MonthCalendar Object - Application For The Purpose Of Testing

May 6, 2010


Im making basic application for the purpose of testing the object... Basically when i press the button it sends the info to a 2nd form... when i do the date of registration is set automatically. However the date displays correctly but not the time 12:00:00 no matter what...

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Internet Application:Developing For Personal Purpose?

Mar 17, 2011

Just knowing 20 commands i am developing a app?very impressed on myself!Just knowing 10 commands + common sense + special sense each man has i had world most dangerous spy tool....but on my guru & best friend advice i dropped it..but in future will use for good purpose So here is the new scene We are team of workers had blogs,microblogs and other things i decided to create a tool for my self which is like office assistant to assist in our work at office

my tool will do the submission process when we are not in our office

my idea is using a web browser control and do it with vb commands

so kindly think yourself in such position do you agree to do submission task with web browser control or you can do it some other methods?

whats your opinion? what i mean open a website on web browser control submit the details from listbox(which increment on every submission)i think you now got how we are going to do this!!!

so i am need some one advice shall i proceed with this?i had three big challenges

2.Yes Of Course Time
3.Ya Time But Time + Work Accuracy

so kindly guide shall i use the web browser control or use method like direct server post?

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Test To See If One Object Is Similar To Another Without Testing Each Property?

Jun 9, 2011

Object.Equals I can understand but has anyone got or written an Object.Similar function? I want to test every property and value of two objects to see if they are similar or not,I can understand we can have say two red Ferrari cars but they can not occupy the same space in the same universe!!However they could look similar / identical in every other aspect. I know two cars don't make one object so they are NOT equal.In a similar fashion at run time we could put two Button1 buttons on a Form but they could have separate locations. I want to test two objects that only have the PROPERTY of color or a set of other similar simple properties.How can I test to see if one object is similar to another without testing each property,[code].....

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Discussion On Testing An Application (both Windows And Web Application)

Feb 3, 2010

After doing much programming, I came to know that testing and debugging are the most difficult and time-consuming phase of program development. User experience is imperative to an application's success, so ensuring the proper functionality of each feature is important. This discussion is to provide a step-by-step process that will help us to test our applications. It shall present testing best practices and highlight the common issues to avoid.There are many tools available for testing. I know some of them which I am going to mention below. I request team and members to reply to this post and add some more points or tools that will help us.

a. Make sure design and page layout is consistent
b. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes
c. Make sure the messages (alert, error, etc) are having no spelling or grammatical mistakes and are consistent.

Validate Functionality

a. Make sure all the form validations are done correctly. A program that is not robust will fail if you try wrong inputs like keeping the fields blank, inputting characters in place of numerics, -ve values where +ve is expected, large number of characters, etc.

b. Make sure the functionality desired from the page is complete in all aspects. For example, a page that is supposed to insert/update employee details does so correctly.

Prepare a test case document where you document test.In this document you simply write down the steps that you will perform to execute a test case, and results of test case execution. Complete test cases for the entire application in a similar manner.

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Sql - Unit Testing The Data Access Layer - Testing Update Methods?

May 15, 2009

I'm looking into adding some unit tests for some classes in my data access layer and I'm looking at an update routine that has no return value.It simply updates a row based on the id you provide at whichever column name you provide.Inside of this method, we collect the parameters and pass them to a helper routine which calls the stored procedure to update the table.Is there a recommended approach for how to do unit testing in such a scenario?

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Difference Between NUnit Testing And Unit Testing In VSTS?

Aug 25, 2009

I use VS team system 2008. At the moment i need to test some business classes, i have found two kinds testing NUnit and the unit testing provided by the VS team system. what are there differences?

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Repeated OS Reinstall For Application Testing?

Jan 20, 2010

So although we have plenty of keys from our subscription, to minimize tracking and confusion we just want to use2 or them over and over as we install, test, extended test, wipe and reload. Eventually we would have to recycle any way. Much of this will be scripted /automated and we were wondering what kind of problems we will run into for the activation cycle (human intervention required, phone call, etc.) Mostly working on Win7 (all versions) but still need to do some Vista and even XP.

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.net - Unit Testing C# InternalsVisibleTo() Attribute For NET 2.0 While Testing?

May 13, 2010

I'm building an Active Directory wrapper in VBNET 2.0 (can't use later .NET) in which I have the following:


These interfaces are implemented in internal classes (Friend in VBNET), so that I want to implement a façade in order to instiate each of the interfaces with their internal classes. This will allow the architecture a better flexibility, etc.Now, I want to test these classes (Utilisateur, Groupe, UniteOrganisation) in a different project within the same solution. However, these classes are internal. I would like to be able to instantiate them without going through my façade, but only for these tests, nothing more.


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VB2010 - Call Application.Run() In Application Without A Form - "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 12, 2009

My problem is when i try to call Application.Run() in a application without a form i get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when i run it outside VS. but if ran in debug or release mode it works just fine. i may just be forgetting to setup application right, but ive done it before in this same manor and it worked fine.

