Opening XLS File Through OleDb?

Jul 22, 2011

there is a problem I'm afraid there is no solution for, but I wish to ask anyway just in case someone knows.

My application downloads a third-party XLS file from the web. I cannot change its format so I have to teach my application to open it as it is.I'm using OleDb for opening, here's my


Now, when I get that table the headers are treated as data while the table title from the first row is considered a header. Is there a workaround or I just have to live with it?

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.net - Opening XLSX File Via OleDb Works In WinForms But Not Always Via ASP.Net?

Apr 18, 2012

I've built a simple library to import data from XLS/XLSX files. The code runs perfectly in my WinForms app but occasionally throws exceptions when I run it from ASP.Net. The "occasional" part seems to based on file size. My test file is about 16,000 rows and 18 columns totaling about 4MB as an XLSX file. If I drop rows (down to about 12,000) it works or if I drop columns (down to about 12) it works or certain combinations of these (14,000x14, etc) it works. This leads me to believe that I'm possibly running into a memory constraint somewhere. Below is the distilled code that's not working:

Dim dsn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=""c: est.xlsx"";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0"
Using Con As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(dsn)
Con.Open()'Exception thrown here
End Using

The exception that I'm getting is:External table is not in the expected format Searches for this all talk about getting the DSN correct and since it works on the desktop I know I've got that right.My test machine is a Windows 7 64-bit with the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable - 32 bit installed. (My machine has Office 2010 32 bit installed which is why I have the 32-bit ADE installed, it won't let you install 64-bit.) I've set my IIS app pool to allow 32-bit applications which I needed to get ADE to work in the first place. I'm running the v4 Framework and as far as I know my IIS settings are pretty much standard.Like I said, the code works every time when I run it through a WinForms app but occasionally fails through on the same machine.

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Efficiency Of Oledb - Got 10+ Users Using Files, Via A Oledb To Put Info Into An Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 18, 2010

Just wondering if i might hit a snag in my program. Ive got 10+ users using the same files, via a Oledb to put info into an excel spreadsheet. If 2 or more people save there file at the same time will the program go into read only on one person. Normally one 3 will use the file at one time. I know Sql itself would be better to use. best way i can describe it, normally using excel if you manage to open the same file twice one opens as normal but the other opens as a Read only file, will the same thing happen if im using Oledb connections?

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Import CSV File Without Extension With OLEDB?

Aug 23, 2009

I am using OLEDB to import data from a CSV file into my database. The code works great as long as the file has a .CSV extension. My problem is that it fails if the file has no extension which is the actual case in my files.

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Oledb To Read Excel File

Jun 22, 2010

I have always used Excel.interop before but I thought oledb would be simpler because, for this application, I only have to read the data which it can't seem to do. It accesses the file alright because I can't open the file while I am at a breakpoint. It attempts to read the file because oExcelReader.fieldcount = 14 which is correct. oExcelReader.hasrows = true which is not correct. The line where I use getstring(1) errors out and says there is no data for this row/column.


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Update Excel File Via OLEDB?

Aug 13, 2009

I have some excel file, where I have to programatically delete all hidden columns.The problem if that, when I receive these files, the cells are mainly formulas, and as I delete some columns I get some "#REF#" problems.

I thought a bit about the problem an decided to create a function that loops throught all cells and replace the value by its own value, before deleting the columns, via OLEDB:

dt.Rows(row)(col) = dt.Rows(row)(col).ToString I don't know if this works. So I followed an update example I found in google, but it doesn't work:

Dim conexao_Excel As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;data source=" & fileName & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;"""

cn = New OleDbConnection(conexao_Excel)
da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" & sheetname & "]", cn)


"Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows." I image this is pretty basic, but I have already lost so much time on this issues...

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Read Empty Excel File Using OleDb?

Nov 15, 2011

Using OleDbDataReader, how does one determine if the Excel workbook is empty? BTW, OleDbDataReader.HasRows seems to always be True even for a workbook with no data.

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VS 2005 OleDb - Reading TXT File Into DataTable

Aug 15, 2011

My program reads a 3rd party .txt file using OleDb and reads the file into a datatable. It's overall working fine except a user will occasionally have a problem reading a file. At this point.

Line that gets hung up
Dim comm1 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " & safeFileName & " Where " & Status & " = '" & StatusClosed & "'", con)
Dim dasold As New OleDbDataAdapter(comm1)
[Code] .....

