Inserting Data Into A Numeric Sql Field?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a field in a sql table that is of datatype numeric(9,0).I have a time field on my input screen that is type textbox.I want to insert the time (which is type text) into the numeric field of my table. Do I need to parse this data somehow? Or will it just work as a text field? How would I do that?

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VS2008 - Force Default Value In Text Field/validate Data Is Numeric?

May 11, 2009

Dense student here with little sleep here during finals week...I have a text field being read on a button click event (along with lots of other information being read). This field needs to have a number entered.

I either:

1) Force a default value (i.e. - "2")

2) Verify there's something in the field AND that something is numeric...

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How To Aggregate Field's Numeric Value

Nov 1, 2011

How to Aggregate field's numeric value..? in visual basic 2010.i am created a form with a datagridview and a textbox .datagridview binding with a table. in visual basic 2010 and SQL Server 2008R2

table fields and datagridview columns are like below


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IDE :: How To Total Numeric Field In Datagridview

Feb 9, 2010

how can i total numeric field in datagridview

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Checking Password Field For 1 Numeric And 1 Alpha?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a textbox that acts as a password field. It is supposed to contain a value at least 8 characters long and not greater than 12 characters in length. I need to construct an if statement that checks to see if there is at least 1 numeric character in the string and at least one letter in the string.

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Fix The Difference Between Float And Numeric Field Types?

Dec 27, 2011

I have two dbf tables and must compare them by column (field) types. For example:

Table1: Id (Numeric) | Name (Character) | Salary (Numeric)
Table2: Id (Numeric) | Name (Character) | Salary (Float)

With these two tables program should display message like (types do not match in field SALARY [F <> N]) where F is float and N is numeric.

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Insert Null Value From A Textbox At Numeric Field?

May 17, 2012

Why when I try to save a null value from textbox at sql server 0 is saved?

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VB 2008 Numeric Field Binding To MS Access?

Dec 15, 2009

I am having a problem with something seemingly basic and typical. However, I have tried and searched for many hours, I could not find a solution. I am using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008. I tried to bind a textbox to a numeric field in an MS Access table. When I enter an number to the textbox, sometimes it would be converted to another number when I tab out of the textbox. For example, if I type '123456.78', it would be automatically changed to '123456.781', '123456789' would be changed to '123456792'. The wrong numbers are stored in the database too. For smaller number, it seems to be OK. For example, '1234.56' is O

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Inserting New Field Into Database - Getting Error?

Apr 13, 2010

I've got this code. But I keep getting an INSERT INTO error when I try to insert a new field into the database

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim recordsadded As Integer
Dim strSQLString1, strSQLString2, strSQLString As String
strSQLString1 = "INSERT INTO tblParts (PartName, PartPrice, Part Supplier) "
[Code] .....

My 3 datatypes are text values, and I have another form adding entries to my database in another table, which are all text values.

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Checking For A Duplicate On Table Before Inserting The Field?

Dec 22, 2009

I need to check if a Commodity entered into (TextBox1.Text) already exists on my table before i insert it. I'm having issues checking if the number of rows returned from my Select is equal 0? Also i'm wondering should i be checking for an exception and open/closing my connections each time i make a call to my DB or is the way i have it coded below OK?

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
myConnection = New SqlConnection("server=localSQLEXPRESS;uid=sa;password=12345;database=My DB")


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Inserting Empty String Field As Null In Access?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a couple of textfields in a Windows form. One of these textfields is allowed to be NULL. When I enter a value for every field, it is all inserted, no problem. When I leave the field (txtGewicht) blank, I can't seem to be able to insert NULL in Access Database.

If Double.TryParse(txtGewicht.Text, 0) Then
klant.Gewicht = Double.Parse(txtGewicht.Text)


This is what I get:

"Cannot set column 'Gewicht' to NULL, please use DBNull instead"

So I changed 'Nothing' to DBNull.value, but it then tells me that System.DBNull cannot be converted to type Double.

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Inserting Multiple Dropdownlist Values In A Field In Database (ASP)?

Dec 29, 2011

I have three dropdownlist which values are to be inserted in one particular field in the database. But i am new to ASP.

