Multiple Arrays To Text File?

Apr 29, 2010

trying to save users names and passwords from input boxes and save it as arrays in text file that in future multiple users will log in with their names and passwords
have this code so far but doesnt realy save the user info to file, dont even create file.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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File I/O And Registry :: Opening A Text File Into Multiple Text Boxes Using Loops And Arrays

May 20, 2009

So I'm in the final stages of finishing a program I've been working on for nearly a year now, and this is basically my final hurdle. The Save dialogue is working beautifully, with 'flags' in order to switch it over from the regular input into text boxes to the Listbox input protocol.

However, I'm having a *** of a time getting it to take lines from the text file and put them in the proper text box. Here is an example file:




So with the sample file I provided above, in the textbox named callNameText would appear "SHOWNAME", and so on and so forth. With this build, I get a NullReferenceException on the "Me.Controls(strboxNames(i)).Text() = strAllText(ati)" line.

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Random Name Generator Loading Multiple Arrays From Text File

Jul 27, 2011

I have learnt how to create a basic random word generator. I now want to take this further but I would like to know if what I am thinking of is possible. I am in the process of wanting to create a random name/word generator which reads/loads an array from a text file. think this part I will be Ok with as there are some vids and tutorials about. However, I wish for the text file to have multiple arrays and then dependant on the day and time of the day, only a string from the current time array is loaded. Does that make sense and is it possible? I am happy to spend time learning how to do this but only if it is possible.

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Putting One .txt File Information Into Multiple Different Arrays

Apr 28, 2011

how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.[code]

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Putting One .txt File Information Into Multiple Different Arrays?

Jun 10, 2011

i'm having issues where I can't figure out how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.The .txt file looks like so:tc.Amanda/Ashley have to be in the same array as well as 4/2, 166/20.This is what I've come up with for the snippet of code, and so far, it hasn't really been working right.

Dim namearray(MaxItems), rankarray1990(MaxItems), rankarray2009(MaxItems) As String
Dim Numitems As Integer
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader


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Saving Multiple Arrays And Variables To Encrypted File?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm looking to be able to save and load the content from multiple structured arrays and variables into/from an encrypted file, is there any reliable source of information or tutorial that I'd be able to use for this? I've never written a program in visual basic that writes to/reads from a file.

I'm using microsoft visual studio 2008.

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How To Write / Save Data File (Multiple Nested Arrays)

Nov 22, 2010

I Have a complex Class Structure that holds a large amount of data in the form of multiple nested arrays that I want to save to a file and retrieve everytime I use my program.. How do I do this? I am using VB10 Express.

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Saving Arrays To Text File?

Apr 28, 2010

arrays saving to file that if new user account is added name and email address is saved. if in the future multiple users login in whe name and email address will match correct users.

here is what i got so far....

Public Class Form1
Public strName, strSurname, strEmail, strPassword As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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StreamWritter Arrays To Text File?

Apr 29, 2010

lads, I'm having problems with saving user input to text file. Need use the streamWritter to write users names and passwords to text file I gues the arrays would work out but the code is mess and I'm stock with this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter


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Writing In Text-file Using 2 Arrays?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having with writing in a text file using 2 arraysthe first array is the normal text, line by line.g.

dim arrCode as string()
arrcode(0) = "This is the first line"
arrcode(1) = "The second line etc."


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Read And Write From One Text File To Two Arrays?

Apr 10, 2010

I've been making a program whereby users names and numbers must be stored in external files. At the moment I can get the names to read and write to a file with these lines:

Imports System.IO
Public Class frmDefaultMenu
Private Sub frmDefaultMenu_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Where each line has a name, a seaparator (,) and then the corresponding number.

When the program loads I would like it to be able to access that file, and store all the names into an array named ExistingUsers() and all the Numbers into an array called ExistingNumbers(), and then when a new name is added in the textbox, it is assigned the number "100" and placed at the end of the array, then when the application quits OR straight away, the external files are updated.

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Set X,y,z Values From Text File Into Separate Arrays

Nov 7, 2011

I have been trying to find out how to do this for days now, so I am finally asking how. I am newish to programming. Here is my problem.

I am trying to extract x,y,z coordinates from a text file arranged as such:


I need to be able to extract the x column into an array, the y into an array, and the z into an array. I learned how to pull it into a string, and how to split for every line, but i don't know how to split after each comma and separate them.

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Reading And Writing Text File Data With Arrays?

