MDI Child Not Showing In List?

Oct 25, 2010

I currently changing an in-house Access Database to Visual Basic 2010. Since they are used to tabs in Access, I decided to use MDI Parent and MDI Child. What I dont allow is for the user to change the size of the Child. With that, I used a menu strip making one of the items [Open Windows] the MdiWindowListItem which worked great for awhile. Now I can not get any list to show no matter how many windows are opened. About the only thing I can think of that may or may not be the issue is I allow another MDI Child attached to the Parent from the MDI Child. Like below:

With newForm
.Text = formTitle
.MdiParent = Management


Even with removing this code to test it this caused it still had the same issue. I even went as far as adding a new menu and attaching it to the MdiWindowListItem with the same results.

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Child Form Not Showing Up In MDIcontainer's Split Container?

Aug 21, 2008

see the code below i placed form and made it isMDIcontainer=trueadded treeview to this form and docked to leftadded split Containeradded 2 child forms namde Form3 & Form4

everything ok, except one thing the child forms not showing up

Public Class Form2
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Showing Properties Of Child Objects In The Property Grid?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a custom class (Class1) with a bunch of properties. One of the properties of this class is another custom class (Class2) with its own properties.I have a property grid with the selected object set to Class 1. I can see Class 2 as a property, but i would like to expand Class 2 to show its properties in the same property grid.

Im basically trying to do the exact same thing as the Font Class on a form. If you look at the properties of a form in the designer, you can see the font property. You can then expand that to show the properties of the font class.

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Showing Data From Child Table By Clicking On Parent Record?

Apr 4, 2009

Instead of connecting to database,I create datacolumns of two data tables.assign foregin key constraints and primary keys to the columns.Add these datatables to dataset and create relationship between them.Now by using RowFilter property,how to display the child table in a datagrid by clicking on parent record in another datagrid?Accept and Award Points Accept as Solution

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Create List Of Child Objects From List Of Parent Object?

Jun 2, 2011

I would like to create list of child objects from list of parent object. Like If i have list of bookingroom which has one member room then i would like to create list of room from it.

eg. code:

Dim BookingRoomList As List(Of BookingRoom) = New List(Of BookingRoom)
Dim RoomList As List(Of Room) = New List(Of Room)
BookingRoomList = BookingRooms.FillGrid()


Is there any short cut method instead of iterating over for earch?

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VS 2005 Sort List Of Objects By Child List Order?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm having a bit of a 'brain doner' moment here

I have a list of Objects. Each of these Objects contains a list of other Objects (pseudo code) :-

Private Structure Object1
dim Name as string
dim ListOfObject2 as List(Of Object2)


I need to sort the list of Object1 by the Value in Object2. I have a comparison class which sorts Object2 by its Value nicely.

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Not Showing Up In List Box

Nov 10, 2010

I'm trying to finish up this project for a class and I can't figure out why its not putting in the lstbox the depreciation of the items life,


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List Box Not Showing Database?

Jun 18, 2012

I have two linked tables in my database (access), one is for the student and one is the ages(selection drop list ).

When I have transfered the data in vb form, a simple text box is shown with numbers in it. How can I have the drop down list shown with the data I need instead of the numbers?

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Showing Drop Down List In ComboBox

Jun 7, 2010

How can i set the tool combobox when i write any thing the drop down list goes down and data begins to appear?as Google when you want to search for something it begins to suggest words for you. is it a special tool?

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Showing List Of Color's To Combo Box

Oct 19, 2009

i am currently creating a program which will draw out a company logo, which uses a picturebox a couple of radiobuttons which selects the type of shape which will be displayed, and a combo box which selects the color of the shape. i am kind of lost with the combo box, like how do i add the list of colors that is in visual studio and make it to automatically show on the combo box, what color to select.

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Tell If SuggestAppend List Is Showing In A Combo

Oct 28, 2009

I need to be able to check from code whether the SuggestAppend List (not sure if that's it's proper name, I mean the dropdown that appears when you start typing into a combo whose auto-complete mode has been set to Sugest Append) is currently showing. Basically I'm looking for something similar to the DroppedDown property but applying to the SuggestAppend List rather than the Drop Down. Can anyone tell me what property I should be looking at?

The reason I need this is I need to do some work when a user cancels an edit in the combo by pressing escape. I've trapped the escape keypress but this only represents an edit cancellation if the dropdown list and the suggest append list aren't currently showing (otherwise the escape just closes the list).

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Display A List (Of Object) Which Has Single Objects And Child List (Of Object)?

Sep 6, 2011

Limited to using v2.0 of .Net framework (we use due to environmental constraints on our servers.I've got an webpage which pulls data from a webservice that performs checks on user accounts in active directory. Operators can check multiple accounts at one time using the web interface. The webservice returns a list(of AccountCheck) objects which themselves contain single properties like username, email address, and List(of AccountError) objects which contain multiple properties.[code]What I want to do is using some kind of repeater, create multiple panels or divs which contain labels showing the username, email etc, and a gridview which has the accounterror list bound to it to show all the errors. The users could be checking 2, 5, 7 accounts at once, and is dynamic.

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Dropdown - Showing List Of Combobox While Getting Focus

Jul 8, 2010

When we click on drop down combobox control in our windows form, it shows the list automatically. But when we press tab and navigate to that control from keyboard it doesn't shows the list automatically. So in other to show the list automatically on receiving focus what should be done?

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VS 2010 Drop Down List Showing A Datagridview?

Jun 6, 2012

I was thinking of using a dropdownlist showing all names. But is it possible to have a dropdownlist showing a datagridview showing more details such as names, address and telephne number of the person?

