NET 4.0 Parallel.ForEach AddressOf Multiple Values?

Nov 5, 2011

I am trying change from Delegates to Parallel.ForEach I see the below works fine. Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Sub Main()
Dim secs() As Integer = {2, 3, 1}
Parallel.ForEach(secs, AddressOf Method2)
End Sub


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How To Use Parallel.ForEach

Apr 15, 2010

tell how to form this to the correct Syntax?ere the sample in sequential form:ForEach ctrl AsCheckBoxIn tblCKBoxCollection.Controlsctrl.Checked =

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.net - Parallel.ForEach Local Storage?

Aug 3, 2010

I recently changed a For Each loop to a Parallel.ForEach loop. I'm concerned about an object being declared outside the loop but assigned while iterating in the loop. Here is the simplified code.

Dim results As ModelResults
Dim noResultsModel As New List(Of ModelResults)
Dim lock As New Object


Is there a potential race condition with the results object? Would anything be different if I moved the declaration of results into the for loop?

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VS 2010 First Attempt At Parallel.ForEach

Apr 16, 2010

I've been trying to follow the examples I've found online and, well, I can't really get my head around what I've done wrong.So, I have a simple piece of code to search for a machine in AD, as so. [code]

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Convert For Each GridViewRow To Parallel.ForEach GridViewRow?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to convert the code below into a parallel loop. What is the proper syntax to use Parallel.ForEach instead of just ForEach?

For Each grow As GridViewRow In gvEmployees.Rows

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VS 2008 - Foreach Values - Blank Out The First 4 Fields Returned ?

Jan 1, 2010

When i parse some html and get the fields i need using regex, the first 4 fields returned are fields i don't need, so essentially i need all fields returned after the 4th one. '// First piece of data we want...
Dim stringID As New Regex("(?<=><optionvalue="").*?(?="">)", _
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Singleline)
Dim stringsMatched As MatchCollection = stringID.Matches(stringClean)


Is there a way i can blank out the first 4 fields returned?

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Using List(Of T).ForEach Method To Update Values Not Working As Expected?

Aug 8, 2011

I have the following code,

PB.ForEach(Function(x) x.Cost = GetPartCost(x.PartNumber, x.Units, x.Cost, FB))

Return PB.Sum(Function(x) (x.Cost * x.Qty))

However it always returns 0. I've checked and the GetPartCost function executes and returns a non-zero number but the list item cost properties are never updated.The property is just a simple property,

Public Property Cost() As Double
Return _Cost[code]....

If I set a breakpoint in the Set of the property, it never gets hit.

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VS 2010 Handle Multiple COM Ports Using Same AddressOf Sub?

Jan 25, 2011

I've got my serial/com port code working ok using the standard Port.DataReceived handler:

AddHandler Port.DataReceived, AddressOf port_DataReceived I now want to be able to handle multiple COM ports. Do I have to create multiple copies of the handler sub or is there a way the handler sub can tell which COM port it was called for?

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Pass Multiple Arguments To A Delegate Method From A List(Of T).ForEach Call?

Sep 6, 2011

Is it possible to pass multiple arguments to a delegate method from a list(Of T).ForEach call?So, I'd like to pass a listbox object to the delegate routine below:

Sub test()
Dim names As New List(Of String)


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Run Multiple Timer Parallel In Net?

Mar 15, 2012

I have two System.Windows.Forms.Timer with different interval having [code]...

but some timer2 not start wroking until timer1 not get finished i want them to run parallel without waiting for each other to finish

View 2 Replies - Same Function Running Parallel Will Override Values?

Dec 27, 2011

I am Using same function from many places...for example below function

Public Sub getUser(ByVal Name as string)
dim myName=Name
End Sub

I am using this function from so many places...I have doubt should this function override this myName values with latest function call?Suppose i called getUser("ABC") so value of myName is now ABC now sudden all call getUser("XYZ") so at insert(myName) will it insert("ABC") or insert("XYZ")??I need it to be insert("ABC") and then insert("XYZ")

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.net - Consuming Multiple .NET Web Services From Javascript In Parallel?