This are my following codes:
Dim strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(strConn)


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Inserting Word 2007 Document Into A Database Field

May 8, 2009

VS2005 (VB) SQLServer 2005

I want to insert (store) a Word 2007 document into an SQL database field. I've previously done this with PDF files into an 'image' datatype field without problems. I can add the original document and retrieve it for viewing using Filestream as follows:

To add the file (where 'strPdfFile' is the file and 'myImageBuffer' is added to the field)
Dim myStream As FileStream = New FileStream(strPdfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)


This also works with a Word .doc file (substituting the file extension). With a .docx file however, when taking the ByteArray back out of the database and re-creating the document, there is a problem opening it with Word 2007. An error message says the file is corrupt but offers to recover the file, which it does successfully.

I know docx is OpenXML but in this case I'm not interested in the data structure (as such), I just want to store it. I guess I should be using a different method (Serialization?) but not sure which. I would also like to keep the field DataType (image) if I can.

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Numeric And Non Numeric Data?

Jan 22, 2010

I am reading a data file and storing them in an array of string.Data is random, could be like "1","2","133,18" but sometimes there can be missing values like "?".Once I load the data in the array, I want to check if at least a majority (like 60% of them) are numeric values.If yes, then I wanna track down the higher and lowest value in the array, and output a range of 5.Loop through the array

If 60% of them are numbers (integers or decimals) then find highest value, find lowest value end if produce range

If for example lowest = 1 and highest = 100, range of 5 means 0,20,40,60,80,100 (so 5 ranges are 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-100).Also if the ranges turn to have decimals due to weird numbers, I would like to round them up.My problem is, in order to find highest and lowest when there are non numeric values in the array like "?", how should I handle those? I was thinking of something like Double.NaN but I would have to have an array of doubles.

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Check If A Field In A Data Table Is Null Before Creating A Textbox Bound To That Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I am building a data based application using VB 2008 an SQL Express. I need to create textboxes on my form using code, (With & End With) method. I need a simple code string that will allow the app to check if the field to wich the textbox wil be databound is Nul, If so the textbox will not be created.

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Is There A Numeric Text Box Not An Up-down Box A SIMPLE Numeric Box Into Which The User Can Place A Number

Apr 6, 2012

Is there a numeric text box, not an up-down box, a SIMPLE numeric box into which the user can place a number, 5 boxes actually, then on command have the five boxes added and the sum displayed?

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IDE :: Allow Non Numeric Data?

Sep 17, 2009

I have a textbox field which when I save ,if the field has a Non Numeric Data throws an error message.How to fix this ?

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INSERTING - Accepting Both The Forms Data And The TabControl Data

Jul 22, 2010

I am INSERTING into 2 different tables with 2 different buttons (One after the other by clicking each button). I have a form with 1 button directly on it to INSERT into tblCustomers from a field that is directly on the form as well. I then have a TabControl with another button with other fields (5 to be exact).

After I add data to the data base by filling out the field on the form and then by first clicking the add button located directly on the form and then add data to the fields directly on the TabControl the data will not INSERT itself into the tables in the data base for the 2nd table. Only the first table get data in it and not the one related to the TabControl.

BUT if i add data in the TabControl and then click the button on the TabControl it adds data into to the 2nd table. Is there a way to refresh my program so that it will accept both the "forms data" and the "TabControl data"?

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated Inserting Data

Jan 27, 2012

I have problem when i inserted data. the error show String or binary data would be truncated. What is meaning of that??

This my code:

Dim sqlcmd As New SqlCommand


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Convert Numeric Data To Currency?

Jun 5, 2012

So I know ("C") converts it to currency, but when I do that I get "Expression is not an array or method, and cannot have an argument list."[code]...

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Input A Negative Or Non Numeric Data?

May 10, 2010

i have finished my code and the program works but i need setup a few error messages incase a user inputs invalid data (non numeric, and negative numbers)i keep getting both errors at the same time when i input a negative or non numeric data. My program allows a user to calculate cell phone bill


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Numeric Data Without Decimal In Datagridview?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a bound Datagridview with a column Quantity in which I want to enter numbers but dont want the user to type a decimal. E.g. 100 should be allowed, however 100.23 should not be allowed.Have set the DefaultCellStyle property of this column to

DataGridViewCellStyle { Format=N0 }


Also in my Form Load event i have entered below code:

= "N0"[code].....

