Insert Into Text Dynamically?

May 18, 2010

I have a text box that I need to be filled from another form (a search window). I would like to call a function and pass the text box to that function. What is the best way to do this? I think I can just pass the text box as an object. Or I could use an API. I may even be able to pass some kind of handle to the text box. Let me know what would be easiest (I would prefer to avoid API).

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How To Insert Data Dynamically Into Table

Jan 19, 2011

I have a unit-test for my entire solution(over all 300 methods) and this unit-test will run daily. Here is what my unit-test does,Suppose we have Insert method which inserts a data through Store procedure into Sql server 2005 table. The unit-test for this insert method is,first i will run a query(dynamically) which gets all required data for insert method(in other words it will get data from same table and does inserts, this is purely to test the method) and my problem here is if the table does not have data at all then my unit-test fails.

Since I'm doing select dynamically and then inserts, this happens when I run my unit-test in different environmental like Quality Assurance and performance Assurance. So I'm looking for a solution to avoid unit-test failure becz of nodata.. I'm looking for solution where I do some think like this if I get an error message say no data. Then I get data from different environment(like development data base then do insert into the table and run the unit-test).

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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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Get The TEXT Values Entered In Text Boxes Dynamically?

Feb 17, 2010

i'm having the following code to add the textboxes dynamically. now i want to get the values entered in that textboxes dynamically...

heres the code:

Public Class Form1
Public x = 17
Public y = 60


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Text Values Are Not Stored At Text Box Declared Dynamically

Jan 13, 2010

I have declared an array of text boxes created dynamically at run time. The textboxes are assigned some values by user. The text boxes are located in a Form so that once the user fills in the info and clicks the "ok" button, these values are passed at the back end and the form dissappears. However the user can bring back the form again by clicking another button.

The problem is that once the form reappears, the information previously provided in the form remains. Even the user clears the text boxes to provide new value, the text boxes at code behind do not receive these values.

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Insert Text To Rich Text Field At Text Cursor?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a question, how would i have a button, then when you click it, it puts the text at the text cursor in the RTF?

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Change Text Box Name Dynamically?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to change the name of a text box if the name of the text box is first declared as such:[code]I tried the statement: Name = "SBox" & My. Settings. Row Countx but maybe this is wrong.To be very brief I'm trying to resolve this to under the following scenario:

1. Add a new text box to a tab page when user selects "add" button.

2. Each text box must be assigned a unique name

3. Data entered in each text box will be then be saved in my.settings (i.e., for each text box, there will be a corresponding variable/name to hold its text value)

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How To Change Text Dynamically

Jun 22, 2010

In my form, there is 1 Button and 1 Label.

There is no text in Label1 right now.

I have coded the button:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label1.Text = "1"
End Sub
End Class

Now when i run the project, i click on Button1 and Label1 has text in it "1" as it is in the code.

I want when i again run the project, the text in the label should be changed once i click Button1.

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Api - Print Text Dynamically In A Printer?

Oct 16, 2010

class to be used to print a paragraph of text that is to be printed on a printer, In, more than 1 page of text must be dynamically printed by retrieving data from the database.

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Dynamically Add A New Text Box On Button Click

Oct 6, 2011

I have textbox "tb1" on my page and I want users to be able to add another if they need to input more data. I have the following [Code]. My problem is that I can only add one text box each time and I also have a search button for the right panel on the page and if this button is clicked the created textbox will disappear.

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How To Change Label Text Dynamically

Jun 22, 2010

I have only 1 Label in my form. There is no text in Label1. I want that when I run the project, the label has any word or number in it like '1'. I want that when I run the project again, the word or number in the label should be changed to '0'. The name of my label is Label1.

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Access Dynamically Added Rich Text Box?

Apr 14, 2009

I m creating a multi tab application. i m adding tab & RichTextBox in tab control through programming. i want to access the text of rich text box.

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Adding Text In The Textbox Dynamically In The Database?

