VS 2008 Looping Through Checkboxes

Apr 20, 2009

looping through check boxes.. checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3...... Error in the code ocheck = "CheckBox" & Str(t) as "Run time errors may occur when converting 'string' to 'Microsoft.office.interop.word.checkbox'." Dim No_Checkboxes As Integer, ocheck As CheckBox


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Looping Through Checkboxes?

Apr 20, 2011

On a form I have a series of 20 checkboxes (cbS1 through cbS20). With that I have an integer named 'Count'

What I need to do: When the forms loads it will get a value for Count. I need all the checkboxes that are greater than this value to be checked.

So if count = 7 then cbS8 through cbS20 will be checked.

Im not really sure the best way to code this is. I know I can do it with a giant case statement...but there has got to be a better way right?

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Looping Through Controls Using CheckBoxes

Feb 22, 2012

I've got a page with a ton of checkBoxes on it. I would like to have a loop that can can just go through all of them but I can't get it to work. I know similar code works for a desktop application but apparently not for an ASP page. [Code]

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C# - Looping Through Checkboxes And Inserting Checkbox Values To DB

Apr 14, 2012

ASPX Page:

<asp:ListView ID="lvSubjects" runat="server" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />


Where am i going wrong?? i do not get any error...but this code is not working for me.

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Looping Through CheckBoxes To Get Values To Send To Another Page

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to loop through a bunch of checkboxes I have created on my aspx page. I would like to get all the values, and parse them to a string to send to another page as post variables. This is what i have so far:

aspx page:
<div class="ReportsCustomBox"><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox0" runat="server" /> Name</div>
<div class="ReportsCustomBox"><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" /> Training Year</div>
<div class="ReportsCustomBox"><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" /> Continuity Clinic</div>

aspx.vb file:
Protected Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Submit.Click
Dim targetURL As String
targetURL = "report.aspx?"
' This is the part i can't figure out.
' For Each checkbox on page
'if checkbox is checked
'targetURL &= checkboxid & "=true&"
End Sub

My goal is to build another page that will then check these values using Querystring variable, and build a listview out of them. (a report page, that basically lets the user select checkboxes of the columns they want to see on the report).

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Count The Total No. Of Asp.net Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of asp.net checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using vb.net ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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VS 2008 Multiple Checkboxes?

Feb 23, 2012

Here's the scenario.I have 7 checkboxes.Checkbox1 is equal to "All" where it checks all remaining checkboxes when it is checked.And the remaining 6 Checkbox2 to Checkbox7 has certain conditions if they are checked.Is there a easiest way to do this? Like using a If Elseif Statement?

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VS 2008 No Checkboxes Selected

Dec 24, 2009

I have three Check Boxes If No check boxes are checked how do i make a msgbox pop up saying " Please Choose One Of the Options To Begin"?

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VS 2008 No Clue About Checkboxes

Feb 5, 2010

I have an access table with 2 checkboxes. I want to use them something like;[code]If nDate = today -5 then set Checkbox1 = True and finally allow the user to set the state with a yes/no MessageBox.

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VS 2008 Use Checkboxes To Get The Same Values?

Mar 24, 2010

In my program, I can place an order for glasses.To do this, I have 4 text boxes:

StockNumber: [12345]
GlassOrPlastic: [Glass/Plastic]
ScratchCoating: [Yes/No]
UVFilter: [Yes/No]

Currently, it works fine... BUT I need to type in Glass or Plastic, I need to type Yes/No and same for each thing, wondering would checkboxes be more effecient or how would I do it?How do I even use checkboxes to get the same values...(If I type in Glass it adds �30 to the price, if I type in Plastic only �15 is added...)So if a Yes answer = �20 and a No = �10 How can I do that with checkboxes or whatever...My code for when I click the order button, myAddNew just adds my information in..

