Program To Create System Wide Hotkeys And Run At Background?

May 8, 2008

I am trying to write vb program that creates system wide Hotkeys and runs at the background. The hotkey is to enter system date in another application.

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Create A System-wide Independent Universal Counter Object Primarily For Database Keys?

Apr 5, 2010

I would like to create/use a system-wide independent universal 'counter object' that can be called via COM in a thread-safe manner. The counter object will be passed an ID to identify which counter to return, handle the counting, 'persist' the count (occasionally), have reasonable performance (as fast as possible) perhaps capable of 1000 counts per second or better (1mS) and be accessible cross-process/out-of-process. The current count status must be persisted between object restarts/shutdowns.

The counter object is liklely to be a 'singleton' type object implemented in some form of free-threaded dictionary, containing maybe 10 counters (perhaps 50 max). The count needs to be monotonic and consistent, (ie: guaranteed unique sequential values).Each counter should have a few methods, like reset, inc, dec, set, clear, remove. As a luxury, I would like to have a variable-increment (ie: 'step by' value). To support thread-safefty, perhaps some sorm of critical-section or mutex call. It just needs to return a long/4byte signed integer.

I really want something that can be called from anywhere, including VBScript, so I figure COM is my preferred solution.The primary use of this is for database keys. I am unable to use autoinc or guid type keys and have ruled out database-generated counting systems at this point.I've spent days researching this and I have really struggled to find a solution. The best I can find is a free-threaded dictionary object that can be instantiated using COM+ from Motobit - it seems to offer all the 'basics' and I guess I could create some form of wrapper for this.


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HotKeys - Create A Program - Click On Certain Buttons Software That Will Copy The Text?

Sep 7, 2010

how i can create a program Once I click on certain buttons software that will copy the text I will indicate(like Ctrl + c)

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Capture System Wide Selectedtext

Sep 9, 2010

how can i capture system wide selectedtext?

i've managed so far to get a global mousehook + i'm hoping to capture the selectedtext from anywhere system wide when the user left clicks.

i tried using the keybd_event api to send CTRL+C to copy any selectedtext to the clipboard but it has unexpected effects + seems to run before the text i've just selected becomes selected.

here's the code i'm using:

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function keybd_event Lib "user32" Alias "keybd_event" _
(ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Integer, _


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Get System Wide KeyUp Event?

Jul 15, 2011

Currently I am able to see if a key is currently pressed via the GetAsyncKeyState function. Currently I just simply have a timer running in the background that constantly checks if a certain key is pressed in order to run a command. However my issue is if the user holds down the key it will continually run that bit of code over and over per timer tick. Is there a way or another function to detect a keyup or keypress only. This is my current code to detect keys:

Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Windows.Forms.Keys) As Integer Public ReadOnly Property CurrKey(ByVal key As Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean
Get Return CBool(GetAsyncKeyState(key))
End Get
End Property

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Register F7 As A System Wide Hotkey?

Sep 15, 2009

How would I register F7 as a System Wide Hotkey?This is my timer code

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
End Sub

When I start the timer, and open notepad, this is what i get

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VS 2010 - Wide Search -program Allows Users To Insert Documents Along With A Bunch Of Their Attributes Into The Program

Apr 14, 2011

The program allows users to insert Documents along with a bunch of their attributes into the program. The documents are stored in a relational database. One of the required functionalities is allowing the user to look for such documents. The User normally search directly for the obvious attributes of the document, like a unique ID, or it's Title. The problem is that from the search parameters is not allways known which ones will the user fill. For example the user inserts the name and version of the deocument, another time the user enters part of the Title and the person that delivered the document, or might just enter the document number and nothing else. Some of the data might even be incomplete, like title, name of the person who created the document and so on. The idea from the person who designed the system (I'm only reimplementing it) was to allow easier searches for the user, and allowing the user to search for more parameters tod with the idea that "the more parameters, the more specific results", since the results are always group of documents instead of single documents.

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VS 2008 System Wide Hotkey Stops Working?

