Debugging Application - No Source Available

Oct 12, 2011

When i try to debug my application it immediately switches to a new tab that says "No source available" with an error that says InvalidOperationException was unhandled, An error occured creating this form. See Exception.InnerException for details...

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ADVERTISEMENT - Debugging Dll In Web Application?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a web application in visual web developer 2008 with a dll file and i need to debug a method in that dll. I also have project source files for the dll file itself. How could i make the web application use the source instead of the dll file so that i'd be able to debug it? I've tried debugging the dll project itself, but it's not a very good solution, because it seems the dll depends on the web application settings and data and it would simply be too much work to get it working. T

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Application Identity Is Not Set When Debugging

Aug 30, 2011

When I try to debug my application (of which it will not be click once)I get a Application identity is not set exception.[code]

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.net - Debugging ClickOnce Deployed Application

Nov 9, 2010

I am new to ClickOnce deployment and at first glance it seems a great way to maintain .Net applications updated with ease. I am developing a simple application that stores information on a mdb database and over some XML files. I understood how to use the "data" folder with ClickOnce and I am developing the part of my application that should migrate the data from older versions after a ClickOnce update. Now I need to debug that part of my code that only runs when the application is in "networkDeployed" mode. So actually I'm doing the following really slow process to test a new deployed version:

publishing the application on a provisional website (I can choose between a faster locale iis site or a real online one) installing the application from the deploying website (the first time) or running the old installed application so it automatically catch new updates and gets updated... running the application

So basically I have two problems here:

the whole process is much too slow :/ I'm running the app as every other app directly from the OS, so I can't access to the debugger...

I am pretty sure that there are better way to test ClickOnce deployed applications...

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Debugging Windows Service Application

Sep 1, 2011

I have created and deployed a windows service application and I added this line of code "System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()" in the beginning of OnStart method in order to be able to debug the service but when I start the service the nothing is happened. I think the OnStart method have never fired otherwise the visual studio will popup once the debugger.launch line is executed even I tried to write some text to the event viewer to make sure but nothing gets written to the events viewer after I started the service. I included also the debugging symbol in my windows service setup project but I end up with the same result.Why it's not working? How can I make sure that the OnStart method gets fired or not?

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Debugging Application In Visual Basic?

Apr 27, 2011

my code is giving me a serious problems i thought my code has worked prefectly but theresulting valuesare not corresponding with the typed sentences in the text box .i thought when i had trimmed my sentences the code would work but thatis not the case now .i am requesting full assitance with my code is displayed here:

Dim txtInput
String =


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Debugging C# Silverlight Projects From Vb Web Application?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a problem whereby I cannot debug a c# silverlight application project that is hosted from within a visual basic web application. I add breakpoints to the main App constructor and the symbols are loaded ok but my breakpoints are never hit. I have concluded that it is a vb/c# interop problem as to test i did the following.

Created a new c# web application project
Added a c# silverlight application
Added a new vb web application project
Added references to the silverlight project from both web apps
set a breakpoint in App.xaml.cs constructor

if i run the c# webapp the break points are hit whereas if i run the vb webapp they are not.

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JIT- Debugging - Unhandled Exception In My Application ?

Apr 18, 2010

activating just In time (JIT) debugging-- I have a propmt that I have an unhandled exception in my application (??).

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Terminate The Application Is To Hit 'stop Debugging'?

Mar 17, 2011

I wrote the following code to build a basic game that makes two cars race (randomgenerator) and let the user pick their bets on the end results. I've gone terribly wrong somewhere in that my cars only race halfway then get stuck behind the start line and the programme keeps repeating the beeping and the and adding results to the 'incorrect' box.

The only way to terminate the application is to hit 'stop debugging'.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class MainForm


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VS 2005 Debugging A Not Responding Application

May 7, 2009

I can pause the application and see that it thinks no threads are running so no call stack. The other projects in the same solution are all responding fine, just this one stalls. I can not think of any way to work out what it was doing at time of stall, I have no event logs, no breakpoints, there is no particular thing I can check for in my own logging system (which is quite extensive) that shows where/why/what the application is hanging for. Any clues on how to solve/investigate? To add, this is on a Vista box, but not able to move the system to anything else (source controlled) until I can find out what this is. Its an avenue I can go down if required however.

