Map Button To Function Key?

Feb 28, 2009

how do I use a function key (F1-F12) as a mnemonic accelerator key for a form button?I have a button that I would like to perform the click event when the user presses F1 (and not Alt-F1).

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Make A Button That Change Function Of Another Button?

Aug 30, 2009

I have a button that will type a message saying 'hello' in a message box, (if clicked on). And I want to know how to make another one that will change it to say 'Hello Word' (when clicked on ).[code]...

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Button To Use Multiple Function?

Feb 19, 2012

if possible a button to use multiple function? in visual basic means

first i am click the button then add record click again the same button then save record

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Can Not Get New Order Button To Function

Nov 9, 2011

I am doing a project that multiplies quantities and prices, while keeping a running total, also will be able to click a new order button and start over. I can not get the new order button to function, we using functions and private classes. Here is the code, thank you for any input.[code]

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Getting Summary Button Function?

Mar 7, 2012

In my program the whole thing works minus one integral part the summary option needs to be gray or disabled until values are entered into the NAME, AND PIECES part is entered. Any suggestions? willing to submit my code in Private message to get a second more experienced look at it.

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Xml - VB Add Button That Has Removechild() Function?

Feb 15, 2012

I just want to know how to add a button that has a removechild() or replacechild() function on my XML. Been searching for this for a week now.This is my xml file content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<contents>News3 Contents</contents>
<title>News3 Title</title>


I want to add another button that has a function of remove or replace the last/latest entry to the xml.

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Enable Or Disable Function Button?

Jul 22, 2009

i want to make a button who have two function like xyz.visible=true if i press this button again then Visible function make false and it autometicly renamed enable or disable

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Increase The Function Of The Submit Button?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a webform currently works like a charm. It posts the info entered directly into my database with out issue.

I need to add a step in there where when the submit for is pressed an email will be sent to one of 2 different emails addresses.

The snippets below are the 2 statements I think I need to have in the code, I just haven't been able to figure out how to complete them.

'If (cmbIPTypeBiz.SelectedValue = "Static" And cmbNumIPBiz.SelectedValue = "CIDR/30") ****Then send to****
'End If


The items in the starred out section are where I am struggling.

So, to sum up, I need to be able to make this form shoot off an email to one of two email addresses based on whether or not a specific field has CIDR/30 in it.

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Make Button Invisible, But Still Function?

Nov 3, 2009

I'd like to make it so that you cannot see the button, but it will still work if you click where it is. How can I do this?

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Run A Sub/function From A Textbox And Button Combo?

Mar 28, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to run a sub/function from a textbox and button combo.

So say you had

Public Sub XX()

I would want to be able to put XX in the text box click the button and whatever was in sub xx would run.

View 8 Replies

.net Call The Same Function Twice From Button Event Click?

May 28, 2011

This is my code on button event click function

Dim con As New Koneksi
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(con.getIdTambahBarang(cbBarang.Text), _
con.getNamaTambahBarang(cbBarang.Text), _
con.getHargaTambahBarang(cbBarang.Text), _

This is my class Koneksi code :

Public Function getIdNamaHargaTambahBarang(ByVal namaBarang As String, ByVal params As String) As String


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Any Function That Can Return The Offset Of Button Click ?

Jul 31, 2010

is there any function that can return the offset of button click ?

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Call Jquery Function When Button Is Clicked?

Jan 19, 2011


How can i call this function when an button is clicked? [url]...

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Click A Button And Make Another Function Work Too

Nov 11, 2009

i got 5 treeview with checkboxes when i click button update i need to uncheck all the checkbox i also got a button which can clear all the checkboxes which it uses javascript function to clear i was wondering whether execute update after tat execute clear button automatic? it tat any way to implement this function? here is my java script of clear button which word perfectly


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Create A Function That Checks To See What Button Has Been Clicked?

Apr 29, 2009

I wanted to create a function that checks to see what button has been clicked on the windows form. For example If I had 10 generic buttons that open up different audio files. I would I create one Sub that can verify which button has been selected. I was either going to use a case statement or an if else. I did not want to create one sub for each button since it would be a lot of duplication in code.

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How To Access My Database Using Search Button Function

Jan 4, 2009

How could I build a search function button which will access my database? As the search item match the database, there must be a window pop up to show the searched data from the database.

