.net - Consuming Multiple .NET Web Services From Javascript In Parallel?

Jun 29, 2011

I have two ASMX web services consumed from javascript. The first service performs a long operation and updates a database table on its progress. The second service polls that same database table in order to report the progress to the end user via a progress bar.

My problem is that the long process seems to be blocking the polling service. When I log the activity of the javascript, it seems to be requesting the long service correctly, and then starts to request the polling service once a second asynchronously (note: the long process is asynch as well). Both request types either use setInterval or setTimeout which shouldn't halt the browser. Yet when I look at the activity of the javascript, none of the responses from the polling requests return until the long process completes. So it seems the long process is blocking the polling requests until it's done.


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Consuming Web Services In .NET?

Feb 19, 2010

I am testing web services in .NET for the first time. I am almost there, but I can't seem to consume the web service. I know this post is similar to about 5-6 other posts on this site, but I have reviewed them, and still can't get the syntax correct.So far, I have:Create a simple web service that creates a directoryWorked in development environment, but took some trouble shooting to get to work on live server I can pull up the "automagically" generated .NET we service page.Added web service reference - can now see the reference in my solution explorer and in intellisense.


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Consuming Web Services - Going From A Manual Method To An Automatic One Using Third Party Provided WSDL

Feb 24, 2009

We have a small VB.net application that basically pulls information from our dBase and then exports this information to an .xls file. From this .xls file, in house agents then manually update a third party listing service (which maintains our current inventory) with the information contained within. The information is very basic, consisting of, for ease of discussion, a 'Part Number', a 'Description' and a 'Quantity On Hand.'

Normally we update this information once a week, but, a newly revised contract with this listing service now requires a daily update to maintain our 'platinum' vendor status.The problem is that it can take quite some time to manually update this information. an automated process is in dire need. And I have finished most of the ground-work and coding - up to a point. Hence the question, and hence where I get stuck.The listing service has provided us with the following WSDL's: One for Increasing our Inventory, one for Decreasing our inventory, one for Adding inventory and one for Removing Inventory.

Up to this point, I have re-programmed a Stored Procedure that was generating the exported information. this SP now does some internal math to figure out if a transaction result occurring on 'yesterday' was an 'Increase', a 'Decrease', an 'Add' or a 'Remove.' These results are then added to a result table under a newly created column named 'SERVICE.' This new information is then pulled from the dBase with vb.net and imported into a Data Table for analysis.

With this Data Table, I can now loop through each row, looking in the column 'SERVICE' and depending on the information contained in that cell, call the appropriate web service.


I realize that this has become quite long winded, mostly because on any given day I have 25 FF tabs open and none of them agreeing with each other. To add another wrinkle; the WSDL's in question use a lot of complex types within complex types with, you guessed it, other complex types entwined.

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Run Multiple Timer Parallel In Net?

Mar 15, 2012

I have two System.Windows.Forms.Timer with different interval having [code]...

but some timer2 not start wroking until timer1 not get finished i want them to run parallel without waiting for each other to finish

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NET 4.0 Parallel.ForEach AddressOf Multiple Values?

Nov 5, 2011

I am trying change from Delegates to Parallel.ForEach I see the below works fine. Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Sub Main()
Dim secs() As Integer = {2, 3, 1}
Parallel.ForEach(secs, AddressOf Method2)
End Sub


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VS 2010 Sort Parallel Arrays By Multiple Fields?

May 25, 2011

I have 7 parallel arrays, and I would like to sort them all by two of them. That is I have the following arrays...


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Parallel.For Termination - Service That Scans Network Folders Using A Parallel.for Method

Jan 16, 2012

I have a service that scans network folders using a parallel.for method. However recently I am finding if I stop the service then while windows says the service is stopped the process is still running in task manager. However it is at 0 cpu and the memory does not change. If I try and end the task (even a force in command prompt) it just says access denied and i have to reboot the server. What would be the best way to make sure everything terminates? I thought of adding a global Boolean that in the stop procedure it turns true and part of my parallel code will check for that and call s.stop.

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Check Multiple Services On Different Servers

Jul 10, 2011

Im trying to check multiple services on different servers. The idea is that every time a client clicks on a checkbox for the specific server and press the "check service" button it will check the status on the service and if it's not running it will restart the service and so on for the rest of the servers.[code]

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Web Services And Returning Multiple Values

Jan 14, 2009

I am struggling here with introducing web services into a site I am currently working on. The background is as follows.

