Launch And Watch A Process From .NET 2010?

Mar 9, 2011

I am working on an application that needs to launch Microsoft Word, and then resume when the user closes Word. The code below should work, but it does not. I get an 'object not set to an instance of an object'

1 Dim pInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
2 Dim P As New Process
3 pInfo.FileName = "C: estLLR.doc"
4 P = Process.Start(pInfo)
5 ''# Here is where it goes bad
6 P.WaitForInputIdle()
7 P.WaitForExit()

I put p into the watch window and it shows a a system.diagnostics.process in the watch after line2, but after line 4 it return to NOTHING. The process launches, but I can not monitor it any longer with lines 6 & 7. Is this a 'limitation' of Visual Studio 2010 or am I making an operator error? The MS Help does not show process available in the 2010 version (it is in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008).


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How To Watch Process Activity

Jun 30, 2012

How to watch process activity ?

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Watch If New Process Start?

May 27, 2010

Is there a way to get info like process name of started program, so if i start internet exp. it will detected it and get like iexplorer.

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Make Program Watch Another Process?

Jan 23, 2009

How can I make my program watch another process? For example if I open internet explorer it shows the process as iexplore.exe. Now if I wanted to close my program when I closed iexplore.exe how would I do that?

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Launch And Monitor VB6 App From App Via Process Namespace?

Jul 9, 2009

I need to launch a VB6 application (which i am already doing fine with the Process namesapce) but I would like to be able to send status updates back to the VB.Net app which fired up the process. I looked into the standardinput and standardoutput but it looks like that is only intended for console apps. Any suggestions on methods to do that? I need something that is bullet proof and instant. I dont want to write logs out to a file and use filesystemwatcher to monitor for changes.

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C# - Launch A Process In A User's Session From A Service?

Jun 27, 2010

In Windows Vista/7/2008/2008R2, is it at all possible to launch a process in a user's session from a service? Specifically, the local session would be most useful.Everything I've been reading seems to say this isn't possible, but I figured I'd ask here before giving up completely.My service signs on as Local System.

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Winforms - Launch Form As A Separate Process

Mar 28, 2011

I have VB.NET application in which one of the form has IE control in it, the application starts initially with memory size consumed around 9 MBs, but when IE form is launched, the memory consumed rises to 27 MB, and when that form is closed, the memory reduces merely by 3-4 MBs, so why memory allocated to IEFrame is not de-allocated automatically?

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[2005] Launch Process.Start On Client PC Instead Of Server Side?

Feb 1, 2009

I am building an internal web page which retrieves binary data from a SQL database, converts the binary to an image file, then opens the file on the clients PC.In debug mode, this works fine, because the program downloads the file successfully into a temporary directory, converts it to the image then uses System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() to launch the image file in the associated image viewing program.However, as soon as I upload it to the server, two undesired things happen:

a. The file gets saved on the servers temporary directory, instead of the client temporary directory (I kind of expected this to happen, so this wasnt much of a suprise)

b. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() does not launch the file successfully. Nothing actually happens when it gets to this part of code, however I suspect that it is trying to launch the process on the server end, instead of the client end.

how I can get System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() to launch on the client end OR how I could get the image to just appear in the clients web browser instead?

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Launch A Java Executable (let's Call It MyApp.jar) From .Net Using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start?

Apr 20, 2009

I want to launch a java executable (let's call it MyApp.jar) from .Net using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start. What's the syntax in VB.Net? The command line syntax is this (if I recall it correctly - because i tried it a few days ago and it worked).

java.exe -jar MyApp.jar pathToSourceFile pathToDestFile

How do I run this command in VB.Net, using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start, assuming I have the following three string variables in VB.Net


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Have The Ability To Watch IP Camera View Via VB 2010 And VLC Plugin?

Sep 1, 2010

I would like to have the ability to watch my IP camera view via Visual Basic 2010 and VLC plugin.My camera works as a Web Server and it has a 'User Name' and a 'Password' in order to be accessed.I use the code below:


And nothing happens.If I replase the "rtsp" with a file path and name to our Hard Disk,the video works fine.How can I use RTSP?How can I store the UserName and Password for my Camera in VB source code?

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VS 2010 Network Manager - Watch The Screens Of Other Computers Connected In LAN

Jul 30, 2011

i m new in .net programming i am wanting to develop a network application by which i can watch the screens of other computers connected in LAN,i can give permissions/privilages to other users.

