Javascript - Launch Two Actions In One Button ASP.NET?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm developing a comment page in, this my page :

<form action="#">
<p><textarea id="textArea" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea></p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


Until then, everything is fine, but I want when the user clicks the submit button, the button will trigger another action that will save the comment in the database.

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VS 2010 How To Launch App With Button

Apr 14, 2010

How to launch some application installed on PC with button? e.g. in my win for app I insert button and when I click on that button I launch Outlook (basically I will be launching app that are default on PC so the path is the same on all PC's)

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Can't Launch Particular Program On Button Click

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to activate Rosetta Stone on a button click (button4). It opens but gives me an error. 2123 is the error code. I guess this may require knowledge of Rosetta Stone more than VB but I have found no luck searching google. Is there alternative code to what I'm trying to do?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Chrome_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chrome.Click


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Launch *.exe File From Click Of Button?

Apr 13, 2010

Basically, what I want to do is launch an *.exe file when I click on a button. I want this done in VB.NET. I have Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.The button I have is called 'btnYES'.How can I launch an *.exe file from the click of this button?

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VS 2008 How To Launch An Exe File From A Button

Oct 26, 2009

i would like to know how i would make a button make an application launch

i have seen people say use the shell command but i cant get it right the button code name is Button1

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Way To Launch A String Of Programs From A Button

Jan 4, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way to launch a string of programs from a button.I want to be to launch, say 6 programs. Once the first one is done, the code has to know that the first program is done doing it's automated process and then continue.In VB 6, I used the Shell Execute command to launch a program, but it doesn't work in Vb.Net and I wouldn't even know how to make it launch consecutive programs.

View 9 Replies - Launch Another Aspx Web Page Upon Button Click?

Sep 9, 2011

I have an application, where the user would click a button and launch another page (within the same application). The issue I am facing is that the original page and the newly launched page should both be launched. I tried response.redirect, but that tends to unload the original page.

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Click Button And Launch Internet Explorer

May 11, 2010

There is a textbox with web address and a button.I am trying to make an internet explorer is launched, not on vb winform, when a user click the button on the winform by the web address

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Command Button To Launch Email With Attachment?

Mar 15, 2012

What I would like to do is create a command button that launches an email from outlook attaching the current word document to a set email address. I'm not fussed if the word document is saved or not as it is only the email receipent that needs it, likewise I don't mind if the code instructs the email to send of just opens it ready to be sent.

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Forms :: Launch Button Event In The Background?

Mar 29, 2010

I am using a button to check which PCs are online which works fine so far. The problem is that the app is blocked for this time I click on the button and perform this action.


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VB Code To Launch A New Form When Button Is Clicked?

Feb 22, 2012

programmer and anything related with IT. i'm trying to create a program for my internet cafe wherein i would need 2 forms, 1 which will contain the transactions and 1 to log in/out customers. I was able to make this using excel but am currenty having a hard time now creating the program with VB2010, because syntax/formulas seemed different from that of excel2010... i have so many questions that i would like to ask, but i'l start with loading a form(for logging in/out) by clicking the Log-in button.

what i used before when i created a userform in excel is this:
Private sub LogBut_Click()


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VB VS2010 Launch A Program From Button Click?

Jun 28, 2010

I was wanting to run a program from x folder with a click of a button.Want to make my own game launcher for my desktop.

So I will have different buttons for different games and when clicked I would like that game to start up.

I am just getting started in VB so need a lil help on this.

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VS 2008 : Launch The .exe By Clicking A Button On Form?

Jan 13, 2010

i have a.exe (portable program) , i put it in my project resources, how can i launch the .exe by clicking a button on my form ?

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Use A Button (A) To Launch A Prompt Where User Selects Directory Path To An Executable Program?

Aug 27, 2011

It's probably the most basic of things, but all I can find is how to launch a program, and not with the interactions I desire. Any tips as to the terms to use to search for answers, or links to topics regarding questions similar to mine, would be very appreciated. I have a wealth of info to read through, but I could use your knowledge to save myself time.Here is what I am trying to do:

Use a Button (A) to Launch a Prompt where User Selects Directory Path to an executable Program. The Selection is to be Persistent after the initial selection (saved in a settings file i assume?), and the Selected Path (or just "programname.exe") is to be Displayed in a Text Field (B). Launch Selected and Indicated Program via a Launch Button (C)

View 3 Replies - Fire A Button From Javascript?

May 27, 2011

I have a menu on my aspx page which looks beautiful. It's exactly what I need (found it here).

Problem that I have is this: I need (somehow) to kick off a button control from the javascript. I realize that in the example, the menu items are simply href links, but I'm wondering how I could possibly do a postback and kick off my Button1_OnClick event.

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Css - Create A Div Button Without Javascript?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a button image made out of divs. When I click this I want to post back and redirect. What is the best way to do this and can it be done without using javascript?

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Validate One Button Is Clicked Before Another With Javascript?

Sep 3, 2010

This is in ASP.NET. We are using a ExtJS frontend, and have our own VB.NET controls to make all the Ext Forms and stuff. However, I hope this can be done in plain javascript. There is already some Javascript on the page for the 'Test Connection' button click and handling the result.However, I need validation on the screen to make sure that a user tests the connection BEFORE saving the screen. (Hits the test button before hitting the save button) -- EACH time they visit the screen.

