OnSelectedIndexChanged Not Working First Selection, But Will On Subsequent Selections?

Mar 24, 2012

I have a listbox in a datagrid that is supposed to update upon selection change, and it does, but not on first try. only after it has posted back, after the first time it is clicked will it work as intended.Here is the front end portion of the datagrid with the listbox.

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Qty">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Wrap="False" CssClass="grid" />
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" ForeColor="Black" Font-Bold="true" CssClass="grid"


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Events - The Selection In A Box Can Affect The Possible Choices In Subsequent Boxes

Mar 10, 2009

I have a project that has several combo boxes on one form. The selection in a box can affect the possible choices in subsequent boxes. Right now I am using SelectedValueChange to fire the code that loads the choices in the later boxes. There are a number of possible events that I could use:SelectedIndexChangedLeaveLostFocusTextChangedI was wondering if someone could give me a rough idea what the differences are between these. Is there a 'best' evnet to use?Also, I find that most events work when the choice is made with a mouse click but if you click in the box and type in a value an event does not fire. How can I program for the case where the user enters a value by typing it in instead of choosing from the drop down list?

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OnSelectedIndexChanged Event Is Not Firing

Sep 20, 2011

Here is the .aspx code snippet.


Below is my databinding code. It is called from Page_Load()


Bind data to datasource of dropdown control when it is not postback Control was added from toolbox tried adding event handler in .aspx. Still did not work.

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Asp.net - DropDownList Within GridView - Update Row With OnSelectedIndexChanged

Apr 5, 2011

I have a list of items in a GridView, with one column I'd like editable through a DropDownList.

I do not wish to put the GridView into 'edit' mode or have any 'confirm/update/save' buttons.. I just want autopostback on the DDL, and an OnSelectedIndexChangedevent to update the row.

Problem is, from my OnSelectedIndexChangedevent within the DDL, although I can see the new value to save, I can't discover the row to update from the GridView.

how I can achieve what I wish? Other than perhaps storing the row id within the DDL? Maybe turn it around so the GridView's events are called?

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Change The Name ListBox1 Is A Listview (OnSelectedIndexChanged)

May 30, 2011

This new problem popped up when, using the event in the title.


Note* I had changed the listbox to a listview in designer and didn't change the name ListBox1 is a ListView. My Site - [URL] Image Hosting File Hosting 1GB Limit per file Unlimited Files Delete Files File Passwords(Optional)

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Auto-complete Feature In Texbox On OnSelectedIndexChanged Event Of Combobox?

Jan 12, 2011

When user selects the states in combobox in the next textbox i should get the names of cities as soon he tries to type the name of city.

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Make OnSelectedIndexChanged Fire An Event Without Posting Back The Whole Page?

Nov 16, 2009

I want my ListBox control to respond dynamically to a change of selected item.However, "OnSelectedIndexChanged" fires an event only when AutoPostBack is set to true. Having a dozen of controls updating each time a user makes a change in selection insingle one is quite annoying and irritates a lot. Is it possible to enable

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Different Results On Subsequent Runs

Jan 6, 2012

I have made a program that minimizes a function of several variables. My question is why I keep getting diffrent results on subsequent runs? The inputs of all runs are same.

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Pause Program And Subsequent Code?

Oct 4, 2008

I am not sure how to make my program pause in the middle of execution, waiting for a certain period of time to pass BEFORE the next lines execute. I have already used System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int) but this pauses the waits but still executes the subsequent code. If I were to:Private Sub Hello()System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int)MessageBox.Show("Hello")End Sub* Time in milliseconds.This would NOT stop the execution of the MessageBox for int seconds, the program continues to run???How would I pause the code execution where I want, and for the time I want?

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Filling DataGridView Goes Differently On Subsequent Runs?

Jan 3, 2011

I have written some code in a form which is shown via ShowDialog from a different form. This code fills a DataGridView with data from two tables in a dataset, one through data binding, and one through more manual means. The latter part runs, or more accurately, fails to run in the same way if I call this form in the same way subsequently but without stopping debugging.

