Search-system From Excel File?

May 26, 2010

I need to do a search-system from excel file. User can put some word to a textbox and then VB looks for this word from excel fail from first column and if it finds, then it writes the corresponding value from next column to a label.

I got so far this:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim oExcel As Object = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


but on that underlined if sentence it gives error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Without that if sentence it shows the value, but I would like that it finds the right one.

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Excel Interop: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Microsoft Office Excel Cannot Access The File

Feb 25, 2010

I need to create an excel file from the database records. I fetched and put the data in an excel file and tried to save that file as follows.


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Search Excel File For Values?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a form with a couple of combo boxes. The first combobox adds items based on each row in an excel sheet.

Public Sub FetchExcelValues(ByVal ControlType As String, ByVal control As Object, ByVal xlApp As Object, ByVal xlWorkBook As Object, ByVal xlWorkSheet As Object, ByVal column As String, ByVal row As Integer)


This basically reads each cell in the specified column until it hits a blank cell. Then it takes the value of each cell and adds it as items to the first combo box. Now, what I want the code to do next is to take the selected item from this combo box and look for a match in another worksheet. When it finds a cell that matches, it should pick up the value from column B of the same row as the match. There might be more than one match as well, so every time it finds a match, I want to pick up the value of Column B of the same row and add THAT as items in the second combobox.

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Locate A File In The System Search Path?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to obtain the full path for a file located in somewhere in the system search path for executable files, when I only have the file name. Another user came up with the following code. However I was hoping to find something that is more directly supplied by the system, rather than a "roll your own" solution such as this one. Also, the solution below could run into problems, however unlikely, because it is possible for Windows file and folder names to contain semicolons. The split function doesn't pay any attention to quotes, and could therefore improperly split a path that includes a folder name with an embedded semicolon.

Private paths() As String = Split(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"), ";")
Private messageOutput As String
Private fileInPath as String = "notepad.exe" ' for example[code]....

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Search And Open Multiple Excel File?

Jun 26, 2011

i want to create system that can search and open 1 excel file from multiple excel file.Since there are too many excel file, i create a database(using excel) which list all the excel file and sorting it by project name in which i want to retrieve the excel file through project name. this is the example database that i had create:

ProjectName ExcelFile
PA201 d:Project.xlsx

i just want to design 1 user interface,type the project name in the textbox then click command button to open the excel file but i don't know the coding.

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Vb8 Code To Open A Txt File - Search For A String In It & Extract String In A Excel File

Oct 11, 2010

i need a vb8 code to open a txt file,search for a string in it & extract string in a excel file.

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Creating A Search Function To Search Through A Binary File?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm creating a search function to search through a binary file and find a record based on the users input. Surprisingly, that isn't the problem! The problem I'm having is that as part of this I'm using a procedure to display results in text boxes, and I'm getting the error "Too many arguments to private sub display customer"I've encountered this error before, but never really knew what it was... Here is my code.

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
FilenameCust = "F:\College\CustomersFile.bin"


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Office Automation :: Method Not Found: Void Excel.Range.set_Value(System.Object,System.Object)

Mar 11, 2009

following error message:

Method not found: Void Excel.Range.set_Value(System.Object,System.Object)

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Way To Search In Excel

Jul 21, 2010

I have problem about search in excel,I open excel with VB but I hiddin it.

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Search All The Files In The System?

Jul 21, 2009

Can anybody show me the code to search all the files in the system? i also need to search it drive-wise.

View 2 Replies Using Oledb To Export Excel File Returns Empty Excel File

Feb 24, 2010

I am using oledb to export information to excel file. I encounter problems when the information to export becomes too big, in this case the code I have given below, the excel file generated becomes an empty spreadsheet.If I changed the loop to 1123 for insertion of the rows. The generated excel file is fine, 1125 rows, and 4 columns shown.A test program in windows form is also working fine regardless of how many rows.[code]I couldn't find a solution to my problem as well. What I did eventually was to run the process using another separate windows service. The code works perfectly fine running from a windows form or service program, but not, not sure why.

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Export To Excel Excel Could Not Open The File Because The File Format Is Not Valid?

May 8, 2012

I have this issue that occurs with me and driving me crazy i have a report that contains thousands of records and i need to export it to excel , but the excel normal extension .xls

is showing missing records at the end of the file , so i save my file as an .xlsx extension it saves correctly but when i open the file it generates an error

"Excel cannot open the file '<var>filename</var>.xlsx' because the file format for the file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."but when i test the file i drag it and open it in an empty notepad all the records shows up correctly

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Search Excel And When Some Condition Is Met The Warning Box Appear

Dec 27, 2010

i have this excel file that contains description and 2 date (start date and end date) and i want to using vs 2008 to search the excel and get the warning box when condition is met.The condition is, when our computer date are 3 days before the end date of the excel data's end date it get the warning box message of every data that will expires.

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Search In Excel To Textbox/listbox?

Aug 8, 2010

I want search word in excel with some word .I can search with full word but i don't know how to search with some word Example.. When i put "123" in textbox i want result found is "123xxxx" show in textbox or listbox

this my code how i will can do.

Private Sub Search_form_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Search_form.Click


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Search Through An Excel Drop Down List?

Feb 1, 2010

So I have an excel app with a drop down list and it contains many values. Is there a way I can just search through that drop down list in I can't seem to find where these values that populate the drop down list even come from So I thought just searching through it is easier?

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View And Search Excel Workbook?

Feb 16, 2012

I wanted to know if i could use (visual studio) to create an application that seaches these worksheets for a key word then returns any rowns with this key word on?

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Program To Have Bad Word To Block Url Search In My System?