Nov 29, 2010

Here is my

Private Sub Add_Click
Dim tbox As New TextBox
tbox.Location = New Point(12, 244)


I added a textbox dynamically during runtime. How will I add the text in the textbox to my database? The name property of the textbox cant be change. What is the name property of the texbox created during runtime?

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Assigning Text Box Values Dynamically In A Loop?

Feb 10, 2011

I have 20+ text boxes that are all named like:



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Create Text Boxes Dynamically And Remove Them

Apr 3, 2010

I am using VB.NET vb 2008 . I am trying to create text boxes dynammically and remove them here is the code i have written so far

Private Sub setTextBox()
Dim num As Integer
Dim pos As Integer


I am able to create the textboxes but only a few of them are removed. by using For Each ctrl In Panel1.Controls it doesn't retrieve all the controls and some ae duplicated as well.

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Declaring Menu Item Text Dynamically?

Feb 1, 2010

I've been trying to assign text to menu items using a for loop and had no success. I thought this might work but it doesn't:

For i = 1 To 10
Me.Controls("menuItemName").Text = "ladeeda"

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Dynamically Changing The Text Of A Textbox When A Tab In A Tab Control Changes

Feb 1, 2012

I have VB.NET code that is called when the selected tab index of a tab control changes, I am trying to get the code to change the text in a text box to the URL of the web browser control that when the tab changes. I have the code below, however it gives errors:

AddressTextBox.Text = CType(TabControl.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Url.ToString

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Forms :: Changing ToolStripItem Text Dynamically?

May 10, 2010

I have a ContextMenuStrip attached to a TextBox

Dim TelTBMenu As New ContextMenuStrip
With TelTBMenu
.Name = "TelTBMenu"


Whilst the form is loaded this runs fine twice, but then although the Setting boolean is reset the ToolStripItem text remains unchanged unless the form is re-loaded.

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Forms :: Dynamically Change Label Text?

Apr 9, 2010

Is there a way to change label text at run time?. I don't want to annoy users with popup. So planning to display error in a label if its text could be changed.

So far I have included a Main Form which has a label lblErrorFeedback which is not visible initially and I have done this but does not work.

lblErrorFeedback.Visible = True
lblErrorFeedback.Text = ""
lblErrorFeedback.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
lblErrorFeedback.Text = "Error Occured"

Is there a better way to show the error with out popups?

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VS 2008 : Dynamically Update Label Text?

Aug 8, 2011

I have several group boxes on a winform. within each there are several labels.I am accessing the group boxes with no issues but I can't seem to find a way to update the labels within by looping. They have the same name except the last character which is a number 1 - 9. ex. lbl1, lbl2 ... lbl9.I need to update the text of each label in code with text I get from a database ex. lbl1.text = one, lbl2.text = two etc... I want to loop through the labels to assign the text. Getting text from database is no issue what I am not doing properly is getting the labels.

do while QstNum < 10
Dim ln As New Label
ln.Name = "SC_Cat" & QstNum


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Insert The Text Inside A Set Of Text Boxes?

Nov 3, 2010

i'm trying to insert the text inside a set of text boxes, into a table, the table has these columns

TicketID ("Autonumber")| StaffName | PCNumber | ZoneNumber | Description | TechnicianAssigned | JobComplete ("Yes/No")

Whats wrong with my SQL statement?

conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\Uni (Year 3)\EJ315020S - Windows Application Devlopment\Assignment Database\Details.mdb"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO SupportTickets VALUES " & txtStaffName & "," & txtPCN & "," & txtZoneNumber & "," & rtbDescription & "," &


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Add Random Number To All Text Boxes Which Create Dynamically?

Mar 15, 2012

My problem is after I created 5 rows of text boxes, I want to add random numbers to all of the text boxes in one time when I click the button.Here are my coding to create text box dynamically:

Private Sub btnAdd5Row_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddFiveRow.Click
For Me.count = count To 5


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Adding A Datarow By Dynamically Reading A Text File?

May 15, 2012

I have a program that reads a text file and creates a datatable dynamically based on the columns in the file.

