Making .NET Debugging Like C#?

Mar 13, 2009

I've programmed in C# for the majority of my .NET career - now I'm working on a project - when debugging it drives me insane the differences of how the debugging works.two off the top of my head are

1) having to prefix my immediate window queries with ?

2) not being able to mouse over a GUID, I have to ?myGuid.ToString() to actually see the value is there a way I can make it behave like C#?

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DB/Reporting :: Debugging On Xp Machine Data-set Gets Filled / Debugging On Vista Box It Fails

May 1, 2009

I'm having to write a reporting application that gets information from some Interbase servers and it also has to work on Vista as well as XP, I'm using to connect Borlands Data Provider.[code]My Issue is that debugging on my xp Machine the dataset gets filled, debugging on my vista box it fails ("Interbase provider initialization failed"), my initial thought was that this could be UAC related but I've compiled the application and 'ran as admin' and still same issue. (by the way it failes on the line Dim da as BdpDataAdapter...)

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Designing Software - Making A MPC Sampler - Drum Machine - Making A Sound Directory ?

May 16, 2012

I'm a huge music person (got my own lil record thing going) but I'm wanting to design a program that would make music in my way. I have a decent amount of background knowlege of Visual Basic and Java I'm just wondering how could I execute this whole project. The Project is making a MPC Sampler. MPC is a drum machine; a machine with buttons that once you press it that it will play a sound from a drum (ex: snare, kick, tom, ect.) . So I would want to make some pads on my program that each have their own sound. Total of 16 pads. Which the design wouldn't be hard to make nor would the functionality of it having the play back sound (in my opinoin it wouldn't be hard atleast). But the thing is I wanna map out these pads to number keys on the number pad or keyboard. I'm not so sure how to do that. But that's all the easy stuff...

Also finding information is making a sound directory. What I mean by this is that I want to make a User Interface that will open up a file directory of sounds and the user can select what "kick" or "snare" sound he may want for the kick or snare pad. I don't know how to do that or even know what to search; neverless I don't know if this whole project idea is a good idea for Visual Basic or another programing language.

Also LATER ON I am wanting to add a record and export function that alows users to..well...record and export their beat or instrumental ha. That doesn't seem too too complex (mainly due to the fact that all it needs to do is record the users key strokes and then show them and play the sounds, but obviously it would get more complex than that.)

Here is an image of one of many MPCs but one with a directory - [URL]

View 5 Replies - Debugging Dll In Web Application?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a web application in visual web developer 2008 with a dll file and i need to debug a method in that dll. I also have project source files for the dll file itself. How could i make the web application use the source instead of the dll file so that i'd be able to debug it? I've tried debugging the dll project itself, but it's not a very good solution, because it seems the dll depends on the web application settings and data and it would simply be too much work to get it working. T

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Breakpoints While Debugging In .net

Aug 25, 2011

I set a breakpoint in one of the class. while debugging my winform project, the breakpoint moving to the next line which dont have any code. I could not understand what was wrong? I cleaned up my solution and re-build my solution but could not resolve this issue.

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Changes To Code While Debugging?

Feb 17, 2008

I installed VS2008 ona newVista Ultimate 64 Bit machine. Works great. But if I try to change some VB2008 code while debugging, the system says, "Changes to 64 Bit applications are not allowed". Why is this? And will programming on a 64Bit machine always be hampered like this

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Debugging A SQL Command?

Nov 23, 2010

enter code hereI am attempting to call SQL stored procedure that does an INSERT. However, when I walkthrough my code, I get a message saying "Procedure or function sp_InsertARPlanner has too many arguments specified." I have double checked, but the SQL string in VB has the same # of params as in the stored procedure.

SQLCmd.CommandText = "sp_InsertARPlanner"
SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


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Debugging And DataSets?

Jan 29, 2010

Anyway to view the content of a dataset or datatable in debug? I don't mean looking up a specific element of the dataset but to view the hole thing.

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Debugging DLL's Called By .NET?

Jan 8, 2010

So I've got some code that I've written in C and compiled into a DLL. This code is called by my VB.NET code. That interface is working fine, but I need to debug some of the C code. But obviously since it's not in VB I can't use the Visual Studio debugger. I've tried attaching a GDB debugger to the process while it's running. It lets me set the breakpoints and it even stops at them, but it doesn't let me see the lines of code. My code was compiled with debug information, so I don't know why it won't let me see it.

