Programmatically Modifying Or Removing A UniqueConstraint Object

Jun 7, 2009

Suppose that one have a reference to a DataTable and it is wanted to manipulate one of its UniqueConstraint objects. How can I:

1) Remove the constraint even if it is the DataTable's Primary Key.

2) Change the column set of the constraint; that is, adding or removing columns or giving a different set of columns.

3) Set the constraint to be the Primary Key of the DataTable.

notice that the UniqueConstraint is already created, so it is wanted to modify it programmatically afterwards.

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C# - Modifying Scriptmaps/handlermappings Programmatically

Mar 22, 2011

I have some code to create a Virtual Directory programmatically.

I need to edit handler mappings of framework 2.0 to use .net 4.0 (basically run .net 2.0 code under .net 4.0 CLR).

The code below works fine under win 2003 server, but on Windows 2008 server webservicefactoryHandler2.0 is renamed as webservicefactoryHandler4.032_1245.

I don't know how to access/edit this name or infact retain the name and just change its value to Microsoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319aspnet_isapi.dll from Microsoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet_isapi.dll.

Dim scriptMapVals As PropertyValueCollection = VDir.Properties("ScriptMaps")
Dim objScriptMaps As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim frameworkVersion As String = "4.0.30319"


Update: @kev : So basically you are saying to use different code for different version of IIS right? Well while using import "Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll" , do i need to pack it up in my build ? or this is part of all IIS7.0 installables? as Some poeple could have IIS7.0 on Windows XP.

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Programmatically Modifying A File On Windows Server 2008

Nov 23, 2009

I have written a VB.NET 2008 application, incorporating Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, that modifies an existing Excel 2007 spreadsheet. It works perfectly on my WinXP development computer.When I upload the app to a Microsoft Web Server 2008, it opens the file and reads from the file, but when the app tries to save the file, it throws this exception:"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): 'july2009.xlsx' is read-only. To save a copy, click OK, then give the workbook a new name in the Save As dialog box."The file is NOT read-only, nor is it opened by any other user or app.The app and the Excel file both reside on the D: (data-only) drive.My first instinct was to look at file permissions. When nothing else worked, I literally created a temporary Group, added EVERY user and security entity to it and granted the group full control of the entire D: drive. No luck.

Then I tried manually elevating the permission by running my app as administrator. No luck.Finally, I copied the file to my XP development computer and ran the app there. Of course it worked perfectly.Can anyone please tell me how to give my program permission to edit a file on Server 2008?

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Removing, Adding, And Referencing ToolStripMenuItems Programmatically?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to use a split button from a tool strip to add and remove selected items in a listview.Users click the button to add the selected item which appears in the split button drop down menu as checked.The drop down menu has three items at any one time, each with a default value of <none> - this is replaced with the text from the listview when an item is added.When users click the item from the drop down, the item is unchecked and the text returns to <none>.

The drop down should populate from the top down so if a user removes item 1 or 2, the items below would appear to be moved up with the 3rd item now showing <none>.


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Office Automation :: Modifying MS Chart Object In PPT Through .Net?

May 28, 2009

I am new to this forum - and while I have programmed in VB.Net for some time, I am also new to Office Automation - so please bear with me We are creating a Metrics presentation in Powerpoint 2003.Currently, the presentation is manually created. We are automating this through VB.Net. I figured out how to add the slides from the template. I can modify text boxes and other objects other than the MS Chart objects. I can modify MS Chart objects - but find that after updating the chart, saving it, and closing the application - it apparently doesn't save correctly. When I reopen the presentation, it originally shows up with the changed data. Once I double-click it, however, it doesn't keep the modified data.

I looked at the properties of the graph in VB.Net - and it looks like the chart shape is read-only. I thought of two solutions - one: copy the chart, modify a local copy, and paste it over the original, or two: make the read-only chart writable. Problem is - I'm at a loss for how to complete both of these.As far as the copying of the chart, I found some information about using the .Copy() command, so I cam up with the code


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.net - Programmatically Removing Garbage Text From Excel File?

Nov 26, 2010

I have an Excel file that downloads automatically, but for some reason the binary XLS file contains some garbage HTML text at the end of it.

When opening the file in the Excel application, it shows a warning but proceeding will automatically remove the garbage HTML text.

However, I need to open the file programmatically. When doing so via

Dim wb As Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFileName)

It throws:

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

a) Get Excel to perform a similar action as if I manually opened it and remove the garbage HTML automatically. NOTE: Tried setting the XlCorruptLoad.xlRepairFile parameter and it didn't work.

b) Remove the garbage text from the XLS binary file (FileStream?) and resave it before attempting to open the file with the code mentioned above.

