Iframes :: Accessing IFrames Within A Webbrowser Control?

Mar 22, 2010

How can I access the HTML source ofIFrame within a page by using WebBrowser control?For example, if the iFrame consists of the following:<TD class=controlbar><TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 540px; DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 250px" dir=ltr id=vB_Editor_001_textarea tabIndex=1 rows=10 cols=60 name=message>

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VB 2008 - Automate IFrames - Webbrowser IFrames ?

Mar 10, 2010

I was just wondering how to get my vb 2008 form to either a)click iFrames button or link or b) enter text into the iframes textarea or textbox. I noticed that a lot of vBulletin forums have the iframe on their Textarea message box. I have a post that I like to do daily in the classified ads on futureproducers.com and was wondering how to get into the iframe so that I can automate a single post in their classifieds section.

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VS 2010 Working With IFrames In The WebBrowser Control?

Feb 4, 2011

So, I'm trying to make a spiffy little program that lets you search for flash games, and it will automatically display the flash game within the program. (by writing document text to a webbrowser control) Unfortunately, the site I use to get the games from uses iFrames from Custom Google Search to house the search results. I know how to deal with frames in a webbrowser (WebBrowser1.document.window.frames("frame name here").document.so on and so forth), however it seems as though iFrames are different. When I try

, it doesn't recognize that it's there. Same thing if I replace the name with the index of the frame - it's not there. Using


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VB 2008 Webbrowser Filling IFrames?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm new to this forum and was wondering if somebody could help me out on the visual basic 2008 webbrowser filling iFrames.Here is an example iFrame below

<TD class=controlbar><TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 500px; DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 350px" dir=ltr id=vB_Editor_001_textarea tabIndex=1 rows=10 cols=60 name=message>

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VS 2010 WebBrowser - Get The Source Of The Iframes Without Loading Frame By Itself?

Jul 29, 2010

I currently have a main page called "ShowFrames.php" that has this html code in it:


I have loaded "ShowFrames.php" onto my WebBrowser1 control and it loads both of the frames onto the webbrowser control. Now my question is, how can I get the source of either of the iframes WITHOUT loading that frame by itself? For instance, when you load 2 frames on a screen in Firefox, it lets you right click on it, and select "This Frame" > "View Source" so you can view the sources separately. Can anyone tell me how I can duplicate this and put the source in variable strSource? I know that to get source code for a page, you need this WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml But I dont know where to go from there in order to get a specific iframe's source.

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Access Frames/iframes In A Document Using IE?

Feb 24, 2010

it seems to me that the webbrowser.document.frames collection disappears in the webbrowser control how can i access the dom trees in frames now? i'm using VS2008

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Javascript - Iframes, Child Pages And Functions

Jun 20, 2011

I have an aspx page with some controls. One of which is an iFrame, whose source changes (depending on the selection in a listbox). So, if a user selects an item in the listbox (ie: Claims.aspx), the iFrames source changes to "Claims.aspx".

Now here comes the tricky part. I have a button on my 'child' pages (ie: Claims.aspx). I'd really really really like to have that button execute either:

1) Javascript from the 'parent' page
2) A VB function in the code-behind of the 'parent' page

Any way to do this? (and really, why do I suddenly feel like I'm working with VB 3.0?

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Javascript - Iframes, Child Pages And Functions?

Aug 19, 2009

I have an aspx page with some controls. One of which is an iFrame, whose source changes (depending on the selection in a listbox). So, if a user selects an item in the listbox (ie: Claims.aspx), the iFrames source changes to "Claims.aspx".Now here comes the tricky part. I have a button on my 'child' pages (ie: Claims.aspx). I'd really really really like to have that button execute either

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Multiple Iframes On Page - Only IE Changes The Other Frame Properly?

Jun 5, 2012

I have multiple iframe items on a page (vb.net based application), in particular, one is a frame that holds links that generate the details frame. Currently the javascript is working for IE but when used in any other browser it does not work correctly. Here is the line that is causing this errorwindow.parent.detailFrame.location.href = form + "?cat=" + cat + "&par=" + par + "&HighlightID=" + HighlightID;I can tell this line is incorrect in firefox because when placing alerts in the function after this line, they do not fire, but they do in IE. can anyone see what needs to be done for this to work in both firefox and IE?

i am able to use items like


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ASP/VB Byte Arrays, Iframes, Parents, Children And Variables?

Jun 21, 2011

I have an aspx page which houses an iframe. When a button is clicked, a WCF is called to produce a PDF which is read into a byte array. I was storing the byte array in a Globals.vb file like this:

Public Shared PDF_Data as Byte()

The global was loaded from the parent aspx page like this:

PDF_Data = MyWCF.Create_PDF_File(SomeVariable)

After that, the iFrame's src was set to a blank aspx page, which had the following code in the page_load event:

'Write the PDF binary data to the screen (viewer)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"

However, realizing that this application will have several users who will get different PDF documents, I have learned that this is not the way to go. My shared variable would be accessible to all users, a big no-no.However, I am stumped as to how I'm going to store the byte array and make it available to a child aspx page from it's parent.

