2010
I m writing my first ever application.I want to make a data search engine exactly same as the excel sheet has.The search form is a owned form and has one combobox to specify the search criteria that in which column of the database table i want to search and a textbox to write the search item.What i want is when i type 'A' in the textbox and click the findAll button the search result should display the first matched record in the textbox of owner form and then if i click findNext button the search result should display the next matched record.Same like excel Find and Replace Window.
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Jun 26, 2011
i want to create system that can search and open 1 excel file from multiple excel file.Since there are too many excel file, i create a database(using excel) which list all the excel file and sorting it by project name in which i want to retrieve the excel file through project name. this is the example database that i had create:
ProjectName ExcelFile
PA201 d:Project.xlsx
i just want to design 1 user interface,type the project name in the textbox then click command button to open the excel file but i don't know the coding.
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Jun 3, 2009
I can open and read and write to excel, but I need some help on how to search through column A to find a particular text such as B22-11, once found then I need to get the row number (count).
View 11 Replies
Aug 17, 2011
Essentially all I want to do is have a user form where you enter a reference number, hit enter and it searches an excel 2010 spreadsheet for that reference number. If the reference number is found it returns the associated name which is in the cell in the column on the right. (e.g. ref = A1 & name = B1).
View 16 Replies
Jun 11, 2011
1. I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for number by select each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one.May be using checklistbox.
2. The output is shown in a new window (labels) with result from that particular file. If multiple files are selected that the output should show result from all files in different labels.
3. Excel program stays open in memory after closing my application.
4. Also I cant get the app to display message "maskedtextbox1.text" not found in the sheet.[code]
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Dec 25, 2010
I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for a string/number by selecting each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one.May be using checklistbox.
2. The output is shown in a new window (in labels) with result from that particular file. If multiple files are selected than the output should show result from all files in different labels.
3. Excel program stays open in memory after closing my application.
4. Also I cant get the app to display message "maskedtextbox1.text" not found in the sheet. If I do after line 30 Else "String not found", it goes into loop or displays the message even if the string exists in the excel file.
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May 19, 2005
Is there any way to disable a specific warning. For example, in one of my classes are re-implement System.ICloneable.Clone. After doing so I now get a warning that states, "'System.ICloneable.Clone' from 'implements System.ICloneable' is already implemented by the base class 'XXX'. Re-implementation of function assumed." Is there any way to remove this warning from the Error List
View 6 Replies
Dec 8, 2010
I'm compiling a VB.Net 2.0 app (created in VS2008) using msbuild, and now I've added a generic return type, it's giving me the following:
Warning: Type library exporter
encountered a generic type instance in
a signature. Generic code may not be
exported to COM.
Having just spent ages removing all of the previous warnings, I don't really want to add a new one. Any idea how to get rid of it (aside from not using generics)?I don't know what details I'd put in the attribute, or what number to put in the project-level ignore list.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have an app with a timer control, and the interval is set to 60000ms (1 min). so every min i have some event happen. thats pretty simple. however, i want to have a 15 second warning that the event is going to happen. so basically 45 seconds after my timer starts, i want a message such as "15 seconds left until event x happens".
would i have to use 2 timers? i guess im lost on the logic. i know how to use the timer control, but i have been googling all night trying to figure this one out. i have tried using 1 timer set to 45 seconds (for the warning) and another timer at 60 seconds(for the event) but they go out of synch after 1 iteration and will not consistently stay 15 seconds ahead of the other. i dont want to post any code i have, because it is all trash and i want to start over from scratch.
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Oct 26, 2011
I wanted to know how to encrypt data.And I've found a solution at this web site.This script works if I use it as a function.Nonetheless, Visual Studio throws a warning that says the following.[code]Visual Studio underlines the second line after the equal symbol above.I have no idea what that means.Does anybody have any idea how I can resolve this warning?
View 6 Replies
May 25, 2009
I have set up my form using with the languages and I have store the texts in the resource. I have debug the project and everything seen to be fine. I found that there is a folder in the project bin folder. The folder was called zh-chs. I have changed the name from roject1.resources.dll to testdll.dll and moved to the bin folder. I have added reference in my project and I have deleted the zh-chs folder. Suddenly, I have found a warning sage.
Code:Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "TESTDLL, Version=, Culture=zh-CHS, processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get
View 9 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
i wanna ask how to make warning messages when a user clicks the search button and found no record with what he input. [code]
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Feb 25, 2010
warnings got me thinking about old issues that always goofed me up when I was writing more VB.NET code.One of them was the fact that the compiler didn't warn if you declared a Function but never did an explicit Return statement or assign to the Function name. Running Visual Studio 2008, I just made a small experimental project, and it seems as though the behavior has never been fixed.I created a Visual Basic Console application, with the following code:
Module MainModule
Sub Main()
Dim test As Boolean = TestWarning()[code].....
I also went into the Project Settings and turned On Option Strict and Option Explicit.I also set the Warning Configurations so that "Function/Operator with no return value" was set to Error.I compiled the project and got no warning, and no error on the TestWarning() Function. This seems like a great place to put a warning, because it will default to False, and you may have simply forgotten to do a return. C# will error without a return statement. I thought that VB.NET did the same thing with the "Function/Operator with no return value" configuration. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm missing?
Edit: Further Experimentation
Function TestWarning() As Boolean
If DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday Then
Return False[code].....
If, and nothing in the Else, there is also no Warning/Error. It will simply take the default, even though you likely intended (via programming style) to have an explicit return. In this case, I explicitly returned False (which is the default for Boolean), so it's likely a hidden bug that I should have returned True in the Else.
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Apr 4, 2012
how do i programmatically change datatable and tableadaper components name property in my dataset.xsd ?
this my code:
Partial Class DataSetBimeh
Partial Class bimeh1DataTable
Private Sub bimeh1DataTable_Initialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Initialized
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Jan 29, 2011
I wrote a small VB6 program to monitor the status of a Shared Network Drive. In this case it's an external hard drive. The drive is used for backup. The program is invoked automatically when the computer is booted and runs minimized.
If the backup drive is not turned on or otherwise not functional then the program changes from minimized to a normal window and displays various statistics and a warning that the backup drive isn't working.
I want to make the warning much more prominent, like minimizing the program that happens to be running or displaying the warning window in front of the progrmam that happens to be running. I want something really noticaeble. The computers don't have speakers so I can't play an warning.wav .
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Apr 19, 2008
This program is for advertising ads and prices are determined by which radiobutton is selected.This program uses objects created from a class . I am getting a waring message that Variable 'ad' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. the warning is at ad.size = 225.So how do I get the variable filled before used if it depends on which radiobutton is checked? [code]
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May 24, 2012
I'm trying to decrypt a file with the following
Function DecryptAES(ByVal CipherText As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal salt As String) As String Dim HashAlgorithm As String = h_alg Dim
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Jun 11, 2009
When i ran some applications, more ofter than not there will be some messages showing in the immediate window, such as:
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in
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