Jun 29, 2011

I have two ASMX web services consumed from javascript. The first service performs a long operation and updates a database table on its progress. The second service polls that same database table in order to report the progress to the end user via a progress bar.

My problem is that the long process seems to be blocking the polling service. When I log the activity of the javascript, it seems to be requesting the long service correctly, and then starts to request the polling service once a second asynchronously (note: the long process is asynch as well). Both request types either use setInterval or setTimeout which shouldn't halt the browser. Yet when I look at the activity of the javascript, none of the responses from the polling requests return until the long process completes. So it seems the long process is blocking the polling requests until it's done.


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VS 2010 Sort Parallel Arrays By Multiple Fields?

May 25, 2011

I have 7 parallel arrays, and I would like to sort them all by two of them. That is I have the following arrays...


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Parallel.For Termination - Service That Scans Network Folders Using A Parallel.for Method

Jan 16, 2012

I have a service that scans network folders using a parallel.for method. However recently I am finding if I stop the service then while windows says the service is stopped the process is still running in task manager. However it is at 0 cpu and the memory does not change. If I try and end the task (even a force in command prompt) it just says access denied and i have to reboot the server. What would be the best way to make sure everything terminates? I thought of adding a global Boolean that in the stop procedure it turns true and part of my parallel code will check for that and call s.stop.

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Pass Multiple Values And Return Multiple Values?

Jun 10, 2011

When I click on button1, employee_id and P values need to be transferred from button1_click to Cal_Category13() and go through all the calculation. After the calculation, udtnew.X and udtnew.MTD values need to be transferred back to button1_Click

I've no problem to return multiple values Cal_Category13().MTD and Cal_Category13().X from Cal_Category13() to button1_Click but i've no idea how to transfer employee_id and p values from button1_click to Cal_Category13().

Program Code
Public Structure PCB
Public Employee_ID As String
Public MTD As Decimal


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Exclude Multiple Values In Sum Depending On Values In 2 Columns In SSRS 2005?

Apr 21, 2009

I have simple columns and their respective sums. However, I exclude 1 particular value from each sum, like so [code]...

Now I need to exclude another value ("Awaiting Progression") from a second column called "PROGRESSION".

Since I already exclude value based on 1 column called CATEGORY, how do I change my =Sum(Code.ExcludeOthers(Fields!CATEGORY.Value,Fields!ACTION_PLAN_NEW.Value)) to exclude a value from the PROGRESSION column if it's = ("Awaiting Progression") ?

i.e. How do I exclude multiple values, depending on values in 2 columns in SSRS 2005?

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Foreach In Faster Than In C#?

Mar 12, 2009

My co-worker said that in a previous interview, he learned that foreach is faster in VB.Net than c#'s foreach. He was told that this was because both have different CLR implementation.

Coming from a C++ perspective, I'm curious on why this is and I was told that I need to read up on CLR first. Googling foreach and CLR doesn't help me understand.

Does anyone have a good explanation on why foreach is faster in VB.Net than in c#? Or was my co-worker misinformed?

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.net - Action(Of T) In VB In List(Of T).ForEach?

May 21, 2009

I have searched high and low for documentation on how to use this feature. While the loop I could write would be simple and take no time, I really would like to learn how to use this. Basically I have a class, say, Widget, with a Save() sub that returns nothing. So:

Dim w as New Widget()

basically saves the widget. Now let's say I have a generic collection List(Of Widget) name widgetList(Of Widget) and I want to run a Save() on each item in that list. It says I can do a

widgetList.ForEach([enter Action(Of T) here])

....but how in the F does this work??? There is no documentation anywhere on the intrablags.

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Anonymous Methods In .NET - Foreach?

May 16, 2011

I try to replace the classic For Each with the LINQ ForEach method in VB.NET

Dim singles As New List(Of Single)(someSingleList)
Dim integers As New List(Of Integer)
For Each singleValue In singles


How should I correctly do it (using anonymous methods = without declare a new function)?