The garbage html always comes at the very end of the file and starts with

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Modifying Program Means Modifying One Aspects

Mar 16, 2011

Locality Not repeating code..Modifying program means modifying one aspects.

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Databinding An Object Property And Modifying Another Property In Code?

Jan 15, 2010

on a Windows Form, an object myObject is bound to myObjectDataBindingSource like this:myObjectDataBindingSource .DatSource = myObject on the form, i have a check box bound to the property: chkProp1 for example of the object: myObjectDataBindingSource In the code when the checkbox is clicked, I need to go in code and change another text property of the object txtProper2 for example like this:

Private Sub chkProp1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkProp1.CheckedChanged


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VS 2008 Removing Excel Object Library?

Dec 3, 2009

I need to add a reference for excel. But to do that i need to remove an earlier version i added.

How do i remove what i have already added so i can add another version?

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Programmatically Set The Object Type For A DirectCast Command?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm helping a colleague develop a "catch all" type error handler for some controls his application. What he wants to do is pass the object that has the error, and the type of that object, such a TextBox or ComboBox, and then call the DirectCast method within his handler to properly address the Text attribute within it. In general, the method is looking like this:

Protected Sub SpecialErrorHandler(ByVal TargetControl As Object, ByVal ControlType As String)
MessageBox.Show("Bad Juice: " & DirectCast(TargetControl, ControlType(ObjType)).Text)
End Sub

So far any attempts to do a type conversion within the DirectCast method (since it is expecting an object in the general signature) or to even pass in the a Type object properly set is not working.

Any ideas here, or is this one of those "Casting doesn't work that way." type scenarios?

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.net - Create An Event Handler For A Programmatically Created Object?

Sep 3, 2011

Say I have an object that I dynamically create. For example, say I create a button called "MyButton":


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VS 2010 Create Event For Programmatically Created Object

Feb 17, 2011

I'm creating a textbox at runtime, which works fine, but now I need it to have a selection_change. How do I do that?

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.net - Load User Control Programmatically Using LoadControl(Type, Object())?

Feb 25, 2012

I'm adding web user controls to a page dynamically. Using the LoadControl method that only takes a virtual path pointing to the .ascx works pretty nicely. However, the overload of LoadControl that takes a type and an array of parameters is causing me some headaches. The web user control is instantiated as expected, but the controls contained within the web user control are null and I get an exception as soon as I try to work with them. Strange, because it's working when use the first version of LoadControl.

The web user control, simple, with a Literal control:

<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="MyControl.ascx.vb" Inherits="MyControl" %>
<asp:Literal ID="myLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

The controls' code behind:

Public Class MyControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
Public Property Data As MyData


And the relevant code from the .aspx from which I'm trying to dynamically load the control:

Private Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
Dim x = LoadControl(GetType(MyControl), New Object() {New MyData With {.ID = 117}})


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Enabling/Disabling A ToolStripMenuItem Programmatically Does Not Enable/Disable The Object

Jul 15, 2009

I am developing an application with a DataGridView (dgvData) that requires a ToolStipMenuItem (tsmiSelectNetwork) of a ContextMenuStrip (cmsNetwork) to be enabled and disabled programmatically based on if the column is sorted or not.

I have set:

'tsmiSelectNetwork.Enabled = False' at runtime
'tsmiSelectNetwork.Text = Select All' at runtime
'dgvData.Columns(5).ContextMenuStrip = cmsNetwork' programmatically

When dgvData is sorted by column 5, tsmiSelectNetwork.Enabled should be set to True; when it is sorted by any other column, it should be set to False (see code below)

Private Sub dgvData_Sorted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgvData.Sorted
If Not dgvData.SortedColumn Is Nothing Then


The debug output indicates it is functioning properly, but what you seen on the screen is not.

I am using Visual Studios 2008, version 9.0.30729.1 SP; and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1; ContextMenuStrip version

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Update The CONNECTION Property Of An EXCEL 2007 QUERYTABLE() Object To Point To The New DNS Programmatically?

May 28, 2009

Here's my VB code.


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Modifying One EXE From Another

Dec 3, 2009

I have a core EXE I wrote to serve a series of purposes. Another editor that goes along with it needs to repackage that EXE along with the script that EXE interprets. That is simple enough.

However, I need to give users of this stuff the ability to give that repackaged EXE an icon of their own choosing, but they do not have the source code to manually compile that EXE.

I know some magic with file streams and binary manipulation could do this, but I have the sinking feeling that that's pointlessly doing this the hard way and there may be a better way. Maybe the EXE itself can reset its own app icon per instructions given to it.

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Delete Rows From Dgv But What About Modifying?

Aug 28, 2011

I use this code to delete rows from dgv but what about modifying

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Modifying A CSS File To Fit My Page?