Oct 11, 2010

Has anyone used a system wide hotkey and notice it no longer works? But the program is still running fine. When I run my program and it starts the hotkey, sometimes it will work fine all day, other times within 15 minutes I press the keys and the program does not react to it. I am using the keys Control-F2. Here is my

Public Sub SetHotkey()
Select Case ComboBox2.SelectedIndex


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How To Implement A System Wide Text Replacement In Windows Programmatically

Dec 20, 2010

I have a small VB .Net application that, among other things, attempts to substitute system wide typed text by the user(hotstrings concept). To achieve that, I have deployed 'ahk2exe' and 'AutoHotkeySC.bin' with my application and did the following:When a user assignes a new 'hotstring':

Kill 'hotstring' exe script file if running Append new hotstring to the script file (if non exist then create a new one)Convert edited/new script file to exe (using ahk2exe)Run the newly converted script exe(somewhere there I also check if the hotstring has been already assigned)However, I am not totally satisfied with this method for the following two main reasons:

The extra resources deployed with the application. Lag: The time it takes for the system to kill the process and then restart it takes a minimum of 5 seconds on my fast computer and more on other computers. That amount of time is much more than the time it takes the user to assign the hotstring, minimize/close the window and then test his/her new hotstring. When the user does so initially with no success they will think the process failed. So this method is not very good for user experience.I am looking for a different method or implementation. May be using keyboard hooks? Or maybe adding a .dll library that achieves the same. Are there any resources you know about that might help (free or commercial)? What is the best way to achieve my desired goal?

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Create A Program Working In Background?

Nov 17, 2011

I want to create a program working in background that:I open program and he is invisible (not appear on desktop and in taskbar).How I can do this ?

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[2008] Create A Vb Program That Will Run In The Background?

Jan 19, 2009

when a user logs into their account on the laptop , Remote Desktop Connection automatically logs them into their account on the main computer. The problem is when it comes to logout, i need to create a vb program that will run in the background , so when the user disconnects from RDC ( which also closes RDC) it automatically logsoff the laptop. hope this makes sense.

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Create A Shared Project Wide Variable

Aug 3, 2010

I've been looking at using PROPERTIES [URL] but frankly I don't understand it that well. Before I invest the time to read, understand, and truly comprehend this, I want to make sure it's the best way. My intended goal is to create my database connection string in a function/sub somewhere, then assign it to this project wide string variable, then I can use it in any form, project wide without having to recreate it.


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Assign Hotkeys To Installed Applications, Files And Folders In A System In VB?

Jun 13, 2011

This app will allow user to select a file, folder or an installed application and then assign it a hotkey...My question is how can I get the complete path of a file, folder, or application in vb like in many application the browse button shows the complete path in a textbox, and then how this app will allow user to assign it a hotkey? And how am I going to save the path and hotkey in a database?

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Assign Hotkeys To Installed Applications, Files, And Folders In A System?

Jun 13, 2011

Record keyboard inputs to open applications. This feature will allow users to assign hotkeys to

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Make A Program That Uses Hotkeys?

May 25, 2009

I have been trying over the past few days to make a program sit open on the computer, waiting for a key press (which will be the hotkey). When the key is pressed, it will execute a peice of code and minimize itself. Im really sorry if this is too simple but im stumped over this one. I have searched google alot but no luck

So: I need to know how I can have the program 'monitoring' or 'looking for' a certain key press while it is doing something to tell it to stop, bearing in mind when the program actually starts it will minimise and stay minimised untill this hotkey is pressed that makes it maximise itself and stop the program.

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Get Hotkeys To Start And Stop Program?

May 30, 2011

Currently I can not get my hotkeys to start and stop my program.Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer and


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How To Register Hotkeys And Find If In Use By Other Program

Apr 28, 2010

I would like to register a hotkeys/shortcut keys (e.g. Ctrl + Alt + A) and I would like to find out if other program is using it.

