Load Balancing - Error When Retrieving Computer Name Or IP

Mar 14, 2012

My client is having 2 application servers (111.222.333.111 & 111.222.333.222) for load balancing. The main link is [URL]. My clients are saying sometimes they can log in and sometimes they cannot log in. This is what I found out:


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Retrieving Client User Name And Computer Name From Within Webservice?

Jan 14, 2010

I have web service on server! This service is calling from the clients applications!Now how i can get user name and computer name of clients that using this service, for example if application from Clint1 calling this service i want to get computer name and user name of Clint1?

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Write A Program To Simualte And Optimise Engine Balancing?

Oct 24, 2010

Im pretty new to VS but have used it to write a program to simualte and optimise engine balancing. Just a simple dynamics/kinematics system.However, I recently reformated my PC, and since reinstalling everything, I can now no longer run the project I wrote correctly.There are no errors present in the code (In Form1.vb), but there are 2 errors and 5 warnings in Form1.Designer.vb.The error are:'Type AxMSFlexGridlib.AxMSFlexGrid is not defined''Type AxMSFlexGridlib.AxMSFlexGrid is not defined'

Am I just being really stupid, and does anyone have any suggestions? Have I forgot to install some software?

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Load / Save To An External Computer?

Oct 30, 2010

i am making a program that saves and loads simple RTF files from my computer to others, i am woundering how to do this. The thing i was worried about was the seccurity but i think i have it now, im using a program called Hamachi that gives you a IP through them that links to ur computer w/o accually giving out your IP. So is there anyway that i can do this? here is what i have now:

If EmailTxt.Text = "" Or PassTxt.Text = "" Then
StatusText.Text = "You cannot leave anything blank!"
ElseIf Directory.Exists("C:MJA" + EmailTxt.Text) = True Then


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Load Html File From Computer Into Web Browser?

Dec 4, 2009

How would I load a .html file into a web-browser control?

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Error In Retrieving Data?

Dec 1, 2011

I have MSaccess database.I have 2 tables 1) CUSTOMER TABLE=----CUSTOMER ID-Primary --AUTO NUMBER2) ORDER TABLE =----(CUSTOMER ID--Foreign KEY) Now From the front end using VB.net I have an page in which if i enter Customer details and press button add .I have to INSERT into values into CUSTOMER TABLE and I Also at the same time INSERT into ORDER TABLE with this CUSTOMER ID which i generated now.How is it possibl

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Error When Retrieving Value From Database?

May 14, 2012

Dim NewOutwarsDeliveryNoteNumber As Integer
Dim iSql As String = "SELECT MAX(OutwardsRefNumber) FROM NewOutwards"
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(iSql, LoginForm1.Conn)


when I try and run this code it gives me the error that says "Column 'OutwardsRefNumber' does not belong to table ."BUt I am 100% sure this column is in my table. what can I do to correct it?

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Error While Retrieving Data

Dec 4, 2011

I have a code here which is to insert values in both the tables which has Relationship.[code]...

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Make The Application Work(load) When Open Computer?

Feb 3, 2012

I'm using vb2008 How can make the application work(load) when I open my computer?

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Error While Retrieving Image From Database?

Nov 18, 2011

I am running into a problem while attempting to to retrieve data from a database. One of the items is an iage and it's throwing an error when I try to convert the byte array to a bitmap.Here is what I have. The exception "Parameter is not valid." is being thrown when on the line bmpImage = New Bitmap(stream)

Private Sub GetCatList()
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = "Select CategoryID, CategoryName, Description, Picture"


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Error While Retrieving Records From MS Access?

Jun 18, 2009

when this button is click, it will retrieve all the records in different fields in MS Access 2007 and display onto the RichTextBox. But when i run the code and press the retrieve button, an error occurs. (NullReferenceException was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) Plus im sure my code to display records on richtextbox is wrong as i created another project purely with a button and a richtextbox, only the last field in access is displayed.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Application Doesn't Work On Another Computer (Couldn't Load File Or Assembly)?

Jul 7, 2011

I run the same exe file on another computer, but it gives error.The application works on my pc, but does not work on user's pc.I try to compile the app in other development machine and it is work well, the problem is my app doesn't work on user's pc.

Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecision.Shared, Version=10.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


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Error 80040154 Retrieving COM Class Factory

Sep 26, 2006

I have a VB.NET application that references a 3rd party Com component. The file is Interop.WINTSRRLIB.dll. My VB.NET application has a project reference to the COM comonent which lives in the directory: C:WaveTracker. The application runs fine. When I sent it to my customer, he installed in on his desktop machine. It runs fine. Then he copied all of the application files (which live in C:WaveTracker) to his laptop. However, on his laptop, he gets the error:

"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154). Retrieving the COM class factory for component xxxx failed due to the following error: 80040154" The customer swears he has the .NET 2.0 Framework installed properly on his laptop. Any ideas on how I can get over this problem???

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Error Coming Up Retrieving Messages From Outlook

Apr 22, 2010

I keep having this error coming up. Im retrieving messages from outlook. But it bring up this error.

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Retrieving Data From A String Giving Error

Jun 29, 2009

Trying to run the following code but am receiving an string to integer error. Basically, I am running a report through code and trying to retrieve a number from a line of code by removing the line description and spaces. Having problems trying to figure out how to do that.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strURL As String


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80040154: Retrieving The COM Class Factory For Component With CLSID Error In .NET?

Aug 31, 2009

I am getting the below error while i am using Microsfot excel interop. In my server there no excel installation. With out excel installation i want to export data to excel. So i used excel interop. But i am getting the below error.

Error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I am using the below code. It is working, if the machine have excel installation, But i dont have excel installation in my server.

Dim lobjExcelApp As Excel.Application
Dim lobjExcelWrkBk As Excel.Workbook
Dim lobjExcelWrkshtFee As Excel.Worksheet
Dim lobjsht As Excel.Worksheet


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Getting Error "Retrieving COM Class Factory For Component With CLSID?

Feb 1, 2010

I have created a small SMS apllication with Windows application.Ihave used two dll called "lcgsmsms" and "Interop.excel".But even after adding all those dll ,while building my aplication

(1)it shows ambiguous column name and after debugging ,
(2)It shows SQL server could not connect remote connections and
(3)getting error "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80040154."

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Retrieving The Com Class Factory For Component With Clsid Failed Error: 80040154 ADOX/?

Dec 18, 2009

I have a line of code that is producing the error: Retrieving the com class factory for component with clsid failed error: 80040154 ADOX The line of code is:

ADOXTable As New ADOX.Table

This error only occurs on one computer.

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Error Message On VS 2010 Beta : An Error Occurred Trying To Load The Page - Member Not Found

Jan 5, 2010

I am facing another error "An error occurred trying to load the page. Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND) )" performing the following scenario:- Opened a sample VS 2010 WPF project that I receiveved from a co-worker (Project compiles, and run on his machine)I tried to open project properties (Project --> Properties)The project properties panel/window didn't open, all it had was an error symbol (red/white X) and the error message above(HRESULT: 0x80020003).I am unable to view niether the designer window nor the code window (no messages are reported) but the pane where the code/design shoud display is empty, all you can see is the background color.

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Getting Error On Only 1 Computer (out Of Many) When Writing To DB

Jun 8, 2011

I have written a program to track the membership of a local gym that works perfectly on every computer EXCEPT the computer at the gym. I am pulling out my hair trying to figure out what the difference is any why ONLY that machine throws an error.

Background: The program is written in VB.NET (2008) and calls a MS Access db (PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;). The computer in question is a Vista machine that is extremely slow (I think it's a Celeron with 512 RAM).

History: I have tested the exe on a Windows 7 machine in 32bit and 64bit. Tested on a 2000 and 2003 server with 32bit and 64 bit processors. Testes on a Mac running parallels with XP. Tested on machines with Office XP, 2003, 2007 and machines without Office (thinking it was a resource that was missing) Every machine works but the Vista machine.

The error occurs when the program is trying to update an existing table with a new value that is valid. The field is set to text so I know it's not a casting problem. The error message is a general exception that reveals no information. I can continue from the error but it does not complete the change to the db.

One other interesting note is that the database is accessed across the network so multiple people can use the program at the same time. Unfortunately the Vista machine is the "server" and is the home for the db. The other machines are laptops and are not always accessible on the network. If the program and db are local to the laptops then the program works perfectly. If the db is accessed across the network and the program is local to the laptop then the program crashes.

