Inter Form Data Usage In WPF?

Jan 19, 2010

How to use output of one window as input for other window's code like in vb we can do the following:

Public Class Form1
Public x As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]....

here x is a variabke in form 1 and can be used in form2 how can i do this in wpf

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Inter-form Communication - Form Being Called Form Several Forms Using ShowDialog()

Mar 28, 2011

I have a form being called form several forms using ShowDialog().

1. Is there a way for called form to know which form called it by receiving a code or key from the calling form?

2. The calling form has a gridview. How can the called form pick up a column's value from the currently highlighted row in gridview in the calling form?

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Form 1 Has Different Memory Usage At Different Times

Jul 1, 2009

i have two forms : Form1 and Form2..when i start application form 1 opens up, the memory usage is 10MB then i open form 2 and close form 1, the memory usage is 25MB.Again i close form2 and open form1, then the memory usage is 30MB.Why is this so that form 1 has different memory usage at different times...?

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Data Usage And Speed Increase N Decrease

May 17, 2012

I want sme small window and data usage and speed increase n decrease can b done n v cn use a credit or atm card also

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Reducing Memory Usage When Storing Data In A Program - C#

Apr 18, 2012

I have an ArrayList that stores 100,000+ numbers inside of it. Each number is 10 digits in length or smaller. The program itself has data input into it, of which it loops through the user input to see if any of their numbers are already in the array using if ArrayList.Contains(userinput).

It would appear that when having an ArrayList of this size a LOT of memory is being used. Would there be a faster way to run this, E.g. Database or If TextFile.Contains(Line)?

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Get The Current Number Of Usage Days, Unique Usage Days, Etc In An Evaluation License Using CryptoLicensing Generator?

Jan 25, 2010

Get the current number of usage days, unique usage days, etc in an evaluation license using CryptoLicensing Generator.

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Trying To Build Inter-Group Meeting Schedule

May 4, 2009

I'm trying to build a inter-group meeting schedule, which could be described as a distributed sequence with recurrence relationships (restrictions).

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VS 2010 Memory Usage Increases On Every Form Open?

Aug 26, 2010

I check the memory usage of my project from task manager, It always increases when I open forms but doesnt decrease when I close them. So the memory usage is getting bigger and bigger...

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Use TaskManager CPU And Mem Usage Data Along With Process Class GetProcesses Method?

Feb 23, 2010

I am iterating processes using the Process class GetProcesses method. I would like to display information formatted similarly to the way the TaskManager displays it. Where to I get the CPU and Mem Usage data that the TaskManager displays?

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C# - Inter-process Communication: Named Pipes Or Status Files?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm building a tool that consists of a Webservice that will run commandline tools at specific times. On average there will be running 15-20 CL tools at the same time. Every CL tool runs no longer than about 0,5-1 minute on average. The webservice needs to be able to check each CL's status every 2-3 seconds or so.

I've got some advice about how to do this; named pipes looks likes the best "technical" solution. However I'm wondering if communicating with simple very small text "status" files would be a better, less complicated and less error-risk, way. I prefer the solution that is the most resource friendly.

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VB Memory Usage - Open The Form That Is Linked To Multiple Tables - It Jumps To 157 Mb?

Aug 1, 2011

I have an VB application that I developed in Visual Studio 2008. The back end is SQL. Application stores quite a bit of information and gets updated daily by users. It also connects to AD to get u/p, adds new accounts in AD and adds mailboxes. Users connect to it through Citrix. We noticed big spikes in memory usage. The executable itself is less than 5Mb; if I run it and it opens main form - memory usage jumps to about 19Mb, open a report - it jumps to 80 Mb. If I open the form that is linked to multiple tables - it jumps to 157 Mb. Once users start pulling new information in, update it and connect to AD or Exchange - it could jump to 250 Mb. Also noticed that if user with read only rights has application opened and idle - memory usage constantly changes with a pattern
like 17Mb - 19 Mb - 15 Mb - 17 Mb and so on. This user wasn't even using computer at the time. In general - what could cause such jumps in memory usage? What is the best way to prevent it? On the server we have Windows Server 2003 SE

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.net - Inter Process Reader Writer Lock (or File Handles And Access Denied)

May 8, 2009

We needed an inter-process reader/writer lock.We decided to use a file and lock the first byte using LockEx and UnlockEx. The class creates a file in the system temp folder when it is created. The file is created with readwrite access and share read|write|delete.We also specify DeleteOnClose so we don't leave loads of temp files laying around. Obviously AcquireReader and AcquireWriter call LockEx with appropriate flags and ReleaseLock calls UnlockEx.We have tested this class using a small application that you can run several instances of and it works perfectly. The application that uses it has a problem, which we have managed to re-produce in another small test app. In pseudo code it is

Create InterProcessReaderWriter
Dispose InterProcessReaderWriter without acquiring any locks
Launch a child process which takes a reader lock

The first time this runs, it works fine. If you attempt to run it again, while the child process from the first time is still holding the lock, we get an UnauthorisedAccessException when trying to open the file.This appears to be a permission issue, not a sharing violation but all the processes in this test case are running as the same user.

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Use Named Pipe For Full Duplex Inter-process Communication In Vb 2010 (Framework 3.5)?

