Minimizing To Task Tray + Notifications?

Aug 16, 2010

Also, once i get that done, How would i make it display notifications?(Similar to that of when someone logs on in MSN messenger.)

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VS 2008 Minimizing To System Tray?

Jun 27, 2009

I know how to minmize to systemtray using a button and by the use of a notifyIcon, but i want to minmize to system tray using the minimize button on the title bar of the form. I think it as something to do with the resize event but i dont know what.

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VS 2008 Put An App In The Tray Or Pin To Task Bar?

Feb 4, 2011

How do you go about putting your app in the system tray or pinning to the task bar (as in Windows 7)?How do you become part of the right-click menu on the desktop or files - like you see various zip archive tools?

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VS 2008 Put App In The Tray Or Pin To Task Bar?

Oct 25, 2008

How do you go about putting your app in the system tray or pinning to the task bar (as in Windows 7)?How do you become part of the right-click menu on the desktop or files - like you see various zip archive tools?

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Make Application To Be At Tray Icon Just Next To Time Displayed On Right Bottom Corner Of Task Bar?

May 31, 2009

I found some great code on capturing webcam images but the problem is the client PC will need to initiate the communication to this server (click Connect to server IP). This is like 2 way communication.How can i do something like this (door Kiosk system):when a visitor press a button on the LCD that come along a web cam (this will be the server), it will send the signal the client PC that is installed with the application i've created (window form) and pop up the images to the client PC (more like a 1 way communication). This image is captured through the web cam on the server to capture the visotor's image waiting outside of the door. How to do this?I'm really stuck as i'm not familiar with window API programming yet.

1) how to do the mentioned 1 way communication? possible in .NET?

2) how to make my application to be at the tray icon just next to the time displayed on the right bottom corner of the task bar? When a visitor press a button o the server, it will pop up a window form on the client PC showing the image captured via the server's webcam outside of the door.

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Deployment :: Show Program Tray Icon In The System Tray

Jan 3, 2010

my program has a tray icon and i want it to show up in the system tray. so i went into my windows notification area and set it to show icon for my app. But when my app update to a new version with clickonce, it will think its a new app and i have to set it again. Is there a way that it will treat all new version as the same program and i dont have to keep setting it?

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USB Via .NET 2 Notifications And Marshal?

Jan 14, 2009

I'm a VB6 programmer who was forced to upgrade to Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.42 .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727. I am trying to write a call-back which will intercept a Windows message for when our USB HID device is plugged or unplugged. We have a custom .dll which handles the majority of the HID interface. I just need to call a few API's to connect to the device. I can connect and communicate.

I am looking at USB Complete Third Edition. The code examples do not compile. I'm unsure if this is because of the .NET version 2 or the 2005 dialog of VB. I cannot resolve "StructLayout..." statements, but the program appears to be working without them. I cannot get any "Marshal." statements to compile, which is where I am finding it difficult to get around.


Although OnDeviceChange() is being called six times, both IF statements fail. m.msg is 0x219, which is Device Change. m.WParm is always 7, m.lParm is always 0. And, this is where I'm stuck. m.lParm should be a pointer which gets me to the device path? Don't know what 7 is.

So, maybe I'm not registered to receive the proper messages from the device (or I'm looking in the wrong place). The missing step might be to call the RegisterDeviceNotification() API. This book is telling me to use frmMy.Handle declared globally as Friend frmMy As frmUSB - that gives me a null reference runtime error, so I swapped in Me.Handle for the first parameter to RegisterDeviceNotification(). It likes that. But, then it has heartburn with the buffer pointer - not so easy to resolve in Visual Basic. The call wants a LONG. I have DevBroadcastDeviceInterfaceBuffer, which the book says to use Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Size) and Size is Marshal.Sizeof(DevBroadcastDeviceInterface). Neither Marshal statement compiles and I'm not sure if it was removed in this version of .NET? Anyone? I really don't need a dynamically allocated buffer. This is quickie VB app for a single USB device.

Can anyone tell me how far down the rabbit hole I am and what I'm missing. I can tell when something changes to some USB device. I have a handle to that device supplied to me by a custom API library - probably is the HID handle.

How can I setup to receive a message when my HID USB device is unplugged or plugged in?

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.raise Different Types Of Audio Notifications To The User?

