Make A 'Global Panel' On TabPages Of A TabControl?

Nov 6, 2009

Now my idea was to have a tablelayoutpanel with labels in it,Functionally my TabControl allows the user to sequentially select various components used for designing a machine, My idea was to provide him an overview of his previously selected components at every tab.

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Add A TabControl With 4 TabPages To A Tab Page?

Sep 21, 2010

My UI currently addsabPageGraphs to a TabControlMain dynamically. I now need to present 4 different views of the same data. I want to do something like the following code indicatesbut there is no 'Add()' method for TabPages by which I can add 4 Tabs to an existing TabPage.How would I accomplish this so that under a specific dynamically added TabPage, the User can select any of 4 new TabPages with a different graph to view.

if (!this.tabControlMain.Contains(this.tabPageGraphs))


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Form With A Tabcontrol And Several Tabpages?

Aug 22, 2009

I have a form with a tabcontrol and several tabpages.

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Reorde TabPages In A TabControl?

Jun 6, 2012

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to find a way to move tabs in a tabcontrol. I've found this good resource (url...), but I don't know how to implement it.

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Add A Click Event To The Tabpages Of A Tabcontrol?

Mar 17, 2009

how to add a click event to the tabpages of a tabcontrol? I tried double clicking it but nothing happened. I tried putting a button on the tabpage but that did not work either.

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Hiding And Showing TabPages In TabControl?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to show or hide tabpages as per user choice. If user selects gender male then form for male in a tabpage "male" should be displayed and if user selects female then similar next form should be displayed in next tab "female"I tried using


It adds and removes the tabpages but doing so will loose my controls on tabpages too... i can't see them back. what's the problem here?

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TabControl - How To Rearrange TabPages On Form

Jan 11, 2010

I have a tabcontrol on my form, but I created the tabpages in the wrong order. I tried dragging and dropping the tabpages but that didn't work. How do I rearrange my tabpages?

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Adding A Close Button In A TabControl TabPages?

Jun 10, 2011

Ok what I am working is creating a tabpage at run time, I ahve a class that inherits tabpage class and when I call, it creates a new tabpage and add it to the tabControl, My codes are as:

Class CreatenewTab : Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage
'Some implementation here
end Class


How to make a new created tab to be selected and top? I have tried .show(), .Select() and .Focus() but nothing happens. What I mean is when you click on add new Tab, like in Browser a new tab is created and is selected for use(become top)

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C# - Remove/Edit TabControl Padding For TabPages?

Jul 15, 2011

I was using System.Windows.Forms.TabControl to list custom pages, but there seems be a Hardcoded Padding of 3 pixels on all sides of Tabcontrol. How I can remove that. One point here is I dont want to remove Tabs on Top http:[url].....I found above MSDN link whick does removes margins from all sides including TabItems on top which I dont want.

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Disable Change TabPages From Clicking TabControl

Jan 15, 2009

I am a newbie in development. I have a window application in in VS 2003 there is a tabcontrol which has three tab pages. I want that user was not able to change tabpages by clicking tabcontrol rather than it is done by clicking button on tabpages how it is possible?

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C# - Setting Header Color For Tabcontrol.Tabpages In Winforms?

Sep 23, 2010

how to set header color for tabpages in WINFORMS. and also the back color.

In my code. For j = 0 To dataset4Category(i).Tables.Count - 1
Dim Finder As Integer = Decimal.Floor(((dataset4Category(i).Tables(0).Rows.Count) / 30))
key = dataset4Category(i).DataSetName
name = Space(1) & StrConv(dataset4Category(i).Tables(0).TableName, VbStrConv.ProperCase) & Space(4)
myTabControl.TabPages.Add(key, name)
myTabControl.TabPages(j).Tag = 0


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Displaying The Red Error Icons Next To The Headers Of Tabpages Within TabControl?

Jul 15, 2009

r red icons displayed next to controls that are not valid, those controls are usually textbox, combobox..etc.What I need is to display that same kind of error red icon next to tabpages headers in a tabcontrol.I mean, whenever i do some sort of validation logic in one of the tabPages, if my logic returns false, then I want to be able to display the error red icon next to the header of that Tabpage that's not valid.

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Fill Combobox With Properties Of BorderStyle Of Tabpages Of The Control Tabcontrol?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to fill in the properties of the boarderstyle in combobox so User can change his boarder style as he wish in other words when user open combobox it shows -BorderStyle.Fixed3D-BorderStyle.FixedSingle-BorderStyle.None and when he choose the style it performed at the runtime

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Replicate Panel With Controls On Multiple TabPages?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a project where I need to add TabPages to a TabControl. I have a Panel with 10 checkboxes on it and I want to replicate that onto each TabPage as it is added.What I get is it is added to the first page, then when I add a second tabpage, the panel is moved there and not replicationed even though I used the (Add) method.