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Going To Disassembly While Debugging?

Mar 25, 2008

i am facing a problem while debugging . I have put break points in some place to trace the code . But while pressing the F11 key and when it reach that function , a new window called disassemby is coming and showing something like this .

00000000 push ebp 00000001 mov ebp,esp 00000003 push edi 00000004 push esi 00000005 push ebx 00000006 sub esp,44h 00000009 xor eax,eax 0000000b mov dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax


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IDE :: Debugging In .net 2008?

Sep 2, 2010

I want to step through 2008 project file. The code is executed from the postbuild command line. Thus this code is really executed during the build process.Thus, can you tell me when I can do to debug this 2008 program that is executed from the command line? All I know what to do is have the solution (ide) open, set breakpoints, set the project as the startup file, and run the debugger.

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Inline Debugging In ASP.NET VB?

Nov 4, 2009

i have an VB.NET application with few functions i need to debug (like ie. Assert in C#). Is it possible and how i do that ?

Public Shared Function createNumberArrayList(ByVal startValue As Integer, _
ByVal endValue As Integer, _
Optional ByVal isBackwards As Boolean = False) As ArrayList


Basically what i need is to enter few values and see if the function works and returns proper ArrayList.

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JIT Debugging Instead Of Dialog Box

Oct 30, 2010

I have a problem that When I Install my project on another computer it gives me the following error, even work good on my own system.

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

Exception Text
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040112): Class is not licensed for use
at SMS_ANSI.Form1.Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
[Code] .....

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the machine rather than being handled by this dialog.
Here is my project: [URL]
dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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Run Only One Form For Debugging?

Nov 5, 2011

I have many forms included in one project , now I am working on one form, but I want to run it directly for testing

for example, i have a project called Main with buttons that should open form1, form2, form3 I want to run form 2 independently without running the whole project

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.net - Debugging VB Dll Library From Hosted In IIS?

Nov 18, 2010

I have the following problem. I have some project written in Visual Basic (not Visual Basic .NET but simple Visual Basic - sic!). I can compile it and generate a dll. Then inside my web application I add reference to this dll library. When I run my web application hosted in default Visual Studio server, everything is fine and I can debug my Visual Basic project. However, when I host my web application in IIS then I can't.Code does not stop in my breakpoint. My catch the exception when I try to execute some method from the mentioned library which is something like:

Unable to cast COM object of type 'xxx' to interface type 'yyy'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{4C2875B5-3265-306B-9C74-1BEC98986B1A}' failed due to the following error: Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)).

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.net - While Debugging VB Code In VS2008?

Jul 31, 2009

On my last machine I had created a way to see a GUID variable while debugging by hovering over it. I don't remember what it was (a visualizer?). I have a new 64 bit machine with vs2008 - is there anyway to mouseover a guid value and have it appear? What makes guid's so special that their value doesn't show like most variables?

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.NET Debugging An Existing Project?

Sep 28, 2010

First of all, please feel free to skip this entirely if you can understand the questions below.I'm still very fresh new to .NET, but an elder monkey on bad old ASP in regular VB.I just got into a company with some legacy .NET VB files and now I have a couple of huge projects, with over 50mb of files and about 1gb the whole project and debugging them haven't been easy. I've read through w3schools tutorial and did many google researchs to get to this point in which I just can't make this work. And unlike in another very similar question I don't think this is a simple issue.

I don't know if those projects are MVC or regular Web Application, but I was told to use "Other Project Types > Visual Studio Solution > Blank Solution" and then "Add Existing Web Site" to that. With no further instructions or orientation, I see they all have DLLs and makes me believe they are not MVC.

Anyway, whichever this or many other ways I've tried to add the files into Visual Studio, I could never use the Debug properly with one of them. One works fine enough, I can at least see it running locally very alike from the webserver. But the other gives me many random errors and warnings to "compile" the debug and run on Visual Studio's own server (I think it's called "ASP.NET Development Server"). Some errors shouldn't even exist like "The file XXX doesn't exist" while I can easily verify it does exist!