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Delete Subsequent Duplicate Rows In A Text File

Jun 30, 2010

I'm going nuts with this. Obviously I cannot open the reader ard writer on the same file simultaneously.


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Finding The Subsequent Occurrences Of Character And Separate As Substring?

Feb 22, 2011

I am developing an application proj on it.. In that, I want to separate charaters of the string which is of following stream, 18 Feb 2011 06:05:24 0601 110218055515,3,26;9948;9948;9947;9951;9956;9954;99 61;9958;9965;9967;125672N0801272E;110218055550; In this I want to separate as, Mail recieved time = 18 Feb 2011 06:05:24 msg recieved time = 110218055515 msg sent time = 110218055550 Position = 125672N0801272E water level 1 = 9948 water level 2 = 9948 water level 3 = 9947 water level 4 = 9951 water level 5 = 9956 water level 6 = 9954 water level 7 = 9961 water level 8 = 9958 water level 9 = 9965 water level 10 = 9967 I am only aware of IndexOf and LastIndexOf methods, and these methods are used to find the index of first and last occurence character position, but I want to split the string in subsequent characters too..

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HttpWebRequest - Using Cookies Obtained From Login To Do Subsequent Requests

Nov 27, 2010

1) How do I use cookies obtained from login to do subsequent requests? e.g. Login to a forum, then use the cookie obtained from login to access User CP and change settings.

2) How do I parse HTML via HttpWebRequest? Does mshtml work with HttpWebRequest? If so, how do I work with it? I thought of downloading the source code of the page I'm requesting into a richtextbox and do my stuff from there, but it sounds kinda impractical to me since I have to use regex to get the innertext of stuff (or not?).

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Dynamically Resize Labels And Position Each Subsequent Label A Perdetermined Distance From The End?

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to dynamically resize labels and position each subsequent label a perdetermined distance from the end of the label that was just generated. My code looks like this:


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Parsing A Text File In Order To Extract Data For Subsequent Calculations?

Oct 21, 2010

I am using Streamreader to read a text file containing data such as the following:


The final goal is to use the numbers next to the PU and PD characters to perform specific calculations.

Essentially, I think the code needs to do the following:

1. Read each block of characters ending in a ";"

2. If the block commences with anything other than PU or PD, discard it

3. Extract the numbers in such a way that calculations can be performed. The following is an example:

x y


Essentially, there will be hundreds of these rows and I will need to sum up the deltas so that a specific formula can be applied.

I have tried doing this a number of ways but each seem very inefficient (using text boxes to store/swap data and creating additinal text files are 2 methods I have tried) and so I'm looking for some direction.

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Data Grid Selection Load Form - Call A Stored Procedure With The Value Of The Selection

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying have a data grid selection populate a form. I am new to this.Basically I have a connection persistance object and I would like to call that and call a stored procedure with the value of the selection. The datagrid is bound to an object.


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Listbox (20 Items) With Multi-selection And Label That Disply The Selection And One Button

Dec 25, 2010

I have a listbox (20 Items) with multiselection and label that disply the selection and one button. So I wrote (it works fine)


Now when I click on button the label show lets say Item2,Item5,Item10,How do I take off the last ","

somthing like that Item2,Item5,Item10

I used to do: Dim s As String = Trim(Label1.Text)Label1.Text = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1) but it give me an error converting intiger to string

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Office Automation :: Range(Selection, Selection.end(xlDown)).Select In .NET?

Jun 16, 2009

'The line below is the one I would like to know how should I write it in VB.NET:
osheet.Range(Selection, Selection.end(xlDown)).Select


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Make Value Selections In Dgv?

Feb 23, 2010

i have a datatable named booking_table and i filled it with column names and values

Dim booking_table As New DataTable
"Time", GetType(String))


than the rowindex(0) I want it to start with "8:00" than for example the rowindex(47) should end with "19:00" extra info: every our is parted in four sections of 15 min for example 8:15, 8:30 ,8:45?i want to select the starttime by date.bind to DGV?