It can not retrieve a date for one of the fields, then gives error and does not get dates for each records after the one it gets hung up on but the date is in the file. If I open the file in excel and play with the column sizing, for instance just autoformat column width then it read the date and will work fine. I have looked at the file in notepad and cant see anything wrong in particular on the record it gets hung up on. I have no control over the .txt file since it comes form a 3rd party.

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Error When Opening Text File - FileNotFoundException Was Unhandled - Could Not Find File At Xxx

Feb 15, 2012

I have a program that can save user's input into a text file and load it back, but whenever I try to open the file and exit without selecting the file I get an error.(if i select the file and open it i don't get any errors).

This is the code that handles text file loading:
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files ONLY (*.txt) | *.txt"


The error is :"FileNotFoundException was unhandled. Could not find file at xxx". also I would like to know how to make it so that the initial file name for file saving is today's date. I do not get any errors when I try to save the file.

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Opening An Excel 2003 File Then Searching That Open File For Data

May 22, 2012

I need to open an excel file from and then search it for specific data. I then need to take those data and insert them into text boxes on a form that i have created. This is all controlled by a button click. I already have some code that will open a file dialog box and let me navigate to the correct file, but I am having trouble with the search portion. I have tried the Find function but I am not sure of the proper syntax. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Excel 2003.


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Error Writing To OLEDB File From SQL Table - VS2010

May 12, 2011

I use the following code to write to a Foxpro DBF. The SQL table I am reading from has 9500 rows. When I loop through the following code, I get an error after about 940 rows. There is nothing wrong with the SQL data. The message I get is 'Variable Q940P65 is not found'

Public g_OLEDB_ConnectionString As String = "Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source=N:;Collating Sequence=machine;"


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Limitations Of OLEDB Connection When Reading Excel File?

Feb 15, 2012

I have this program that uses OLEDB connection to import excel file to data table then use it in other functions.Now I have this question: What are the possible limitations of OLEDB when it reads the Excel file. The File is on xls format, and I want to know if there is such limitations(for example: It has limitation in reading value on a cell).

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OleDB Lines - Excel And Text File Updates

Dec 4, 2009

I've done successful updates to Access databases with code using OleDb lines, with some sample code as follows:
Dim GRDatabase As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=|DataDirectory|OWVGuestRegister.mdb")
Dim GRCommand As OleDbCommand
[Code] .....
How to update Excel and Text files the same way?

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Read An Excel File Without Using OLEDB Connection String?

Jun 8, 2012

How to read an Excel file without using OLEDB connection string?

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening Andwritie To Text File Via Buttons?

May 21, 2009

Ok what i want to do is have a user specify a directory when this for is opened and have it remembered everytime this for is open,Also i have a few buttons and whenever the user clicks on one of the buttonsa i want it to open a txt file delete everything in it and write a value that i specify

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VS 2008 File Association And Opening Program From Save File

Jul 20, 2009

I'm having a slight problem getting my program to load a save file when double clicking the save file.I'm using the Command$() to get the command line argument. I can open a save file by dragging it onto the exe. But not by double clicking the save file (after it's associated with the exe).I though dragging and dropping a file on a program and double clicking the file would open it in the same way, but I guess not.So in short how does file association work and how do I get the file path set to a var when the program loads.

View 5 Replies - Reading CSV File With OLEDB Ignores First Line Even With HDR=No In Connection String?

Jan 4, 2011

We're converting a Classic ASP site to an ASP.NET site. One function was to upload a 'template' of data in CSV format for importing into the database. There were several different record types in there (the first field always indentifies the type of data).The task was to get the CSV into a DataTable so it could be validated (new project is to have MUCH better validation rules)

The code seemed pretty straightforward - watered down (taking out comments, Try/Catch, etc) it is as follows:

Dim da As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDirectory & ";" & "Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited;""")


The DataTable (dtData) is populated, but only starting with the second line of the CSV file DESPITE the fact that "HDR=No" is in the connection string.

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DB/Reporting :: Export MSAccess (OLEDB) Database To Text File

Aug 7, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 (VB.NEt). I've created a project which
connects to a Microsoft Access Database (OLEDB) & displays the records using textboxes in the windows app.

I need to add a button which exports the database to a fixed length text file. Does anyone know the code I would use to do this?

