Panel With RadioButtons Disappearing From GUI?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a panel on my GUI with radio buttons. When I run the code to determine which is the checked radio button from that panel, the code runs fine, but the panel disappears from the GUI after that. Here is the code I have to determine the checked radio button:

Dim rbName = (From r As RadioButton In Panel1.Controls.OfType(Of RadioButton)() Where r.Checked Select r.Name)

I have tried using:

Panel1.Visible = True
and also

but it doesn't show the panel again. I tried the same thing for individual radio buttons such as RadioButton1.Visible = True and it doesn't work.

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Dynamically Adding Panel And RadioButtons In Visual Basic

Dec 1, 2011

Guys I'm trying to dynamically create panels which are filled with seven radio buttons each. I get the panels but they are only filled with 1 radio button each. What am I doing wrong here? QuestionQuantity is an Integer and is the variable that determines how many panels I will be creating. The code is in the form load function located.


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VS 2008 - Selecting Radiobuttons Using Radiobuttons And More

Apr 24, 2009

1) My program has 3 groupboxes each consisting 3 radiobuttons. Based on what is checked in the first box, and then what the user chooses in the second box, I either need to hide the 3 box and choose one option, or keep it showing for the user to select an option. The hiding is because based on the previous choices, there is only one option for the user in the 3rd box, and so I don't want to confuse the user nor waste their time. So I when the user selects radiobutton1, I need to hide groupbox3 and select radiobutton2.This is what I have previously attempted and it didn't work.


How can I select the radiobutton using code like shown above?2) My second question is regarding scanning strings. I have 2 output strings. They either print a device or a message saying why the user doesn't get an output. At the end of the code, I need to scan through the strings until I get to a space and then store that as a string. How does one go about doing this?

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Panel Alignment - Center The Red Panel In The Middle Of The Dark Grey Panel ?

Jun 6, 2009

I need to center the red panel in the middle of the dark grey panel, when you resize the form the red panel should be in the middle, and the red panel can't be resize, anyone have a code or property to do this?

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How To Use Radiobuttons

Apr 1, 2010

Handling multiple radiobuttons, only one should be selected in group

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CheckBoxList Just Like A RadioButtons?

Mar 30, 2009

Im trying to use a CheckboxList Control to Store Yes and No and i noted there its a property on the control

"Selection Mode" One/MultiSelect/MultiSelect Extended

i set One expecting it to allow only one item being select at the same time but it doesnt work as expected, my question is there its another property to achieve this without having to code the event?.

i could do it by coding the event but, im tired of coding stuff that really isnt needed, since there are routines for that on VB.NET.

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.net - Group RadioButtons Without A GroupBox In .NET?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to group RadioButtons, but I don't want to use the visible control GroupBox. Is there something like the Java ButtonGroup in VB.NET?

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Calculating Totals With RadioButtons?

Apr 12, 2009

I have yet another question. I have set up a series of radioButtons to create a menu of choice for a class project and am trying to set it up so that there would hypothetically be a discount on a purchase of two or more t-shirts, I have the coding set up so that if any one item is checked and the calculate button is clicked, then the dollar value or "total" will show up, however I am not able to set up a total for more that one item, it clears the previous "total" and sets up a new total for the most recent t-shirt value checked.


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Get All The Radiobuttons To Be Unchecked When Program Is Run?

Dec 6, 2009

How do I get all the radiobuttons to be unchecked when program is run? Right now there is always one button that is checked. Using VB2008. [URL]

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Hide Tabpages With Radiobuttons?

Aug 2, 2009

it's about a program mode, i want to hide all except one tabpages if i check the "standard"-radio button.
When i check "advanced" the tabpages should be visible again.

"standard" is radiobutton1, "advanced" is radiobutton 2

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Inputting The Radiobuttons Into Equation

Jun 8, 2011

My assignment is to get the Get Monthly Income (Num1)Get Monthly Home Rent/Mortgage (Num2) Get Other Monthly Payments (alimony, child support, student loans) (Num3) Display Allowable Monthly Car Payment Display Maximum Car Value (interest rate based on credit) (answer) Public Class Form1


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Populate Radiobuttons From Datatable?

May 3, 2012

I'm making a questback in Windows forms (VB). I've succesfully setup the MySQL-database, and made connection with everything needed. I've also manage to populate a DataTable called tblAlt for the alternatives for the question.Then I try to populate each radiobutton with rows from the DataTable.Here's what I tried:

For Each row In tblAlt.Rows
If tblAlt.Rows.IndexOf(row) = 0 Thenof the table).


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Transferring Radiobuttons From One Form To Another?

Oct 30, 2011

How do you pass one radiobutton from form 2 to form 3? Iv tried:

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Form2.rbtnPatterned.Checked = True Then
End If

But that doesn't work. The radiobutton selected in form 1 doesn't appear in form 2....

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Use CheckBoxes To Act As RadioButtons For Yes / No Options?

Jun 28, 2010

Is it possible to use CheckBoxes to act as RadioButtons for Yes or No options?

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VS 2010 Possible Way To Use RadioButtons Without GroupBox?

Jun 29, 2010

Is there any way to use RadioButtons without any GroupBox or Panel or anything else?