May 3, 2009

Even a primer on just reading/writing to a text file would be golden. The array confuses me further, but understanding the data is primary.

Basically, we're writing a program to manage inventory for a bar. Fields and a few lines are below. The delimiter is "||"

So... How do we read the data into the arrays? NAME would be strName(), etc for all of them.

how to write and update existing data.

A0101.12B||Abita Brewing Company||Abita Amber||12


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Reading From Text File With Parser And Storing Into Arrays (VB)

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to read data from a text file with multiple records and fields separated by tabs to store into arrays, which I later want to output into a textbox on the form. The problem is that with the code I've written, when I debug it it exits the sub procedure when it enters the first loop where the parser is reading the text file. There are no error messages, it just exits? I'm not even sure if what I've written is possible. Here's what I've written so far:


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Open A Text File And Extract The Numbers Written There Into Arrays?

Feb 13, 2010

For my database program, I need to open a text file and extract the numbers written there into arrays.

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Open A Text File In Which 3 Parallel Arrays Will Respecyively Store?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to know how to code a windows application program that will make it possible for customers to place orders online. Customers will have access to menu using a combobox,containing items available. The text file contains all menu items and the price of each item, as well as number of orders for each item. The file is created with a notepad containing 5 menu items.the first line contains the name of the item,second line contains the price and the third contains total number of orders which initially is 0. So far so good i know how to check if the file exists or not,and populating the the combobox, but ther's an instruction where i have ensure that the number of menu items does not exceed 100, and if so,should display an error message.and should validate to ensure that the total number of orders is>0,if not,re display the input box with a suitable message. Then on the save(menustrip),should write the whole textfile from arrays in memory,clear the combobox,display the message. Also has a process payment button where it should read through the arrays with a for next loop,then shouold write function called amount due,which recieves the total orders as a single data type,where the value for amount due is calculated as total orders*price.CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT SINCE IM A BEGINNER IN VB2005.

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File I/O And Registry :: Reading Text And Splitting To Arrays Then Echoing To Textboxes

Mar 1, 2010

I'm currently making a program that will be used to practice German. It reads from textfiles that have English words (noted by # prefix) and German words (noted by $ prefix). An example of this:

#hello $hallo
#good $gut
#evening $abends

The way it currently works is it loads a text file, finds all # and splits to an array called "English" and finds all $ and splits it to an array called "German" What I want it to now do is feed the "English" entries into textboxes on the left, and "German" onto textboxes on the right so I can then match them out and make a sort of memory game out of it. Unfortunately, I don't know how I would loop an array through multiple textboxes. Conveniently, the textboxes on the left have even numbers, and the ones on the right have odd. Is there a way to possibly find all evenly numbered textboxes and loop "English" array entries into them, and the same for "German"? I've realised this has now gotten a little convoluted, but hopefully somebody understands. I can screenshot the form for better explanation, and copy my existing source code if anybody wants it.

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VS 2008 - Saving To Text File Using Multiple Text Boxes And Labels

May 27, 2009

how to permanently save to text files then re-open all of the information again using SFD and OFD. Now my teacher has come back at me and said that i need to be able to save the information from multiple text boxes and have the text in certain labels to also be saved into the one text file (the labels need to be done because it is a database and these labels are like the fields and the right text box needs to match the right label)

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Save Multiple Text-boxes And A Combo-box To A Text File

Nov 20, 2010

I need to to able to save multiple text-boxes and a combo-box to a text file. the thing is, when I go to save, I check out the .txt file manually and its saved all in one line, no spaces. when I go to "read" it with the 2nd part (<-----this is a 2 part Challenge) it even reads all from that one line in the text file. What i'm asking is how can I make my text-boxes saved in the text file on different lines. [Code]

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Merging Multiple Text Files Into One Csv Text File?

Jun 22, 2010

I need to write a small program to get a certain task done, but I have zero experience in manipulating text files. how to write the following program:The program should take all the text files in a folder, and add the data in a csv text file, with columns:

Text file Name, Content of text file Easy as that. I'm sure this cannot be that hard, please give me a start on this.

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Loop Through Multiple Arrays?

May 7, 2009

I'm new to this, so sorry if my question has been asked before. I have searched but have not been able to find, or perhaps recognise, an answer. I am using visual studio 2008 and creating an app in

I have 4 arrays named:- account1 account2 account3 account4. They all have 4 elements.I want to assign values to the elements in the arrays in an efficient manner. I thought two for next loops would do it. [code]....