Aug 23, 2011

I found a CSS file while I was searching for how to create tabs without using images. I came across CSS Tabs 2.0. which serves my purpose.However, now I need to customize it to fit my page, and I can't seem to be able to get anywhere.The CSS file uses a

<ul and an <li

I am using a Table with <tr> and <td>

This is the sample code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">[code]......

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Modifying An Array To Use .txt File?

Jan 11, 2010

I have to convert this as stated. I am trying to retrive the next position line in an .txt file based upon a user's integer.Basically retrive the next .txt line from user input to an lbldisplay.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off
Public Class frmMain


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Modifying Code During Runtime?

May 7, 2012

since upgrading from 2008 to 2010 i have seen an issue where i pause my project,modify some code, resume, but the app does not execute the new code, it continues as if nohthing was changedery strange, very frustrating

for example
if i pause my app and change this to


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Modifying Data In Combobox?

Mar 1, 2012

I am populating data form database in combobox. This data is in the form of numeric codes like 112, 113,

The thing i want to do is on selecting some code like 113 from combobox, it will display it as ABC113 in the combobox.if code like 114 selected from combobox, it will display it as ABC114 in the combobox.

I don't want to store this modified string in database.

Please help me to achieve this.

Provide me some sample code or link for simple combobox or combobox in datagrid.

i think there is no change in code in both above cases.

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Modifying The DataSource Of A ComboBox?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a ComboBox that is bound to a List(of T).Now I type-cast the ComboBox.DataSource into List(of T)and add some more elements in the List.The items collection of the ComboBox doesnt get reflected and the new element does not show up in the ComboBox. Am I missing something ?

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Modifying The Rich TextBox

Sep 1, 2011

I've got to do some special things with a RichTextBox. I have to add syntax highlighting and I need

to be able to find out what character was added/removed/inserted at what position every time a key

is pressed. Is there some way to edit the existing, or is there a open source (.net compatible,

preferably available for download? I've tried making my own, the problem is, it has to have

every function normally available and I don't have enough time to implement all of that.

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.net - Modifying ObjectDataSource Deleting Parameters?

May 26, 2011

I am trying to add a parameter to the deleting event of an ObjectDataSource as in the example below from msdn. I generated an event handler for the ObjectDataSource's deleting event, and it had the same signature as in the example, however, when I try to clear the paramsFromPage as in the example, I receive an error stating that

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C# - QueryBuilder Modifying Entered Query

Aug 9, 2011

Why does QueryBuilder modify my query? Is there a workaround? When I enter the query below, QueryBuilder modifies the query to the more complex version below, requiring additional parameters for the FillBy method. Any additional parameters adds an exponential amount of complexity to the modified query.


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FileNotFoundException Message On Modifying Existing App?

Aug 16, 2011

I am modifying an existing application in VB .NET. In one routine, I have added a reference to a class in a newly-referenced class library project that is part of my solution, and now I get run-time FileNotFoundException messages when the program attempts to access this routine while debugging. The error tells me that the class can't be found, what's up with that?

To be clear: If I remove the lines of code relating to the new class, I no longer receive the exception messages. If I add them back in, here they come again! I have referenced the class library in the project containing this routine. The class library is building properly (other projects reference same library, and use it more extensively), and the project is referencing the class library's .dll file in my "debug" folder. I get no errors from other routines that use this new class (thus far). I get no errors in the Error List of the IDE.

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Modifying Access DB And Synchronizing With VB2008?

Oct 29, 2009

I have built an app in VB2008 that uses an Access database (accdb).I need to add some fields to some tables.

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Modifying Code To Enable DataGridView

Nov 5, 2011

I'm testing the code below from another author, which works well for reading in the data. Despite this, once the data is populated I also need the DataGrid to be able to accept and delete data too. Is it possible to modify the code for this? I tried several things (in properties too) but am not sure if it is possible in this example.

Dim statesXml As XElement = _
<state name="California">
[Code] .....

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Modifying Database Permissions - This File Is In Use

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to access a database (SQL Server 2008 express) using Visual Basic 2010 Express. First I got a permission error that was solved modifying the Database permissions. Now I get a new error message "This file is in use. Enter a new name .." I already have changed the Autoclose propertie to true, and also tried detaching the Database.

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium, my string:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQL10MSSQLDATAemplo1.mdf";
Integrated Security=True;
Connect Timeout=30;
User Instance=True

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Modifying Gridview Select Action?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a gridview and when a user selects a row I want to change the view in my multiview and display several new gridviews. A user would be clicking on a computer, and then it will display the computer stats/atached devices/etc. The new gridviews are going to need a column from the row that was selected, how do I get that?

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