Private Sub OrderButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OrderButton.Click
Dim myValue As Integer ' Base value of frames
Dim myValue1 As Integer ' Glass or plastic value


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VS 2008 Validating Checkboxes

Apr 22, 2009

I have 3 checkboxes on a groupBox, when the user presses "OK" i was first wanting to validate that at least 1 checkbox was ticked before commencing, if they haven't selected any i was going to throw an error up, i'm stuck on how to do this i'm sure a for each, but i can't seem to figure out the syntax.

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VS 2008 Looping In Datagridview?

Oct 15, 2011

Mine is a windows app. containing forms named BOM nd BOMSelected..There is datagridview in BOM which contains checkbox column.. When the user selects checkbox, the selected rows should be seen in the datagridview of other form, SelectedBom..


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VS 2008 Looping Through An Object?

Dec 15, 2009

I have been using the following code for quite some time to list the property values of an object:

Dim instance As New Configuration
Dim propValue As Object
For Each pi As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo In instance.GetType.GetProperties()


Works great but we've gotten alot of properties at this point and could use them in alphabetical order.

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VS 2008 Looping With Textboxs

Sep 8, 2009

I would like to know how to loop with textboxs. For example. I would set the text to "Hello" And the loop will send this...


I have tried many looping techniques but they all used listboxs and even modifying them I could not get it to work correctly.

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VS 2008 - Loop Through All CheckBoxes In Frame

Jan 27, 2010

I thought I could use this, to loop through all checkboxes in a frame:
For Each cb As CheckBox In Me.frameSearch.Controls
cb.enabled = False
But it walks through once, then it comes with error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Label' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox'.

There are indeed labels within 'frameSearch', but I thought that the "For Each cb as Checkbox" would loop only through all checkboxes..? Following does work, but it seems a bit of waste of CPU time, since it will loop through all controls!

For Each cb As Control In Me.frameSearch.Controls
If TypeOf (cb) Is CheckBox Then
cb.Enabled = False
End If
How to do this more effectively?

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VS 2008 Drop-down List With Checkboxes?

Oct 11, 2009

I have to set a drop-down list with multi-select checkboxes. It seems to be a combination of combobox and list capacities (at least as I know them in VB6), so what's the best controller for these purposes in VS2008?

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VS 2008 Getting Total From Multiple Checkboxes?

Dec 8, 2009

I'm working on a school project and need some help getting pointed in the right direction. The project is a lawn care application with 2 forms in which the user can select different services they want for their lawn. On Form1 I have 3 checkboxes the user can select: mowCheckBox , fertilizeCheckBox , and mulchCheckbox each with a different price. And nextButton to navigate user to Form2

On Form2 I have a listbox which shows the services the user selected, a totalLabel which will show the total dollar amount of the services, and a calcButton to calculate the total dollar amount.

The problem that I am having is being able to get the total dollar amount. If the user selects the mowCheckBox ($25) and the fertilizeCheckBox ($20) in Form1 I need the totalLabel in Form2 to show the total but cant figure out how to??

Public Class Form1
Private Sub nextButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nextButton.Click


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VS 2008 List View & Checkboxes?

May 2, 2009

I have created a list view and was trying to place checkboxes down the left hand side then place pre determined text beside them but i get the word "Default" above the checkboxes like in this screencap:[URL}..allso i was wondering if there was a way to populate the list view with data like you can with the combo boxes?

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VS 2008 ListView Select And Checkboxes?

Dec 1, 2009

This may sound like a silly question, but I can't seem to find an answer.Is there any way to "Check" a ListViewItem when the user selects it via property? I'm sure I can figure out how to do it in code, but I thought there was a property of the ListView. I looked through the documentation, Google, and in the properties panel, but I can't seem to figure it out

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VS 2008 Select All Checkboxes In The DataGrid?

Nov 26, 2009

I have datagrif full of data with 3 cols, which first col is and checkbox one. I would like to check,uncheck all items in that col by the click on some button.