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VS 2010 Application Error While Debugging?

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to create a ListBox in which every item can have it's own context menu. To do this I have created the classes as shown in the code. Now when I test this, I get the following error when adding an item to the collection using the 'Add' method:

Unhandled exception in Debugger::HandleIPCEvent.
Event ID=0x246.


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DB/Reporting :: Debugging On Xp Machine Data-set Gets Filled / Debugging On Vista Box It Fails

May 1, 2009

I'm having to write a reporting application that gets information from some Interbase servers and it also has to work on Vista as well as XP, I'm using to connect Borlands Data Provider.[code]My Issue is that debugging on my xp Machine the dataset gets filled, debugging on my vista box it fails ("Interbase provider initialization failed"), my initial thought was that this could be UAC related but I've compiled the application and 'ran as admin' and still same issue. (by the way it failes on the line Dim da as BdpDataAdapter...)

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'Class Not Registered' Error Comes While Debugging Application

Apr 21, 2010

i were working in Windows xp. last week I changed my OS to Windows 7.The project i have done in . While running class not registered error comes. In another computer its works well. Why it comes.

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Application Error When Closing In Debugging Mode

Aug 12, 2010

I keep receiving an "Access violation at address xxxxxx. Write of address xxxxxx." error when i close my MDI form (and hence my application).However this error only occurs after i have created a new child form.

I have stepped through the code and found that the exception is being thrown in the Settings.Designer file (Namespace My module). This is the chunk of code that throws the error[code]...

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Best Method Of Remotely Controlling/debugging A .NET Application?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm running a VB.NET application 24 hours a day on a dedicated machine. I'd like to be able to receive status updates and also control/debug the application remotely (i.e. from another computer via the internet).It would be an advantage if the communication was lightweight (in terms of bytes sent and received) so I can control the thing without needing a fast internet connection. Also, I'm running the application from within the IDE at the moment because there are some unhandled exceptions and it's easier to debug this way. It would be nice if I didn't have to compile it and catch all the errors.What is the easiest way to set something like this up, and what do I need to be aware of in terms of security?

Update:To clarify what input I need to give the application - in theory, none. If all went to plan I'd just set the application off and reading some sort of log would be fine. The problem is that it is unstable (mainly because it calls a web service which is very unstable and returns all sorts of weird things) and therefore seems to need constant input on my part.

It was my thinking that the only way I could do this sort of debugging remotely is by catching every error I could, reading the log, and somehow instructing the application to behave properly in future.

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IDE :: Error With Debugging A Windows Form Application?

Jun 20, 2010

I have windows xp professionalx64 installed on my C:/ drive and windows xp home edition installed on my D:/ drive, i have adminstration priveledges.This is the error i receivedError while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) failed to start. Verify that the remote debugger is installed.I uninstalled Visual Studio 2008 Professional and reinstalled it

View 8 Replies - Ways To Reduce Application Building/debugging Time?

Oct 2, 2010

My new office project is based on an MVP design and is in VB.NET (.NET 3.5), using multiple libraries (like EntLib, internal corporate framework, etc.). The number of DLLs used as references is so huge (almost 50) that when I try to build/debug the application in VS2008, it takes almost 3-4 minutes to get the website running successfully.

Wanted to know if there are any settings/areas which upon some modifications can help me reduce the build time? and what exactly can be the major reasons behind this long loading duration?

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IDE :: Debugging - Declarations Fails To Initialize After Application.Restart

Apr 14, 2009

In my code the application will restart using the Application.Restart statement from another form named frmDatabase.

The application seems to restart while debugging but yet the dataset, tables etc which is declared right below the class declaration for the startup form seems to fail initializing when the restart is done.

Compiling and running the application works like a charm and there is no error like this when running the executeable.

I also Inserted a breakpoint in the Form_Load event and the debugger seems to skip all the statements when the application is restarted all the way down to where the exception occurs.