I don't really expect to have much help here, but I still hope to find some. Sorry if this is too much.What options do I have to debug a big Visual Studio project that already works online in a server that have debugging and even error options turned off?How can I know how to properly "import" an existing project into Visual Studio to begin with?Is this a homework question?(new) Given I have 3 places to sync many files (local, shared production network and live) what's the best approach to work on and debug existing errors? Out of the box thinking is always welcome (converting project, not using Visual Studio, older version, whatever)

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Application Identity Is Not Set When Debugging

Aug 30, 2011

When I try to debug my application (of which it will not be click once)I get a Application identity is not set exception.[code]

View 2 Replies - ASMX Web Service Debugging

Mar 16, 2012

How can i turn on debugging when trying to add a service to my app? How can i change the settings to view it remotely? I tried loading up the .asmx page in IE on that server where the file is being hosted and it just asked me to save the file-would never open it to view as a page. That is the error i get when i try to load the .asmx file from my server.

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C# - Debugging Or Running Projects?

May 20, 2011

When I download a project source file like DDDPDS in codeplex and after I do a build I am not able to run or debug the applications since I encounter different Exceptions.I think it has to do with my knowledge of configuring a first time debug. For example I never had the chance to download a project from codeplex and run it truely withoutdifferent type of exception before even the main form comes up.This is not the first time that a project will not startup after build.

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Cannot Start Debugging Program

May 31, 2011

I type in the following

Dim anInteger As Integer = 42

Dim aSingle As Single = 39.34567

Dim aString As String = "I like Candy"

Dim aBoolean As Boolean = True[code]...

is missing. Please build the project and retry, or set the OutputPath and AssemblyName properties appropriately to point at the correct location for the target assembly.

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Changes On Form And Code Don't Appear When Debugging?

Jun 21, 2010

I dont where am going wrong but when i am programming i will make some changes to make code and form e.g add a button or something. Then when i go to debug my program my change dont appear and its been a couple of days and my changes still dont appear when i debug my program.

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Code To Run On 'stop Debugging'?

Aug 25, 2010

When I end my app by pressing the stop button in visual studio, is there a way for that event to trigger some exit code? I'd rather do that than include a visually distracting quit button.

Better still would be to program some kind of key sequence, eg control + q to trigger some quit code so my app can exit cleanly. Is this possible? I wouldn't know how to program a key shortcut but it might be handy.

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Debugging Application - No Source Available

Oct 12, 2011

When i try to debug my application it immediately switches to a new tab that says "No source available" with an error that says InvalidOperationException was unhandled, An error occured creating this form. See Exception.InnerException for details...

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Debugging Assembly Load In C#

Jun 14, 2012

I created two projects. They are VB.Net dll and c# .net dll file. I am using dll file into c#.dll file. when i test dll file it is giving error message Could not load assemble. if i use both then it is working fine.But i have to use only one dll file. Let me know how can i do with only dll file.

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Debugging The Multithreaded Programs?

Oct 29, 2008

I have a background thread that waits for data to come in. When data arrives, it fires off a call to the GUI thread.All works just peachy, except if there's ever a run-time exception in the GUI thread. If that happens, the debugger always halts at the point in the worker thread that called the GUI thread. It never shows the proper line that the error occured on.How do I get the debugger to stop at the error in the GUI thread?

Here's the pertinent code from the worker thread:

Public NotInheritable Class UIThreadMarshal
Private Shared _MainForm As Form = Nothing
Public Shared WriteOnly Property MainForm() As Form


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Debugging VB 2010 & VB6 Code?

Jun 25, 2010

Prior to VS 2010 I was able to debug VB6 client code from the .Net IDE by setting "Start External Program" to vb6.exe (full path), or attaching to the running vb6 executable via "Tools->Attach to Process" and have execution stop at the required breakpoints in my .Net code.

Now with VS 2010 I seem to be only able to accomplish the same by setting the target framework to 4.

Is this a bug in VS 2010, or is there a switch/option that controls this?

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Form Keeps Resizing After Debugging

Sep 18, 2010

My form keeps resizing after debugging. FormBorderStyle is FixedSingle and AutoScaleMode is None...what am I missing?

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Get Rid Of Disassembly Window While Debugging?

Mar 14, 2011

As I am stepping through my code, it takes me to Disassembly window. Is there a way to get rid of this. This has only recently started happening.

I have looked in options for a way to get rid of it.

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Hiding -window While Debugging?

Jan 20, 2009

is it possible to automaticly hide the vs2008-window while i'm in a debuggersession? When VS comes at a breakpoint or there is an error the vs2008-window must pop-up.

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