- I have a page switchboard.vb which will recieves incoming xml requests.
- I parse these xml requests extracting its values, then setting them equal to the relevant global variables in switchboard.vb.
- One of these variables will determine a 'requestType'. Based on this requestType I want the page to call particular web services that I will add.
- These web services will then validate the user calling has permissions to access and execute it.
- The switchboard.vb page will then generate an xml respose which will post to the client.

Here is a summary of the process

The ways I can see to do this are:
1. Pass the variables into the required Function allowing it to pass back a pre formatted xml string.
Pro: Simple
Con: It is not really using the web service as it should be.

2. Pass the variables into the required Function as 'ByRef' values hense changing the original value on switchboard.vb
Pro: allows me to format the outgoing xml on switchboard.vb and gives me more functionality with more individual variables as opposed to one string being passed back.
Con: Is this taking advantage of a web service? When I tried this the web service form didnt give options to input test data. Possibly because I am using ByRef?

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Check Multiple Services On Remote Machines?

Jun 20, 2011

Im trying to check multiple services on different remote servers. i need to check lets say, RPC, Themes and Print Spooler services.

how can i list the services i need to make sure they're running and if they're not to start them in VB.net without using WMI?[code]...

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Javascript - Multiple Page_load When Using Script To Set Src Of Iframe?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a jQuery modal that pops up when a customer clicks on a link on one of my product pages (which is a classic asp store...) This modal contains an Iframe, Within this Iframe sits my .net vb form.

The src= for the Iframe is populated with script when the link is clicked.when the form is loaded within the Iframe I have a SQL insert on page_load..For some reason Im getting 3 inserts into the database instead of the one? when I debug my app locally it works perfectly. Can anyone help? Perhaps somone knows a better way of achieving what im trying to do? I want a sexy modal that pops up with my .net form in it from my classic asp page..


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Open Multiple Popup Windows In Javascript?

Aug 2, 2011

I've got an sql datareader that has a bunch of paths in it. I need to open up multiple pop up windows / multiple tabs on the browser.So I tried looping through my datareader and doing a ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript but after the code completes nothing opens up.


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Javascript - Get Checkbox From Multiple Cells In Html Table?

May 24, 2012

I have dynamic html table and every cell have one checkbox. I want to get the selected checkbox if the user select from multiple checkbox from different row.

function GetAllChecked() {
var chkedshid = new Array();
var rows = new Array();


why why this function return just last selected checkbox for last row in loop? i need the all selected checkbox for all rows!

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Javascript :: Open Multiple Child Windows And Keep Track Of Them All?

Aug 18, 2010

So here is the situation. I have a button on one of my extjs pages. This button opens a child window as a pop-up. This child window has a .method attribute as well as a .ref attribute, and also a .id. I need the functionality to open another window with the SAME template, everytime I click that button.I was thinking set the childwindow .method property to something like 'getWindow', and the .ref to something like 'newWindow' and then create a javascript function on the backend to look something like this:

var myArray = [];
var count = 0;
function getWindow() {


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Jquery - Javascript Posting To .Net Page Multiple Times?

Apr 15, 2011

Upon a javascript button click, I'm using jquery to post to a url:

$(".optionClick").click(function () {
var caseOption = $(this).attr('title');
$.post("../tracking/RecordClick.aspx?page=gallery&item=" + caseOption);

On the page being called, I'm using the following vb.net code to retrieve the querystring variables and write them to a database:Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


Each of the javascript blocks above worked locally as intended but failed in the same manner with multiple DB writes and Firebug "Aborted" status.If I call the url+querystring directly via the browser, everything works as expected. (Edit) Also tried using the full path url in the code above - no improvement.

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Asp.net - Javascript Calls To An Ajax WebMethod - Get Multiple Output Params Returned?

Apr 24, 2010

I know how to call a simple old fashion asmx webservice webthod that returns a single value as a function return result. But what if I want to return multiple output params? My current approach is to separate the params by a dividing character and parse them on teh client. Is there a better way.


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Javascript - How Window.moveto Function Working On Multiple Tab Open In Browser

Sep 24, 2010

I have to maximiize my screen for mutiple tabs. window.moveto is not working.I am using this code:



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What Is Ado.net Synchronization Services And How To Use These Services

Mar 14, 2009

What is ado.net synchronization services and how to use these services

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C# - Consuming WordPress RSS Feed In ASP.NET?