Public Class frmMain
Public objConnection As New OleDbConnection(strConnectionString)
Public objDataSet As New DataSet
Public objCommand As New OleDbCommand
Public objDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(objCommand)

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Trace Debugging / Application Data Safe To Remove?

Mar 17, 2011

Taking up 3gbC:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataMicrosoft Visual Studio10.0TraceDebugging.

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Why Application Pause Debugging When Hold The Titlebar With Mouse

Sep 17, 2009

I am putting two questions in one thread. I am using VS2008 Pro.

1- Why my application stops running when I 'Click and hold the left mouse button' and resume after releasing the mouse button on Titlebar? i.e. why this happens when I grab the title bar? How can I avoid this so that my application run regardless if the form is moving or title bar is grabbed with mouse while debugging?

2- I want to make one button to pause the whole application then restart the application from the point where it stopped.

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Compiling Application Only Source Available

Dec 29, 2011

I'm trying to compile some code that I found for an Application that I want to use. Now I've download VB.NET express created a new project and just replaced the code with the one I got, but this isn't creating the forms (textfields etc.) at all, so I can't compile it. What else do I have to do to be able to compile it.

This is the source code:
Public Class Form1
Dim psc As String
Dim pwchange As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

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Override Date.Now Or Date.Today For Debugging Purposes In An Web Application?

Aug 5, 2011

We have a very massive system where reports are run off dates from specific days through to today's date using various definitions of "GenerateSalesReport(DateStart, Date.Now)". For debugging purposes I want to simulate reports that occurred in the past so I need to change the object "Date.Now" to a specific date from the past on my development environment. Can you override date.Now?

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.net - Example Open Source WPF Touch Application?

Oct 12, 2011

I'm looking for some WPF applications specifically designed for touch. Preferably they'd be open source. I don't really care about the apps function, I just want to get some design ideas for a Win7 WPF touch app I'll be writing. I'd like to see what can be done with WPF touch.

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Develop Open Source C# Application?

Jul 5, 2010

Is it possible to develop open source VB.Net/C# application, I have developed many application using .Net, but first time want to develop open source application.

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Get An Application To Run Scripts From An Online Source?

Mar 8, 2009

Would it be possible to get an application to run scripts from an online scource? and if there is no internet connection to run scripts already written in the program? By scripts i mean standard VB code?

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Get VB Source Code From VB Executable Application?

Dec 2, 2008

I have an VB executable application(.exe) and I would like to get back sourcecode for my .exe application. Please help me if you have any software to get back source code from VB exe program.

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Open An Image In Application To Be A Source?

Nov 26, 2009

my resources :
VB Express 2008
and its free packages :
SQL Server Express Edition
SQL Server Compact 3.5
OS: Vista Home Prem 64-bit
Unit: Qosmio X305-Q705 (Laptop)

First of all is it possible to achieve my project with these limited resources i have?

I'm planning to create a program like a database for reporting system (using database) where i can open an image and save that image as a source and bind to a certain record in my table then be displayed later on to my report.

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Releasing The Source Code Of Application?

Mar 11, 2009

I wrote an application in my free time that helps people create certain files when they want to create a custom level for some game. The application of course is completely free, I made it for fun and to help the community. That community has now requested that I also release the source code of my application, in case I stop being interested and they ever want to fix some bugs (this has happened loads of times in the past in the same community, there are loads of good applications out there with some small annoying bugs where the creator has gone missing and the source is unavailable).

Therefore I would like to release my full source code, but not before consulting here how exactly I should do it..I could of course just zip up the entire Project folder and upload it, but I feel that is probably not the best way to go about it..


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.net - How To Compile A Console Application's Source Code

Jun 21, 2011

I need to create a VB.NET function that takes the source code of a VB.NET console application and compile it into a console application.For example, this is the VB.NET source code for the console application:

Module Module1
Sub Main()


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Create An Application To Store All The Source Code?

Mar 30, 2011

i want to create an application to store all the source code snippets and help information(as i keep learning to refer to when i forget or need help.i came across this software.., [URL]

i want to create a similar application. how do i go about creating it? does it require a database? if yes, what kind of database?

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