Move A Form When Clicking On An Area Other Than Title Bar?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm using visual basic 2008 and I'm trying to find out how I can move the form in runtime by clicking an area other than my caption/title bar? I've searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer.

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Move A Control With The Mouse By Clicking In A Certain Area?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to make a user control that can me moved around the form with the mouse.The control will look similar to this ...This is an example of my code for moving the control around.

Private Sub JobBox_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles JobBox.MouseDown
x = e.X


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Block Double Clicking The Form Title Bar?

Nov 1, 2009

i have been working on an app, that remains just my preset sizes. recently, i have discovered that by double clicking the form title bar, even w/the formborderstyle being set to fixedtoolwindow, the form still maximizes and all of my controls remain in the top/left corner.. not a good view.. so, i set the maximum size of the form, and now when double clicking it, moves it to the top/left of my desktop.. not a good result. here is a quick sample to start w/.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


how do i permanently block the double click on the title bar, to have no effect on the form? i do not want to end up w/having to create a borderless form just to avoid this..

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Move A Form That Has No Title Bar (32-Bit) (FormBorderStyle=None)?

Aug 1, 2009

I have a form with propterty of FormBorderStyle=None how I can make it movable using VB 2008?

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Forms :: ComboBox - Stop The User From Clicking A Blank Area?

May 28, 2010

how to stop a ComboBox from displaying blank data?

The query I'm using does not allow nulls but the ComboBox is showing black areas and the user can click in those areas.

The PureComponents ComboBox did not show the blank areas but when I started to use the ComboBox from VS 2008 the blank areas are showing up.

The attachment shows me clicking in a blank area.

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Openfiledialog Without A Form Displaying Current Path In The Title Instead Of Title?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a class that contains one function: "ShowDialog()" It creates a new openfiledialog and sets its title, but when it is run, the title of the openfiledialog is set to the current directory that is shown in the dialog. I would not like this behavior. Here is the code:

Public Class LoadSet
Public Shared Function ShowDialog() As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult
Dim Dialog As New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
Dialog.DefaultExt = ".bsfci"


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Specify Actual Usable Form Area Instead Of Outside Area?

May 12, 2010

I designed a form and managed to fit graphics inside it. Picture box is 465 pixels high. Form1 is 500 pixels high. SnapShot of the screen verifies that the 500 pixel height is the overal height. It includes the upper Bar and lower frame. Is there an instruction to set the From's inner pixel size and not overal?

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Move The Notification Area From Right To Left?

Dec 17, 2011

Is it possible to move the notification area from right to left with code?

I don't have constant access to Internet?

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Move Min, Max, And Close Buttons To Client Area?

Jan 2, 2011

I am working on a library of controls that clone Office 2010's Ribbon interface and theme. One of the controls will inherit the form control and will modify the ribbon to implement Aero Glass. This is what I have so far... In order to get the same look and feel, I've extended the aero glass margins exactly far enough to get this effect for the top 50 or so pixels. The ControlBox property is set to false, so that there's not an extra 30 pixels at the top that I don't do anything with, but now I need to get the

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Move An Element By Clicking And Holding The Object With The Mouse?

Jun 25, 2012

I am working on a simple program which requires me to be able to select a picture box and move it to a new location by dragging it with my mouse. This is all the relevant code I have come up with currently. however, when I run the program it tries to move to where I want it to go then it seems to revert back to its previous location.


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ComboBox When Clicking Suggestions Will Clear Combobox Text Area

Mar 26, 2011

When I will click the suggested text shown in the combobox it will disappear.My Combobox btw is connected in a database.If I type Kev then kevin and kevsky will show at its suggestion then when I will click any of it ,the combobox text will be empty or will clear what I typed ("Kev") and will not show what I clicked.[code]

View 7 Replies

Clicking On Buttons By Mouse Makes Cursor Disappeared Until Move It Again?

Nov 11, 2010

on my form I have few buttons. clicking on them by mouse makes cursor disappeard until I move it again. How to fix it?

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Use Mouse To Move Objects - Clicking Too Fast Causes Erratic Behavior?

Apr 7, 2009

I know that by clicking before an object is finished moving, causes the object to move again, prematurely. I have tried using "If Timer2.Enabled = False Then move. This does not work. Is there another way to disable either the mouse or program execution until the animation objects are finished moving?

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Iterate Through An Entire Data Table, Using An Index And By Clicking A Button To Move To Next Record?

Jun 4, 2011

how can i manually iterate through an entire datatable record by record, but only moving to next record after clicking a button. am using vb 2008 express and below is the code i wrote: Private Sub STARTButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles STARTButton.Click

Dim RealName As String
Dim UserName As String
Dim PASSWORD As String


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Extend The Client Area Of Form To To The Non-client Area?

Nov 19, 2009

I guess thats what I need to do, Im trying to allow the user to right click on the top of my form, and my custom Context Menu Strip is displayed, not windows context menu strip. I guess somehow i would need to get the size and draw a rectangle on the non client area and see if the user has right clicked in that rectangle? if so how would I get the area of the non client area?