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[2008] Clear Checkboxes Automatically

Feb 17, 2009

This is a simple program, nothing crazy, just for a VB class. The program just a food ordering form. Each part of the order has a group box, with the type of sandwich, side, beverage, dessert you want selected via a combobox, and toppings selected with checkboxes (the code for the beverages is coded differently and giving me 0 problems, but at the instruction of the teacher who saw beverages giving conflicts with the way everything else was coded because radio buttons are used instead of checks).


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VS 2008 - Looping Structures For Class

Dec 14, 2009

I have this Visual Basic class I'm taking online. At this point in the section all I'm supposed to know about are Do, Do While, Do Until, Exit Do, Continue Do, and For Next loops. So try not to go off in a fancy super-coder direction. And everything is (preferably) made through Console Applications on VBE 2008

Problem 1:
Write a program that evaluates the factorials of the integers from 1 to 10 using an appropriate data type. (factorials are... factorial of 1 is 1, factorial of 5 is 120, or 1*2*3*4*5=120)

Problem 2:
Make a diamond - 1 asterisk at the top, 9 asterisks at it's widest - using only nested For...Next statements to print the asterisks AND spaces, minimizing use of output statements.

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VS 2008 DataReader Error In Looping

Mar 29, 2009

[code]I am facing difficulty in coding when intRow loop for the 2nd round. Error message "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed " appear in the above red highlight vb.net code.

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VS 2008 Looping For Files In Directory?

Jul 12, 2010

I have some code that should update my listbox with files in a directory i have this code put in a timer:


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VS 2008 Looping Sending Loopy?

Apr 21, 2009

Have this Uni question; which after 20 minutes of frustration I'm sending it to the brain trust (you might be interested).Write a program that, when a button is pressed, checks the contents of a textbox. If the textbox does not contain a number, the program informs the user of this and does nothing more. Once a number has been entered, the program will do something trivial such as displaying double the number in a message box.Notice that this can be done without explicit looping,even though the user might repeatedly enter non-numbers. Because it is an event-driven program, each iteration is started when the user clicks the button. The looping is driven by the user, not by a looping statement.

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VS 2008 Looping Through All Rows In A Datagrid?

Jan 11, 2011

Im trying to loop through all rows in a datagrid and enter a calculation in the field in the next column (first column is already populated with appliance names). The code below works but only on the first row. Can someone be good enough to point out my error? For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows

If DataGridView1.Rows(s).Cells(0).Value = "" Then
DataGridView1.Rows(s).Cells(1).Value = "0"
DataGridView1.Rows(s).Cells(1).Value = dtDLopt.Compute("SUM(Measurement)", "Appliance = '" & DataGridView1.Rows(s).Cells(0).Value & "'")
End If
Next row

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VS 2008 Looping Through All Webcam Sources

Jul 2, 2010

I'm using this code to get the preview window

Dim iHeight As Integer = picCapture.Height
Dim iWidth As Integer = picCapture.Width
' Open Preview window in picturebox


As you can see, I have 2 sources. Would it be possible to not show the preview window, but instead loop through all the sources?

That would be in a timer, so like each 10 seconds a pictures is made from each source.

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VS 2008 Looping Through Controls On Win Form?

Feb 11, 2012

i have a winform and i have about 30 labels and 30 picture boxes on it. What i would like to do is fill each label and picturebox with a value and image from a backend database. I could have easily done this in vb6 using control struture , for eg.

for x = 1 to 30
picturebox(x).image = value from database
label(x).caption = value from database


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VS 2008 - Limiting Number CheckBoxes You May Select?

Jun 2, 2012

I am creating an application in Visual Basic '08 with four available checkboxes. Is it possible to limit the number of checkboxes you may select down to 2, and how may I go about doing this?

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VS 2008 : Uncheck All Checkboxes In Datagridviewcheckboxcolumn Except The Row That Clicked?

Apr 12, 2010

I want to be able to only set one record in my tables as a default value. So when I check the checkboxcolumn of one row in my datagridview all the other checboxes in the other rows must be set to false. How can I do this?

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