Specify Actual Usable Form Area Instead Of Outside Area?
May 12, 2010
I designed a form and managed to fit graphics inside it. Picture box is 465 pixels high. Form1 is 500 pixels high. SnapShot of the screen verifies that the 500 pixel height is the overal height. It includes the upper Bar and lower frame. Is there an instruction to set the From's inner pixel size and not overal?
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Jun 11, 2012
Trying to set the viewable area to a smaller screen area and have it cycle through as the person moves using collision detection to move the backgroudn image. Here is the start but its off to a bad start so far.
Public Class Form1
Dim Mapx As Integer = 600
Dim Mapy As Integer = 2000
Basically the forum size is set to 600x2000 but the client should only allow you to view 600x600. I want it to add +1 once you "collide with a invisable box I'll add and this will redraw the screen.
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Nov 19, 2009
I guess thats what I need to do, Im trying to allow the user to right click on the top of my form, and my custom Context Menu Strip is displayed, not windows context menu strip. I guess somehow i would need to get the size and draw a rectangle on the non client area and see if the user has right clicked in that rectangle? if so how would I get the area of the non client area?
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Mar 2, 2010
I was about to create a code for capturing screen of the area of a form.. Below code is capturing only the form size but from the top of the screen.. I want to capture the area of screen wherever it placed..
Dim loBmp As Bitmap = Nothing
'Dim Somebitmap As Bitmap
Dim screenSize As Size = New Size(Me.Bounds.Width, Me.Bounds.Height)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(Me.Bounds.Width, Me.Bounds.Height)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenGrab)
'Dim FiletoDelete
g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, screenSize) ("Need Some changes here!!")
screenGrab.Save(LogLib & lsFile)
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Aug 29, 2010
I use Visual Basic 2010 Express. I want to create a WinForm app in which there are several buttons "table1", "table2"... Each button must display the corresponding table of a database in a specified region of the same form.
I'm able to link a MS Access database (.accdb) file to the app. But, how do I create that dynamic area whose content would be one of the database tables of the linked database? I tried using DataGridView, but I'm a newbie and I'm missing something; it doesn't work.
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May 28, 2011
I am creating an application . in which clients have to enter data and view it and search it by application number and name.i want to add print form in search form in which client when search data of entered users he/she may print that form.i seen some plugins like print form, or print document , but it prints exaclt the form image etc.i donot know how to use them completely. so i wants to ask how can i print that specific area of search form ... the printed form should not be same like in the form. how can i set that this textbox data should be of this size or that lbl or picture should of of that size?
View 5 Replies
Aug 2, 2010
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.
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Mar 29, 2012
How would i check if an object is in a certain area inside a form?
For example lets say 0 = radiobutton1, inside a forms. What would be the best method to check if the radiobutton lies within this region?
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Aug 27, 2010
if any one knows of a way to determine if a control is currently in the viewable area of the parent form. In example...if I have a form where all controls are visible when the form is maximized, how would I go about determining which controls are no longer visible to the user after they change the window state or form size. To be clear I am not talking about the visible property of a control but rather if the control is actually on screen for the user to see when they do something like resize the main form for instance.
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Jul 31, 2009
Something happened to my project and it got all messed up. I am not sure what happened, but the form I was working on only shows the code and not the project itself(where you design it). I am working in VB2008 Express Edition and do not wish to start over. What happened to my form?
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Dec 18, 2009
I'm using visual basic 2008 and I'm trying to find out how I can move the form in runtime by clicking an area other than my caption/title bar? I've searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer.
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a form with a webbrowser and other things. I want to know how to take a screenshot of just a small area on my form. I searched and only found how to do a screenshot of the entire screen. how can i provide X and Y values of where I want my screenshot?
View 11 Replies
Jul 29, 2010
My VB.NET app supports several kinds of MDI child forms. Some kinds, but not others, are 'troublesome' -- they cause the focus mechanism to become weird. Once a 'troublesome' child form has been opened, NONE of the MDI child forms will become activated unless I click on either the title bar or the border. Clicking in the client area does not activate the child form -- its title bar remains gray, and it does not receive Activate or GotFocus events. Strangely, however, the clicked-on form actually DOES receive the focus, because its controls receive mouse and key events. Only the Z-Order and the highlighting do not change.
Once this problem develops, it persists even after the 'troublesome' form is closed, and it affects child forms which are opened afterward. However, if ALL of the child forms are closed, the problem clears up, and new child forms behave normally -- until the next 'troublesome' form appears.
I have no idea why one kind of child form is troublesome, and others are not.
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May 8, 2010
My VB.NET app supports several kinds of MDI child forms. Some kinds, but not others, are 'troublesome' -- they cause the focus mechanism to become weird. Once a 'troublesome' child form has been opened, NONE of the MDI child forms will become activated unless I click on either the title bar or the border. Clicking in the client area does not activate the child form -- its title bar remains gray, and it does not receive Activate or GotFocus events. Strangely, however, the clicked-on form actually DOES receive the focus, because its controls receive mouse and key events. Only the Z-Order and the highlighting do not change.Once this problem develops, it persists even after the 'troublesome' form is closed, and it affects child forms which are opened afterward
View 4 Replies
Jun 5, 2011
I have a picture box on a form that changes size as needed. Both by resizing the form and by code.How can I resize the form automatically if I resize the picturebox in code. The client area of the picture box should not be clipped.Right now the picture box is set to dock fill, but if the code resizes it, the form does not follow it. Is there a binding somewhere I can use?
