QUery To Combine Data From Two Different Databases?

Jan 24, 2012

I am rewriting a program I originally did in MS Access. In this program I pull a table from the company's AS400 iSystems, it is filtered by data that I have in an Access Table. In Access, I first link both tables to the source and then just create a Query as if both tables were local. Now that I am using .Net, the second table is in SQL Server 2008.



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Combine Data Into Datagridview From Two Databases?

May 22, 2009

Does anyone know how to, or if it is even possible, to add data from two different databases into one datagridview? For instance, the following is my code for one source of data, pulling from Access.


PartNumber from the first dataset and ItemNumber from the second are supposed to be alike. What I need in my datagridview is all the info from the first dataset and then for each row I need the description from the second dataset, based on the PartNumber that is listed for that row.

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Query To Access Data From Two Databases

Oct 27, 2011

I have used two database (1) party (2)partydup.[code]In both tables i have common field ("code"). I tried to retrieve the value of "description" field from partydup table when the "code" field in both the tables are same. I run the below coding but it is showing the error as "No data exists for the row/column". But i have a record which contains the code field value as 123 in both the tables. Still it is showing the error. Please let me know what is the mistake i have done.[code]

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Connect And Query Between Two Sql Databases In Program?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to do a simple query of selecting an ID number from one table and matching it with the ID number in the other table, however the catch is the two tables are stored on two different sql databases.[code]...

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Add User To Databases Throug Mysql Query?

Oct 2, 2009

I want to create 1000 MySQL database on a hosting server & add 1 single user in all of them with all privileges enabled,Now I know how to create a database from MySQL query, But what I can not find is "how to add a user in the database",For example: create database 1a;This will create the database, but with the creation of the database I also want to add a user in that database from the same MySQL query, or another query to run with it, but I want both operation to run at the same time.

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LINQ Queries - Combine The First 3 Queries Into A Single Query And Place In A List?

Jan 6, 2010

I am writing a message system on my server, the xml is something like this


my problem now i guess is 2 fold, i wish to combine the first 3 queries into a single query and place in a list or a collection or is there a way to do this with a single query that will give me my desired result?

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Combine Data From Multiple Tables?

May 12, 2009

I am used to creating a data set with data from one table, for instance:


Now I am needing to add a second table. For instance, my second table "EQUIPMENT" has a field called "DESCRIPTION" that I would like to add to my dataset. The "WORKORDER" table has a field called "EQNUM" which is what the "EQUIPMENT" table uses as the primary key. how to combine these into one dataset?

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Concat ComboBox Data - How To Combine Values

Nov 26, 2010

How do I concat combo box data. E.g. value in combo box 1 is "L1" and value in combobox 2 is "03". How do I combine them together into L103? Part of the code looks like this. I am trying to combine two combo box values into one single string and save it in my database. I tried to run the program, but when I click the save button, nothing happen. And I look into my database, no data being added.

Dim strInsert, psID As String
psID = cboLevel.Text & cboLNumber.Text
strInsert = "INSERT INTO
[Code] ....

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How To Combine Three Table To Retrieve Data Easily

Nov 19, 2011

I have 3 table which are Timetable, Schedule and Consultation slot and I wish to combine them so that all the data are able to retrieve easily.

Timetable are having
1. TimetableID
2. Lecture ID
3. ClassVenue
4. ClassStartTime
5. ClassEndTime

1. ScheduleID
2. LectureID
3. ScheduleVenue
4. ScheduleStartTime
5. ScheduleEndTime

Consultation Slot
1. ConsultationID
2. LectureID
3. StudentID
4. ScheduleID
5. remark

Here is my code in metadata
Partial Public Class CombinationOfTSC
<Key()> _
Public Property LectureID() As String
Return m_LectureID
[Code] .....

I'm having error at c.LectureID = s.LectureID = t.LectureID
I wish to get the combination of 3 tables through the lectureID since there are lecture ID on 3 tables.

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Using Databases To Store Data?

Apr 30, 2011

Currently I have a list of items that are based off of a structure of information. I have been putting off the saving function of my program until near the end to make sure that I have all the elements before I start worry about what needed to be saved. I am not asking for code, more for direction. Is it possible that I can load and save data directly to a database rather than have to hold it all in memory as a list? I have never worked with databases in vb.net, and wonder if there are places that would help with this under the requirements I need.