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Using Process.Start Method To Launch Another Application From Application?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm using Process.Start method to launch another application from my application. Until today, there was no problem. But I have tested my application in a different OS, Windows XP (SP3), and my application didn't work right on that. I'm also using arguments to run that application. I guess for some reason my application couldn't send arguments to other application correctly under Windows XP. Maybe it is related to my code. But you should know, it works great on Windows 7.


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VS 2010 How To Launch App With Button

Apr 14, 2010

How to launch some application installed on PC with button? e.g. in my win for app I insert button and when I click on that button I launch Outlook (basically I will be launching app that are default on PC so the path is the same on all PC's)

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VS 2010 Launching New Process & Detecting If That Process Has An Error Message

Nov 19, 2011

I am working on a small VB application that listens for commands sent from an Android app.

One of the functions is to extract an archive. I am familiar with how to listen for the unrar process to finish, so I can display a progressdialog on the phone while the extraction is happening, and clear it as soon as it's done.

BUT ... if there is an error/alert from WinRAR, WaitForExit() never gets called because WinRAR is still sitting there open until I click "OK" on the MsgBox.

For Example ... if you try to extract a file that is not actually an archive... an alert will pop up saying "No Archives Found", and basically everything is halted on the VB app and the Android app, and the Android app just sits on a progressdialog saying "extracting..." until you manually hit "OK" on the computer.

As you can imagine, this is a problem if the whole point of your app is to NOT have to go over to the computer.

So... I am wondering if there is something similar to WaitForExit() that will wait for an error and allow me to close out the alert and let the process end.

Here's my Sub for the UnRar command:

Private Sub UnRar(ByVal WorkingDirectory As String, ByVal filepath As String)
Dim objRegKey As RegistryKey
objRegKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("WinRARShellOpenCommand")


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Best Use Of Time At Visual Studio Launch 2010

Jun 27, 2012

I am switching from Winforms to WPF in April. I am also going to be in attendance at the Visual Studio Launch in Las Vegas.I have a real need to get up to speed quickly in WPF, so What sessions are going to be the best use of my time?I've got some picked out already, but I'm looking for some more advice on how to wade through all the marketing fluff and get some real educational value out of these few days. I have not been to one of these events before, so I don't really know how much is marketing hype, and how much is solid content/A couple of the workshops look interesting (VPR02 and VPS02), but I don't know enough about the actual content of these to justify the extra expense right now. I do have WPF learning planned other than just these few days in Vegas, but since I'm going to be there anyway, I want to learn as much as I can in the time available.

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Using The Shell Function In VB 2010 To Launch Perfmon?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to launch perfmon /res on a Windows 7 (32bit) install using VB Express 2010. When I use the line:

shell("C:WindowsSystem32perfmon /res", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

All I get told is that the file doesn't exist. IT DOES EXIST! ITS RIGHT THERE! If you try in cmd it works, if you go there in explorer it works, if NASA used an orbital platform connected to my c$ share and tried, it would work. If you get VB to check for the existence of the file using an if statement it finds it, then tells me its not there the very next line when I use shell to run it.

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VS 2010 How To Make A Image Launch A Program

Nov 29, 2009

i just recently started programming 2010, My background is PHP so programming is what i want to do.I have a program im making, kinda a project for myself.I have got alot of the design elements made, but im stuck on some of the items that i would like created.

1. I have Combo boxes, the names of them are "wowlocation", "wowreagon". these all have default values. How would i go into the registry get the values and if i change it it would auto put it into the registry.

2. I have a file in foulder named "realmd.***" when i choose my options from the boxes it must put what i selected into the file (The file is a normal txt file with the ext *** only), it has to pull the "wowlocation" and "wowreagon" from the DB, when it does that it is able to pick the right thing to put on,There is only 3 Values, US, EU and WTN, each will have its own text to put into the file, how would i Open that Specific file and then write the values i choose?

3. How do i make a Image Launch a Program? (The location of the file is in the registery, basicly "wowlocation/wow.exe" ?

4. I have a Status Image, i have a spasific IP, I need to check if its responding, if not itll change a image to down.png and if its responding itll change the image to up.png, picturebox name "statusimg"?

