Putting Serial Keys In .Net Applications?

Sep 29, 2008

I'm currently doing a windows application in C#.Net and was just wondering how to write code that enables my program to be "locked" unless a specific serial key has been entered.

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VS 2010 Sentinel HASP Keys To Protect Applications?

Jul 30, 2011

if anyone here has ever worked with Sentinal HASP keys to protect applications.I understand how to make features in the keys but i do not understand what i need to include in my project to have it authenticate against the HASP at runtime.

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Insert Serial Keys Automatically?

Nov 6, 2009

I need to automate the installation of some Antivirus applications. I can easily do it by utilizing the Process Class, but I also needed to know if there was a way to automatically input the serial key.

I thought I remember someone mentioning a property or something that could be used for that, but I can't remember what it was or who said it.

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VS 2008 Seat All Day By The Computer And Make Serial Keys

Jan 30, 2010

I finished my application and i have a registration system which checks with my server if the key is correct the program is validated and the trial part is removed. So my problem is that i do not want to seat all day by the computer and make serial keys. I want to make a program that will generate the keys for me. I looked into RockXp but that's a third party software.

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VS 2008 Mobile Applications - Device Board Serial Number In Vb 2008

Oct 15, 2011

My some problem for vs 2008 in mobile applications How to learn mobile device board serial number in vb 2008?

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Game Programming :: Detecting Whether One Of The Arrow Keys Is Pressed, All The Other Keys Seem To Be Detected Apart From The Arrow Keys?

Oct 21, 2008

I have a problem detecting whether one of the arrow keys is pressed, all the other keys seem to be detected apart from the arrow keys??? I have set key preview to True........ It detects the arrrow keys BUT ONLY if I have NO other controls on the form??? example..

Me.Text = e.keycode

It works, but then if I add a button for example, it stops.

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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Hot Keys VB 10 Express - Giving Auto Typer Hot Keys?

Jun 25, 2011

just wondering how i could give my auto typer hot keys, for example they press f1 to start the typer f2 to stop it.


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VS 2010 Shortcut Keys (KeyUp) E.Keys Combinations?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a shortcut which expands or collapses my treeview using the ctrl+alt+up-arrow or ctrl+alt+down-arrow:

If Keys.ControlKey And e.KeyCode = Keys.Alt And e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
End If


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Loop Through A List Of The Keys That Are Available In The 'Keys' Enumeration?

Jan 13, 2011

How could I loop through a list of the keys that are available in the 'Keys' enumeration? It seems like it should be something easy to do, but I'm not having any luck finding a collection that I can loop through.

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VS 2008 Application To Reject Serial And Count How Many Times Entered In A Wrong Serial

May 16, 2009

I made my program and now I just need to add in the serial and trial part of the application. I know the application must connect to the host and go to a txtfile. How would i do the trial and serial. Also If the serial is already activated I want the application to reject that Serial and Count how many times they entered in a wrong serial.

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Unable To Close Serial Port After USB / Serial Converter Disconnected

Mar 28, 2006

I have a stand alone VB.Net 2005 application that uses a serial port that generally stays open while the application runs on a Windows XP system. In trying to bullet-proof the UI, I ran into a problem when the USB to Serial Converter normally used to provide the serial port is disconnected while the serial port is open. In trying to handle the resulting error when accessing the port, I find I cannot close the port.

When trying to do so, the error message says something like "unable to close the port. You may not have sufficient permissions." Reconnecting the USB/Serial Converter does not reactivate the port.


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Code For Checking The Serial Serial Number Of A Usb Stick?

Nov 21, 2011

With this code i check the serial serialnumber of a usb stick.


It is not perfect because the programma crash when there is no usb in de PC.But how do i search fot the sctick if it has a name , for example PPH ? And not G: , because it is everytime a different station.

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Connect Different VB Applications To A Database Server.like Accessing Data From One Database By Different Applications?

Aug 15, 2011

how to connect different vb applications to a database server.like accessing data from one database by different applications...

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Recored Arrow Keys And Then Tell Computer To Enter Arrow Keys?

May 23, 2010

So I found this little morpg. The game is fun but really repetitive. I would like to simplify some of the tasks in the game. I do not know how to start this project. How can I recored arrow keys and then tell the computer to enter the arrow keys? One of the objectives in the game is to run around a farm 2x and scare away any wolfs. So the commands would be "arrow key up" for 30sec and then "arrow key right" for 4 sec and repeat. I have worked with robots in real life for some time. We would fill arrays with such instructions. One of the most fun things to program! But I have no idea how to do this in VB.

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Arrow Keys As Hot Keys?

Feb 28, 2010

I need to capture the left and right arrow keys in Form1.KeyDown event so I can use them as hot keys. Instead they seem to be assigned to tab order (move focus to previous/next control) and the KeyDown event never gets called. How can I remove the arrow keys from tab order and use them for my hot keys instead?

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Running Applications Within Applications?