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Datagridview Multiple Selections?

Jan 7, 2010

i have a textbox1=Year and a textbox2=Month and a datagridview and as datasource access i want to know the code if i search for a year in databinding and how to look for a month of the focused year?

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Multiple Listbox Selections?

Sep 18, 2011

I have 2 listboxes, listbox1 holds File names, listbox2 holds fullpath of the files(listbox2 is hidden just to keep things looking tidy).

What i want to do is (using multiselection) is select files in listbox1 and have listbox2 have the same files(indexes) selected as well.

i am rather new to this but i have tried several ways but listbox2 only selects the first selected file from listbox1.I am using vs2010 visual basic & wpf?

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Multiple Selections In Text Box?

Sep 23, 2011

In a small app for demonstrating the use of Regular Expression matching in a text box, I have set it up so I can select one of the matches at a time in the text box to emphasise it. Is it possible to set up a text box so several isolated sections in the text is highlighted so all of the matches are highlighted at the same time. I'm thinking not and could use a picture box to do this but with all the hidden features in vb.net, I wanted to be sure since this would be very handy for my project and would be more useful for large amounts of text. I've read you can make multiple selections in the text box of a combo box.

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Randomize Selections From Listbox?

Mar 11, 2010

im helping a school run a Spelling Bee aimed at children in year 7. And to make it fair and unbiased i need an application that can choose randomise a word from the list box then transfer the string to the text box.So basically something that can pick a random string from the listbox and show it in the textbox1.text property.

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Retrieve ListBox Selections?

Aug 24, 2010

here's I've got:

Private Sub frm1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sql, pname, pid, pbrand, description[code]....

This adds the description to the listbox, no problem. How do I retrieve what's selected?I've gone over many documents on the subject, I kinda got it to work, but it gives me the entire description.... I just need the last value (3) to make it work.

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Dataset Doesn't Return The Selections?

Aug 17, 2010

im trying to get a selected time and my dataset doesn't return the selections what am i doing wrong in this statement

dim startindex as integer= 0
dim endindex as integer= 0
for each regel as datarow in my dataset.tables("Bookingen").rows


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MySQL Database Multiple Selections

May 31, 2010

I'm using this code to select all the IDs from the mysql database:[code]The command will return all the names. How can i process each one individually ?

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Put MultiExtended Listbox Selections To Array?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a listbox with selection mode set to multiExtended. I want to put whatever is selected into an array, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. Here is what I have so far, but with this code the selected values go into a single variable and not into an array so only the last item selected is stored.[code]....

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VS 2005 Displaying Checkbox Selections?

Mar 30, 2009

this gonna sound like a really basic problem but would some1 be able to tell how me to get a checkbox selection to be displayed as a peice of a text in a listbox or a text box.

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VS 2005 ListBox Multiple Selections?

Oct 20, 2010

Working with a couple of listboxes to display userid and emailaddress. I am writing an application for viewing SSRS reports instead of using the Report Manager. I am able to select the report and also send an email to users with a web link to SSRS report so that ReportViewer comes up for them to view, export or print the report. Currently I am only able to send to one recipient and I'd like to be able to send to multiple recipients. However I am having difficulty with the multi-select from a listbox. I have set the SelectionMethod to MultiExtended and so I can select multiple items from the listbox. Here is my code -


and I also add a messagebox.show to display my values, in EmailAddressTo variable, it displays "System.Data.DataRowView" so it was not able to capture the email address at all. Then if I debug further I eventually get the error msg - "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address." because of the empty variable. Using SelectedValue, I was able to get at least the first email address but not the second one.

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File Selection Versus Folder Selection?

Aug 26, 2011

I am using this code to select a folder.how to do the same kind of thing selecting a file instead of an folder.

Private Sub PathButtonB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PathButtonB.Click
Using FolderBrowserDialog As New FolderBrowserDialog
With FolderBrowserDialog
.Description = "Kies die Folder waar hierdie ResepteBoek die Kunswerke vir sy Resepte moet gaan soek."
.ShowNewFolderButton = False


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