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VS 2010 Process Cannot Access File 'FileName' Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

Oct 27, 2011

I am working with saving and deleting images. What i really want to do is check and see if an image exists in the destination folder and if it does automatically overwrite it. i couldnt figure that out so i figured i would look to see if the file was there if it is Delete it then write the new file..The issue is i keep getting this error.The process cannot access the file "FileName" because it is being used by another process. [code]

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VS 2010 - Modify File / Save It And Launch Path

Nov 30, 2009

1. I have a button, and registry entries, each tell me what version and where it is located.
Example : (reg path = HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareTNL)
Path = c:program filesmyprogram
Regan = us

The program its launching is called caw.exe. but it requires diffrent locations in a file named realms.*** file to work properly. Basically if Regan = us, do this, else if regan = eu do that, else if regan = tu do this. I need to basicly erase everything in that file and replace it, the file location is located under :
The PATH and Regan need to be replaced with correct paths.

2. After it has finished modifying the File it saves it and then Launches

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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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.net 4.0 - Add Watch Stop When Value Changes?

Jan 25, 2011

I know in the older versions of Visual Studio, there was an "Add Watch" option where you can choose to stop execution when the value of the field changed. I am using VS 2010, and I can't figure out how to hit the breakpoint when the value of the field changes.

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How To 'watch' A Variable

Jan 23, 2010

i have a variable that changes every few minutes and I am trying to find out the best way of going about 'watching' that variable and simply changing the text of a label based on the returned variable

so pseudo code on a button click at the moment i have a function that returns this variable

label1.text=myfunction.getName()so this works fine , It seem ugly to have some kind of sleep function that loops every couple of seconds to run myfunction.getName() every 2 seconds , as a bit of a newbie , I am just wondering how I can set up a function that basically says 'when myfunction.getName() changes , then change label1.text'

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.net - Watch For Files In A Folder?

Aug 29, 2009

I need to watch a folder in our network and if any files get dropped in any time of the day I need to ftp to a different folder.

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Always Watch An Empty Textbox?

Apr 16, 2012

i have a next button that is enabled only after a textbox is filled its working fine but the problem when a user fills the textbox it will be enabled then clears the textbox it will stay enabled and he can proceed how to stop that ?

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Drawing Numbers For A Watch?

May 15, 2012

I'm trying to build a custom control while really going head first into GDI+. I've got down pretty tight. But I'm having problems trying to get the numbers on the watch face. Like it's driving me insane. This is what I've come up with so far:

Dim count As Integer = 12
Dim a As Integer
Dim clockfont As New Font(Me.Font, FontStyle.Regular)


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Filesystemwatcher - Watch Folder In WPF?

Jan 22, 2012

I'm having a problem trying to work out how to watch a folder for changes. This is how far I've got:

Class MainWindow
<PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
Private Sub Window_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


The problem is when a change occurs in the folder the program exits with no error code. I've read a few related posts and I know it has something to do with thread safety. However I've no idea how to make this program "thread safe".

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VS 02/03 Error: Cannot Obtain Value In Watch?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm testing a window application which was written in VB.Net 2003.I set a few BreakPoints and Debug the project.When the debugger hit one of the breakpoints, it stops at there. Its correct.But when I try to add one of the variables to "Watch", it said "error: cannot obtain value".I tried to search the Net and found that some said "its because of structures", some said "its because of passing too many parameters." and some said "its because of too many line of codes (LOCs)".but my problem is not in passing parameters or too many line of code.the function i set breakpoint has only around 300 LOCs (including around 100 line of comments)And the value I tried to get is from my TreeView which is on my Win Forms.its very strange that I can't even get the value from Forms.

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VS 2005 : How To Break When Watch Value Changes

Apr 21, 2010

I remember in vb6 you could set a watch on a variable and tell it to break when that value changes. I see where you set a watch value in 2005, but I don't see where you can set it up to break when the value changes.Am I missing something or did they remove this functionality?

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.net - On Report Viewer Can't Watch The Data

Jan 20, 2011

I have a report viewer in a form, and when I run the project I want to watch the values from the fields which they are coming from a DataSet.

The Dataset comes in full into my form. I have install the Report Viewer as Microsoft says BUT!

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How To Watch For Text File Change

Apr 16, 2009

I open a text file with notepad, so the user can see his contents, but if he changes the file, and save it, I would need to update a form.There is a way to watch for file updates?

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