Jun 25, 2012

How do I consume my WordPress blog's RSS feed to display my latest blog posts on my homepage? I ran into the following piece of code to do this:

Function GetRSSFeed(strURL as String) as DataTable
'Get the XML data
Dim reader as XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(strURL)


But it errors out at this line: 'ds.ReadXml(reader)' with the following error:

A column named 'comments' already belongs to this DataTable.

Perhaps it doesn't work since this code is from 2003? Does anyone have a working code sample?

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C# - SocketException When Consuming Web Service?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a webservice being consumed in the WinForm application. I generated a web service wrapper and invoked a web service method asynchronously. I get following exception in my result completed event handler (the event is raised from within the web service wrapper class).

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details.
---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server


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Consuming WCF Service In VB Application?

Jun 14, 2012

I have just started to check WCF services so have created a sample WCF service application with two methods IService

public interface IService1


But when am trying to execute the button click am getting the TimeOut Exception.

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Consuming Web Service From Console App?

Dec 13, 2010

We have a web app that contains web methods. I want to invoke one of those methods from a console app. I am new at this but I wrote a console app, added a service reference and tried to code invoking it. If my web method is called "Transmit", I expected to see Transmit in the namespace I specified but instead I see "TransmitRequest", "TranmsitRequestBody", "TransmitResponse" and "TransmitResponseBody".What are these things?Have I done something wrong?How do I invoke the web method in the web app from the console app?

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Consuming WCF Hosted As Windows Service?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a WCF Service (with installer) that I have built and installed in Windows Services. Opened up Admin Tools, Services, and started the service without a problem. So now I'm beginning a new project (a simple Windows forms app). I want to consume my new WCF, but have no idea how. I can't seem to add a reference / add a service reference to it.

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Consuming Web Service With Base64 Authentication?

Dec 6, 2011

I need to call a web service from .Net and the web service is authenticted through Base64 authentication.I tried with Web service proxy and it is failed.


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Threading.Timer Application Is Consuming More Than 50% Of CPU - Why

Mar 2, 2011

I have written below console application in VB.net. My intention is to write an application that triggers every one minute and perform some task. But when I run this application it is consuming 50% of CPU.


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Consuming Web Service Returned Date/time?

Sep 23, 2009

I have an interesting issue that a client reported It turns out that the desktop application they are using is changing the times returned by the web service to their local time so it looks like the data is off. We're in UTC-5 while they're in UTC-8 so 8:00 AM is returned to the GUI as 5:00 AM which is causing confusion. I've done this riddiculousness to get around it for now:

Dim intOffset As Integer = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours
'Substract 1 if we're in daylight savings mode


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Consuming WebService With VB6 Soap Toolkit Under Win7?

Mar 30, 2011

We have a VB6 application that consumes Java webservices with soap.That works fine on XP and Win7. The login to the webservice times out.Under xp the client try to reconnect 2 times (is one call to the webservices) and then ask for new login data from user. With win7 that dont be OK.If the login is timed out, the client try to reconnect 9 times with one call. The code is the same. I trace this with wireshark.

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VS 2005 Consuming A Dll - Reference Com Objects And Other .net Drivers

Mar 15, 2011

I have a windows form application and also a exe application that both uses the same dll whic I place in the bin directory The dll is using crystal report and thus I need to reference com objects and other .net drivers. My question is following: Where should I put these references, in the class library (dll) or in the windows form / exe applications. If I put them in the dll, will they automatically be loaded when call the dll (entry point) or do I need to something else (create in installer etc)

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.net - SerializationException, Avoid UserControl Consuming An Event To Be Serialized?

Aug 3, 2011

I attempt to serialize an object, and it throws an exception as shown below. I assume it attempts to serialize also the UserControl that subsribes to an event of the class I try to serialize. This is not desired. So how do I avoid serializing events?

SerializationException occured:Type 'System.Windows.Forms.UserControl' in Assembly'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' is not marked as serializable.


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Java - Consuming Web Service Written For Glassfish: SoapHeaderException?

Feb 25, 2012

Wrote a 'webservice' with Netbeans wizard, runs on glassfish. I added a reference using the wsdl to my .NET client, VB if it makes any difference.The issue is a SoapHeaderException.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException: com/mysql/jdbc/Connection
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(
SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream,
Boolean asyncCall)


I've tried writing the string in a soap envelope, but still receive the same message. So passing a string is kaputt, as it should be; why would the WS know to parse a string, and simply instantiating and calling the method from the object as if it were local isn't working the way I think it does.

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