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Make User Of Program Able To Change Hotkeys

Jun 27, 2010

I would like to make the user of my program able to change the hotkeys to what ever he wants..I tried to use the following code in a module and on MainForm load event RegisterHotKeys Sub will be executed..[code]

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VS 2008 - Using Hotkeys To Automatic Program Start

Nov 14, 2010

For sample. I do a 2 start button. Start and stop but I use hotkey to automatic start (my program will automatic press Tab and 1). When I press F9 will start and F10 to stop but when I'm in my program but my problem. When I click in notepad then I press F9 it won't work?

Here the code I used:
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.F10 Then
[Code] .....

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Operate Functions Based Off Of Hotkeys - Hit Escape At Any Time And End The Program?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a program that I need to operate functions based off of hotkeys.One of the most important things I need to be able to do, is hit Escape at any time and end the program.Remember, the program form will not be up, it will be a number of any other applications, I need like a global hotkey or something.

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Program With VB - System.IO.File.Create

Apr 23, 2011

I've made a program with visual basic and i want to get the textboxs text(textboxes 1-3) to go into the command : System.IO.File.Create("in here") I'v try the & method iand it dosent work

My code in the form is :

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim wholetext1 As String


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Possible To Create A Program That Can Lock Not Only Application But Whole System (PC)?

Oct 15, 2011

I just want to inquire if it's possible to create a program that can lock not only the application but the whole system(PC)? What I want is that, if my application wasn't used within a specified time frame, it will automatically olock the whole computer and it can only be unlocked by a password.

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Create An Advanced Login System In Program?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a school project due in January to make a program in vb. The problem i'm encountering is making the actual login system. I only started using vb last year and that was purely console applications. So I am completely new to forms and I don't know ANYTHING...

The login system should be complex to an extent that it shouldn't just be a simple if statement. I have to make it so that users can create an account and that username and login will save somewhere where no one can access but vb can read from and to that directory.[code]...

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Create A Screen Capture Program In Internet Monitoring System?

Apr 4, 2009

how to create a screen capture program in internet monitoring system...

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Create Special Character By Windows XP Operating System Program?

Mar 9, 2009

I create special character by Windows XP Operating System Program Start/Run/eudcedit But, i can't reduce width of charater Ex: I create number 2 in string H2O but 2 is subscript then width of "2" is short, and i can't make "2" character shorter.

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VS 2005 - Create A "post Office" Program That Will Send Html Emails Thru The Framework

Oct 19, 2009

I am a one man dev shop and need some outside opinions on how to approach this project.

I need to create a "post office" program that will send html emails thru the framework.

For each job submitted to the postoffice the app would need to read a user created html email string from the database, read a string of email addresses to send to and send out the emails based on a set processing time.

The first step would be to parse out the email addresses to find out how many emails it needs to send out and determine how many it would need to send per minute to complete the job in 20 minutes tops. I.e. if 1000 email addresses are submitted per job it would determine that it needs to send 50 emails per minute to complete the job.

The part I am stuck on is how I should queue the emails. If the app determines it needs to send 50 a minute should I only load up the first 50 on a timer event then get the next 50 queued up for the next timer tick? Or would it be better to load up all 1000 in a loop and build in some kind of wait time after it sends the first 50?

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Make System Background Black?

May 23, 2010

I want to make my system is the only system in the windows the user Can use it like games

since i want to make the background of my system is Black [code]...

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Show The System Info Over The Background?

Jun 11, 2011

I've noticed running in a PE environment and seeing the "Nerd Herd" MRI software, I was wondering if anyone can tell me now to recreate this using VB.NET. I want to show the system info over the background if possible.

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How To Display Background Images Using System Colors

Mar 20, 2010

I am using several instances of a panel object I am creating.I would like to be able to draw a diagonal line from the upper right to the lower left corner of some of the instances.I have been able to create the panel with a background image that has a white line on a transparent background, and I can switch it on and off, but I would like the line to have the active text color.How can I make an image object that uses the system palette?

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Unhandled System.TargetInvocation Exception Using Background Worker

Mar 29, 2012

I am experiencing a mysterious unhandled 'System.TargetInvocation exception' whil using background worker. Follwing are the logged in event viewer when the application resulted in unhandled exception.

.NET RunTime:
Application: MyApplication.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319


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