Looping Through CheckBoxes To Get Values To Send To Another Page

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to loop through a bunch of checkboxes I have created on my aspx page. I would like to get all the values, and parse them to a string to send to another page as post variables. This is what i have so far:

aspx page:
<div class="ReportsCustomBox"><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox0" runat="server" /> Name</div>
<div class="ReportsCustomBox"><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" /> Training Year</div>
<div class="ReportsCustomBox"><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" /> Continuity Clinic</div>

aspx.vb file:
Protected Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Submit.Click
Dim targetURL As String
targetURL = "report.aspx?"
' This is the part i can't figure out.
' For Each checkbox on page
'if checkbox is checked
'targetURL &= checkboxid & "=true&"
End Sub

My goal is to build another page that will then check these values using Querystring variable, and build a listview out of them. (a report page, that basically lets the user select checkboxes of the columns they want to see on the report).

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C# - Looping Through Checkboxes And Inserting Checkbox Values To DB

Apr 14, 2012

ASPX Page:

<asp:ListView ID="lvSubjects" runat="server" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />


Where am i going wrong?? i do not get any error...but this code is not working for me.

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Looping Through Checkboxes?

Apr 20, 2011

On a form I have a series of 20 checkboxes (cbS1 through cbS20). With that I have an integer named 'Count'

What I need to do: When the forms loads it will get a value for Count. I need all the checkboxes that are greater than this value to be checked.

So if count = 7 then cbS8 through cbS20 will be checked.

Im not really sure the best way to code this is. I know I can do it with a giant case statement...but there has got to be a better way right?

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Looping Through Controls Using CheckBoxes

Feb 22, 2012

I've got a page with a ton of checkBoxes on it. I would like to have a loop that can can just go through all of them but I can't get it to work. I know similar code works for a desktop application but apparently not for an ASP page. [Code]

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VS 2008 Looping Through Checkboxes

Apr 20, 2009

looping through check boxes.. checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3...... Error in the code ocheck = "CheckBox" & Str(t) as "Run time errors may occur when converting 'string' to 'Microsoft.office.interop.word.checkbox'." Dim No_Checkboxes As Integer, ocheck As CheckBox


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Check All The Checkboxes On A Webform (aspx) Page, Which Is Inside A Master Page?

Aug 30, 2009

I am trying to check all the checkboxes on a webform (aspx) page, which is inside a master page,depending on the ID of the checkbox. The checkboxes are created dynamically, so I only know the prefix for finding it. So, I need to find these checkboxes by iterating the controls on the page somehow. It's not working out.


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Count The Total No. Of Asp.net Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of asp.net checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using vb.net ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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Page Full Of Checkboxes

Jan 8, 2010

I have a page full of check boxes and I want to do a quick scan to see if any of them are checked. In this code, there is no VB option for ctrl.checked so the following code shows an error on that line. How can I do this same thing?


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Looping - Send The Inputbox Asking For The Value Again Before Moving To The Next Array?

Mar 6, 2012

im having some trouble with my loop code. When the isnumeric code detects it not a number it throws the msgbox error message but moveson to the next array for the user to enter a value via inputbox. Is there a way for the program to send the inputbox asking for the value again before moving to the next array?


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.net - Markup Page With A Bunch Of Checkboxes?

Jun 18, 2012

In my classic asp app, I have a markup page with a bunch of checkboxes. The checkbox control ID is bscv.Once a user checks a box and clicks submit, the value is processed on the next page called next.asp.Based on the value of the checked box, I display the correct dropdown.I use the following code on next.asp to display the correct dropdown.

If bsvc = "master" Then
' only master was checked
' "If the user checks only master checkbox, ...txtmaster with 2 options... is displayed."
<select id="txtmaster" name="txtmaster">
<option value="">-Select a service-</option>
<option value="1">1</option>


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Dynamically Output Checkboxes To Aspx Page In Program?

Feb 10, 2010

I have 50 checkboxes that I need to write onto an aspx page. Each checkbox comes with 3 textboxes.[code]...