Apr 12, 2010

I need to be able to raise different types of audio notifications to the user. I need an "ok" and an "error" type sounds, I was hoping to be able to raise a simple beep and a critical stop type sound but I can only find the Beep() command which doesn't allow for differing sounds. Is there a library that does what I need or will I need to roll my own using the system wavs.

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Generate Notifications Whenever An Event / Error Occurs

Jun 30, 2009

I am currently using Snarl to generate notifications whenever an event / error occurs in my program. How would I go about coding a native VB notification instead of using a 3rd party program?

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Handle Events And Notifications From Multiple Sources To A Main Form In .net?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a application in which there is a main form. There are around 10 classes each having their own functionalities like tcpactions, fileactions, serialport actions etc. The user interacts with the main form and does certain actions which will invoke the methods in these classes. Now I have a notifications textarea in the mainform and i want to show the current action being performed in those classes and their results in the notifications area.

for example when a user clicks a "Start Process" Button in the form i invoke the method "launchprocess" in a class "ProcessActions". Now this method tries to launch about 7 different process and after launching it sends notification such as "process 1 launched" or if it fails it sends notifications such as "process 1 launch failed".

I currently use event handlers and use them to show notifications but with the amount of events i have to handle it is getting cumbersome and i might have to add even more classes in the future. So is there a better way of handling notifications from other classes.

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Asset Notifications - Display All The Assets Which Crossed 4 Years In The Current Year?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a database of asset information with asset age as one of the i wish to display all the assets which crossed 4 years in the current year

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Is It Guaranteed That Task A Started Before TaskB Will Be Completed Before Task B

Nov 24, 2010

is it guaranted that a task A started before TaskB will be completed before task B assuming the task do the same level of operatons?or in other words is there a chance that a task B will finish before tast A in the assumption that the task calls the same procedure?

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FixedToolWindow And Minimizing?

Feb 22, 2012

I have searched now for hours trying to find a solution to this. I am trying to allow a user to minimize a form instead of closing it. I have tried about 5 different things so far in the form_closing event to minimize but have had no success. On another not, is there a way to allow the icon to be displayed? I know I could easily do this by using a different form layout but I prefer the compactness of the FixedToolWindow.

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Minimizing A Form?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Form inside an application. I need to be able to minimize it from within the code of the Form itself. Any ideas on how to do it? Could not find a minimize function.

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MDI Parent Occasionally Not Minimizing?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a MDI parent that opens another form like this:

Dim frm As New Form1

That form has a button that, when clicked, does this:


The button operates as expected (showing the desktop) most of the time but occasionally does not minimize the MDI parent. All the other windows, including the form above get minimized every time.

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Minimizing All Windows To Taskbar?

Feb 18, 2009

I have a program that has a main window, and a progression of other windows that all open from each other. I only want the main window to show in the taskbar, and I want to be able to minimize at any window, and have every window minimize to a single item in the taskbarThe problem is: when I set each form's 'SHOWINTASKBAR' to True, every form shows in the taskbar instead of just one. If I set the 'SHOWINTASKBAR' property to False, they don't minimize to the taskbar.

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Preventing Form Minimizing?

Sep 24, 2009

I have two froms when one from is opend it should not be minimized when mouse clicked outside the from like the message box in

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VS 2008 Minimizing If Then Statement?

Mar 8, 2010

I have 4 textboxes that a user can input date into, a save button, and another textbox that gets filled automatically depending on what is entered into the 4 text boxes.Lets call the 4 text boxes: Name1, Name2, Name3 and Name4 we'll call the last text box Complete.When you press the save button I want the values to be displayed in the Complete text box like this: Name1="text" Name2="text" Name3="text" Name4="text", BUT, only if they actually have a value.So if they all have some text in them except Name2 then the Complete box would read: Name1="text" Name3="text" Name4="text" - so Name2 wouldn't show up at all.Is there a simple way to put this in an If Then statement without scripting out every possible outcome?

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Window Keeps Minimizing Onload

May 10, 2012

I have a windows application created using 2005. One of the screens keeps minimizing each time it's loading and I don't know why. when I look at the properties for the form, the window state is set to normal.

I did have the below line of code being used when the user clicked a button on this form because i wanted to minimize the form at that time; however, I've sinced remmed it out because of what's happening now.