Apr 7, 2011

I wanna make a small program, which have a some list of bad word to block url search in my system

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Recursive Search For All Folders And Subfolders In System?

Mar 24, 2011

I wrote a Windows Forms script that searched for all non-hidden and non-readonly folders in my system. But the script itself, when run initially, runs for like 5 minutes. Subsequent opens take much less time. I was wondering if there is a logical error to it, so as to why its running so very slow.

Private Function FindSubFolders(ByVal dir As DirectoryInfo, ByVal node As TreeNode) As TreeNode
Dim subnode As New TreeNode
For Each folder As DirectoryInfo In dir.GetDirectories()


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Search In Listview Using Separate Forms, And Using System.IO?

Jun 11, 2011

i'm a programming student and a newbie in forums. How can I search for a data in listview from fist form using my second form?For example, I entered 7 entries to my listview, and when I press "Search in listview" button, the second form will open.(My first form contains the listview table and a button named "Search in listview", while the second form contains a textbox which I'll type what I want to search,for example the ID Number, and a button named "Search".)To shorten my code, I like to use from the System.IO Namespace.Is it possible to use System.IO? How? It is frustrating that I can't even find it in Google.

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Make Data Search Engine Like The One In Excel?

Aug 26, 2010

I m writing my first ever application.I want to make a data search engine exactly same as the excel sheet has.The search form is a owned form and has one combobox to specify the search criteria that in which column of the database table i want to search and a textbox to write the search item.What i want is when i type 'A' in the textbox and click the findAll button the search result should display the first matched record in the textbox of owner form and then if i click findNext button the search result should display the next matched record.Same like excel Find and Replace Window.

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Search Excel And Return A Count Number?

Jun 3, 2009

I can open and read and write to excel, but I need some help on how to search through column A to find a particular text such as B22-11, once found then I need to get the row number (count).

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VS 2010 - Search Excel And Return Related Value

Aug 17, 2011

Essentially all I want to do is have a user form where you enter a reference number, hit enter and it searches an excel 2010 spreadsheet for that reference number. If the reference number is found it returns the associated name which is in the cell in the column on the right. (e.g. ref = A1 & name = B1).

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IDE :: Multi Column ComboBox, Full Search System?

Aug 3, 2009

Regarding multi column search, i want to clear you the situation where one column contains say FirstName and the another column contains LastName for the 'Contacts Combo box', then when user types either FirstName or LastName for the person, combo box should search for the appropriate value into both columns.

for my fifth question consider the same combo box with FirstName, LastName all typed together shows in one column only then, by default combo box searches only for strings that 'Start' with the string typed in the textbox portion, insted of which i need a feature which allows me to let set the behavior of combo box search system tobe able to search for the typed strings within any part of record.i.e. If user types 'Ja' in textbox portion, the the list should show following maches

Micle Jackson
Sandeep B Jakhotya
Javid Akhatar
Suresh Jadhav


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Search And Replace Text With System.IO (Visual Basic)?

Dec 1, 2009

What is the code to replace text in a document. For exaple if my document had the text "The Dog Jumped over the fence" how would i get it to change to "The Cat Jumped over the fence"

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[2008] How To Search In System.Collections.Generic.List

Feb 15, 2009

how to find a value in the System.Collections.Generic.List.I have:

Private ids As New List(Of Byte())
ids.add(New Byte(){&HA8,&H0F})
ids.add(New Byte(){&HFF,&H03})
ids.add(New Byte(){&H10,&H00})

I would like to find for example: &H10,&H00 in that list and if there isn't the stuff I wan't to find then how do I know that?

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Search Multiple Excel Files Loaded Into Listbox

Jun 11, 2011

1. I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for number by select each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one.May be using checklistbox.

2. The output is shown in a new window (labels) with result from that particular file. If multiple files are selected that the output should show result from all files in different labels.

3. Excel program stays open in memory after closing my application.

4. Also I cant get the app to display message "maskedtextbox1.text" not found in the sheet.[code]

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Search Multiple Excel Files Loaded Into Listbox?

Dec 25, 2010

I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for a string/number by selecting each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one.May be using checklistbox.

2. The output is shown in a new window (in labels) with result from that particular file. If multiple files are selected than the output should show result from all files in different labels.

3. Excel program stays open in memory after closing my application.

4. Also I cant get the app to display message "maskedtextbox1.text" not found in the sheet. If I do after line 30 Else "String not found", it goes into loop or displays the message even if the string exists in the excel file.


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Constructing A Good Search Query Using

Sep 11, 2009

I am constructing a search function in a class to be used by several of our asp pages. The idea is simple, take a search term from the user and query the database for the item. Currently I am doing this the wrong way, which is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks (and ELMAH is in there to save the day if something goes wrong):


The problem is since I am using a like statement, I need to be able to have % on either side of the search word, and I can't seem to do that with '%:searchterm%', it just gives an error of ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number.Can I parameterize but still have my flexible like statement be a part of it?

View 2 Replies Cannot See A File In System Folder On Windows Server 2008 64bit

Jan 28, 2010

I have a utility that is a simple exe that is not installed compiled with VS2005 and works well. But when I upgraded to VS2008 the utility can no longer locate files in the active system folder. I have UAC turned off and am logged in as the Administrator and it still can not locate a file that I can see in Windows Explorer. The file I am looking for is PakMgr.exe.

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VS 2008 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'System.Core

Feb 15, 2010

I have finished coding an application which I designed for people working in my office. When I started to install the application to computers at the office, I realized that, in some machines, application doesn�t work properly. Although it worked for 15 computers perfectly, for 3 computers following error code is displayed:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].

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