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Crop Form Screenshot - Screen Capture Of Twindows Form And Display Only A Certain Specified Area

Aug 2, 2010

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.

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Moving A TextBox - User Will Have To Move A (selected Textbox) By Clicking A Button

Feb 11, 2010

I am building an app. that needs some input from the user, the user will have to move a (selected textbox) by clicking a button. The TextBox will have to move 20 points down or up from corent location by clicking a button.

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How To Remove The Child Form's Title Bar From MDI Form

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to display a child form in a Mdi Form without the child Form's title bar showing. The title bar is showing with the default Icon, not even the icon of the child form. When the icon on this second title bar is clicked the popup menu (Restore/Move/etc.) shows.


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[2008] Update A Form's Title From Within The Form

Sep 22, 2010

I update a Form's Title from within the form, but it doesn't update. Any idea how to "Refresh" it so that the update displays?

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Navigate The WebBrowser In Form 1 By Clicking The Links Inside The Richtext Box In Form 2?

Apr 14, 2009

There's a richtext box in Form 2 and a WebBrowser in Form 1. The richtext box contains several hyperlink. How can I navigate the WebBrowser in Form 1 by clicking the links inside the richtext box in Form 2.

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VS 2010 Get Whats Inside The <title>My Data</title> Tags

Dec 19, 2010

Im am trying to get whats inside the <title>My Data</title> tags, however the results i pull back are not whats in the title tags..

Dim myMatch As Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(My_Text, "<(?<title>w*)>(?<text>.*)</k<title>>")
If myMatch.Success Then


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Set The Viewable Area To A Smaller Screen Area?

Jun 11, 2012

Trying to set the viewable area to a smaller screen area and have it cycle through as the person moves using collision detection to move the backgroudn image. Here is the start but its off to a bad start so far.

Public Class Form1
Dim Mapx As Integer = 600
Dim Mapy As Integer = 2000


Basically the forum size is set to 600x2000 but the client should only allow you to view 600x600. I want it to add +1 once you "collide with a invisable box I'll add and this will redraw the screen.

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Any Way To Capture Screen Of Form Area?

Mar 2, 2010

I was about to create a code for capturing screen of the area of a form.. Below code is capturing only the form size but from the top of the screen.. I want to capture the area of screen wherever it placed..
Dim loBmp As Bitmap = Nothing
'Dim Somebitmap As Bitmap
Dim screenSize As Size = New Size(Me.Bounds.Width, Me.Bounds.Height)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(Me.Bounds.Width, Me.Bounds.Height)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenGrab)
'Dim FiletoDelete
g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, screenSize) ("Need Some changes here!!")
screenGrab.Save(LogLib & lsFile)

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Dynamic Area For Db Tables In Form?

Aug 29, 2010

I use Visual Basic 2010 Express. I want to create a WinForm app in which there are several buttons "table1", "table2"... Each button must display the corresponding table of a database in a specified region of the same form.

I'm able to link a MS Access database (.accdb) file to the app. But, how do I create that dynamic area whose content would be one of the database tables of the linked database? I tried using DataGridView, but I'm a newbie and I'm missing something; it doesn't work.

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Print A Specific Area Of Form?

May 28, 2011

I am creating an application . in which clients have to enter data and view it and search it by application number and name.i want to add print form in search form in which client when search data of entered users he/she may print that form.i seen some plugins like print form, or print document , but it prints exaclt the form image etc.i donot know how to use them completely. so i wants to ask how can i print that specific area of search form ... the printed form should not be same like in the form. how can i set that this textbox data should be of this size or that lbl or picture should of of that size?

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Change Title On Form?

Apr 8, 2010

What I can't figure out is how to change the title of a form. Meaning when it opens, at the top (title bar) it will say Form1 for example, how can that be changed?

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How To Drag Form That Has No Title Bar

May 21, 2009

I found this link. [URL]. I copied the code to my app and tried it. It didn't work for me. I think in may not have worked because I have a panel control with the dock property set to fill and Label inside the Panel with the Labels Dock property set to Fill. So I changed the mouse event names from Form to Label1, that didn't work for me either. One other thing you should probably know is that I have a timer control running as well (don't know if that makes a difference).

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Put A Control In Form's Title Bar?

Sep 15, 2011

how i can put a control (like a checkbox) or a simple button in a form's title bar using VB 2010 and Windows 7? i already studied

[URL] but code samples here just work with WinXP (samples designed in VS2003 & VS2005), no vista nor Win7.

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Updating A Form's Title?

Sep 22, 2010

I update a Form's Title from within the form, but it doesn't update. Any idea how to "Refresh" it so that the update displays?

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Check If An Object Is In A Certain Area Inside A Form?

Mar 29, 2012

How would i check if an object is in a certain area inside a form?


For example lets say 0 = radiobutton1, inside a forms. What would be the best method to check if the radiobutton lies within this region?

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