Sub main() 'this runs first.
AddHandler Application.ApplicationExit, AddressOf ExitEventHandler
dbg_f("handle added")


Commented out init_timer and init_ready, and now it causes the same error for the myName line. there seems to be something wrong with class Application. btw theres seems to be something wrong with the forum code formatting.

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IDE :: Create System Genrated Testing For Application Developed?

May 8, 2009

I have developed an application in VB.NET. Now I wanted to know how can we create automatic testing for this application. If VB.NET doesnt suppourt this , then can you tell me the best way to go ahead for testing the application.

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Windows - Testing Application For Administrative Running Rights .NET?

May 23, 2011

I want a sure-shot method to test if the application was run via the UAC box and has full administrative rights. Earlier, I thought of making a folder in C:Windows for testing but running it on other computers proved to be a failure!

The UAC box provides all administrative rights to the computer to do anything(including making folders and creating files in places which needs there rights) and also makes sure that any child program so called or created also does have the same rights as the parent.Is there a sure-shot way to test if my application has been provided all the administrative rights that I can maximum get by the user while running the application or not? If yes, I would be glad to have to piece of code-work!

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Finished A Console Application And Deployed It To Several Computers On Our Network For Testing

Dec 17, 2011

I have recently finished a console application and deployed it to several computers on our network for testing. As it is just an EXE a copied to the hard drives of selected computers for now. When the app is launched it writes info to an sql DB so I always know which computers it is on.

During the past few weeks I have modified this app at least 6 times (improvements, adjustments, etc)

It is a paint to keep going back to the computers to update it with the new version, and getting mixed up which version i am on - LOL I am looking for advice on how I would go about doing this automatically, for example, it would be cool if I just had to put an updated file in a repositry and clients would use this to update.

In Visual Studio, when I view the properties of my application>assembly information - I can set a file version. Is it possible to extract this info and store it in a variable? I would like to dump the in my DB. Also I could then possibly compare the file version of the launched app against an updated file in a network share folder.

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Testing Server Connectivity - Verify Connectivity From Application To Various Servers?

Feb 28, 2009

I am trying to verify connectivity from my application to various servers - For now I am only concerned with mail servers... (later SQL etc)Before anyone gets all upset and thinking this is for SPAM - wrong - these are to confirm connectivity from the application for sending logs OR to ensure the SQL conneciton is working appropriately - Those that want to SPAM can do this simply by getting LINUX and doing it for free with ANY mail client (I add this ONLY because MOST SMTP threads go unanswered... which is silly... there are MANY good reasons to work with mail within an application.....)So what I have tried is opening a telnet session, grabbing the output, and going from there...But it is not working.... the output contains nothing specific to the telnet session I initiate - and.... of course from the command prompt manually i DO get the proper responses


I get the command prompt header, I see the commands... I see the prompts... but after the telnet command there is nothing I am assuming there is an issue redirecting telnet info and the telnet session terminates the second I try to read the data

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Application - Getting An Error Stating Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

May 2, 2010

I am making an application that takes information from the textboxes and saves it to a sequential access file or text file named checkfile.txt. I have the textfile in the proper location within the project folder.

I am getting an error stating Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

And this part of the code is highlighted


Here's the code:


Attached image(s)

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Windows - Access The My.Application Object From A Form Or Control Object?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a solution with several Projects in it. There is a Windows App project (called ImportClient), and a Class Library (Import.Library). The Import.Library has functions to perform data imports (I have other applications in the solution that also need to call it). But the interactive application, I want to be able to pass in some form controls, and have it update the GUI. No problem. But, I also want to execute a DoEvents() so that the loop execution doesn't hang other interaction to the app.

So, ImportClient has a reference to Import.Library. But I can't add a reference to ImportClient to the Import.Library, because the compiler complains about circular reference, etc. I don't know how else to define the My.Application object of ImportClient as a parameter to the data function in ImportLibrary.

(I realize this is a dumb question - problem is, for this project I have a tight timeline, and haven't learned how to do the BackgroundWorker process. If you think I could pick it up quickly, I'm open to some hints about how to update the progress bar on the GUI, and how to pause / cancel the background task.)

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C# - What Is Purpose Of '' Operator In Vb

May 16, 2011

I want to know what is purpose of '' in vb ? I have this statement: frontDigitsToKeep 2 and I want to convert it to C#.

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What Is The Purpose Behind The OnXXX()

Aug 31, 2010

I just don't understand the OnXXX(). What are they? What do they do? When should you use them?

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Purpose Of Dividing Saturation / 50 And Hue / 50?

Aug 17, 2009

i am controlling the hue and saturation of the backcolor of the form with scrollbars:

Private Sub tbHUE_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tbHue.Scroll
Dim r, g, b As Integer
HSVtoRGB(r, g, b, tbHue.Value, tbSaturation.Value / 50, 255)


i would like to know what is the purpose of dividing by 50?

