ListView Values To ComboBox?

Nov 7, 2011

I have an XML file, and a ListView control shows the data through aDataGridView control as shown below.Now,This Japanese web site helps me understand how to get cell values.And I'm trying to populate ListBox and ComboBox with the values from ListView's
Column 2.

For j As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1
Next j


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Create A Combobox With Values Depending On Values?

Jun 24, 2009

I have filled a DVG with information and added another column to index(8) pragmatically Now i want to create a combobox with values depending on values in other cells on the same row so each row will have a combo box with different selections. below i have placed the code and hoped someone would have some input on how to approach this. i have tried datagridviewcolumn but that fills every row with the same information regaurdless of a if statement


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Adding ComboBox To ListView?

Aug 15, 2011

i have created a form that has a combobox.the combobox displays the can i add a selected product into a listview?

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Link ComboBox To Listview?

Feb 7, 2009

How do I link my ComboBox (Which Contains Folders) to show the relevant files in my list view.

Dim myDir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(My.Settings.FolderPath)
For Each myFol As System.IO.DirectoryInfo In myDir.GetDirectories("*.*")


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Listview As ComboBox Dropdown?

Feb 11, 2010

Can I have a listview in a combo box dropdown ? Is it possible I need to show grouping and multi columns in combo box. How can I achieve this ?

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Combobox Child In Listview Parent

Aug 11, 2009

Is there any way to have a combobox inserted into a cell in a list view? Here is what I have:


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Combobox Month Filter Listview?

Feb 15, 2012

I Have Listview with All transaction with column InvoiceNo Date Customer Total

Now I want to filter only month transation only month with combobox selection and one textbox year



How can I selection cboMonth to filter only month transaction

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Make A Listview Look And Behaive Like A Combobox?

May 19, 2009

snippet that causes a listview control to behaive like a combobox or scrollable list. I would like to have it vertical scroll and look like a list and if possible when an item in the list is selected the hole width on the line that the item is on is selected. With No HScroll and no item length selection.

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Search Query Using Combobox And Listview?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a problem with search query im using combobox for searching in my code there's is no error.but nothings happen when i search this is my code:

Public Sub searchdata()


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Allow Null Values In Listview?

Feb 16, 2012

I've come across an error I'm not quite sure how to get rid of, I've got a listview with listview items making up the grid, I've got values coming from a database populating the cells however if there are any null values(in this case, there's null values in the date) it crashes my program. I'm not quite sure of a way to allow the listview to have null values in it, I figured it would default allow it but that's not the case.[code]....

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Displaying Values In ListView From SQL

Jun 6, 2011

Can someone tell me on how could I display the data from my SQL to a ListView? I only have one column to display.

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How To Insert Values Of Listview

Feb 20, 2010

How do I place values of variables to the columns of a listview. There's a guide here Here but it shows how to fill in values from a file.

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How To Sum Values - ListView Items

Jun 8, 2011

I have a table in my database that stores store items and their respective prices. I need a code which will, after displaying the items on listview, give the sum of their cost. i.e, when you use listvie1.items.count only gives you the count of the columns. I want to capture the total cost of loaded items, and display it in a textbox say textsum.

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Add Every First Item Of Listview Of Form1 Into Combobox Of Secondform?

Aug 6, 2009

i have a listview in form1 and combobox in form2..i want add every first item of listview of form1 into combobox of secondform....i did this...


but didnot get the can i get the every first item into combobox.

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Filtering Listview Items Via Textbox / Combobox

Sep 24, 2008

I have a child form which contains a list of names and information, like age, sex, etc, in a multicolumn listview that gets populated from an xml file on the form load.There is also a combobox on this form that contains different Ages and when the user selects an age in the combobox I have it so the listview clears and the data reloads then removes all the rows that don't contain the matching "age" value in the age column.This works but it's really slow since each time a user makes another choice from the Combobox the whole listview is repopulated from the xml file.[code]I was thinking about doing the Name filter about the same way except on the textbox keyup event, but I fiqured I'd work at getting this working better first since this is way too slow.I don't really know any way of filtering the listview other than deleting the entries that don't match what's in the combobox.But then I end up reloading the whole thing when another selection is made from the combobox.

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VS 02/03 Insert ComboBox Object To ListView Or Listbox?

Mar 2, 2011

Can I insert ComboBox Object to ListView or Listbox using the standard control?

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Combobox - Allow Values That Are Not In The List?