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OleDb Reading Text File Handle Quotes In Field

Sep 6, 2011

Is there a way to handle quotes with a field in text tab delimited file example:"This program works "really" nicely and is helpful" my reading and understand thus far is that while the file is tab delimited fields can also begin and end with quotes. Therefore is a field contains a quote it gets interpreted as end of field.[code]

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Read Specific Cell From Excel File Using OLEDB Connection?

Mar 9, 2010

How can I read specific cell from Excel file using OLEDB Connection with VB.NET?

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VS 2005 Update A .csv File - OleDb Syntax Error Into Statement

Feb 12, 2011

I am suddenly getting an into statement error and can not seem to figure out why When I try to update a .csv file I get: syntax erroe in INSERT INTO statement When I try an update a textfile I get: The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: 'SellingPrice'. Make sure you have typed the name correctly, and try the operation again.


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Log File Reading - Timer Is Opening Log File Again And Again Every Milisecond

Jan 5, 2010

I got a log file (Log.txt) a timer and a RichTextBox1.Text The timer is opening the log file again and again every milisecond here the code:


Okay that keeps the track of my log file inside my richtextbox , but there is a big problem there. My richtextbox slows down hard if the log file gets too big.. Sometimes it kicks me out of the program and in taskbar it says Program Not Responding..

I wanted to know if there is a method to read a bigger Log file with out having such issues. (It mostly happens when log file goes over 13000 characters)

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Connect To Access Db File From VS2020 (can't Find System.Data.OleDb)?

Dec 9, 2010

I have been programming vba for some time and am now starting VB.NET. I need to connect to an existing access db file (access 2003). I downloaded VS2010 and found an example on the net. Here is most of the code:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand

get the argument for the desktop of the user

I am getting this error message:

1 End of Statement Expected

I have tried to add a reference to System.Data.OleDb but it doesn't appear in the add reference box. System.Data.OleDb is checked in the Imported namespaces window. I have tried changing the .NET Framework but, no help.

View 1 Replies Using Oledb To Export Excel File Returns Empty Excel File

Feb 24, 2010

I am using oledb to export information to excel file. I encounter problems when the information to export becomes too big, in this case the code I have given below, the excel file generated becomes an empty spreadsheet.If I changed the loop to 1123 for insertion of the rows. The generated excel file is fine, 1125 rows, and 4 columns shown.A test program in windows form is also working fine regardless of how many rows.[code]I couldn't find a solution to my problem as well. What I did eventually was to run the process using another separate windows service. The code works perfectly fine running from a windows form or service program, but not, not sure why.

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File I/O And Registry :: Timers And File Opening?

Nov 11, 2008

I am using 2005 and I have a timer running on form1 that communicates modbus with a relay io board. There should be constant uninterrupted communication between the two devices and that is working until I open the data logging form2 and import data from a large sequential text file. While I am parsing data, the timer from form1 stops communicating with the modbus device. Once the data is done, the timer of form1 resumes communication with the modbus device. Is there some other method I could use to make sure the modbus communication is never interrupted.? Is there a command I can periodically run from form2 while the data is being parsed that will keep the timer on form1running?

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Opening A Dwg File

Aug 6, 2010

iam very new to programming, can any one help me in opening a dwg file in,

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Opening A .dwg File?

Jun 7, 2010

My program performs a search on a specific directory and returns a list of files with specific criteria. When the user selects a file name in the list box and Clicks the button, I want the program to open that file and print it. I have two functions - one store the file path in a text box and the other gives me an option to select the printer. have no idea how to open the file using that path and how to get it print.If i specify the hard code the a specific file path, it currently can open all files except a .dwg file. For a .dwg file, my program opens auto-cad and crashes?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For Each file In LstSelected.Items


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Opening A File In VB6?

Jun 13, 2012

im wondering if it is possible to open an attached file to a database record. for example in EmployeeID 000 i have a MSWord attachment. the user can open this msword file through the VB6 program. all i have saved in the database is the location of the attachment but the user cannot view this attachment.

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Opening A Zip File?

Oct 6, 2009

I've created my code to open files, and manipulate anything I need in a text environment but I cannot find how to open a already zipped file. I am using 2008.

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Txt File Not Opening

Feb 25, 2010

I am using OLEDb to read .txt file database, it works most of the time here is my slect statement:


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