Jul 24, 2009

Is there a way to, when a parent application is opened up, that at the click of a button, or anything of designated event, that this parent application can open a secondary one?

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Make A Program With First Form To Enter The Serial If Correct Just Continue To Form2 If Incorrect Just A Popup Say Like "Serial Incorrect"?

Aug 13, 2010

i just want to make a program with first form to enter the serial if correct just continue to form2 if incorrect just a popup say like "Serial Incorrect" how i can make it ?

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Pass Serial Data From Serial Data Received Event

Dec 13, 2009

I'm trying to pass a data packet from the serial data received event.The code can capture the data without any issues.I'm spinning my wheels on getting the data packet out of the thread for further processing.[code]

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Reading Serial Port Read Data From Serial Port?

Aug 16, 2011

i am a absolute beginner and i want to use vb to receive data from micro controller through serial port using rs232 standards, i found this code to receive the data serially, can any one tell me where should i paste this code, so that the data received will be displayed in message box.Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) HandlesSerialPort1.DataReceived


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Serial Port Example Code - Connect To A Modem Thru The Serial Port

Oct 26, 2011

The link below has code to connect to a modem thru the serial port but it is for an earlier version of VB. when I convert the code, it does not fully convert and has 4 errors that prevent building the project. can someone tell me what needs to be changed or added?


Note: the error: not CLS-Compliant

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Putting A Datatable Into A Dataset?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to put a datatable into a dateset, which I then export to a CSV file. I am getting this error

DataTable already belongs to another DataSet. on the following line dsExport.Tables.Add(dtExport)
Using dtExport As DataTable = DirectCast(dgvSafetyGlasses.DataSource, DataTable)


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Putting A Graphics Into A Variable?

Dec 5, 2010

I am currently creating a program that outputs an image, but the image being outputted consists of text and other graphical elements.

So the text element would look like:

graphics.DrawString(text, variable, variable, variable, variable)

My problem is that I cannot create more than one set of each element that I am creating. And then put that into the code that creates the image. Is there a way of creating this line of code and then putting it into say a variable and then putting the variable into the code where the image is created?

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Putting A Thread To Sleep?

Aug 22, 2011

Im having a problem with putting a thread to sleep...


The error is :"Access of shared member, constant member or enum member or nested type through an instance, qualifying expression will not be evaluated"

The code is:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Public Class In_Process


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Putting An .ico Image On A Control

Aug 17, 2010

Is it possible to set an *.ico (icon) file as an image for a button ? I tried it but I saw I can only select *.jpg , *.bmp , *.gif files etc , but no icons . I am sure it's me who's stupid enough not to be able to do that , not Microsoft for removing this possibility which was available in VB6 , therefore , please tell me there is a way to do that !

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Putting Data In Other Program?

Jul 31, 2010

I have attached a picture of yahoo Messenger with this Thread and highlighted the 2 text fields and a button with red line. The problem is that I have seen a small program in the computer of my friend. When He double clicked on that program, it (program) automatically puts the User ID and Password in Yahoo Messenger relevant fields and automatically presses the Login Button. I have tried much to get the source code of that program, but cant.

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Putting Data Into DataGridView In .Net?

May 5, 2011

I need a little advice in manipulating DataGridView in Visual Basic .Net. This is my first time playing with DataGridView. My program is to load a .txt file containing data of every room in a building and display them in the DataGridView. Here is a portion of the file showing 2 rooms:


A room is a one-line string that ends with an endline character.I have no problem with loading the file and getting all these information. I store data of each room into an object of class Room, and put them in a list.Right now, I put all of the properties of the room into the data grid's columns like this:

Now, how can I put all these rooms' data into the grid? I tried follow [URL].. at first, but setting DataSource to a list of class Room imitating from the given link doesn't show anything in the grid view.How can we tell the program to link rows of the grid to a list of objects? Or am I doing it wrong?

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Putting Tab Pages On An Mdi Document?

Oct 25, 2010

This is with Visual Basic 2005 or with Visual Basic.net 2003 I am asking this in regard to. The point here is that I need the space that the Tab pages will offer but it is on an Mdi "backbone".

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Putting The Comboboxes In A Datagridview

Apr 2, 2009

I have a vb.net window app that has a number of combo boxes on it. These are being populated from a number of XML files and all this works like a charm. The problem i have is when it comes to putting the comboboxes in a datagridview. I have set up my columns and have set the first column to be a combobox but i'm having problems referencing this so that i can set the datasource to populate it.

I've looked everywhere but cant seem to find how to reference this control. Once this has been selected it will populate a second combo box based on the data from the first. I think i can sort this out, if i could only work out how to set the datasource of the first combo programatically.

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VS 2008 Putting SQL Into Function?

Jun 19, 2009

I have this

Function GetSerial() As Boolean
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand


When I put the code into the onbutton click it seems to work fine. But when i put it in the above fuction and start the function i get this error:

Error:System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Serials
at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)


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