This seems to work fine.

I then try to read the rest of the text file, creating a data row to add to my table. I'm using the code below but it's not working for me.

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
Dim strFieldData As New ArrayList
Dim obj As New Object()


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Delete Dynamically Created Text Boxes From A Form?

Feb 10, 2012

ive got code like the code below that creates textboxes dynamically. I want to be able to click a button and delete all of these textboxes i make, however im not sure how to do this. When i tell the program to remove the TBIndex control it does not do anything. The only way i get it to work is if i put the command in the same sub as this code. This code runs in a loop by the way.

So if the loop runs one time and creates the TBIndex control and i have a line of code right after to remove the textbox, then it does not show up on my form. But if i put the command in to remove the textboxes somewhere else and run the code the loop runs abunch of times and creates all teh textboxes and the loop is complete, then the remove control part is called and nothing happens. I just need a way to clear all the textboxes off my form with like a button. I also tried painting over the textboxes with a big grey rectangle but that dindt work.

TBIndex.Width = 54
TBIndex.Height = 20
TBIndex.Visible = True


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Dynamically Add And Remove Text Boxes Based On Numeric Up/down?

Aug 18, 2010

I find myself copying single files to multiple different machines, so would like to create something to help.I would like a numericupdown, which dynamically adds text boxes (which will be destination file paths). I will obviously need it to remove them too when I decrease the number.

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Updating A Database With Dynamically Created Text Boxes

Jan 31, 2010

With the following example of code, whenever the user clicks a menu item it will load up a new form. This form will then read from a database, and create text boxes throughout.

Private Sub allowances_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If mainMenu.currentSlic.ToString = "0" Then


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Visual Studio - Change Text Of A Button Dynamically In .net?

Apr 19, 2012

I have button that reads "True", When the user presses it, I want it to read "False". I have tried the following but it does not work.


View 2 Replies - Losing <asp:Label> Text Value From ViewState For Dynamically Added Control?

Mar 5, 2012

I am adding controls to a page programatically in the code behind. I add an asp:Label and set it's Text value. I add an asp:TextBox and set it's Text value. Both Text values are returned in the Response and displayed in the browser. All fine so far.

The user performs an action that causes a postback. I re-load the dynamically added asp:Label and asp:TextBox. When the Response is returned to the browser, only the asp:TextBox Text value is displayed. The asp:Label Text value is not. If I inspect the HTML I can see the asp:Label control (rendered as an HTML span tag) but no value.

How can I get the code to automatically re-load the Text value of an asp:Label on each postback? Why is the behaviour different for an asp:Label and an asp:TextBox? I do not want to have to manually re-set the Text value on each postback.

Here is some code similar to what I am doing (placeHolderNameplates is an asp:PlaceHolder control on the aspx page): Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then


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In Zedgraph, How To Dynamically Add/delete Bars When Axis.Type=Text

Jan 20, 2012

I am using zedgraph to draw bar chart in my project. The bar base is Y (meaning all bars are horizontal). I have 9 fields for user to choose from, and once a user clicks a field, one corresponding bar will show. Of course, the user can click off the selected field to remove the corresponding bar item. I can do this. The basic idea is to get all bar items and set their visibility according to user's selection. My problems is that I want to have a textlabel next to each bar (this text label is different from legend)so I set the yAxis.Type=text. There are two problems:

1) When I add bars, I still need to specify x and y value. How do I set y value in this case to make sure bar ally perfect with its text?

2) As far as I know, I can add text labels by an array as the last line code shows. But obviously this only works for bar chart with fixed bars. In my case, the number of bars and also the order is changing based on user selection. How can I set text labels?

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Reporting Services - Dynamically Change Text Color Using SSRS?

Apr 16, 2009

I am using the below code to dynamically change the text, but I also need to change the color from black to red of the entire row in SSRS, using VB.NET.However, row.Cells.Style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red does not work. Any ideas on how to dynamically change text color in a particular row?


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