Listbox Change Selectedindex Value?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a listbox and two buttons. Each of my button is labeled UP and DOWN. When I press UP, the current item in my listbox will be moved one level (or index) up and when I press DOWN button the current item goes one level down. I have been trying to manipulate the selectedindex property but it isn't working.

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Cannot Get Selectedindex With Listbox In VB 2008

Apr 16, 2010

I click on items in my listbox and then hit a submit button, but when istep through my button_clicked code it doesn't detect any selectedindex. All controls are in the same form and there are no panels. Why can't I detect what items were clicked on in the listbox?

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Listbox.selectedindex Will Not Return Value?

May 17, 2012

I have a listbox that contains numbers that vary from 0 to 99. My problem is when the number in the listbox is 0, listbox1.selectedindex will not return a value. So I cannot use removeat(x) which works for all other numbers. Can anyone give me an idea on how to do

View 4 Replies - Data Bound Listbox Selectedindex Always -1

Feb 21, 2010

I've got a simple upload form. Here's my code:

<form id="Form1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" runat="server"
<asp:label id="lblMsg" runat="server" CssClass="msg" />
<span class="msg">Select Gallery:</span>


View 1 Replies - Listbox.SelectedIndex Is Not Changing After Some Asp Property Changes?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form with a dropdownbox two listboxes and two buttons on it. I removed a "select" button as I just used the DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged, but the event would not fire until I used the suggestion from:Why DropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire?

It involved changing the AutoPostBack='true' and EnableViewState="true" properties

So now the DropDownList works but with the two listboxes, the SelectedIndex stays as -1 and does not change even when selected.


I think it has something to do with post backs, page_load or the selectedindex changed event of the listbox, it worked perfectly before I made the modifications.

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VS 2008 Listbox Specific SelectedIndex?

Feb 2, 2010

I need to make events based on which index is selected in the listbox. I was wondering if there was an inbuilt function of if I need to use If conditions. Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged

That code will run when the selected index is changed regardless of which index. But I need each index/row to run a different event. I know I can use If conditions to get what I want, but I expect it'd be a lot more efficient with an inbuilt method.

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VS 2008 Using SelectedIndex Of Listbox To Display?

Dec 5, 2009

I have a listbox of the 50 states. I have one textbox and as I enter the first few letters of the name I'm supposed to use the SelectedIndex property of the listbox to display the appropriate name. I am not very good at programming at all. Is this a quick and easy thing to do and if so how is it done?

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Cannot Assign Selectedindex To A Databound Listbox If It Has No Parent?

Mar 22, 2012

It appears that I cannot assign the selectedindex for a databound listbox if it has no parent, but I can do so if I have populated the list "manually" from the same datatable. In my code example, the "if" line toggles between loading a list via data binding and loading a list "manually" (both use the same data table). In each case I attempt to set the selected index afterwards. With manual loading, the selected index is set; with data binding, an error is thrown (which can be avoided by assigning the listbox a parent, but the "manual" equivalent doesn't need this). Is this a bug?


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Change The SelectedIndex The Backcolor Of The Control Changes

Jun 21, 2010

I have several list boxes on a form, the items collection is filled at design time and the selectedIndex is changed at run time. when I change the SelectedIndex the backcolor of the control changes. I don't want this to happen.

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SelectedIndex : Gets Or Sets The Zero-based Index Of The Currently Selected Item In A ListBox?

Jun 7, 2012

First of all, I'm a somewhat-experienced VB3 Developer, and I'm trying to convert a VB3 app to VB.NET.I got the programming guide (http:url....) by searching the web.The problem I'm having is the syntax for .NET is way different than VB3, and that's OK, but finding the correct syntax is very difficult.I'm trying to eliminate duplicates in a ListBox:

When I access the Programing guide, I see that:

ListBox.SelectedIndex Property

Gets or sets the zero-based index of the currently selected item in a ListBox.I also have Murach's and Stephen's manuals, and they say the same thing.Visual Studio converted The old .ListIndex to a VB6 Function:

If VB6.GetItemString(PlayList_ListBox, I) = VB6.GetItemString(PlayList_ListBox, I + 1) Then

This is Try #1. It generates: VB6 is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.Then I read that VB6 is only for converting old code.So then I tried SelectedIndex:

Dim I As Short [code]..........

View 9 Replies - Why Does SelectedIndex Not Change, Remains As -1 Even If Changed On The Website

Jun 15, 2012

Code for button:

Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim li1 As ListItem
Dim addList As New List(Of ListItem)


Updates are happening on the load of a dropdownbox This has something to do with autopostbacks and the page load I think, can someone please help When I click the add button even if I have selected an item in the listbox, it will always return an error message. I don't think the listbox changedselected item is firing.

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Ownerdrawn Tabcontrol - Can't Change Selectedindex In Code?

Mar 4, 2012

i modified my tabcontrol, to change the tab forecolor, which worked but now when i try to change selectedindex in code, the correct tab is highlighted but the tabpage doesn't change. if i minimize + restore the form, the previous tab is highlighted...

View 6 Replies

Wpf - ComboBox SelectedIndex Lost On Content Change?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a ComboBox which content might change. The issue is when the content is changed, 1) i lose the previous selectedIndex, and 2) SelectedIndex is set to -1. I would like an MVVM solution, not some solution involving code-behind. I can have the SelectedIndex set to 0 on content change, but -1 is not a valid value for my model.

