VS 2010 How To Launch App With Button

Apr 14, 2010

How to launch some application installed on PC with button? e.g. in my win for app I insert button and when I click on that button I launch Outlook (basically I will be launching app that are default on PC so the path is the same on all PC's)

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Can't Launch Particular Program On Button Click

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to activate Rosetta Stone on a button click (button4). It opens but gives me an error. 2123 is the error code. I guess this may require knowledge of Rosetta Stone more than VB but I have found no luck searching google. Is there alternative code to what I'm trying to do?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Chrome_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chrome.Click


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Javascript - Launch Two Actions In One Button ASP.NET?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm developing a comment page in asp.net, this my page :

<form action="#">
<p><textarea id="textArea" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea></p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


Until then, everything is fine, but I want when the user clicks the submit button, the button will trigger another action that will save the comment in the database.

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Launch *.exe File From Click Of Button?

Apr 13, 2010

Basically, what I want to do is launch an *.exe file when I click on a button. I want this done in VB.NET. I have Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.The button I have is called 'btnYES'.How can I launch an *.exe file from the click of this button?

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VS 2008 How To Launch An Exe File From A Button

Oct 26, 2009

i would like to know how i would make a button make an application launch

i have seen people say use the shell command but i cant get it right the button code name is Button1

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Way To Launch A String Of Programs From A Button

Jan 4, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way to launch a string of programs from a button.I want to be to launch, say 6 programs. Once the first one is done, the code has to know that the first program is done doing it's automated process and then continue.In VB 6, I used the Shell Execute command to launch a program, but it doesn't work in Vb.Net and I wouldn't even know how to make it launch consecutive programs.

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Asp.net - Launch Another Aspx Web Page Upon Button Click?

Sep 9, 2011

I have an asp.net application, where the user would click a button and launch another page (within the same application). The issue I am facing is that the original page and the newly launched page should both be launched. I tried response.redirect, but that tends to unload the original page.

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Click Button And Launch Internet Explorer

May 11, 2010

There is a textbox with web address and a button.I am trying to make an internet explorer is launched, not on vb winform, when a user click the button on the winform by the web address

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Command Button To Launch Email With Attachment?

Mar 15, 2012

What I would like to do is create a command button that launches an email from outlook attaching the current word document to a set email address. I'm not fussed if the word document is saved or not as it is only the email receipent that needs it, likewise I don't mind if the code instructs the email to send of just opens it ready to be sent.

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Forms :: Launch Button Event In The Background?

Mar 29, 2010

I am using a button to check which PCs are online which works fine so far. The problem is that the app is blocked for this time I click on the button and perform this action.


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VB Code To Launch A New Form When Button Is Clicked?

Feb 22, 2012

programmer and anything related with IT. i'm trying to create a program for my internet cafe wherein i would need 2 forms, 1 which will contain the transactions and 1 to log in/out customers. I was able to make this using excel but am currenty having a hard time now creating the program with VB2010, because syntax/formulas seemed different from that of excel2010... i have so many questions that i would like to ask, but i'l start with loading a form(for logging in/out) by clicking the Log-in button.

what i used before when i created a userform in excel is this:
Private sub LogBut_Click()


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VB VS2010 Launch A Program From Button Click?

Jun 28, 2010

I was wanting to run a program from x folder with a click of a button.Want to make my own game launcher for my desktop.

So I will have different buttons for different games and when clicked I would like that game to start up.

I am just getting started in VB so need a lil help on this.

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VS 2008 : Launch The .exe By Clicking A Button On Form?

Jan 13, 2010

i have a.exe (portable program) , i put it in my project resources, how can i launch the .exe by clicking a button on my form ?

View 7 Replies

Use A Button (A) To Launch A Prompt Where User Selects Directory Path To An Executable Program?

