How To Ignore The Warning Message

May 25, 2009

I have set up my form using with the languages and I have store the texts in the resource. I have debug the project and everything seen to be fine. I found that there is a folder in the project bin folder. The folder was called zh-chs. I have changed the name from roject1.resources.dll to testdll.dll and moved to the bin folder. I have added reference in my project and I have deleted the zh-chs folder. Suddenly, I have found a warning sage.

Code:Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "TESTDLL, Version=, Culture=zh-CHS, processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get


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Outlook - Send Mail Without A Message Warning?

Feb 27, 2007

I need to create a function which send a mail. But when I execute my sub, I have a message warning.How can I send mail without this message ? I need to send a mail to a user of my network, I use Exchange server.


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Suppressing "You Must Rebuild Your Project..." Warning Message?

Aug 6, 2009

When I make a change to a usercontrol, I get a warning message "You must rebuild your project for the changes to {class} to show up in any open designers."Is there a studio environment setting that will prevent me from ever seeing that message again? The Error List window popping up and stealing focus is really getting on my nerves, and sometimes it doesn't want to automatically re-hide.

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Create A Message Box That Stores User Name, Message And Post Datetime Into The Database As Messages Are Sent?

Jan 6, 2010

create a message box that stores my user name, message, and post datetime into the database as messages are sent. Soon came to realise, what if the user changed his name? So I decided to use the user id (icn) to identify the message poster instead. However, my chunk of codes keep giving me the same error. Says that there are no rows in the dataset.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim name As String
Dim icn As String
Dim message As String


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Create An Error Message By Message Box To Tell The User To Enter A Number Only If They Key In A Character Value?

Feb 22, 2009

how to create an error message by message box to tell the user to enter a number only if they key in a character value?


Private Sub btnCalcFat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalcFat.Click
Dim intFat As Integer
intFat = Integer.Parse(txtFat.Text)
lblResultDisplay.Text = txtFat.Text * 9
End Sub

My text box is call txtFat

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Xml To Ignore Certain Characters?

Jun 28, 2010

I have an xml document. The description tag is enclosed in a cdata section. When I view the page in firefox I get the following error: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed It's erroring at this character (an empty white square and I don't know what the character really is). Is there a way I can get the parser to ignore these characters?

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C# - Ignore Error Without Using Try Catch()?

May 25, 2011

So I want to now if that possible for .NET languages to ignore error without using try catch construction ?

I can ignore warring with #nowarring 40 for example, can I ignore error ?

simply wanted to call system pause with this way

open System.Runtime.InteropServices
extern void system(string str)
system "pause"

but got Error message

unbalanced stack. This is probably because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Make sure that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.

So I don't care, it works. But can I just ignore this error ? without doing weird stuff like that :

try (system "pause") catch |_->()

Ok , I solved my problem by adding CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, but what the question was about skipping exceptions, so and I still don't know if I can do it.

So maybe I need to tell some real reason to not be down-voted hard - sometimes it's matters for program to live even with hard errors occupations, but even sometimes you don't need to catch them. You need just ignore them...

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How To Ignore Changes In Attribute Order When Using SVN

Mar 23, 2011

I use TortoiseSVN for versioning of my large VB Project in Visual Studio 2008. Once in a while, when editing one of the many typed DataSets, VS feels like switching the position of the attributes
msprop:Generator_ColumnVarNameInTableand msprop:Generator_ColumnPropNameInRow
In like nine THOUSAND places of the .xsd file. Sometimes I use a custom sed-script to reverse it again but most of the time I just commit it without knowing if there was any real change.

Can I prevent Visual Studio from messing with those attributes?
Can I enforce a specific ordering?
Or do I need some workflow within TSVN to ignore or revert such changes?

I wrote a small VB.Net Console app that scans thru the lines, sorting the attributes. It works on text alone as one cannot use xml parsing abilities without a massive increase in execution time and code size.

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How To Ignore Line Of Code

Apr 20, 2011

Does anybody know how to ignore a line(s) of code after a line(s) has executed. Let say you have a button1, and two CheckBoxes. By clicking once button1, cheheckbox1 checked. By clicking agin button1, then CheckBox2 checked. You will probably say that I can do that in diferent way, but it isn't the solution of this problem that I want. This is only an example.

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How To Ignore Unfound GetElementByID

Feb 15, 2012

When I run my program if finds fields fill's them in and submits, but sometimes the page does not have them fields and I just want it to skip them if not found so it continues otherwise it crashes.

My e.g field:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("subject").SetAttribute("value", TextBox3.Text)

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IDE :: Ignore EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)?

Oct 4, 2009

Okay, let's say for example that I disagree with some of Microsoft's decisions to hide things from intellisense , and want to override this. Is it possible to have my intellisense ignore the EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) attribute?

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Ignore Load Exceptions?

Nov 17, 2009

ll app build in VB 2005 that has a DLL. The app runs fine on 32bit systems but fails on 64-bit ones (Failed to load the assembly: BadImageFormat from the DLL). As I could not fix the problem I wish to somehow ignore this error so the rest of the app can run normally. I wish to retain the funcionality on 32-bit systems thus not removing the DLL from the project.