Dec 4, 2009

I was useing VB a lot for some years ago and now I have started again..then, think I was useing VB3 or VB4 there was a property on ComboBox and listboxes that allows only to select the values in the Combox.. Not able to write own values..

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Combobox Get Values From Sqlcedatareader?

Jan 10, 2010

This is so confusing, i've been trying all day but it doesn't seem to work.

IN my database i have Vendor tables, i have 2 records


I'm trying to get the comboxbox to get "a" and "b"


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Set Default Values In Combobox?

May 29, 2010

i am developing windows application. i have a combobox. In that i added items in its properties as follows

<- - - select- - - >

when i run my application i need to display the selected item as "<- - - select- - - >" but it display empty.....

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Set Values For Combobox Item?

Nov 28, 2009

Im trying to set values for every combox item for example if I have an item name of "currentyear" it should return the year.

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Setup Values For Combobox?

Mar 20, 2010

I want to setup values for a combobox in through code. But I don't know what's the code for setting it up. I want to do something like this:

if combobox1.selecteditem="1" then
combobox2.values=("x", "y", "z")
end if

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Swapping Values In A Combobox?

Nov 6, 2009

I display some values in a combobox that come from an array.By default the selected index of the combobox should be the first item.

If cboAtt.Items.Count = 0 Then
For i = 0 To nums(att)


This works perfectly, but now I want the combobox to display the new (initial) value that is swapped, except than when I do that the cboAtt_SelectedIndexChanged event is triggered which results to an infinite loop --> crash.

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Type Values In Combobox?

Oct 24, 2009

Is there any way to type a value to comobox which is not on the list of item in the combobox I have tried but it always throws an exception

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Unable To Add Values In Second Combobox

Oct 27, 2010

Here is my code.

for example TextBox1.Text= 12,34,45,67,67
Dim process_string As String() = TextBox1.Text.Split(New Char() {","})
Dim process As Integer


i want to add values in reversed order in combobox2 that are available in combobox1
but when i run the application the second combobox remains empty and not showing any value.

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Updating Values In Combobox In .net?

Mar 17, 2010

When I update but do not really made any changes to the value and press the update button, the data becomes null. And it will seem that I deleted the value.I've taught of a solution, that is to add both combobox1.selectedtext and combobox1.selecteditem to the function. But it doesn't work.

combobox1.selecteditem is working when you try to alter the values when you update. But will save a null value when you don't alter the values using the combobox combobox1.selectedtext will save the data into the database even without altering.But will not save the data if you try to alter it.-And I incorporated both of them, but still only one is performing, and I think it is the one that I added first:

Dim shikai As New Updater

Try = TextBox1.Text
shikai.fname = TextBox2.Text
shikai.mi = TextBox3.Text


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Change Values Of Listview From Another Form?

Feb 20, 2010

How do I automatically update the values of a listview in form 1 with the values inputted in form 2? I've already declared a few global variables.

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Creating ListView Of Accumulated Values?

Oct 26, 2010

Here's what I have so far. It is not incrementing in the loop as it should. Can anyone point out the wrong thinking?

Public Class frmMain
Dim lvi, lvi2 As ListViewItem
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.lstPopulation.View = View.Details


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Getting ListView Values Into A String Array?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a ListView control set up in details mode, and on a button press I would like to retrieve all column values from that row in the ListView.This is my code so far:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim items As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection = _


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How To Populate ListView With Variable Values

Jun 8, 2011

Let's say I have 50 cars and I created 6 attributes for each of the 50 cars (therefore 300 total variables and values for those 300 variables). These attributes are created and valued based upon the following structure:

Car1Name = "Dark Red Car"
Car1Color = "Dark Red"
Car1DoorCount = 4
Car1Cost = 10000
Car1Appeal = 10
Car1BoughtStatus = False

Car2Name = "Bright Red Car"
Car2Color = "Bright Red"
Car2DoorCount = 4
Car2Cost = 11000
Car2Appeal = 8
Car2BoughtStatus = True
and 48 others of similar structure/syntax

How do I take a a module with these variables and values and populate them into a listview within a form such as Form1 and ListView1 without continuously going into listview's UI and manually entering the data? The goal is to show the USER a list of 50 cars, their color, door count, cost, appeal, and purchase status.

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How To Use Listview Control - Update Values

Jun 22, 2010

i have some problem with the listview control i dont know how to use it


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