Now this shall go for all 50 states, depending on which states the person wishes to donate. In each state's row shall be a checkbox. So initially the page shall have value 0.00 in donation and new donation checkboxes, but all 50 states shall be visible. When the person puts a value of donation in certain state, that state shall get "checked" value and the donation, after submitting. On reloading, the value shall be populated automatically and checkbox checked automatically.

How do I make these 50 checkboxes in VB.NET?

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VS 2010 WebBrowser Looping - Login To Mobile Page

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to login to the mobile login page for hotmail.com. I want to login to each account, I have them in a multi-line textbox1 in username : password format (no-spaces) on new lines. It loops through all the accounts before the page is even loaded. and when the page has loaded, it logs into the hotmail login from the last login details at the end of the textbox, instead of going from first to last. It's not clicking submit button either, its just showing the username and password looping in the inputs. Not submitting at all. The submit button code is right. I know it works. So thats not the problem.
Here is my [URL]

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Keep The Values Of Checkboxes After Postback?

Feb 29, 2012

I have a checkbox in datalist, after the button is clicked(postback) the value of checkbox is cleared. For example, if the checkbox in datalist is checked, when the button is clicked the checkbox appears unchecked when getting it's value

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VS 2008 Use Checkboxes To Get The Same Values?

Mar 24, 2010

In my program, I can place an order for glasses.To do this, I have 4 text boxes:

StockNumber: [12345]
GlassOrPlastic: [Glass/Plastic]
ScratchCoating: [Yes/No]
UVFilter: [Yes/No]

Currently, it works fine... BUT I need to type in Glass or Plastic, I need to type Yes/No and same for each thing, wondering would checkboxes be more effecient or how would I do it?How do I even use checkboxes to get the same values...(If I type in Glass it adds �30 to the price, if I type in Plastic only �15 is added...)So if a Yes answer = �20 and a No = �10 How can I do that with checkboxes or whatever...My code for when I click the order button, myAddNew just adds my information in..

Private Sub OrderButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OrderButton.Click
Dim myValue As Integer ' Base value of frames
Dim myValue1 As Integer ' Glass or plastic value


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Add Values In Textboxes By Looping

Jul 31, 2009

i have a textbox where i get numbers by looping...i get 1,2,3,4,12,345,32 and 67..
but i get only 67 in textbox..i want to add all the numbers and display the result at the end...


how can i add after each loop.

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Looping Through The Different Textbox Values

Oct 15, 2011

I have a form with 24 textboxes incremented by a letter. example: txtDimVala1.text, txtDimValb1.text, txtDimValc1.text, etc. I created a code to check each textbox, but there must me a more efficient way to loop it. I have tried a few loops but I cant get them to work looping through the different textbox values.


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Looping Through A Repeater Control To Get Values Of Textbox In Asp.net?

Aug 12, 2011

I am trying to loop through my repeater control and get the textbox values.However, I am getting an error: {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}

my code is:

Dim txtField As TextBox
Dim j As Integer = 0
'Confirm if user has entered atleast one quantity
For Each item In rptRequestForm.Items


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Looping Through DataTables And Appending Values To A String

Apr 24, 2012

I have been out of the VB game for awhile and am now trying to catch up to VB.NET. I know my current solution probably has a more efficient way of doing what I want, such as using LINQ or something. But, I am start at the bottom and working my way up. I essence I have 1 table controlling which columns get added to a working string, that I will eventually export into a text file. My first table has 3 columns(ID, String, Processed). The ID is the index or primary key and the string is the data I need, and Processed tells me if I have extracted that string yet or not( 0 for no and 1 for yes)...

My main problem is checking values in table 1 where I need to add the string. Of course my problem might be deeper in how I am even returning the values from the datatables.


Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub StoredProcedure1()


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Get GridView Selected Row Values Using Page Previous Page?

May 31, 2012

I have a gridView in ConsumerList page. When Edit button is clicked (in each row), it is navigated to a EditConsumer page. In the EditConsumer page, I need to get the values of the selected row using Page.PreviousPage.[code...

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Add Values(Prices) To CheckBoxes, Radiobuttons And Perform Calculations?

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to put together a simple form with prices assigned to Radio buttons and check boxes.