What i did as a 'trick' was to have the setter of the property bound to SelectedIndex to set the value to 0 when the value is set to -1. So now i don't have incorrect value in my model. But the ComboBox does not display the "0"th item, rather an empty box.

What could i do to have my ComboBox display the first item (index 0) when its content changes ?


Weeks is a Notifying property that is a list of strings. It is changed when i change the Year property.WeekNumber is a notifying property of type integer. Now when it is set to -1, i set the corresponding private member to 0 to avoid wrong value in my model.

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Listbox Find Character Then Change Listbox

Jan 20, 2012

My project is scanner for example. Then This is my code...


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Change A Value In A VB Listbox?

Nov 15, 2010

How can i change a value in a VB Listbox? Like this it doesn't work: listbox.selectedItem = "Newvalue"

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Change Font Of Listbox?

Nov 15, 2011

how to change fontsize of my listbox programmatically? This code does not work

listbox1.font.size = 10


listbox1.font.size = new size 10

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How To Change Font In ListBox

Oct 28, 2011

In a card game program I can place "5 of clubs" into the list box. How would I replace the word "clubs" with the winging symbol for clubs?

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Change An Items Text In Listbox?

Feb 15, 2011

what im looking at for the most part is:the listbox items looks something like this

42o)saga 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42o)dark 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42o)Slim 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

i know how to use the split method on it but i cant seem to be able to add onto the values there what i want to do is have the listbox add 5 or whatever amount to the second 0 and so on.but i cant seem to be able to make the listbox change whats in it.

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Change Color Of One Item In Listbox?

Sep 17, 2011

The code below is from your forum and it gives the error: missingmemberexception?

For x3 = 0 To lstStock.Items.Count - 1
If lstStock.Items(x3) = LastStockCode1 Then
lstStock.Items(x3).attributes.add("style", "color:red")
Exit For
End If
Next x3

I have a list box display on a form. I want to change the forground color of one item using item index. The code "lststock.item(x3).attributes.add("style", "color:red")" does not work. One solution was two pages of code! This s/b simple. I have the INDEX of the list item. I just want to change the words in that item from the color at list build time to red to highlite it!

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Change Color Of One ListBox Item

Mar 9, 2011

I'm making a small program in VB.NET. I have a listBox and a button. I'd like to be able to press the button and have the selected listBox item change it's foreColor to green. I've tried many ways of doing this, ranging from overriding the draw method to using a listView (listBox is much better for what I'm doing, please don't recommend that I use a listView, I've already tried it.)At first I thought this would be simple, but it's the exact opposite and I'm very frustrated that such a simple task should be so difficult. I don't want to use any third-party controls, as I'd have to completely re-write my application.

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Change ListBox Font At Runtime?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a font called MyFont.ttf in resource and its build action is embeded resource.I'm doing this code in formLoad event, but it is not working...

Dim fonts As New PrivateFontCollection()
Dim asm As Assembly = Me.[GetType]().Assembly
Dim stm As Stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("Demo.MyFont.ttf")


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Change The Arrangement Of Items In The Listbox?

Apr 3, 2012

I used ListBox connected to the database ms access 22003. It showed the items from the DB to the lsitbox as arrange in the field of DB. is it possible to Change the arrangement of items in the listbox?

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Change The Scroll Colour In A Listbox?

Nov 2, 2009

Is there away to change the scroll colour in a listbox

I have try to found somthing about this, but I can't

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How To Change ForeColor Of Some Items In ListBox

Oct 23, 2011

I am developing an attendance count system, where all the registered student in a class are shown in a listbox. But I want to show name of the students who are currently present in a may be GREEN color, and all other students in RED color by default. I can get the index of a each items but controlling only some of the items seems difficult to me.

Say list is looking this way,

Now only ataur and bappy are present, [I received a string data from my hardware that confirms that they are in present ] from the database I can get the their id and from the listBox I can get the index as well. Now how do I change the forColor of only these two not others?

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Listbox - Change Item's Color?

Jun 26, 2009

Ok, i almost finished my music player, but i need one more thing. I have a ListBox as PlayList. It is possible, when i double click a Item to change he`s text color or background color?

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Combobox SelectedIndex?

Aug 13, 2010

I have the following code;

txtprojnameupdt.Text = txtProjname.Text
cmbactiveproj.SelectedIndex = cmbactiveproj.FindStringExact(Replace(txtprojnameupdt.Text, "'", "''"))


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Change A Line In A Listbox Build Up As An Array?

Jan 14, 2012

I've got a listbox in visual basic 2008 with lines that look like:

item 0; item 1; item 2; item 3

How can I select that line and change within that line the value of e.g. item 3? (by default it's set to 0 and should be set to a value > 0 when entered by the user.

After that I need to calculate the total price based on the price in item 2 and the new value of item 3 (being >0)

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Change An Item Text In A Listbox Using A Textbox

Aug 5, 2011

l am trying to do this listbox1.selected item.text =textbox1.text.l am using 2010 , that syntax doesn't work.l just want to be able to change an item text in a listbox using a textbox.

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Change Background Color Of Last Item In A Listbox?

May 17, 2010

How would I go about changing the background color or just the last item in a listbox?

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Change Picturebox.image Using Text From Listbox?

Dec 16, 2011


okay, so what i am trying to do is every time the user changes their selection in the ListBox the PictureBox will change accordingly. Its not quite working, i have tried multiple things even a Select Case method but its not what i was after.

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