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Computer.Network.UploadFile Error 404 On IIS 7.0?

Dec 3, 2010

i'm trying to upload an image from a vb form with theMy.Computer.Network.UploadFile, but the system responde me with error 404.Here is the code i'm using.Dim siteUri As New Uri("http://localhost:80/users/user_6/prova.jpg")Dim localuri As String = "D:calendariSonia.jpg"

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VS 2005 Error On Users Computer

Jul 28, 2011

I have someone who downloaded my program using click-once. My program allows user to read a .txt file and then manipulate data The user selects the file to open by goin gto File>Open on menu strip

I have a user who gets an error message upon clicking on File Open

It doesnt open up the OpenFileDialog return ans unhandled exception

Method not found System Windows.Forms OpenFileDialog get_SafeFileName

Anyone have an idea what i should be looking at I cant re-create it on my end

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Delete Computer In AD : E_ACCESSDENIED Error 0x80070005?

May 3, 2011

I would like to delete a computer from my AD with VB.Net I Get a snippet on the forum but unfortunately I get this error:

Message = "Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))"

I look for advices in forums... and msdn, i could be an Authentication issue I should use NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM, but I don't know how to and if this is my main issu in my code

Sub Main()
Dim entry As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP path")
Dim pcdir As New DirectorySearcher("(&(objectClass=Computer)(objectCategory=Computer)(cn=SAMPC))")


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Computer Name - System Call Returned Error Code

Feb 10, 2009

It is working with vb6 but when I used vb.net 2008 it is not working
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As _
Long) As Long
Public Function ComputerName() As String
Dim sBuffer As String
[Code] .....

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Developed Program Running On Another Computer Shows Error

Mar 5, 2010

i have developed a small application and was working fine on developing machine but when i installed it on another computer and double click on it to start it starts and after splash screen it gives don't send error [an error occurred] and getting closed.

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Error: The Service On Local Computer Started And Then Stopped

Mar 30, 2010

All, I have a Custom object which I have written using VB.NET (.net 2.0). The object instantiates its own threading.timer object and carries out a number of background process including periodic interrogation of an oracle database and delivery of emails via smtp according to data detected in the database. The following is the code implemented in the windows service class [Code].

After a little bit of experimentation I arrived at the above code in the OnStart method. All functionality passed testing when deployed from VS2005 on my development PC, however when deployed on a true target machine, the service would not start and responds with the following message: "The service on local computer started and then stopped..." Am I going about this the correct way? If not how can I best implement my incident manager within the confines of the Windows Service class. It seems pointless to implement a timer for the incident-manager because this already implements its own timer.

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Errors After Installing Vs2010 SP1 : Error 44 'Computer' Is Not A Member Of 'My'

Mar 11, 2011

I installed VS2010 SP1/TFS2010 SP1. Now VB solutions that built successfully now fail Rebuild with massive lists of errors, eg:

Error 14 'IsNothing' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. C:ProjectsNewDoxDOXLinkDocType.vb 142 12 DOXLink
Error 12 'ChrW' is not a member of 'VisualBasic'. C:ProjectsNewDoxDOXLinkDOXDBDataSet.Designer.vb 14947 120 DOXLink
Error 44 'Computer' is not a member of 'My'. C:ProjectsNewDoxDOXLinkLanFolder.vb 110 20 DOXLink
Error 15 'vbCrLf' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection


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Retrieving From Database - Error "column Argument Cannot Be Null"

Mar 11, 2010


'column' argument cannot be null. Parameter name: column

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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression Error On Client Computer?

Feb 13, 2011

I have written an application for my family business. It works fine when I try it on my computer, which I've used to write the app. But it gets the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error when I try to save data on the computer where the app is installed and will be used on.I don't get it. Is it because of the operating system?

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Entering Text In Windows Application Textbox Error: Operation Has Been Cancelled Due To Restrictions On This Computer

Nov 30, 2011

I have a windows application written in VB.Net 2008, framework 3.5. This app is running on 2 remote desktop servers. I have one user who receives error, This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. when entering in a text box. When he uses the application on Server 1 he does not receive the error. It only happens to this 1 user on one server.

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