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Make An Invisible Shortcut Button For The Esc Function?

Sep 22, 2009

i am writing an application in vb5 and i need to make an invisible shortcut button for the esc function...
how might i code this????

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Pass Clicked Button As An Argument In A Function?

Apr 26, 2011

How can i pass the button click as an argument in a function.

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Pass Radio Button Parameter To Another Function?

Oct 31, 2011

I have 2 functions, one is SaveData() and the other is SendEmail()

in the SaveData() the radio buttons that are selected are saved, and the SendMail() is called at the end.

in the SendMail() the radio buttons are "tested" and then one of two emails is sent out based on the radio choices.

The problem I am having is passing the parameters correctly. I have tried several different method but the parameters are not being sent to SendMail()[code]...

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Save Button Command Not Function And Have An Error?

Apr 23, 2010

here is my code for saving ..why it's not functioning... when i clicked no data in database.. no data at all and have an error Execution Failed:ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number what must i do..


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Stop An Loading Function On Button Click?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a problem, I have to stop one Loading class on button click. I already checked some forums related to this. But didn't find an exact solution.

For example:
Public Sub LoadDropDown()
Dim it As Integer


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VS 2005 - HTML Button To Call Sub Or Function?

Jun 5, 2010

I am generating a page of HTML dynamically, which I then display in a WebBrowser control. Is it possible to have a button in my HTML which, when clicked, will call a sub or function in my VB?

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VS 2008 - Button Function To Display MsgBox

Nov 11, 2011

So I want when you click Button1, it displays MsgBox ("Hello"), when you click again, it displays Msgbox("World"). Then it all starts Hello "world hello world" etc.

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Button In Application That Starts A Function To Play Sounds?

Mar 18, 2009

i have a button in my application that starts a function to play sounds.But when the function starts a have a problem that my application stops working until all the sounds are played. Then a want to display a waiting screen to show the status of the current application. To this i thought to create a new thread to open the waiting window and then show the messages.

But i have a problem that when my thread finishes, it closes the waiting screen. I tryied to put a loop inside my thread, but this crashes my aplication until the loop condition is satisfied.

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Call Jquery Function In ASP.NET On Button Click Event?

Jan 18, 2011

I wanna call this jquery function in ASP.NET on button click event

var doRedirect = function() { location.href='' };
$("#button1").click(function() {
window.setTimeout("$('#label1').fadeOut('slow', doRedirect)", 10000);

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Calling A Function Procedure Under The Click Event Of A Button?

Mar 22, 2011

i created a function procedure and i need to the action to be carried out when i click a button, but a don't know how to call the function procedure under the click event of the button control.

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DirectX Game - Function To Call Once On Pushing Button

Jun 10, 2012

I make a game using directx. I'd like to keyboard input so I used GetAsyncKeyState function. But this function calls so many times when I am pushing button. I'd like to function that calls once even I am pushing button.

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Fire Event/function In FormA From A Button In FormB?

May 30, 2008

I have created in a function, in, lets say, formA :

Private Sub search_name(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Dv.RowFilter = "Real_Name LIKE '%" + Form1.txtRealname.Text + "%'"

If dv.Count = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Nothing Found", "Error")


Public Sub search_name(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)this makes it so that the sub is accessable by all classes, rather than Just it's own.

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Forms :: Button.Click Event Inside A Function

Dec 13, 2010

I created a function that retrieves information on which checkboxes are checked. It returns an array which the information coupled to the checking of those checkboxes. Those checkboxes and the matching textboxes are dynamically created at runtime in that same function. I'm pausing the application to wait for a button to be pressed. I'm trying to find a way to use btnDone.Click event directly because the code always reloops my function once more recreating the controls.

Public Function GetArray(ByVal strDLFolder As String) As Array

If blnDone = False Then



Right now I'm setting a create a boolean switch when btnSubDone is clicked. What I would like is for something along the lines of:


Is it possible to use events like this? If not is there a cleaner way for pausing the application to wait for a button click (one that doesn't run the entire function again)?

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Make A Button That, When Pressed, Activates A Function That Detects?

May 26, 2012

I'm trying to make a button that, when pressed, activates a function that detects mouse left click this way: whenever I left-click, it sends key 3 and then 1 (keyboard).

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