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Foreach - Each Loop On A 2D Array In .NET

Oct 14, 2011

I'm writing a loop to go through the first array of a 2D loop, and I currently have it like this:

For Each Dir_path In MasterIndex(, 0)
'do some stuff here

But it's giving me an error, saying it expects an expression in the first field. But that's what I'm trying to do, loop through the first field. How do I fix this? What would I put in there?

EDIT: to clarify, I'm specifically looking for the 0th element in the subarray of each array, that's why that second field is constantly 0.

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Iterating A List With ForEach

Mar 1, 2010

I have a list like this


How can I iterate the list with ForEach to get one string with the emails like this [URL]

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VS 2008 - Using 2d Array With Foreach

Aug 24, 2010

is it possible to use foreach with a 2d array?

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VS 2008 Getting Certain Info In Foreach

Aug 30, 2009

What i'm doing is getting values from some html, i use a regex to retrieve all the fields, but there are some fields brought back i don't need (4 out of 11) i know the names of these fields, but was wondering if there was a way i could filter out the ones i don't need in the foreach:[code]

View 5 Replies - Multiple Values From ListBox?

Jun 9, 2011

I am using with I have created 2 listboxes; lstselect and lstroles. List boxes lstselect contains all of the available roles that can be added into lstroles. How do I take the roles that have been added into lstroles and make them into a parameter to pulled into my database when the stored procedure runs?

Here is the code for how my list boxes share the roles:

Protected Sub btnRight_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRight.Click
If lstselect.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then


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C# - Cookies With Multiple Values?

Oct 14, 2009

I am using ASP.NET and C#. I must read a cookie called "TheCookie".TheCookie have about 3 values in them. Cookie1, Cookie2 and Cookie3.How would i get the value in code to read Cookie2's value inside "TheCookie"?

This is how i would read when a cookie only have 1 value, but i dont know what to do when there are multiple vales in the cookie Code for VB.NET

Dim userCookie As HttpCookie userCookie = Request.Cookies("UserEmail")

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Multiple Values Into A SQL Where Clause Via VBA?

Mar 14, 2012

I am using visual studio 2010/vb trying to display data that is based on a value read from a text file.Currently i can get it to read a text file with only 1 value and get this value into a label. Then by using a SqlDataSource and setting a parameter in the WHERE clause to use the value from the label, it will display the related data in a data GridView.

BUT i would like to be able to read multiple values seperated by a , or next row down in the text file and enter these values into a WHERE bookID in (value1,value2,...)

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.net - Unexpected IQueryable Value After ForEach Iteration?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm flummoxed I'm using VB.Net, Linq, and a DataContext. My DataContext contains a table 'transactions'.

I first declare an IQueryable(Of transaction) and assign it to nothing. I build a predicate in a foreach loop and use a transactions.Where(predicate) to assign the IQueryable a value. If I do an IQueryable.ToList(), I get a number of items in the collection.

However, on the next iteration of the loop, the IQueryable.ToList() gives me 0 items.This is driving me crazy. I tried to use the LINQ to SQL Debug Visualizer with VS2010, (I recompiled the 2008 version with the new reference) but no dice - I can't see the SQl generated or what's inside the IQueryable.


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Changing The Value Of An Array Through A Foreach Statement?

Jun 13, 2012

I am making a program that automates the seperation of a csv file. We read the csv in through and then assign the "line" using a split command to an array. After that we go through each "cell" in the array and put an = in front because this causes leading zeros not to be lost. Here's the code.

arLine = line.Split(replace)
For Each cell As String In arLine
cell = cell.Replace(",", "")
cell = String.Format(cellFormat, cell)

arLine is the array and replace is the delimiter, in this case a pipe not that it matters.'

When it goes through, the arLine is correct but the values in each cell are not changing, any thoughts? newer to and need direction

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Convert Collection.foreach From C# To Program?

May 12, 2009

In C# i just put the method in the parentheses that i want to run on each row of the collection, but it isn't working in VB.NET.[code]...

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DataGrid View Creation Via ForEach

Apr 18, 2012

I am having an issue extracting the value from every row in column "MobileID" within a table named "dt" that is within a dataset named "ds".Here is how the dataset and datatable are created.[code]

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