Aug 27, 2011

It's probably the most basic of things, but all I can find is how to launch a program, and not with the interactions I desire. Any tips as to the terms to use to search for answers, or links to topics regarding questions similar to mine, would be very appreciated. I have a wealth of info to read through, but I could use your knowledge to save myself time.Here is what I am trying to do:

Use a Button (A) to Launch a Prompt where User Selects Directory Path to an executable Program. The Selection is to be Persistent after the initial selection (saved in a settings file i assume?), and the Selected Path (or just "programname.exe") is to be Displayed in a Text Field (B). Launch Selected and Indicated Program via a Launch Button (C)

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Launch And Watch A Process From .NET 2010?

Mar 9, 2011

I am working on an application that needs to launch Microsoft Word, and then resume when the user closes Word. The code below should work, but it does not. I get an 'object not set to an instance of an object'

1 Dim pInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
2 Dim P As New Process
3 pInfo.FileName = "C: estLLR.doc"
4 P = Process.Start(pInfo)
5 ''# Here is where it goes bad
6 P.WaitForInputIdle()
7 P.WaitForExit()

I put p into the watch window and it shows a a system.diagnostics.process in the watch after line2, but after line 4 it return to NOTHING. The process launches, but I can not monitor it any longer with lines 6 & 7. Is this a 'limitation' of Visual Studio 2010 or am I making an operator error? The MS Help does not show process available in the 2010 version (it is in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008).


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Best Use Of Time At Visual Studio Launch 2010

Jun 27, 2012

I am switching from Winforms to WPF in April. I am also going to be in attendance at the Visual Studio Launch in Las Vegas.I have a real need to get up to speed quickly in WPF, so What sessions are going to be the best use of my time?I've got some picked out already, but I'm looking for some more advice on how to wade through all the marketing fluff and get some real educational value out of these few days. I have not been to one of these events before, so I don't really know how much is marketing hype, and how much is solid content/A couple of the workshops look interesting (VPR02 and VPS02), but I don't know enough about the actual content of these to justify the extra expense right now. I do have WPF learning planned other than just these few days in Vegas, but since I'm going to be there anyway, I want to learn as much as I can in the time available.

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Using The Shell Function In VB 2010 To Launch Perfmon?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to launch perfmon /res on a Windows 7 (32bit) install using VB Express 2010. When I use the line:

shell("C:WindowsSystem32perfmon /res", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

All I get told is that the file doesn't exist. IT DOES EXIST! ITS RIGHT THERE! If you try in cmd it works, if you go there in explorer it works, if NASA used an orbital platform connected to my c$ share and tried, it would work. If you get VB to check for the existence of the file using an if statement it finds it, then tells me its not there the very next line when I use shell to run it.

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VS 2010 How To Make A Image Launch A Program

Nov 29, 2009

i just recently started programming VB.net 2010, My background is PHP so programming is what i want to do.I have a program im making, kinda a project for myself.I have got alot of the design elements made, but im stuck on some of the items that i would like created.

1. I have Combo boxes, the names of them are "wowlocation", "wowreagon". these all have default values. How would i go into the registry get the values and if i change it it would auto put it into the registry.

2. I have a file in foulder named "realmd.***" when i choose my options from the boxes it must put what i selected into the file (The file is a normal txt file with the ext *** only), it has to pull the "wowlocation" and "wowreagon" from the DB, when it does that it is able to pick the right thing to put on,There is only 3 Values, US, EU and WTN, each will have its own text to put into the file, how would i Open that Specific file and then write the values i choose?

3. How do i make a Image Launch a Program? (The location of the file is in the registery, basicly "wowlocation/wow.exe" ?

4. I have a Status Image, i have a spasific IP, I need to check if its responding, if not itll change a image to down.png and if its responding itll change the image to up.png, picturebox name "statusimg"?

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VS 2010 - Modify File / Save It And Launch Path

Nov 30, 2009

1. I have a button, and registry entries, each tell me what version and where it is located.
Example : (reg path = HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareTNL)
Path = c:program filesmyprogram
Regan = us

The program its launching is called caw.exe. but it requires diffrent locations in a file named realms.*** file to work properly. Basically if Regan = us, do this, else if regan = eu do that, else if regan = tu do this. I need to basicly erase everything in that file and replace it, the file location is located under :
The PATH and Regan need to be replaced with correct paths.

