IDE :: Importing Namespaces In Project Level?

Mar 16, 2009

i hav a problem in building a solution in vs 2008.I'm opening project in VSS repository.When i tried to build the application its giving lot of compile error.After examining the code i've found that the namespaces are not imported in *.vb file , hence the types used in the file are not accessible .I know that we can import namespaces at application level

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Recommended Practice Is For Importing Namespaces?

Mar 27, 2012

Just wondering what the recommended practice is for importing namespaces. Are you always better importing the namespace like the fisrt snippet of code, or are you better to type the full namespace inline with your code.

I like both methods; the first is tidier and takes less code, the second can identify exactly where your accessing some logic from which can provide some clarity when looking over the code. Just wondering if there are pros/cons for either or if this is just a personal preference, currently I use a combination but would like to keep consistant.


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VS 2010 - Importing Namespaces (List Of References)

Jan 2, 2012

I would like to import System.Data.OleDb to my list of references, but it won't let me, I can't find it on the list but it's obviously there cause I can type olede.oledbparameter.

My list shows

I can't find System.Data.Oledb. Now, I did a "hack" job and got it added, but I couldn't figure out how to do it with the GUI. I edited the .proj file with notepad and added it manually.

How can I add it with the GUI?
Clicked on Project
Clicked on Add Reference...
Clicked on .Net, Com, Projects
Couldn't find it on either of those lists.

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C# - Get List Of Namespaces Available In Project In ASP.NET?

Feb 8, 2012

I have ASP.NET Application: I have added 5 classes with different Namespacess in App_Code folder..

In Default.aspx.cs file.. I just want to get the list of available Namespaces in App_Code folder:

I tried : AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();

but i didn't find Namespace that is available in App_Code Folder

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Have Forms In Sub-namespaces Of A WinForms Project?

Oct 15, 2010

If I create a new class library project in VB.NET, I can create subfolders (a la C#), add WinForm objects to these subfolders, and then specify a namespace:

Namespace Sub1.Sub2
Public Class SomeForm
Public Sub New()


This resolves as ProjectRootNamespace.Sub1.Sub2.SomeForm, which is good.However, if I create a new WinForms project in VB.NET, and attempt the same thing, I get this error in the designer:The class SomeForm can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again.Is there a way to have forms in sub-namespaces of a VB.NET WinForms app instead of in the root namespace?

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Adding 1st Explictly Named Namespace To A Project Breaks The Use Of Implicit (i.e. Global) Namespaces?

Sep 27, 2010

I am working on a solution that does not name namespaces in code files. Instead it uses the root name space of the project (which is the same across all assemblies). Basically there is only one implicit namespace.

Well, I am trying to isolate some code so that I can run FxCop against it. I explicated named the code file with a namespace to do this. This works for FxCop, but it bricks the entire solution.Visual Studio is now asking me to prefix all uses of the implicit namespace with Global. So instead of:


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Importing Forms From Another Project?

Jan 10, 2010

I have some form/vb in another project that I want to import to a new one. There are three files with these extensions - .vb, resx, and designer.vb. Which do I copy and how exactly?

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Importing Database To Project (MS SQL)?

Feb 13, 2012

I have MS SQL Server Management Studio Express. I have create database with 6 tables. I want to import database in my project. When I open server explorer in VS i go to Data Connections (right click) then add new connection. Then I locate database .mdf file. After that I can see database in server explorer but only with one table (there must be six). I have try to remove/add database but tables are still missing.

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2008 - Importing Forms From Another Project?

May 16, 2011

What i want to do is when button1 is clicked it disables tmr1 on the main form, and then opens up an instance of a new form, when that instance form is closed, the tmr1 on the main form is enabled do i enable the timer control when the instance is closed?

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Importing User Control Into New Project

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having a problem importing a user control into a new project.I've created and tested a user control using the guide at url...If I choose Debug>Build, a .dll file is created in the release folder.According to what I've read, I should be able to open the toolbox in my new project, right click>choose items, browse to the dll and then import. This all works, but the control is 'greyed out' in the toolbox, so I can't drag and drop it onto the userform in my new project.I also tried importing by 'Add Reference' in the solution explorer and got an error about using a later version of the .NET framework, so I've set both the user control and new project to compile with the .NET 3.5 framework.

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Project For Importing Excel Data Into SQL DB?

