Set Default Values In Combobox?

May 29, 2010

i am developing windows application. i have a combobox. In that i added items in its properties as follows

<- - - select- - - >

when i run my application i need to display the selected item as "<- - - select- - - >" but it display empty.....

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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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.net - Combobox Default Value?

Dec 11, 2011

I have a application, and I have a combobox which should contains a display member (text) and a value member (integer).the problem is:I want to set a default value to that combobox when the form load but I don't have a load event as I create the form and the combobox dynamically. i have used the combobox.selectedvalue =6 but it doesn't work.note: I can't use the selectedindex property because sometimes the value comes from a DB table primary key which is not the same as the combobox index.

the code:

Private Sub fill_combo(ByRef combo As ComboBox, ByVal nodes As HashMap)
Dim comboData = New BindingList(Of KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String))
Do While Not nodes.eof


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Set A ComboBox Default Value?

Apr 14, 2010

I can not locate the correct method to make the first item in a combo box visible.

The app starts with an empty combo box. The user makes a radio box selection then clicks Go! (how original). The combo box is loaded via an LDAP query. All this is working just fine. The problem is the combo box still appears to the user to be empty. They must click the arrow to see the options.

How do I make the first option 'visible' after the users clicks Go!?

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Make A Default Value For ComboBox?

Dec 2, 2010

What are the steps to create a Default Value for a ComboBox? say you have two items "Enabled" and Disabled" and you want one of them to be the default value that is selected.

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Create A Combobox With Values Depending On Values?

Jun 24, 2009

I have filled a DVG with information and added another column to index(8) pragmatically Now i want to create a combobox with values depending on values in other cells on the same row so each row will have a combo box with different selections. below i have placed the code and hoped someone would have some input on how to approach this. i have tried datagridviewcolumn but that fills every row with the same information regaurdless of a if statement


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Combobox Default Value At Design Time?

May 5, 2010

OK i have a combobox on the form. I have entered 4 values. I have left the TEXT field blank.Is there any way i can set the default SELECTEDINDEX of the combobox in the form design window. I know how to do it using code. If i set the TEXT field to one of the item values will it automatically select the corresponding INDEX

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Runtime Combobox - Setting Default Value?

Jul 17, 2009

I programatically / runtime created combobox and bind it to a datasource but can not set its default value. Since I am using the Handler of SelectedValueChanged, this is causing the program to mis-fire. Here is the code I am using.

Public WithEvents T_combo as ComboBox
'dictionary holds data to use in other parts of program
Dim T_Dict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)


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Default Values Within Textbox?

Jan 5, 2009

i would like to know whether is there any ways of setting a masked value of "0.00" to a textbox? So when user input a value, let's say "200". The textbox will interpret it as "2.00". Similarly, if user enters "1000" it will display as "10.00".

View 4 Replies

Combobox - Choosing A Custom Default Combo Box Value

Apr 14, 2010

I got a combobox which is filled with values from datasource. By default the first value is chosen which is fine but I need to display "Choose country" as the default combobox text. The user then can choose from the drop down list.


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Custom Control Combobox - Set DropDownList As Default

Sep 3, 2009

i create my custom combobox control and i'd like to set DropDownStyle property on DropDownList but it not works correctly. [Code] When i put my custom control in my form i want to see DropDownStyle set to DropDownList and not DropDown as default.

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IDE :: VB Express 2010 - ComboBox DropDown Default

Nov 23, 2011

In a combobox dropdown. What toolbox or properties do I use in VB Express 2010 to add a default to my drop down so the user will see the default when the panel is first shown?

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Quit The Empty Default Text Of A ComboBox?

May 17, 2010

How I can quit the empty default text that appears in a comboBox when it is loaded?

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Set A Default Value In A Combobox Depending On Result From A Dataset?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a small section of a windows form that allows users to select when a customer should be called (i.e. day of the week, time and inbound or outbound)When the form is loaded I will extract the information using a dataset and bind to form controls. I want to use a combo box for call stautus - inbound or outbound - however wish to give the user the choice at runtime.My thoughts are I would need to set a static list (so the user could choose) and set the default or displayed value to the info the dataset has extracted.This code to select the index doesnt work when I am comparing the dataset result to the "Outbound" string even though I am using the ToString method.

Private Sub TestTelesalesForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


View 3 Replies - Determine The Following Default Web Config Values?

May 18, 2010

I've been getting "Connection forcibly closed" errors and in researching a resolution, I have seen suggestions to money with the following web.config options, which currently are not set in my web app. Before I change them, I'd like to know what they are currently set to. Can someone tell me how to read these values from .NET code, preferably VB.NET, though C# is fine.


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Default Values Are Being Used For My.Settings Instead Of Those In The App.config

Nov 23, 2010

A Windows service written in VB.NET is using the My.Settings namespace for simplicity. There are only three settings to read, and these are read within the constructor of the ServiceLauncher.

I am attempting to install the service as such:

installutil GID.ServiceLauncher.exe

And this is successful, however the config settings it is using are not the ones within the GID.ServiceLauncher.exe.config file, instead it is using the ones baked into the app as Default Settings within Settings.Designer.vb (marked with DefaultSettingValueAttribute). [The questionable wisdom of Microsoft not allowing a developer to ignore default settings is another question entirely].

How can I further diagnose this issue, and maybe force a reload of settings? I tried calling My.Settings.Default.Reload, however this did nothing. All settings are application settings, and only differ by "value" from those in the auto generated file.

I have successfully attached the debugger using System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() and true enough, the settings are still the default settings.