2. After it has finished modifying the File it saves it and then Launches

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Allow A User To Click A Button That Will Launch Windows Explorer And Go Straight To The "My Pictures" Folder

Aug 18, 2011

I want to allow a user to click a button that will launch Windows Explorer and go straight to the My Pictures folder when I don't know who the current user is.


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VS 2010 : Open Button Menu In Toolbar When Click In ALL The Button Not Only In The Small Arrow?

Sep 7, 2010

the menu in the button is opened with click in the small down arrow, but NOT if click in the button image.

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VS 2010 - Acceptbutton - Button "calculate" As The Accept Button

Nov 14, 2011

In my program I have the button "calculate" as the accept button, but I want it to switch to reset after it is pushed and go back to calculate.

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Launch Exe From IE In XP?

Jul 13, 2010

I am facing this issue where i am not able to launch a exe from IE . This application works fine in other system . I am not able to zero down to the exact issue i am facing with .

Expected result - Launch exe tha has a log in screen getting users credential

We are using VB.net code here . the computer also has .net frame work 1.1 and 2 set up in it

Actual result - I am first getting a "File download security warning " i click on run it throws a "common language runtime debugging error "

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Cannot Get Subs To Launch

Feb 2, 2009

Just wanted to start out by saying that I am completely new at this whole programming thing. I am pretty sure the answer is very simple and staring me right in the face but I can't figure it out.Basically, what I want to do is check to see if a directory exists and if it does not, then create it. Then I want to populate a list box with a list I have stored in a text file.

The problem I run into is that while my program runs, as far as I can tell my Subs do not. I just want them to run on their own when the program starts but they don't.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.IO
Public Class myProgram


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How To Launch A Shortcut

Nov 12, 2009

(Total noob...vb'ed a little bit over 10 years ago...I think...getting back at it...forgot EVERYTHING...currently using VB 2008 Express before/if shelling out the cash for a full version of Studio.) I created a very simple windows form application (.NET 3.5). In design mode it has a text section on top and two buttons below it.


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How To Launch Exe Into Systray

Apr 6, 2010

I try to figure out how I can launch an executable, a little software that have a window and that doesn't have the option to be minimized into the systray. I know how to start a process, how to minimize the current application into the system tray. But I can't find any example how to do it to a process.

There is a way to start a process, hide his window and make it appear with his icon (or a new defined one) into the systray and when we double click it his widow appear and when we minimize it it return to the systray ? For that part I think I will have to capture the process, subclass it to redefined his minimize action, I am right ?

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Launch A .wsf From Winform?

Sep 4, 2011

ok so i dynamically create a wsf for running an automated telnet session that works great!!(finally!!) but auto executing the script from my code is proving difficult for whatever reason.

I have tried:

Shell("C:shutoffscript.wsf") this produces this result.

also tried setting a bat file that launches the script and launching it as well using shell every time I launch it I get an error in the script that works just fine executed outside my code.

using outfile As New StreamWriter("c:" & "shutoffscript.wsf")
End Using
MsgBox("Script built press ok to execute")

I think this has to be some sort of permissions error right? Since both errors tend to not be able to find the file. Just not sure how to fix it.

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Launch An Exe With Arguments

Mar 7, 2009

I am trying to build a web page that call an exe with some arguments. It's working perfectly when i launch it on the ASP.NET development server but it's not working well when I deploy it under IIS. He is the VB code source.The log text file is created in both cases but the exe is just launched from Visual Web developer 2008.[code]

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Launch Something After A Progress Bar?

Apr 29, 2009

I wanted to know how to launch a program after a progress bar. For example, I wanted to have a loading progress bar, (I have already done that) and then when the loading reaches 100%, it launches the 2nd Form, which I can also create. How do I do this?

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Run Exe That Will Only Launch Through Explorer?

Jul 24, 2011

I want to run a exe . using Process.Start(My.Settings.dirt3fold & "dirt3.exe") it runs but than displays a error (not my program,the actually exe) .I believe this is because it will only run if its run through windows explorer . is there a way to get around this ,maybe use a shortcut or something .

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