Feb 16, 2011

Simple VB.NET project for the purpose of importing the data from Excel sheet into a SQL DB

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IDE :: Importing Custom Made Controls From Another Project

Feb 26, 2009

I'm developing a solution that I'm going to split into two different directions.I've built custom controls for the first application, and now I'm creating a new solution where I'm importing all the Forms and Modules to the new solution I'm developing by using "Add Existing Item" from the Solution ExplorerWhen doing this, most of the errors I'm receiving I'm able to correct by "Find & Replace" with the new name of the new solution. (They seem to be references to the old name of the solution, that I simply replace with the new name. Example. Global.Xname..... I now replace with Global.Yname.

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Importing The C++ Dll For Use In The VB Project - Runtime Error R6034

Jun 6, 2010

I have a VB.NET Console Application that depends on a C++ project in the same solution. I'm importing the C++ dll for use in the VB project. When I compile and then run the application, I get the runtime error R6034. Anything wrong going here?

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VS 2008 Importing Excel Data Into Project Database?

Jul 20, 2010

Is there a routine that will allow me to import data from an excel spreadsheet into a database within my project? I only need to do this to populate the the database I have created in my project.

While the project was being developed I used junk test data for testing and debugging but now I wan to populate the database with the actual records.

Here is the skinny:

In the project database I have the following fields:
ItemID - Primary key


Column B contains the Full Name Data where B1 in a column header Column C contains the UPC Numbers needed where C1 is a column header

As stated this is a one time deal and not something I need to run as part of the application.

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Coding Computing Project For A-Level?

Oct 24, 2009

I have just started coding my Computing project for my A-Level, and I will admit, I am far more experienced in VB6 than VB.NET (as embarrassing as that is to say).I get extra marks for making everything presentable, so was wondering if it was possible to add icons into .NET buttons. For example if I have a button to add an entry to the database, I want a nice Web 2.0 looking icon (for which I already have) next to the text on that button.

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Importing Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms Into Console Application Project?

Jul 26, 2010

I've created a VB Console Application Project and am trying to instantiate a Report Viewer object. To my understanding I need to import Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms however Visual Studio does not recognize this name space. Is there some reference I need to add?

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VS 2008 Importing Existing Crystal Reports To A New VS2008 Project?

Jun 6, 2010

How do I go about importing existing Crystal Reports to a new VS2008 project?

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Importing Project A Into Project B

May 17, 2011

Could someone point me in the direction of importing a project into a project. Any information on how to use it would be great as well. For example I have Project A that I could use to work within Project B. I have no idea what the correct form is for calling this in.I do have an add reference option, but no add project option. Im assuming i shall go with reference and see what I can do.

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Project-level Conditional Compilation Constant?

Aug 19, 2009

I am getting a project-level conditional compilation constant error while trying to build my project. It reads:

project-level conditional compilation constant 'VB_VER=9.0,TARGET="exe",CONFIG="Debug",_MyType="Console",PLATFORM="AnyCPU",DEBUG;^^ ^^ TRACE' not valid: Character is not valid.

I recently upgraded it to the latest version (from 2.0), and I have a feeling that this has something to do with it.


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VS 2005 : Can Alias A Project Level Imports Statement

May 12, 2011

I know you can alias an Imports statement in

Imports xyz = ProjectABC.ClassABC

But if I want to use the Project Properties, Reference tab to select a namespace to allow a project-wide setting, is it possible to alias that namespace?

View 4 Replies - Project Level Imports Stored In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a Web Service Application Project in Visual Studio 2008. This is supposed to be an ASP.Net 2.0 project and at some point this has been rebuilt using 3.5.VS has kindly added in project level imports to System.Linq and System.Xml.Linq, but when I have re-targeted the project at 2.0 these project level imports have remained.Because the Web Service Application Project does not have the detailed window for editing project references I cannot find how to remove these project level imports.There is no .proj file which is where I would assume these were included.I cannot now build the project as it fails, even though I only get warnings (no errors reported) such as this:Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports 'System.Linq' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.

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Application-level KeyUp/KeyDown Events (not Windows Form-level)?

Apr 1, 2012

I am creating an Excel add-in written in VB.NET. I would like to bind KeyDown and KeyUp events to the spreadsheet to record when the user presses and releases the arrow keys while navigating the spreadsheetIdeally, these events would be built into Excel alongside the native SheetActivate and SheetSelectionChange events, for example. Alas, they are not.

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Set Option Explicit And Option Strict On A Project / Solution Level?

Feb 22, 2011

I really like the coding speed that provides, but I don't like the possibility to forget to declare variable types, return types of functions, etc. and that is why in each class I use[code]..