However this is not working.When I run the program it is allowing me to enter decimal values.

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Transfer Numeric Data From One Form To Another?

Mar 29, 2011

Is there a way to transfer numeric data from one form to another?

For instance: form1 textbox1.text = form2 textbox3.text and i would like to add it to the number already in form2 textbox3.text. Is that to much to expect...I am very new to .net

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VS 2008 - Storing / Using Numeric Data

Oct 20, 2009

I have the book "Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step", I am in the final chapters and have completed all of the walk through and demo programs thus far. I am a beginner but I also have a basic understanding of quite a few program statements and objects. My Goal: For the sake of simplicity I will use an example. I have a Tetris game, the player loses in the first level earns 25 points they click the save score button. , they play again tomorrow and do 1,000 levels and earn 25,000, now their score is 25,025.

Then they play my blackjack game, they gain 25,025 points when they start automatically from their Tetris game, they earn 25 points in blackjack click a save score button, now they have 25,050. [Thus far I have 2 games, and they both share a score that will need to be added to in the future]


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While Inserting Data Into SQL Server Data Table?

Dec 15, 2011

I am using VB.Net 2010 and SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition I have created a table named customer having columns (id int, fullname varchar(50)) and id is my primary key I have created a Class Library for inserting data into the customer table. to insert data I am using following code...

Public Function insertData(ByVal TableName As String, ByVal LinkToDb As SqlConnection, ByRef Adapter As SqlDataAdapter, ByRef DS As DataSet, ByVal MyArray As ArrayList) As Integer
' ----- inserts data into table
Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand


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Bound Datagridview Sorting With Numeric Data

Jun 28, 2009

I am a programmer from Uruguay. I have read the other similar questions about my problem, but nobody has given the answer I need. I use VB .net 2005 and its datagridview. I bind it to a dataset which is populated with a table of MySql. And when I sort the numeric columns, it sorts them as string, not numbers. I have tried casting the data to integer in the sql statement, but it doesn`t work. I changed the format of the column of the datagridview to single or long but it didn't worked either. I really can't believe it is happening, it is a so common need! I thingk It should be totally automatic.

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Only Read Numeric Data From Text File

Dec 4, 2010

I only want to place the numerical data in an array. At the moment I have the following code to do this. [Code]. This code places the numbers in the data array when there is not any text in the file, i.e. when there are no headers. I would like to place the headers in another array, and then have the numbers in the array as in the code above.

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Reading Name And Numeric Data From Text File

Apr 27, 2012

I'm working on a program for a side business I run with a friend, who is a non-programmer.I've done a program before, using IO.StreamReader and IO.StreamWriter to read and write lines to a text file.

But now, I'm working on reading text data (it's output from an old legacy program) that reads a first and last name, and the customer number (6 digits) from one file.

Then, it uses the data (customer number) read the first time to cross reference the zip code and status from a second file, and display it.

The Data in the Text Files are as follows:[code...]

How would I begin parsing for the first and last name, and the customer number to assign to different variables?In the line that references names.txt I meant to put customers.txt.

That's a snippet of code I took from a previous program, so I know how to read the data, just don't know how to extract it.

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VB6 Adding Random Numbers To Numeric Data

Apr 5, 2010

I have an issue in VB6 that is giving me a major headache. When using a variable defined as a single data type, VB6 will add random numbers to the number i assign to it.

For instance I have a single variable that is manually set to 0.3. Then i create another single variable and set it to 0.25. I have the program add 0.01 to the second variable until it equals the first. But they never equal. I couldn't figure out why when both were showing they equaled 0.3.


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Cannot Convert Data Type Vachar To Numeric And Db Is SQL 2005?

Jul 27, 2010

am new to VB programming and i just encountered an error saying i can not convert data type vachar to numeric and my db is SQL 2005 and data type for ALL columns is varchar. please can anyone HELP. this is where i am getting the error: myInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO hotrrefuge( [REGISTRATION_ NUMBER],surname, firstname, othernames, office_address,title,


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