In anticipation of the question, the background: The reason for requiring configuration settings is because this is a very straightforward service that simply executes an exe; and this exe is in configurable location. There are other reasons also, such as I wish to have the service name configurable without recompiling.

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VS 2008 Default Property Values

Jan 12, 2010

What is the difference between these two methods for defining property value defaults? [code] Is there a reason to use one method over the other for defining the default property values in a class?

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Overriding Default Property Values In .Net, WinForms?

Jan 9, 2010

I create a class "Planet" that can be inherited. One of the purposes of inheriting is to create a template with different default property values. Eg:

Public Sub New
MyBase.ForeColor = Red


Now, to stop the defaults serializing in the InitializeComponent method, there are 2 ways:If I've implemented the properties using the 'DefaultValue' attribute, and made them overridable, the attribute can be overriden with the new value.The problem with this is, there's no way to just make just the attributes overridable, as opposed to the whole property.I could implement every property with protected Reset'PropertyName' and ShouldSerialize'PropertyName' methods. However, this is a bit of a pain in the arse.Is it, generally, an important consideration to ensure that someone who overrides your base class has the ability to change the default values of a property?

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Parse DateTime Without Allowing Default Values?

Apr 20, 2010

I currently receive spreadsheets from clients which include several date fields. Since these are coming from many different sources, the date formats can vary widely (although they will all be US format). It could be "April 19, 2010", "4/19/2010", "2010-04-19", etc. I would very much like to use the DateTime.Parse function rather than having to write my own parsing function--I don't want to have to write out every possible combination of date strings.

The problem is, the DateTime.Parse function includes default values if all values are not supplied. So if the field comes in as "03/2009", since no day was specified, the function will return a datetime equivalent to "3/19/2009" (today's day along with the values given). I cannot use this. If a client provides a date that is incomplete, my program must produce an error, not fill in default values for them. Is there a way to tell DateTime.Parse not to use default values? Or perhaps there's another function that can parse multiple string formats into DateTime type without using defaults?

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Read Default Values From AppName.exe.config

Mar 15, 2012

How do you read the default values from the appName.exe.config file? My application only reads these values on first installation. Subsequently, it reads the updated values sitting in the user.config file.

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VS 2005 Refresh Default Values In A Form

Sep 1, 2011

I need some help with coding that is attached to a reset button. I need it to reset the form's controls (textbox,combobox,etc.. to it's default values, but I can find what to use. I've found information on clearing the values which I don't want to do. I just want to reset them as if the form just loaded.


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VS 2008 Move Default Values From One Datagrid To Another?

Jul 28, 2009

I have in my database a table for Products with one field as Price. For each invoice i want to be able to change this default price, so in my table for Invoice Details I have made another field called Price1. When I am entering invoice details and i enter a product number i want my program to select the relevent default 'Price' and insert it into 'Price1' so that it will be editable and so it can be saved to my database.

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Why Do C# Automatic Properties Not Support Default Values

Apr 13, 2010

Looking at the new VB 2010 features, I stumbled upon support for Auto-Implemented Properties.Since I'm working with C#, this seemed quite familiar, but I noticed that VB did add a feature I would love to have in C#: setting a arbitrary default value for the auto-implemented property:I really like the clean usage of auto-properties in C#. This would save us the effort of introducing a backing field and hooking it up to the property everytime we simply need a default value, thereby cluttering up the code unnecessarily.I was wondering why this wasn't introduced in C# as well? What could be the rationale for not doing this? Is a syntax discussion going on, or are there technical limitations to implementing this?

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Reset My.Settings At Run Time To Initial Default Values?

Jul 12, 2009

How do I reset My.Settings at run time to the initial default values. I want to do this after the app has been running and the user may have save changed settings. The intention is to reset evering to 'factory defaults' as opposed to the last saved value as done by 'settings.reload'.For example in the property below , I want to restore to the value to '90' as given in the default value. I want to do this for all settings.[code]...

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VS 2010 Datagridview Default Values Needed Error

Aug 5, 2011

If I delete the top row of my datagrid, or load a page without any data in the datagrid, I get a NullRefrenceException error. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."suggest a way for it to only run the default values needed sub if a row exists in my datagrid, else ignore it?

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Set Default Values For Data Bound Controls For Addition In Program?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a 2010 form with 22 data bound controls from two tables held in a dataset which is navigated by a bindingnavigator. This successfully adds deletes and updates. However what I need is when adding a new record I need some of the fields to be pre filled out. More specifically I have points balance fields etc which could be any value but will normally be 0 on a new customer so I want to initialize them to 0 when adding new records.

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Sql Server - Maintainging Default Values When Importing A Sql Database Into A .net Application?

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to copy a sql database into a application however it is not maintaining the default values when I do this. Is it possible to import the default values and have them automatically assigned when creating a new row or do I have to manually assign the default values again in my code?

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Combobox - Allow Values That Are Not In The List?

Dec 4, 2009

I was useing VB a lot for some years ago and now I have started again..then, think I was useing VB3 or VB4 there was a property on ComboBox and listboxes that allows only to select the values in the Combox.. Not able to write own values..

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Combobox Get Values From Sqlcedatareader?

Jan 10, 2010

This is so confusing, i've been trying all day but it doesn't seem to work.

IN my database i have Vendor tables, i have 2 records


I'm trying to get the comboxbox to get "a" and "b"


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ListView Values To ComboBox?

Nov 7, 2011

I have an XML file, and a ListView control shows the data through aDataGridView control as shown below.Now,This Japanese web site helps me understand how to get cell values.And I'm trying to populate ListBox and ComboBox with the values from ListView's
Column 2.

For j As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1
Next j


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