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Interface And Graphics :: MDI Parent / Child - Child To Check To See If It Is The Last Child Object Before Closing

Feb 18, 2011

Im working with MDI parent/child objects. when closing the child objects i need the child to check to see if it is the last child object before closing. i couldn't find anything on google, maybe im searching for the wrong thing.

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Showing List Of Auto-runs From Registry And Startup Group

Aug 2, 2011

Has anyone got some source code or advice on getting my app to be able to list all autorun items i.e. from HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CurrentVersion/Run (and other locations) and the start menu start up group - same sort of info as say msconfig or autoruns

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Child List For Field GridView1 Cannot Be Created

Oct 29, 2009

I have an error in my application, "Child list for field GridView1 cannot be created."[code]./..

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MDI Child Form List / Sub-Menu Options

Jan 19, 2012

As you can see from the screen shot I have managed to get MDI Parents / Child forms working, and managed there to be a menu option on the Parent form that displays all the Child forms opened at the time. What I was wondering, and as of yet through research haven't discovered, is there a way when the list of windows is created, if a user highlights any child in the list it opens a sub-menu from its name (eg. Rename Window, Center Window, etc).

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MDI Child Form List / Sub-Menu Options?

Jun 23, 2012

MDI Child Form List / Sub-Menu Options

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Child List For Field Cannot Be Created Error Message

Jun 15, 2011

im getting error after I run an UPDATE sql query and the datagridview needs to update....not sure what the problem is. heres my code, first block is what the program does on load, the second block is where im getting the problem.

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click


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Determining List Index Of Child Event Sender?

Feb 23, 2009

I have a list of objects, each with several events. I can add an eventhandler to each object, so I can catch each item's events. But I would also like to know the sender's index in the list (ie, was this object the 3rd, 5th, etc, item in the list?) I'm guessing the object doesn't "know" its position.I could give each object an index number property when it is created and added to the list, so that information could be passed. However, I would have to reindex every item everytime I use remove, insert, etc, methods.

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Linq To Xml Query Returning A List Of All Child Elements?

Mar 8, 2010

I have got an xml document which looks something like this.



How can i write a linqToXML query so that it returns me an IEnumerable containing each child element, in this case all five child elements of , so that i could iterate over them. The order of child elements is not definite, neither is number of times the may appear.

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Read All Elements And Child Nodes Of XML In A List Using XDocument?

Jul 6, 2011

I have to get all the Entity Source,Entity Target,Property Source and Property Target values in list respectively.[code]...

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VB Reference Parent Member Of A Class Through A Child When Using List Of(T)?

Feb 27, 2012

VB Reference parent member of a class through a child when using List Of(T)?

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Getting Error Message Child List For Field VwMedicalRecords Cannot Be Created

May 28, 2010

I'm using a stored procedure to fill my dataset. The stored procedure retrieves the data from a view named "vwMedicalRecords". When I bind the result to a windows DataGridView control for the first time the binding work fine but the second time it fails with the above error message.

I placed a refresh button on the form which I use to rebind the datagridview (reloading data).So the first time as I mention its working fine the second time fails third time work fine fourth time fails and so on.


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.net - Overrides A "list Of Base Class" Property And Returning A "list Of Child Class"

Oct 19, 2010

I have a base class (ex: Class1) containing a list of another base class (ex: ClassA). Each child class of first base class (ex: Class1AA, Class1AB,..) containing a list of child class of second base class (ex: ClassAA, ClassAB,...)The client must never know which child class is using, then i don't think i can use generic for my bases classes.I try something like this and many more, but i always received errors..Imports System.Collections.Generic


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Menu Strip Has Disappeared But The Menu Items Are Still Showing In Properties List?

Oct 6, 2011

I have combed these forums and the 'net and can't find an answer to my specific problem. My menu strip disappeared (after deleting a small secondary form within my project). I therefore created a new strip and while recreating the menu items realized that the original menu items are still present, showing in my properties list. I have checked my design file as well and the original menu strip is definitely gone but the original menu items are there. I don't have many items so I would have no problem just deleting the original ones but I can't see them to delete them! I have checked and they are all set to visible. I have also moved everything on my form to see if it is behind anything else.

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Why Is Model Only Showing One Make Of Car / Yet Cars Is Showing Full Lest

Mar 31, 2011

I have a problem with the combox its only displaying the first item in the list its being populated by a webserice call the drop down in question is comboboxmodel now the manufacture one is fine and sets as it should any reason as to why the comboboxmodel would not. [code]

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Creating DataRelation With Parent And Child Tables And Generating Xml With Subnodes For Child Table?

May 21, 2012

Dim obj_DataTable As New System.Data.DataTable("Category")
Dim obj_DataSet As New DataSet()
'Declaring the array of DataColum to hold the Primary Key Columns


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Syntax Checker - Populating My Combo Box With All Of A Root-child's Child Element's Names?

Mar 10, 2009

My program handles XML files that have certain elements within a root-child node that are identical expect for their inner text value. So while populating my combo box with all of a root-child's child element's names I get like five identical items listed. Which brought about the problem of selecting say the third item and getting the value of the first displayed. So I came up with a loop function that determines if the selected combo box item is preceded by one of the same name, if it is, then it adds +1 to a counter variable and keeps checking farther and farther up the list. Once it loops to an item that doesn't have the same name it exits and it reads the Xth (X = counter mentioned earlier) element's inner text from the file. This works great for elements 1, 3, 4, and 5. But not for 2. A while back when I was focused on this problem I discovered the root of the problem but I was unable to circumvent it. I'll put the loop below so you can see the problem in action instead of trying to follow my verbose explanation:


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