Monitor SQL Server For New Row Added To Table

Aug 10, 2010

I'm creating an application that notifies users if a new row has been added to a table in the applications database. Would it be best to create a trigger for this or just check every few seconds directly from the application?

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Jquery - Post Table Rows, Added Via Javascript To The Server In ASP.NET?

Oct 3, 2011

Access <asp:table> table rows added by javascript in webform . Apologies for the duplicate question but I'd really like an explanation why this is the case. It is probably due to my lack of understanding on how browsers process HTML tables on submission to the server.If I have a <HTML> table or an <asp:table> control on an aspx page and I add rows to it client-side using JQuery / Javascript, why can I not include these added rows in a post-back to the server?

I've been trying to get this to work and it looks like I can't do it based on the answer to the previous question. But can someone explain why this is the case? The table itself can be returned in the post-back but the only rows present are the rows that were part of the table when it was sent to the browser originally - it does not include the rows added by the browser.there was a way to include these new rows in the post-back, the same as any client-side user input?

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Use The Filesystem Watcher To Monitor A Folder On A Ftp Site For Files Added

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to use the filesystem watcher to monitor a folder on a ftp site for files added. Does anyone know how to do this? I have even read that the filesystem watcher was not meant for ftp's but rather local monitoring, which doesn't make sense to me.

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Added Table To Database But Can't Reference Table Adapter In Code?

Feb 26, 2011

I added a table to my Access database. I added that table to my dataset. Using Database Designer VB Studio, my table and tableadapter show up in the design view. The class definition is in the datasetdesigner.vb, and it shows in the object browser. But, I can't reference it in code. I am a newby and obviously missing somethning.

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Monitor Port 80 Server Status

Oct 28, 2011

I've been working on a program that monitors ours and our clients server's to make sure they are still on. the ones that are ping able were easy, now I'm trying to monitor servers that are not ping able. what I'm thinking of doing is creating a small client program to put on each one of the none ping able server that sends a packet to our server every 30 seconds over port 80 (not have to worry about firewalls) and once the server program doesn't receive a packet for 2 minutes then it will display/sound a warning. my questions is is this possible, or is there a better way of doing this. right now i just am checking to make sure the server/internet connection is on, later i will look into getting info from event looks, SNMP, etc.

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Create A Log Of The Records That Have Been Added Into The Table?

Apr 8, 2012

i have a datagridview with (a lot of) rows. With a click of a button I add them into a table. Everything works fine. I want to create a log of the records that have been added into the table.


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Make A Process Monitor Tool With WMI That Monitor The Processes Created Or Deleted - Code Will Not Work

Sep 9, 2010

I want to make a process monitor tool with WMI that monitor the processes created or deleted, but the code will not work. Note to reference System.Management,


Code dowload:


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VS 2008 SQL Server - Notified When A New Entry Is Added?

May 15, 2010

I have a VB.Net application that connects to a SQL Server database on my web host at GoDaddy. I'm wanting to use it for a chat program so that users can add messages to the database and then everyone else gets the new messages when it re-queries the database.

The only problem is that the only way to get the new messages is to re-query the database every # seconds.

Is there any way to have my program not re-query the database until an entry is added by another user?Would the SQL.SQLNotificationRequest be used for this?

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Monitor The Registry For Changes Similar To How Sysinternals Process Monitor ?

Jan 31, 2011

Can I monitor the registry for changes similar to how sysinternals process monitor does it in VB? I have checked many different articles and C# samples but not come any closer to getting an answer, I would like to know if there an easier way (a VB sample perhaps)that you folks can share. Ultimately I'd like to be able monitor other things too like file system, processes etc but wonder most about how the registry can be done in VB...Would using be a start? Or WMI? if so is there a nice VB sample..

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Parameter Update Reports 1 Row Updated But No Data In Table Added

Oct 13, 2011

I am getting an incorrect repsonse after an update to a table. In my RowUpdating event I have the following code which builds an Update Parameter to call an SP to update a table. I must be doing something wrong but everything runs fine. My rowsAffected variable reports 1 after the update, but the table never gets the data.[code]I found a solution that is working. On the original DataSource for the update command I needed to add the following.[code]This in essence allows the original data source to call the SP. Note: that the command type needs to stay as TEXT not Stored Procedure as one might think.

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SQL Server Query Combination - Get Rows From A Table Based On The Value Of A Field In Another Table

Feb 23, 2011

I have a query that I have to run that requires me to get rows from a table based on the value of a field in another table (which I have gotten earlier). I currently have it done like this (simplified).


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Create Table Button Which When Clicked Creates A Table In Sql Server?

Sep 17, 2009

I am working with a 2005 application. On the application I have a Create table button which when clicked creates a table in Sql server with the code shown below;

Code: Private Sub BtnCrtTable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCrtTable.Click


This is really a pre-defined table and the data is already specified to be inserted to the table. However, my primarily task is to read a flat file which has the data and consider the first line as the column to be column names.

Therefore, initially I created an open dialogue to browse for the text file and store the path such as E:Datafile est.txt, in a TextBox1 visible at run time. Now the task is to change the above "create table" to read the txt file (column names are on the first line) and then create the table in the database.

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Server Path - Added New Project Class Library To Make Dll File

Jun 14, 2009

I am just added new project class library to make dll file. when i write the first line i got this problem

Dim objStreamReader

name 'server' is not declared

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Save Newly Added Data In A Row Or Rows From DataGridView Into SQL Server When The User Clicks A Button?