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Create A Custom TabControl That Does Not Add 2 Default "TabPages" In DESIGN MODE?

Jul 20, 2011

When you INHERIT from TabControl to create a different version of the TabControl, then BUILD the designer will add 2 TabPagesby default when you add your new TabControl from the ToolBox to a Form.

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TabControl - Set Tabpages - Go From Tabpage1 To Tabpage2 That All Data On Tabpage1 Gets Reseted

Jun 11, 2009

I have 2 questions.

1- Let's I have a form with a TabControle and 2 tabpages, is it possible to set the tabpages so that if i go from tabpage1 to tabpage2 that all data on tabpage1 gets reseted. The same thing if I go from tabpage2 to tabpage1 that tabpage2 is reseted. Also if I press on tabpage1 or 2 that the form changes to a certain height.

2- On the same form I created a button to open a new form. This new form is a notepad look a like. What I want is that the moment I open the second form that al the input from form one is showed on form 2. So that I can save it or print it.

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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


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Can't Make A Button To Print My Form On That Tabpages

Mar 28, 2010

I can't make a button there can print my form on that tabpages

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Make 3 Datagridview Control In 3 Tabpages With Same Size And Location

Jul 22, 2009

I make 3 datagridview control in 3 tabpages with same size and location, they stack together.I can tick the related datagridview to show such each datagiridview.But when initialize or tab selectedIndex change event, change from dgv to another dgv. dgv display in mess, all border line and color are not shown property.When I resize my main form cause dgv resize, it display fine.

1)Is it bugs for dgv ?

2)I try to run the Main_resize before but also not ok , need to manually regulate the main form size. [code]

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How To Make DispatcherTimer Global

May 17, 2012

i am using DispatcherTimer in my WPF application, following is the link from where I learned it


Now problem is I cant make it available outside the procedure, and declaring it globally throws error.Is there any way to make it global?

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To Make Variable Global?

Jul 28, 2009

Private Sub NoteTabToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NoteTabToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim NewTab As New TabPage


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Make A 'custom' Tabcontrol

Oct 19, 2011

I tried to make a 'custom' tabcontrol such that when I click Button1, panel1 is shown, and when I click Button2, panel2 is shown.But if I have a lot of panels then it'll be very messy when creating the gui at design time.(There'll be many panels overlapping each other.

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Make A Custom TabControl?

Dec 22, 2009

I Want To Make A Custom TabControl Like The One In VS2005 OR VS2008[code]...

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How To Make A DataView Global To A Particular Form

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to know how to make a DataView global to a particular form.The DataView is currently created and returned from a function within a public class residing in another .vb module.[code]I would like to make objDataView global so I can use the RowFilter instead of doing a new DataSet every time the user clicks on this RadioButton.

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Make Multiple Global Hotkeys?

Apr 1, 2009

I was wondering on how i can make multiple global hotkeys and have them show message boxes just so i can learn and expand from there. Like have one be ctrl + alt + F1 and the other be ctrl + alt + F2.

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How To Make TabControl With Aero Glass

Sep 7, 2011

Can I make a tabcontrol with Aero Glass or another effect?

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How To Make TabControl With Different Textures And Sliding Look

Mar 19, 2011

I am making a TabControl with different textures and a sliding look. But I am having trouble with following points :-

1. How to make buttons click able at Design time, so as to switch to different tabPages [which are panels in this case]
2. How to add a property ex. TabPages() as Panel collection Editor [like TabPages Collection editor in case of TabControl]

I tried,
Public ReadOnly Property TabPages() As List(Of Panel)
TabPages = p
End Get
End Property
Where p is another List of panel and ref() checks new addition of control in p -> adds it to UserControl.

3. How to get the upper-right corner arrow to quickly add a tab in Design mode.

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Make Tabcontrol Appear In My Window Application?

Jan 29, 2009

How to make tabcontrol appear in my window application...? And also adding tabItem to the tabcontrol using vb code. I'm working on a wpf application.

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Make The Tabs Bigger On TabControl?

Aug 4, 2009

I notice that the actual tabs on a TabControl are quite small (I am using VB 2008 Express). I would like more vertical space above and beneath the text on the tabs. I tried changing the padding in the TabPages collection but it didn't seem to do anything. Is there a way to make the tabs bigger?

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Make Extensions Not Treated/appear As Global Subs?

Jun 9, 2009

Is there a way to keep from extensions from appearing as global subs, even when you are not dealing with the relevant type? I guess from how they are created, they always show up as global functions whenever I use intellisense, which, depending upon how many extensions there are, can be a pain. I want them to appear only as methods to the relevant type variable.

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