I started by creating a simple form with four Windows Form control, two check boxes and two radio buttons, there is also a NumberUpDown Control for quantity but I have not added that yet.

Basically the user make selections, the price is calculated with total and subtotal and displayed on a label.

I am trying to start as basic as possible then work my way up to more complex calculations as I progress.

Here is my Screw up version: :)

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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JavaScript - Add Comma Separated Values According To The Checkboxes In Textbox?

Nov 8, 2010

I have 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox i use only these controls mentioned above ..I want ---- when i check checkbox1 and checkbox2 then it will display in textbox1 as 1,2 as it is as the same ascending order not 1,2, or 2,1,I use this type of coding in asp.net (VB) , i wanna use this coding for 45 checkboxes........

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VS 2008 - Loop Through Column Of CheckBoxes To See Checked Values

Sep 1, 2011

I'm trying to loop through a column of checkboxes to see how many checked values there are in that column. The user has to have 2; no more, no less than 2, otherwise an error should show up.

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim x As Integer = 0
For x = 1 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
[Code] ....

The error message still occurs when I have only 2 chosen in that column. I even tried this
If CBool(DataGridView1.Rows(x).Cells(7).Value = Checkstate.checked) Then

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Send Data From One Page To Another Page?

Jun 24, 2010

how send data from one page to another page in VB.NET of window form application?

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Looping Code Is Adding Values Multiple Times?

Feb 17, 2011

Looping code is adding my values multiple times

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Looping Through Data Grid View And Inserting Values Into Database?

Apr 5, 2011

Currently I have a problem with updating my database with values in my Data Grid View.

On my form I have a "Populate" button and "Submit Details" button.

The "Populate" button fills my Data Grid with numerous lines of data.

On the click event for "Submit Details" I want this data to be inserted into a table in my DataBase by looping through each record.

For Each dgi As DataGridView In DataGridView1.Rows

Dim productCode As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("product"), Label).Text
Dim description As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("description"), Label).Text
Dim quantity As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("order_qty"), Label).Text


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Asp.net - Pass Values From Dynamically Created Gridview Checkboxes To A Crystal Report?

Nov 1, 2010

Does anyone know how to pass values from adynamically created gridview checkboxes to a crystal report?Is it possible? I am using asp.net, vb.net and mssql. Here's my grid minus a few boundfields:

<asp:gridview id="grid" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="False" cellpadding="4"
forecolor="#333333" gridlines="None" emptydatatext="No Products registered for this company...">
<RowStyle BackColor="#EFF3FB" />[code]............

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Insert Multiple Asp.net Checkboxes Values To MSSQl Database As Comma Separated String

Dec 12, 2010

How to insert and retrive multiple asp.net checkboxes values to MSSQl database as comma seperaed string 1,2,3,4,5 using vb.net ? and retrieve the inserted checkbox chekched in disabled form ..using vb.net url...I want this type of whole layout in vb.net means if user registered selected seats then then next the same page load for todays date the selected seats will be disabled

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Forms :: Find A Method Of Looping Through A Listbox And Retrieving The Index Number And Values?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to find a method of looping through a listbox and retrieving the index number and values - quite straightforward in asp, but turning out to be something of a nightmare in winforms!Here is the scenario - The user can add values in a textbox, that are in turn added to a DataTable that gives it a unique ID and a row number, this is then bound to the listbox. The user can then move the items up or down the list by adjusting the row number in the datatable and rebinding to the listbox..

The problem that I am hitting is when the user needs to delete an item -the first part is easy - delete from the DataTable and rebind to the listbox. The bit where I hit the proverbial brick wall is needing to loop through the listbox rows and getting both the index number and the ValueMember - that way I can change the row numbers in the DataTable based on the index number against the ID number.

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Send POST To A .PHP Page?

Feb 18, 2010

How would I go about sending POST data to a PHP page? For, example, if I used this as a PHP page.

$User = $_POST['User'];


And, a form with a TextBox, and a Button, how would I go about sending the contents of the TextBox to the PHP using a HTTPWebRequest? I don't need to receive any data back, just send it.

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