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Progress Bar - Threading - Minimizing Window

Oct 17, 2010

Part of my application deals with creating a number of pivot tables. I pull data from a local database, and store it in a datatable. From here, the data is processed and eventually a pivot table is returned. On small data sets it works well, but on some larger one there is a few seconds of "nothing" until the table is shown.

After a few iterations of trying things to display some form of progress I have ended up with a form with nothing but a progress bar running on it. I spawn a new thread, and run it. It works exactly like I hoped. However, when I call the thread.abort() method to terminate the thread, occasionally, the main form will minimize. I tired having aftre the .abort() to bring the form into view again, but it appears not to have helped.

Now I understand that it is better practice to have worker background threads, and the main thread for UI, but is there a simple way of ensuring that the main form does not close?

Private Sub LoadProgressForm()
Dim progressForm As New ProgressBar


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VS 2010 Freeze Programs From Minimizing?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm making a small version of Spy++ and i would like to recreate the function that finds windows by dragging your mouse over it. Now that is pretty easy but one little annoyance is some windows minimize or loose focus ect when you bring the mouse pointer over them.

I would like to know if you can stop a program from gaining focus or minimizing. And i know i can get the handles of open windows by the EnumWindows function?

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VS 2010 Minimizing External Applications?

Nov 2, 2009

I am using VS 2010 to create a Mac OSX like dock application.Everything has worked great apart from one of the key features of the dock! So what I want is:When the user clicks the minimize but on any (including external application) it minimize to the dock I have created rather than the windows Task-bar.

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[vb2008] Minimizing External Application?

Dec 27, 2010

like seen on the web, with both the two following codes:

ShowWindow(Hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE)

I can minimize without problems an EXTERNAL application window from it Hwnd.The big problem is that once minimized the application cannot be manually managed: also if I close my program, both left click or right click on the external application taskbar button don't work: I can't maximize it and I can close it only by Ctrl+Alt+Del... why?

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VS 2010 Automatic Resizing The Application When Maximizing Or Minimizing?

Sep 10, 2011

While the application is running, I want the buttons, text boxes, datagrid, everything thats on the form to resize when the screen is maximized and again resize when its minimized.

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Minimizing A Modal Form Minimizes Parent Or Main Application?

Jun 2, 2009

Is it possible to have an application where form1 opens a second modal form (form2) and then allows the user to minimized form2 causing the entire application to minimize to the taskbar.(form2 is never shown in the taskbar) A simple example of this is winzip where a second modal progress window is opened which can be minimized?

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System.Threading.Timer Fails To Fire After Minimizing Window?

Mar 16, 2009

I have used timers in .Net for a long time now an never had this problem.Start timer to fire every 10 seconds that reads an object and updates the UI using a delegate.This works great until the form is minimized several times, then the timer thread seems to vanish.Anyone come across this before?

Obviously I can roll my own using a thread directly and sleeping it, however this seems like reinventing the wheel when a threading timer class exists already.
Code: Private Sub m_Tmr_Tick(ByVal state As Object)


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VS 2010 Stopping Users From Minimizing The Form (even Using "Show Desktop")

Feb 24, 2010

I am writing a little app to take over from Active Desktop as we are using Win7.

I am having problems getting my form to stay open, if the user hits the "Show Desktop" button the form minimises. I need this to stay open at all times in the back ground.

I have disbled the minimise button to stop the users using it.

how I can stop this from happening or if I use a timer to check the windows state it apears normal as it looks like the "Show Desktop" button does not actually minimise the window!

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VS 2008 - Use "Go To Desktop" Function That Goes Directly To Desktop Without Minimizing Any Window

May 17, 2009

I'm working on one of my applications and I'm trying to find a way to use the "Go To Desktop" function that goes directly to the desktop without minimizing any window (This can be achieved by clicking on the Win + D buttons or on the desktop icon in the quick launch toolbar), but how can I activate it using vb? I thought about sending keys but I guess there is more offical ways to do it.

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Take Handle From Sys Tray If Is Possible

Sep 18, 2009

how to take handle with apy from programs who is in tray. Some exsample:[code]

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Activate An App That Is In The System Tray?

Aug 27, 2008

I'm using VB 2005, and trying to write a console app that (among other things) activates a different program that is in the system tray.

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