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Get InnerHTML Of "iFrames" In A Web Browser?

Nov 15, 2010

There is a situation in which I require the text from the "iFrames". I am using webbrowser control to automate but I am unable to find the particular document wherein I can locate my desired data. It is stored in "iFrames". Can anyone help me with "iFrames"?

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Accessing Webbrowser From Another Thread?

Oct 21, 2011

I am using webbrowser control to parse html.I used to have this code that works just fine

Public Shared Sub putHtmlIntoWebBrowser(ByVal html As String)
'WebBrowser.DocumentText = html


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Accessing Click Events For WebBrowser ContextMenu

Apr 24, 2009

How can I access the Click Events for a Webbrowser's ContextMenu? For example if I wanted to access each menu item in the ContextMenu?

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VS 2010 Accessing Webbrowser From Background Worker?

Feb 19, 2012

I have some code that gets the documenttext of the current page in the browser, the trouble is that im trying to use it in a backgroundworker so the ui remains responsive. Everything works fine as is If I run from a button click event, but in the background worker I get errors when trying to use the webbrowser.

'if urltocheck is blank use hidden webbrowser to get page text
If urltocheck = vbNullString Then
'make sure browser isnt already loading


Thats the code how do I make these calls the the browser from the backgroundworker? Or how I can I run an enormous for loop from the ui thread, and still keep the ui responsive?

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Controlling WebBrowser Display If Webbrowser Control Is Used As File Explorer

Apr 18, 2011

I use webbrowser as File Explorer.

If you click folder it opens new folder contents in WB window but if you click html document it opens in EXTERNAL viewer.

How do you get html document to open in WB while exploring ?

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Different Webbrowser Control - Web Based Apps Which Will Require A Webbrowser Extension

Aug 10, 2010

I am writing a few web based apps which will require a webbrowser extension. I have already used the IE webbrowser control that uses the trident web rendering engine. I believe this is MSHTML.DLL? Anyway, some of the users of my programs have complained of a few things. Particularily,

1. It seems to be a slow browser, at least compared to other rendering engines out there (webkit and gecko are 2 known ones).

2. On the developer side, it seems to be low in features. The features are sufficient in most cases, but there are some "special" things that I need.

3. It has VERY low HTML (and especially HTML5) compliance.

My question is, how much work would it take to use a different engine (such as webkit .net, which I HAVE heard of) and be able to distribute it easily. Or, if you guys feel ambitious, we could try writing a brand new engine ourselves. I know how big of a job it is, and frankly, I have no clue where to begin. I would just like your thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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Webbrowser Control - Memory Leak - HTTP Web Request Instead Of A Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2011

i have created an app to load an access database into a datagridview, which contains web urls. When button is clicked it webbrowser1 navigates to each url and each webpages document.inertext is put into textbox. This all work fine but after a while the webbrowser navigation becomes increasingly slower.

For Each RW As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows
'''''''''''#######cell values into strings ########''''''''''''''
If RW.Selected = True Then
Dim domain As String


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Way To Do A 'webbrowser' Without Using WEbbrowser Control That Is Based On Internetexplorer?

Jan 1, 2011

Ive tried to edit option on the webbrowser control, example javascript enable/disable. but found out that it uses IE's option and cannot be changed.So my question is: Is there a way to do a "webbrowser" without using the WEbbrowser control that is based on internetexplorer? If it is, can i change option example flash and so on?

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.net - Accessing A TextBox Control From Another Class/thread?

Apr 16, 2011

im trying to access a richtextbox from another class and thread then the ui and i cant seem to get it working. I currently have the sub thats handling the the work inside of a public class and its a sharedsub, im going to be calling it from several different classes and threads but again i cant seem to get it working. the code looks like this. Public Class SharedSubs


i would be calling sub using SharedSubs.Console("stringstring") when this is called from the ui thread it works fine but when its called from anyother thread or class its does nothing,ive confirmed it going thru this code but its not displaying anything in the textbox and its not thru an exception due to delegates either which i figured it would.

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Accessing Control Attributes From Static Function?

Sep 16, 2010

Here's what I've got:

<textarea id="TextArea1" rows="6" cols="20" runat="server"></textarea>
and in the code-behind:
partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


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Accessing Controls On A Panel Without Using Control Arrays?

Mar 2, 2010

I have an application that has a grid of rich text boxes on a panel. I would like to access and modify the text in the various rich text boxes during run time. I know this has been brought up a bazillon times over the years, but I would have done this as a series of control arrays in VB 6. Below is a simplified representation of how the textboxes would appear in a panel if control arrays were availble:

rtbA(1) rtbB(1) rtbC(1)
rtbA(2) rtbB(2) rtbC(2)
rtbA(3) rtbB(3) rtbC(3)

I find that I can access the properties of the rich text boxes via panel1.controls.item(x).text, for example, where x is the control index assigned by the panel when I dropped the controls on it.