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RadioButtons And A Submit Button In A Dialog?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm making a basic game in Visual Basic, and I have a form called "Level1". In Level1, you press a button, and it pops up a dialog (I made the dialog, which is just called "Dialog"). The dialog has an empty label because once you press a button in Level1, in the click event, the label text is set, along with the RadioButton text. The Label is a question such as "What is 10 x 10?" and the RadioButtons display possible answers. Below the RadioButtons, is a Submit button that the user clicks once a RadioButton is selected. The thing is, I only have one dialog box because the game has 5 levels and 9 buttons per level, so I don't want to make 45 separate dialog boxes. Is there a way I can make the Submit button click event in the click event of the first button in Level1?

Private Sub q1Btn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles q1Btn.Click
Reset() 'Setting text for label and radiobuttons to ""
'Setting text for label and radiobuttons


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VS 2010 : One Choice Radiobuttons In Two Groupboxes?

Nov 22, 2011

I wanted to have one choice enabled to the user(radio box) in two Groupboxes, is that possible? Is looping the why i should do it?

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim version As String


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IDE :: Comboboxes In The IDE Disappearing?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a project in which the comboboxes above the code window, below the tabs have disappeared. If I open and close the project, they do not appear. If I open another project, they do appear. As soon as a open the project where they do not appear, they disappear.

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Keep Scroll Bar From Disappearing?

Sep 15, 2011

When my full-screen sized Form is reduced in size by clicking on the "restore down" [i.e.] not to the minimized size but to in-between max and min, the scroll bar disappears. Is there a way to keep it automatically from disappearing [i.e.] to keep the scroll bar in view and available for use without having to make an adjustment to bring it back into view?

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Clearing Textboxes, Listboxes, Checkboxes And Radiobuttons?

Jan 12, 2010

I have developed a simple form with some checkboxes, textboxes, radiobuttons, and textboxes inside a groupbox. Initially I had all of this inside 3 tabs. I created a button to clear all selections so user can restart the process of selection if so choses. It does not work (see below). I thought it is the tabs - so I went on and removed them (by coping the groupbox - deleting the tabs and then pasting the groubox into the main form). The code still does not work. Is there a setting that I must change or something else because a created a simple form with a couple of groupboxes that had all the above mentioned and it works just fine - all of them clear. Just in my form it does not work

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Display A Listbox And Select Only One Item Using Radiobuttons?

Feb 25, 2009

I need to display a listbox, but i want to select only one item using radiobuttons. I was looking for info about checkedlistbox, and found some routines that deleselect one item if i check another, but i think is wrong the use of checkboxes (designed to multiple selections) to select one value. Radiobuttons are more suitable for this task, but i dont know how to put the radiobuttons inside a listbox (items are variable, i retrieve that list of items from a database, and populate in run-time).

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Retrieve Data From DB In Access To Labels / Radiobuttons In VB?

Jun 10, 2011

How can I retrieve data from a DB in Access to labels, or radiobuttons in VB.NET?

I've search and to retrieve data people usually show Datagrids.

I just need to know how to navigate in records, by the number of their position (?) and to place that data in labels/textbox or anything like that.

This is what I have by now, just the conection to the DB (sorry is in spanish)


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.net - Why Is Cookie Expiry Disappearing

Apr 7, 2011

I create a cookie and it has the proper expiry set, but when I go to update the cookie and check it with the debugger the expiry is gone.

' Cookie Helper: Updates cookie with the selected source ids
Protected Sub UpdateCookieFor(ByVal cookieName As String, ByVal sourceIds As String)
' Update cookie if it exists


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A Label From Form Keeps Disappearing?

Feb 14, 2010

I can't understand what I am doing wrong ... I have a form on which there is a label . This label is actually part of a control array of labels (it was created by the migration wizard trough the upgrading process) . Each time I run the program and call my form , a message appears saying :Control array element 12 doesn't existAnd this is what I don't understand .I can see it during design time , how come it disappears during run time ? I have even checked its Index property , it's 12

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Disappearing Menu Strip ?

Feb 27, 2008

I have a 2005 windows form with a menu strip that keeps disappearing both in design mode and when the program runs. I noticed that on other forms there are more properties listed for the menu than this one has. Anybody familiar with this problem?

I am using a split container with docking set to full below the menu but several other programs are set that way without any problems.

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Program ADO Disappearing Data

Apr 12, 2012

I have a bound datagridview and a dataset with tables.

I have two sets of comboboxes bound to the same field "Restaurant" in the tables (mirroring each other).

In the "NewEmployeeRestaurant" combobox I change the value and it reflects in the datagridview. I can shoot around clicking all over the datagridview on other employees, but when I return to the employee I changed, the value remains what I changed it to. All is good in the world.

However, when I go to the "EmployeeRestaurant" combobox with the same settings, I change the value and it is reflected in the datagridview. So far so good. But when I go to another employee then click back on that employee I changed, the datagridview still shows the new value but the combobox is empty! NOT COOL!

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VS 2008 Application Disappearing?

Jul 20, 2010

Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
nfi.Visible = False


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VS 2008 Comboboxes In The IDE Disappearing?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a project where the dropdowns for the Form and controls (left side) and the events (right side) aren't available. I can re-boot, open and close the project or solution and still they do not show. They do show for other to make them come back?

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VS 2008 Forms Disappearing?

Jul 29, 2011

When one of my students opened his project yesterday, the Form he designed for it was no longer available. He could run the program but he couldn't edit the form as it had disappeared. Later he couldn't run the program at all as the error said that the form name wasn't part of the WindowsApplication. What's going on?

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VS 2010 Code Disappearing?

Apr 25, 2012

Ok, getting a little frustrated. I'm a new VB programmer (just a few months). Let me show you the start of my code so you can see what I'm trying to do:

Public Class Form1
Dim crude1 As Double = 0
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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