Is there a way to define those two options on the project/solution level?

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What's The Difference Between Dim On The Member Level And Static On The Procedure Level

Jan 6, 2010

In Visual Basic 2008, there's two different ways that I know of to accomplish the same thing:The Dim on the member level:

Dim counter1 as integer = 0
Dim counter2 as integer = 180
Public Sub SampleSub1()


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Error BC30464: Namespace Or Type'Compatibility' In The Project-level Imports 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility' Cannot Be Found

Jan 16, 2009

I've started to use a Vista machine for development. In case it is significant: I'm using MSBee so that I can code in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE while still building against the 1.1 framework.On the Vista machine, when I tried to build a particular vb project, I got this error:

error BC30464: Namespace or type'Compatibility' in the project-level Imports 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility' cannot be found.

The same project built fine on my old XP machine. I checked in this folder on my Vista machine:


...and sure enough, "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll" was missing. So was "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll". Copying them from my XP machine to my Vista machine allowed me to build the project successfully.I'm just a bit puzzled as to why this happened. Why was "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll" missing? I'm also not very comfortable with my chosen solution - copying the DLL manually. It works, but surely there must be a better way.

As far as the configuration:

.Net Framework 1.1
.Net Framework 1.1 SP1
.Net Framework 1.1 SDK


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Top Level SQL Table Row - Save The Top Level Automatically?

Mar 18, 2011

I have created a simple program which uses a two tier structure of SQL Tables.At the top level, one record holds the date of the activities and linked to it using its primary key as a foreign key, three subordinate tables hold time stamped records.The issue I have been unable to solve is that before adding any of the lower level records for a given date, a newly added top level record must be saved to the database.Doing this manually is simple - but can I rely on my users to remember to do this before they start plugging in the lower level data?I thought not, so I am looking to save the top level automatically.I've failed miserably but I refuse to believe that it's not possible.

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Multiple Level Of For Each And Linq In Each Level

Feb 12, 2011

I have multiple level of For Each and in each level, i have a Linq that is the 'In' criteria as in:


It will go inside each for (because the value is not nothing), however, it will only loop (next) in the very inner 'For Each t In tFor'. After it is finish inner loops, the outer Fors' or Next will not execute... even thought there are more than one values in that 'In'... like 'sFor' or 'fFor'. i've noticed while debuging, while break at the for (for example 'sFor', before stepping in), i get the error message:

"Enumeration yielded no results" when i expand the result for that variable and it will not step into it. but if i do not expand the result, it will step in. It seem that some how, once an element is accessed for that 'In' collection, it breaks (meaning does not loop for the rest of the elements) the next for that collection is this a bug or am i missing something in Linq? BTW: i believe it has something to do with the SqlDataReader in the Linq. I'm working with IAsyncResult.

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Import A Platinum Level Advisor .jar To Use With This Platinum Level Product Key?

Nov 10, 2009

U0161 import a Platinum level Advisor .jar to use with this Platinum level product key.How I can get this and import it to continue my completion of setup of mysql download?From where I can download that file?To enable this application, please provide a MySQL Enterprise Product Key or your MySQL Enterprise credentials.

View 1 Replies - Using Namespaces With C#?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm just starting out learning C# this may be really simple but in VB i have these namespaces

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Globalization" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

How do I go about using those namespaces in C#?

I tried

namespace System.Data


using System.Data

but they didn't work

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Difference Between Namespaces In .NET And C#?

Dec 12, 2009

In C#, if you do this, it will compile:

namespace Name
public class Test


I get (depending on the way I try to use "Test") either "'Name' is not a member of '<Default>'." or "Type 'Name.Test' is not defined." in my error list. I've found two ways to make it work, but neither are reasonable to expect of a user. One is to remove the "Root Namespace" from the project properties. The other is to include that namespace between "Global" and "Name".

I have made a custom tool that uses CodeDom to generate code for both C# and VB.NET. This is the reason why neither of the two fixes above are feasible: I can't expect my users to have an empty root namespace, and I'd hate to have to do VB-specific tricks in my code generation (kind of defeats the purpose of using a language-neutral tool, doesn't it?) such as picking out the "Root Namespace" (not that I'd know how off the top of my head) and including it in my code generation.

I don't want to leave out the global modifier either, because it protects the tool from users picking bad names for the generated output. Does anybody have a suggestion for how I should deal with this?

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