Since I created the rich text boxes at design time and dropped them on the panel, it has arbitrarily assigned the index values, and they are not in the index order that I would desire.

How does one re-assign a control's index at design time for a controls collection on a panel? And if one has 24 text boxes on one panel, is there a way to break them into subgroups, such as rtbA(), rtbB(), rtbC() with their own index values?

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User Control Accessing A Form Within The Project?

May 1, 2010

I have a "windows form" user control--that is, not on a web page etc. This user control has a form within the user control project. However, code from within the user control can't 'see' the form even though it is a public class---I don't understand why this is the case.

So how can I access the controls (a couple of radio buttons) on the form from code within the user control? I tried creating public properties on the form to return the state of the radiobuttons, but this still doesn't work. I get a "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." error

Should I not be able to see the form since it is a public class?

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From HTML Content In A WebBrowser Control, Call Another Control?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a regular application form with a WebBrowser control.I have strung together a .htm file (from a regular text file) which I then assign to the WebBrowser control. In the html file, I have filenames mentioned.I am trying to string together the html in such a way as to give a clickable link or button that will parse into html and open the corresponding file in another WebBrowser control in VB.I have tried using VBScript and JavaScript to put a button in the html.As long as the function or sub I call is also in the same html document, it works, but I really need to transfer the control back into visual basic where I can do the heavy lifting I need to.can I just not do this as a regular VB application? Any way to do it without adding the complication of requiring ActiveX?

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WebBrowser Control: How To Send Text To TEXTAREA Control

Dec 8, 2009

I have a WebBrowser control that have a webpage loaded in it. On the webpage I have a textarea control, like this:

<textarea name="text" id="textarea_obj">

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Accessing The Property Inside Dynamic Control Gives Null Reference Exception?

Jul 13, 2010

I have an app with 24 different Forms. They have some security options based on which the 5 different buttons Submit, Approve, 2nd Approve, 3rd Approve, Reject etc get enabled disabled.Now I designed a MainForm that has all the buttons and the security code for them. I have created eachform as a usercontrol and load them dynamically based on which form the user wants. My loading works perfectly fine. I load the control and Add it to the place holder in the Page load event of the main page.

Now when the user selects the Submit button I want to call the Save method inside the usercontrol of the Form as each form will have a separate Save. So when I try this code snippet I get the Null reference error. Do let me know how to resolve it.

Private UCDynamic As UserControl

Then on Page Load event I use this code

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If not Me.IsPostBack
UCDynamic = LoadControl("Controls/BkCode.ascx")
End if

Then on the ButtonClick Event for Submit I do this

Protected Sub Save_OnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub


Thats where I get the cast Null reference error. So is it that after post back the control no longer exist on the page.

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Asp.net - Accessing POST Data From ASCX User Control On Parent Page?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an ASP.NET page (WebForm) on which I set the content of a central DIV by dynamically loading one of five user controls during Page_Load, dependant on the stage of the application.

One of the user controls contains radio buttons and a text box together with a submit button. What I want to do is process that information when the form is posted using the submit button.

I could do this with an AJAX call using jQuery, but I don't really want to do that, so I'm trying to access the form data on postback, but on page load following the postback the data is not present in the Request.Form object.

Looking at what I need to do it seems pretty simple and I'm sure is once you've got your head around it, but I can't find out how to carry this out. Some of the things I have read refer to event bubbling, but that doesn't make too much sense in this scenario.

EDIT: To clarify, I want to post the page back to itself to capture the values from the form elements via the Request object, store them in the database, and then display a confirmation message (or something else) on postback, and not re-display the same control again. So I won't be loading the same user control again.

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Add A Control To A WebBrowser Control Page?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a webbrowser control, where I show images (bmp files, that the program creates), and I want to add some UserControls to setup the images (as showing layers, or choosing colors to display). Is easy to do appropiate UserControls on VB.NET, and I know almost nothing about HTML, so, I would like to add standard VB.NET UserControls near the images.

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Multi-thread Accessing The UI Thread Control, No Exception Thow?

Oct 11, 2011

As we know, one STA UI thread creats the controls only canbe accessed in the UI thread in Winform application. And we need to call control.invoke or begininvoke to run the code in the background thread.

Yes, below code in VB.Net , VS 2010 Winform project can throw the exception "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Form1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."


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Add Webbrowser Control To New Tab?

Jan 2, 2010

So I've got a button that adds a tab using the tabcontrol object.


How would I add a webbrowser to that since i dont know what the tab page # of it will be specifically?

Each tab will have the same components, but might goto a different url.

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How To Use WebBrowser Control

Jun 1, 2011

I'm tried to make my own web browser by using WebBrowser control in VB.NET 2010. When I run my program it is work fine but when I try to open any link in new window it is opened in Internet Explorer. So how can I start new window in my web browser?

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