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VS 2010 Clicking Javascript Button?

Apr 21, 2012

I am having a hard time clicking this button, in a webbrowser element!!! here is the

<form name="browseHeader" id="browseHeader" action="/index.cfm/startbrowsing" method="post">


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Allow A User To Click A Button That Will Launch Windows Explorer And Go Straight To The "My Pictures" Folder

Aug 18, 2011

I want to allow a user to click a button that will launch Windows Explorer and go straight to the My Pictures folder when I don't know who the current user is.


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Add An Onclick Event To The OK Button Of The Javascript Confirm Box?

Jan 18, 2012

I am working with a .Net 1.1 web application. There is a Save button that, when clicked, will pop up the Javascript confirm box. Once the user clicks OK a long running process is kicked off. We would like to show a busy indicator when the user clicks the OK button of the confirm dialog.

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Add Javascript Onclick To Radio Button INPUT Tag

May 10, 2011

I have a javascript function and need to add it to some dynamically created radio buttons onclick from code behind.I've tried newRadioSelect. Attributes. Add("onlick", "javascript:toggle(this);")The code above adds it to the span tag that the radio button creates, any ideas how to get it on the input tag of the radio buttons?

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Javascript - Everytime Shows Msg Box On Button Click

Jan 27, 2011

How to fix the error in code..this code will always display msg box if user select ot nt slect the checkbox .. but i want if user doesn't select any of the checkbox or forgot to select checkbox then msg box will ppear other wise redirect to other page ..


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Javascript - How Does Button Click Fire Httphandler

Apr 27, 2012

I have a webform application. The page has a from which contains a set of textboxes and one ASP:FileUploader. A button called "Upload" will uploaded the file separately from saving the whole form. I set up a httpHandler to upload files in chunks, and it should be fired after user click "Upload". They only way I worked out is set the PostBackURL attribute in the "Upload" button. e.g.


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VS 2010 Javascript (WebBrowser1) Clicking To Other Button

Sep 29, 2011


I need that will click a specified button and filling data then clicking sumbit to log into. I've tried many tricks but still doens't help. (I used google too.)


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Adding Return Confirm Javascript To Radio Button?

Jun 30, 2011

I want it so that when a user clicks on a radio button, it gives them an OK/Cancel javascript dialog box - if they click OK the code for the radio button will run, if they click Cancel, nothing happens.For a button I can easily do this by changing the OnClientClick property, but with a radio button I can't get anything to work properly.

I try this:

"return confirm('This Are you sure');")

but even if they click OK, nothing happens.

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JavaScript - Cannot Access ExtJS Radio Button On Form

Sep 13, 2010

I have an .aspx page. In this grid I'm adding a bunch of controls. The first control however is an ExtObject, not one of our preset VB.NET controls. When I go to access the value on the backend for this field with this code:
It doesn't work. Basically, the radio button value isn't saving when I save the rest of the stuff. So I tried to add code to do it. It was just defaulted to 'And' each time. Below is a snippet of code from the actual grid.

With .Item(2)
.Ref = "../Payee2"
.LabelWidth = 90
With .AddFieldSet("Payee 2")
.AddControl(New Forms.Control("", "../PayeeId")).Hidden = True
.AddControl(New Forms.Control("", "../AddressId")).Hidden = True
[Code] .....

And I get this error:
form.AndOr is not defined
Does the Ext ref: mean something different than my controls and how I access them?

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Javascript - How To Show Msgbox On Button Click Event

Jan 28, 2011

how to show msgbox on button click event if i have some disabled checkboxes and user forgot to check checkboxes. i m using Usercontrols How to show alert msgbox if user doesn't select atleast minimun 1 checkbox from checkboxes. if i have disabled some checkboxes on page load event then after user forgot to check checkboxes and click on button then still msgbox will popup "you haven't select checkboxes". to show msg box on button click event if i have disabled checkboxes and if user haven't select any of the checkbox [Code]

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Javascript - Unable To Get Hidden Values While Postback Of A Button In .net?

Mar 24, 2012

I am using have taken one Hidden value and assigning value to that hidden variable in Java-script.

aspx: <input type="hidden" runat="server" id="hdnProductionIds" value="0" name="hdnProductionIds" />
JS:document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_hdnProductionIds").value = "123";

I want to use that hidden value in server side coding( But while do-post back, hidden variable value becomes Zero (default value)

View 1 Replies - Javascript And Html - Insert Text Box At Event

Apr 26, 2012

I have to insert text box at event. for this I've been using this code implement it, in ASPX.VB file. below code refecting attached screen shot, which displaying the textbox beside to the delete button. Issue: Example: If we insert any simple text box in ASPX page, then we can take that textbox id and we can play with that in aspx.vb file . in the same way I would like to play with the below code by having the textbox Id. How? How I need to take this text boxId(id = ""txtExperimentalStressdays"") and save the user entered data into database.


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JavaScript - How To Check All CheckBoxes On Single Button Click Event

Apr 3, 2011

How to check all checkboxes on single button click event. If I have 45 checkboxes inside panel1 I want on button click event all the checkboxes will be checked and on another button click event all checkboxes will be unchecked... How to do it using jquery, javascript or ?

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