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Ignore My Email Address

Feb 13, 2011

I am using the following function to parse url's from a text file, however it also collects emails.How do I change it so it ignores email address's?[code]...

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Ignore Special Characters In XML

Feb 11, 2010

I have data that I have to send as xml. There are many characters that are receiving an error. Is there a quick way that I can ignore all these characters?

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Ignore The Special Characters?

Aug 13, 2009

In C# you can use to ignore the special characters:

string myString = "this is a " string";

that would work as one complete string... in VB, doing that does not work...Anyone know the equivalent of to ignore special characters for VB

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Ignore Windows Hotkeys?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a program that locks the desktop when loaded and will only close if a username and password is entered.

the problem i am having is that once the user presses alt+tab or even the windows key the other apps are accessed.

how can i get my form to ignore any hotkey input.

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MsgBox With Ignore & OK Buttons?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm using VB .NET 2005 Express (all the latest...5 years ago). Is there some easy way to bring up a MsgBox which has only "Ignore" and "OK" buttons, or would I have to create my own form?

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VS 2008 If The ALT Key Is Pressed To Ignore It?

Apr 30, 2012

what i need is if the ALT key is pressed to ignore it. Like for example if you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del it opens the taskmgr. So all i need is for when the form is open if you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del the Alt key wont work so then nothing happens. Well either the Alt or Ctrl key

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.net - Ignore A Character In Split Method?

Jun 21, 2011

My file has the data in this format:


I need to read this data into a string array. In my new file I need to write Name,Sal and Location columns only. Here is my code:

Dim ioReader As New System.IO.Streamreader("C:old.csv")
Dim ioWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:


When I am splitting the above data, the sal column values which already contains "," is splitting into 2 cells. I want to keep the sal column value as a single cell by ignoring "," in between numbers.

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C# - Ignore Dataset Schema In WCF Connection?

Nov 2, 2011

On the server side of my application I have a function like this:

public function GetDS as MyTypedDS
Dim dsRetVal as new MyTypedDS
'Make fantastic things with the dataset
return dsRetVal
end function

On the client side I call this function through a generated "service reference":

Dim ds as Reference1.MyTypedDS = myRefInst.GetDS

How can I disable schema serializaion of the typed dataset to reduce the traffic?Is it enough to set the SchemaSerializationMode of 'dsRetVal' to ExcludeSchema before returning it? Or is this option ignored by WCF?

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CurElement Working But Parse More Than Two How To Ignore Another Url

May 28, 2010

learning VB2008 in this forum i just create a simple application that i dream to make i happen. Msdn i learn a lot here and my application are fine but i have one isssue with that code


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DataGridView Ignore Index Out Of Bounds?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a way to force my application to ignore the index out of bounds error from the DataGridView? I have gone through from top to bottom and there is no reason why I should be receiving this error. No operations, rows, nor columns are affected by just continuing past the er

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Ignore Already Checked Checkboxes In Program /

Jan 1, 2011

If i have 3 checkboxes in my webform namely : CheckBox1, Checkbox2, Checkbox3 and a textbox namely textbox1[code]...

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Ignore Dashes In Values When Importing XLS Into SQL

May 12, 2009

I have an xls file that needs to be imported into SQL Server directly from .net. I figured out how to do this, but now my problem is the data. The following data is in the xls file: Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone. The phone number can come in in various values (with dashes and without). I have no way of controlling this data because it is an export out of some third party application. My problem is that the numbers with the dashes are being ignored by the Excel import. I am using the OPENROWSET to import.

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Ignore ListView Check From Code

May 27, 2009

I'm trying to make it so that if a user checks the listview item checkbox, it does something, but not when the code checks it. This seems really basic.

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Ignore Null Filter Criteria?

Feb 15, 2012

I try to filter a datagridview and I wrote an sql statement for that reason. The problem is that although I achieved to have multifilter I can find how to make my cod ignore the criteria which are null (empty criteria, when the user doesn t give any values). I tried the code below but I know that it isn t correct.

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Make Cursor Ignore Form?

Nov 7, 2009

I wonder how i could do so a form gets unclickable. I am doing a crosshair and when i test it out and put it on its place then when i trying to shoot the program i can make a forms startposition custom?

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Safe To Ignore Build Error?

Jul 26, 2010

In my form I have a variable that is of the type Windows.Forms.Form. When my program is enabled/disabled I create a new form instance in there and close it (respectively). Since I don't want the form sitting in memory the whole time my program is open the references to properties of the form are invalid (because the initial declaration is not the form but the type). How can I either negate this or ignore this error?

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Text File Ignore Lines

May 3, 2011

How to read from text file that have a line with string A and ignore lines with string B.

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Total Focus On A Form: Ignore All Others?

Feb 15, 2011

in my VB.NET application, my main Form can show other Forms. That works fine, but I need to set "focus" on the newly opened form, and don't allow the user use the main form until the opened Form is closed. How do I do that?

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