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Dec 13, 2009
make the form size exceed the screen working area? like setting the size to (1600,1600) doesn't work if the screen is not as big as it is.
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Sep 13, 2009
how to create a specific area to drag my form (ie: image, label). I found some code that works, however you can click anywhere and have it drag...
Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84
Const HTCLIENT As Integer = &H1
Const HTCAPTION As Integer = &H2
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May 21, 2009
I trying to fade-in the application startup form using the forms opacity and a timer control.I dont know if I am using the right approch to achieve this so suggestions for alternatativ approches are welcome.I have a form with a few randomly select controls on it, one of which is a textbox.When I run the code, the form and all its controls reflect the changes to the form opacity property set through the timer_tick event except the textbox.The textbox remains clear all the time and I would like to know: Why?[code].....
View 8 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
Hi.. Im using an application to capture selected part of screen by resizing the form and capturing area of it!! now i want to reset the form once my work id done!! i mean if i press a "RESET" button the form should be load as first time it was loaded.(the real form size..)
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Mar 6, 2012
I'm looking for a way to scan a certain area of a PDF or Tif,
and extract the OCR regonizied text which will help me rename these documents I have.
What tools or libaries can I use in .NET to make a quick short program to rename
TIF or PDF files into their appropriate name coming from a portion of text that is on each file.
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Mar 26, 2010
oksice there is no way to grab an image using its source i was wondering if there is a way to taking a screen pic at a certain x,y coordinates in a webbrowser1 then displaying it in a picture box.
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Aug 11, 2011
When I add areas to mschart ,chart is printed in smaller size.
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Mar 1, 2011
In an article in techrepublic about 10 tips to go from a beginner to an intermediate developer
one of the auther's suggestion was "try to become an expert in at least one area of focus" and learn advance idea in depth about that area. With this in my mind I have programmed for about a year mainly for database application in .NET envirnoment (VB/C#), Currently I want to focus or be an expert in at least one area of .NET environmt. As a resutl I had skimmed some area in .NET such as WCF,WPF, ASP.Net MVC ...etc (just reading an overview of different books). My current job . also demand on database programming mainly for desktop application.
So can you suggest me a list of areas of focus in .Net where I can delve on it beside my current job.
I am not sure whether they can be an area of focus I had some ideas such as SOA with WCF
MVC web application Database design and modelling
Edit @sajoshi I have some strength on data modeling and objected oriented design and mainly I like to work in domain modeling and object persistance with ORM tools.I have little interest on UI design.
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Apr 30, 2011
I have the latest versions of VS 2010, .NET 4.0 and MVC 3 and I have a problem using areas in asp.net mvc 3 when using vb.net.
I do the following:
Create a new visual basic asp.net mvc 3 project. Select Razor as the "View Engin" and call the project "TestApp".
Create a new area called "Test", it will be in the folder: /Areas/Test.
Add a new empty controller called "PageController.vb" in /Areas/Test/Controllers/".
Add a new folder in /Areas/Test/Views/ called "Page".
These are identical with what you get if you repete steps 1-7 and use c# (only difference is that you will get c# code that is equal to above vb.net code).
I repete: If I do the steps 1-7 in C# it works, but it will not work in vb.net!
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Jun 18, 2012
I would like to use Graphics.FillRectangle or Graphics.Clear with semi-transparent colour (e.g. ARGB=128,0,0,0) to darken entire area of the Graphics object except some specified (rectangular) area:I know this can be achieved with four FillRectangle calls, but I wonder if it cannot be done easier.I am aware of simple clipping (Graphics.SetClip), but this allows me to clip everything outside the specified area and I would like to achieve the opposite.
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Jun 14, 2009
I have an assignment and I have to calculate the area of a circle. I have my textboxes and buttons but I don't know how to write the codes and I have followed the directions and the example in my book which is microsoft visualbasic 2008 step by step.
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Sep 6, 2010
In my program, there is an option for a custom size object. I want the user to be able to click on the upper-left corner and then click in the lower-right corner and save the location as integers. How can I do this?
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Sep 3, 2011
Im working on 'Virtual iPod Touch' project and I'm almost done..but one thing annoying me..im using drag 'n' drop to make lock slider..1 got 1 picturebox with lock arrow and 1 black (transparent/invisible) with allowed dropping...and its all ok but I want only I can slide (move mouse) in area for sliding (see a picture, but I think all of you understand).
View 12 Replies
Feb 1, 2011
I am trying to get the coordinates of the client area of an MDI form. Currently I am using.[code]...
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Feb 16, 2009
I have a form which is a mdiParent, on this form I also have a left docking form which obviously reduces the size of the avaliable mdi area. Is there a way that I can get the width and height of the mdi area that is avaliable? I am programming in VB.Net.
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