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Return Multiple Arrays From A Function

Mar 13, 2009

I want to go to a class.vb file that has a function from an aspx page and I want to return mutiple arrays. Is that possible? If so, how would I call it from the aspx page and how would I return it?

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Search Multiple Arrays For A Specific Value?

Jan 8, 2009

I'm trying to find out a way to search multiple arrays for a specific value. I looked through here, yahoo, google and msdn and couldn't find anything specific to what I'm looking for. Don't have any sample code as I'm not quite sure where to start.

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Storing Multiple Arrays Into A List

May 11, 2011

The scenario is:

1)A large 2 dimensional array (400,20)

2)The program needs to access particular chunks(for example (0,20) to (50,20)

3)The program will open multiple files and process each into it's own 2D array (400,20)

What I have right now is code capable of creating the array, but no way to store the array so that I can open a new file and process that data into another large array. Someone mentioned the generics List(of T) might be a good way to store each new array as you could use the Add function. I have done some research on the List(of T) class but I'm not totally convinced that is the way to go. I'm just looking for some direction as I've just started on .net this year.

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Sharing Structures Of Arrays In Multiple MDIchilds

Nov 10, 2010

I have the following code... in an MDI application. [code] Various lines of code which put data into the Myinstance and then save the instance into the ArrayList.I have buttons which run procedures and functions in the formchild and also in the Class1. I need it so you can jump between formchild instances, and when you do so and click a button on that form, it will run the Class1 code but using the data in the arraylist and myinstance that was set previously by the selected formchild. Then if you switch to another child it uses data from this form. Can this be done by declaring the arraylist with more dimensions and then refer to the records with the index of the selected form instance, e.g.Selected Child is index(3)

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Sharing Structures Of Arrays In Multiple MDIchilds?

Nov 6, 2010

I have created an MDIparent form and a MDIchild. There is a button on the parent which makes multiple 'clones' of the child form, each time its clicked.I also want (maybe with a module) a set of variables, and array of a structure but these are available to each copy of the child, but each copy's variables, arraylist etc contain its own data?Therefore if you select child1 the variables and array will have different data to child2, child3...etc...

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Split An Array Into Multiple Smaller Arrays?

Apr 9, 2010

if its possible to split an array into multiple smaller arrays?

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VS 2010 Sort Parallel Arrays By Multiple Fields?

May 25, 2011

I have 7 parallel arrays, and I would like to sort them all by two of them. That is I have the following arrays...


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.net - Multiple Commands To Same Text File From VB?

May 12, 2011

I have this which is exporting the SDK info to a txt file. I would also like to export the processes that are running to the same text file.

Dim sdkCommand As String
sdkCommand = "C:WindowsSystem32Java.exe -version 2> C:UsersJavaSDKInfo.txt"
Shell("cmd.exe /c" & sdkCommand)
End Sub

If I try adding this to it, I am only able to still see the output from sdkCommand, but nothing about the tasks that are running. I am assuming I need to combine the shell statements?


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Control Arrays - Allocating Multiple Camera Objects Dynamically

Jan 19, 2009

I have a VB.NET application and use some third party (closed source) ActiveX controls. One of the controls represents a "camera" (connected over several interfaces) and I try to write an example how to work with several cameras in one application. To do this I allocate multiple "camera" objects dynamically as an array which works as expected like this:

Private MyCameras(NUM_CAMERAS ) As xxx.MCamera

But the camera objects needs to be allocated with WithEvents because they raise events when a new image was taken. I found out that WithEvents variables cannot be typed as arrays and this is a pretty common problem so I also found some workarounds: [URL]. This is already pretty good and I adopted this to my concept. So I have a MyCameras array and a MyCamera all "without Events", first allocate a new MyCamera object, add a event handler and then put it into the array.

Unfortunately I get an error when calling
AddHandler Camera.ProcessModifiedImage, AddressOf MyHook

Normally "MyHook" is declared as
Private Sub MyHook (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ModifiedBuffer As xxx.ProcessModifiedImageEvent) Handles Camera.ProcessModifiedImage

Like in the "Button examples" I just removed the "Handles Camera.ProcessModifiedImage" but I get an error that "MyHook" has not the same signature as the Delegate
Delegate Sub ICameraEvents_ProcessModifiedImageEventHandler(ImageIndex as Integer)

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