Mar 5, 2012

if could modify the following code for me so that it save data row by row from a DataGridView into SQl Server. Currently, the code saves data from all rows at time instead of saving only the recently added data in a row or rows when the user clicks a button.[code]...

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Start A Folder Monitor Service At Runtime And Pass On The Folder Path To Monitor?

May 27, 2010

I have the following windows service file:

Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.IO
Public Class fswService


2 problems: first, intellisense error saying: 'fswService' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. second, I can not figure out a way to pass on to the service the path of the folder to watch (which is stored at My.Settings.userPath).

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Control Added On The Fly Is Added To The Wrong Location Of An Auto-scroll Panel?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a program that adds controls on the fly to an auto-scroll panel. When the panel is scrolled (viewing the bottom of the panel for example) and a control is added, it looks like it is added assuming the top left corner of the panel is still at 0,0 when in fact it may be 0,500. To see what I am talking about, create an empty "Windows Forms Application" project and insert the below code into it.

Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents btnAdd As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Dim ButtonCount As Integer


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Sql Server :: Display In A Bounded Datagridview A Field From Another Table Related To The Bounded Table?

Jan 20, 2012

i two tables named tblaccess(nID,nRoleID,nModuleID,cAccess) andtblmodule(nModuleID,cModuleName) and i have a datagrid which is bounded to tblaccess. the problem is, I want to display cModuleName from tblmodule instead of nModuleID. please tell me how.

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Dynamic Added Textbox To Status Bar And Added Event

Jun 10, 2009

i have multiple forms in a project and all have statusbar. there is no way to add textbox on status bar but in my previous thread i got the help to add the text box. i created a function in module so that i call that function from all the forms on load and add the textbox on status bar and also add the event on textchange. the function to be called on event change is in individual form (at present)[code]

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Update Server Program When Client Program Added Record To Database?

Aug 18, 2010

I am creating a very simple Voting System, that will be use on electing new set of officer in a teacher cooperative...

So I have to create two separate program, a Server Program that will manage all the information in the election and a Client Program where voters will vote their selected candidate...

The election officers wanted that the Server Program will display the Voting Results at real time... So when the Voter finished voting, The Voting Result displayed by the Server Program will also be updated every time the Client Program Insert the data to Database....

An action listener in Server Program that will execute if new data is inserted in a Table in the Database made by the Client Program...

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Populate Local Database Table With Remote Server Database Table ?

Aug 11, 2012

I am having a remote server it has INVENTORY DATABSE , and also iam having same databse in my local system. I want to populate by local database table with my Remote database table through code by click a button. How to do this .

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Sql Server - Updating SqlClient Dataset Table With OracleClient Dataset Table?

May 5, 2012

I use a dbDataAdapter to populate a DataTable from an unlinked oracle database.I have a dbDataAdapter that I want to insert rows into an SQL Server table using SQLCommandBuilder.I have been trying all day to update the DataTable that references the SQL Server table with the data from the Oracle DataTable so that I can insert the rows.

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Open A Table In SQL Server 2008 Table From VB Using ADO Error "Recordset.Open Fatal"

Dec 8, 2009

I am a newbie and am trying to open a table in SQL Server 2008 table from Visual Basic using ADO and its throwing up a weird fatal error. The error message is:'A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more details, see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. HRESULT = 0x80131c08. ErrorCode: 0x0' The code I am running at the time is:


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How To Update Sql Server From Tmp Table

Jul 21, 2011

how to update sql server from temporary table using visual basic net but don't create that temporary table on sql database (just in coding), the value of temporary table from ms-access table.

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Sql Server - How To Insert A Value In The Table

Nov 23, 2009

Using VB.Net Am new to, Am using datagridview

ID Name ComboboxColumn
001 Raja
002 Ravi
003 Suresh


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Upload CSV To SQL Server Table?

Nov 30, 2011

Im new to this and Im creating a website that will allow you to upload a csv file with the following names and data types to a table called product_backlog which is on sql server[code]...

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Create A Table In Sql Server 2005?

Nov 16, 2010

I have one problem in which i simply want to know how i can create a table that can easily Used as a back end for my solution that is in Vb 2010.

I also want to know that when we choose a data source in a that is for sql server Which we want to choose....simply which can be used Because there is 2 or 3 with little different name...

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Create Table In SQL Server 2005?

Jun 8, 2011

I am developing a project where i have to copy a table from ms-Access to ms-SQL Server, for which i wrote a code and it goes like this


Here every thing is predecided, i.e i have already created a table in SQL Server with name Test and Assigned fields same as that of access.

But i want to create a table in SQL Server 2005 dynamically with same table parameters or Structure of Access table

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Create Table In SQL Server From ListView

Jun 14, 2011

how to create a table in SQL Server database with field names and its datatypes in ListView..I am able to create only one column, but i could not do for all.

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Deleting Row In Table From Sql Server 2005?

Jun 7, 2012

I try to delete the row of the table from sql server 2005 via 2005 using textbox to refer the serial no value of the column which is set as primary key, when i click the button to delete it give me this error.

Quote: Conversion from string "error" to type 'Integer' is not valid.Here is the code Private Sub deletebtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles deletebtn.Click


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Get SQL Server Database Table Schema?

Mar 23, 2012

I wrote an import procedure that extracts certain row data from Excel files. Currently, I manually create a DataTable in VB.NET, add columns and their datatypes. don't add anyconstraintsto the table, but the SQL database table where this data is going to does haveonstraintssuch as a column can't be null, check constraintsor unique constraints.Here is a simple example of my code.

Dim dt As New DataTable
With dt
.Add("Column1", Type.GetType("System.String"))


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