Apr 13, 2012

I have 2 applications that needs to talk to each others. After some research, I wanted to go with managed pipe (namespace The problem is, the client must send commands to the server but need to also wait for incoming message from the server at the same time. I tried to go asynchrone but it doesn't work.


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Primary Monitors Says Command Line Inter Face Has Stoped Working When Try To Ope Catalyst Control Center?

Feb 15, 2010

catalsyt control center can not be open im monitor display, the warning says command line intrface has stoped working already try to downlowload new dr

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How To Get CPU Usage

Apr 28, 2009

How do I get the cpu usage percentage to display in the label on a form?

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Transferring VB Form Data To Excel Worksheet And Copying New Excel Data To A VB Form?

Aug 22, 2011

I created a VBA project in Excel. I would like to figure out how to transfer the data back in forth to make a more presentable and user-friendly program in VB Studio.Basically, I need my form in VB to input data to into an excel ��, where the calculations are preformed. Then I need to copy the finished excel data cells �workbook.results� and paste them into an end result form in VB. I have tried looking at threads and cannot come up with a solution. There is no data saved each time the program runs, so I don't have a database.

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Inter-Program Variables - If A Variable In Form1 Is "True" Than, How Can Make A Variable In Form2 Turns To "True" Too?

Feb 11, 2012

I know that

Public Incognito As Boolean

is a variable called "Incognito" that is class-wide that is a boolean.My question is that is there a form-wide variable form that can like communicate with different forms. So if a variable in form1 is "True" than, how can you make a variable in form2 turns to "True" too?

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A To Z Usage Of Interfaces In .NET?

Dec 30, 2011

In this discussion let us discuss every usage of interfaces in .NET. Any real time examples and difficulties in using interfaces can also be discussed here.

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Add A Usage Timer?

Oct 4, 2009

How would i moniter how long a user uses my program and when it reaches a hour it will close the program, but then the user will have to wait 24 hours before they can gain accesss to the form again perhaps open a msgbox that shows how long is left till it can be used I like.. [code]...

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Get Cpu Usage Of Processes?

Jun 7, 2011

im making a task manager and want to get cpu usage of a process this is how my code looks now

For Each proc As System.Diagnostics.Process In pList
Dim lstStuff As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem()
lstStuff.Text = proc.Id.ToString


everything works but the cpu part it returns values over 100%?

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Getting CPU Usage In VB2010?

Aug 2, 2010

im using visual basic 2010 express and im wanting to know how i can display the CPU usage (over all CPU usage like you would find on the task manager), the RAM usage, the temperature, and the frames per second all in separate list boxes.I have searched around on the internet for a long time looking for the code's to do this, none seem to be compatible with the 2010 express version.

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Getting The Declaration And Usage?

Aug 6, 2009

I was told to use this to specify a folder that I want my node to go to.

Public Enumeration SpecialFolder
Dim instance As Environment.SpecialFolder

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VS 2008 Usage Of UDP In .net?

Sep 24, 2009

I was thinking in doing some voice chat in my application which requires the use of UDP.

If you know any useful articles or can give me a boost I will be very glad and obliged.

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.net Memory Usage Functions?

Jun 6, 2010

i am a beginner in programming...started a project in it.Below is the breif project description.The application is to ensure the integrity of the files.Following are the majors things that i have to implement

1. To browse the files from the disk on runtime.initially i am just taking the database files so it's basically to connect with the MS access db files.

2.To apply the different hash and encryption algos on the file.

3.To store the results on the hard disk back.

4. To calulate the performance of each algo using some performance matrix.(TIME,MEMORY USAGE etc)

Now i am having problem in two things.First in runtime connectivity with MS access batabase..and secondly and the main problem is that i could'nt find any appropriate builtin function to calulate the processing TIME and the MEMORY usage.

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Begininvoke And Invokerequired Usage?

Dec 1, 2011

instead of using if control.invoke required in a procedure can I just call the procedure with begininvoke?I have, possibly, the following:

Private Sub UpDateTimer_Elapsed(sender As Object, e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles UpDateTimer.Elapsed
If MicActive Then
PTTCancelTime += 1


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C# - When Are Predicates Appropriate And What Is The Best Pattern For Usage

Jan 11, 2011

When are predicates appropriate and what is the best pattern for usage? What are the advantages of predicates? It seems to me like most cases where a predicate can be employed a tight loop would accomplish the same functionality?

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C# Usage In COM Heavy Application?

Feb 23, 2010

I would like to use C# for an application I'm building, but the application makes heavy use of automation (i.e. Excel, Word).

Is it feasible to use C# for such an application? It used to be a nightmare to use C type languages for things like parameter lists with null arguments etc..?

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ControlStyles.UserMouse Usage?

Jan 25, 2010

for the form styles, the manual writesQuote:

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Dbo Stored Procedure Usage?

Oct 11, 2011

VB code to use a dbo SQL stored procedure which allow the VB form to insert data into SQL dabase table?

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Generate From Usage Was In VB2008?

Dec 14, 2009

I've been using 2005 but just downloaded 2010 and discovered Generate From Usage.

Did 2008 have this provision?

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