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VS 2008 - What Is The Purpose Of Interface

May 12, 2009

What is the purpose of Interfaces? it's just a collection of properties, method and events which can be used over and over again by different classes. Its no different than declaring the needed method or property in the classes separately rather than using Interface (because in Interface, you have to write the inner working in each classes implementing the interface). Is there a case where an interface comes in handy (I mean cases where Interfaces are absolutely necessary, without them the program won't work)?

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What Is Purpose Of Public Property

Jan 9, 2010

What is the purpose of Public property? why would i do this instead of just doing Public abc as string? [code] Because you may want to do data validation on it before assigning the value to the Private variable. Because you might want to raise an event when the value in the Private variable changes. Because you might later want to make it a ReadOnly property.

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What Is The Purpose Of The Function CLine

Jul 21, 2009

What is the purpose of the function CLine, because it is used in my code and it isn't a member of the namespace it is attached to in the vb6 code pasted straight into visual studio 2005, what would it do in this context:

frmXML.CLine = 1

frmXML is a visual windows application.

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Dual-purpose Cut/Copy/Paste ?

Jul 19, 2010

My app displays a list of records in a DataGridView on the main form. I've developed code for cut/copy/paste for the selected records and have put the code behind Cut/Copy/Paste menu items under a classic 'Edit' menu design, with the standard shortcut keys(Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V).

The trouble is, I also want the shortcut keys to work on selected text when I'm editing inside text fields on a record in the DataGridView. So I need the shortcut behaviour to change depending on whether I'm editing a record or selecting record(s).

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IDE :: What Is The Purpose Of 'Merge Module Project'

May 11, 2012

I'm am wanting to create a setup Project and see that there is an option to create a Merge Module Project. The description is not clear to me. That is, it says 'Create a Windows Installer Merge Module project to which files can be added'

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.net - The Intended Purpose For <app Name>.exe.config File In A .NET Forms App?

Sep 21, 2010

I am currently reading up on documentation for a possible assignment I might be put on. In a design document they talk about the .exe.config file. They state that its only purpose is to store constants: "Also note that this file is meant to store constants only, it is not meant to write configuration values to (and the .NET 1.1. framework even prevents this by not offering classes/methods to do so). Therefore, configuration is written to XML files using a..."As far as I understand, this is not true. I don't know about .NET 1.1 preventing this, but I remember in my last project that I did write configuration values to that file (I saved GUI contents there). My project was a small prototype, so maybe I did it wrong, but I do not think so...So what is the intended purpose of this file?

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Call A Delete Function For Different Database Purpose?

Apr 6, 2011

How to create a delete in used to delete my sql database from different database without decalre one by one in vb applcation

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Comparing Different Integer In Select Case For Different Purpose?

Feb 23, 2009

I have a question regarding Select Case. I am comparing different integer in select case for different purpose. I want to run some code on the case when number is not from the list of below mentioned.Can i use this as i mentioned below in Select case?. If not then what does mean. It don't give me any error. Case Is <> 307, Is <> 1, Is <> 12, Is <> 14, Is <> 56ThanksDalbir Singh

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Purpose Of GET SET Property Versus Just Declaring It As Normal?

May 23, 2012

I have been wondering for a while what the difference is between the following two:

Public Property ProgressMaxValue() As Integer
Return maxval
End Get


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Unable To Understand Enumerator's Reset's Purpose?

Dec 30, 2009

if a call to For Each starts by calling the Enumerator's MoveNext, then Current, then MoveNext, then Current, and so on until MoveNext returns a False then it exits, am i right to say that the Reset is never called?initially i thought that Reset would be called when MoveNext returns False, i tried this (a msgbox would come if it was ever called but i got no msgbox at all)


if that's the case, what exactly is the use of the reset in an ienumerator, and is it ok to leave it empty, as such

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Using GroupBox For Purpose Of Grouping Radio Buttons

Sep 21, 2010

I am finding it is not possible to use GroupBox (for the purpose of grouping radio buttons) in a Windows Mobile Application. Is there an alternative to this so I can group radio buttons in a Windows Mobile App?

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C# - What Is The Purpose Of Adding BindableAttribute On A Property Of A Custom Control

Jun 27, 2012

I have seen that BindableAttribute is used to decorate public properties in custom controls. MSDN briefly mentions that it provides the ability to control the binding direction and whether binding is supported at design time.

public class MyControl : Panel
[Bindable(BindableSupport.No, BindingDirection.OneWay)]
public string MyString { get; set; }


1) I set BindableSupport to No, however I could still do this in markup (.aspx).What does BindableSupport affect then? Does it hide the property in the toolbox?

<cc:MyControl runat="server" MyString="something" />

2) How does one-way binding and two-way binding work in the context of custom controls and ASP.NET?

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