My program saves recipes into a structured list. All the listboxes and forms use the list to populate the correct data on them. I know I could just save all the data each time the program ends into an XML file, and load it each time the program opens.... but is that the best way? Can it be done with a database without having to constantly save or load a file?

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RTF & TEXT - Combine Some Data Into A RTB From A Database Into A Single RTB With Formatting

Aug 10, 2011

I am trying to combine some data into a RTB from a Database into a single RTB with formatting. Let me try and explain... In my Database I have some Fields that Contain RichText (formatted) and Some that are only Text (nvarchar) and I need to combine these into one RTB with formatting.


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Best Method For Transferring Data Between Two SQL Databases

Jun 6, 2011

I'm developing a project for gathering customer feedback using a Samsung Q1 Ultra, a cheap touchscreen PC. The project consists of two parts: a PC based application that builds the survey and stores the info on an SQL Server, and a survey viewer on the Samsung device which downloads survey data from the SQL Server and stores it on a SQL Server Compact 3.5 database.

My question is, how best can I transfer survey data from the SQL Server to the handheld device's database? Writing a tonne of code to copy data from one database to another seems overcomplicated - is there a handy function or somesuch that I can use to copy data from identical tables on these two separate databases?

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Collect Two Sets Of Data From Two Different Databases

Feb 5, 2009

I collect two sets of data from two different databases, This data is now in two collections. I then join/append the one collection to the other and then put it in to a list view.I really would like to order this list view by the first column without the click event.To make this even harder the First column contains Data that is DateTime and i have found that it orders the items by the day number and not the months or years or time.I have found one way but it then cause's me further agony when doing some checks upon the data within the listview later in my code. This answer is to rearrange the format to "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS" then using the listview.sorting = sortorder.

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Get Data From 2 Databases Namely Cable And History?

Apr 20, 2009

I need to get data from 2 databases namely cable and History. The results obtained from it will be display in a datagridview. MyCommand is a sql statement i wrote. However,i have errors in it. The codes are as followed.

Dim dbset As New DataSet
Dim data As New OleDbDataAdapter
data = New OleDbDataAdapter(MyCommand)


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Insert Data Into 2 Different Access Databases At Once?

Sep 21, 2011

I'm doing a little project on the side and was wondering if it was possible to enter data from text boxes on a vb form into two different tables in the same database? [code]

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Transfer Data Between Two Access Databases?

Nov 12, 2009

I am in the process in developing a new version of my software. I have changed my design of my database slightly (added a few new tables and new fields to existing tables). The issue is that my users have user data in the old Db that I would like to transfer to the new Db. Both Db's are access 2003. Because my software is distributed over a wide geographical are it would not be possible to do this manually

I have appended data between two different tables in a single Db, but not between two separate Db's.

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Two Tables Produced From Data In Other Databases

Oct 25, 2010

I have an interesting project.I've been tasked to create utility in VB.Net. So far from what I can see, I will need two tables produced from data in other databases. The mockup was done in Access which has a unique way of treating all tables as local tables that can interact with one another without any serious side effects. Simply put, I can add three tables from three databases and create a relationship and query against them without any problems.I'm not allowed to write or create items on the Server, so I need to do everything within VB.NET. I've created a local MDF file that will be included in the project installation, but as I'm new to .Net. I'm not sure if this is the best practice.I was excited at the prospect that I might be able to avoid having an attached data source when I realized I could create a DataTable and call data from it. When the application shuts down, the table would disappear and the footprint would be virtually 0. But now rather than just selecting data from that table I need to now delete and insert data to the Datatable object based on AdHoc selections on the form.

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Use Databases / Data Connections In Express?

Sep 22, 2010

I want to store Usernames/Passwords in a Database/Data Connection...eg. A login.

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Combine Data Of 2 / More Datasources In 1 Windows Form In A Project Solution?

Jul 29, 2011

Is it possible to combine the data of 2 or more datasources in 1 windows form in a project solution?

i'm using sqlserver 2008 and visual studio 2008

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Insert The Excel Data Into Sql Server Databases

Aug 4, 2006

I would like to import the excel in to the sql server using vb.net. how can i do it? Another question is how can i execute the DTS using vb.net

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Making Applications That Retrieve Data From Sql Databases

Jun 9, 2011

I have started making applications that retrieve data from sql databases.

I write the database with Sql management studio then apply that database to my applicaton.

My question is, how can I make my applications more secure against hackers. Some applications store user names and passwords and personal information / finantial information and so on.

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VB Databases - Backup The Data Stored In A Program?

Sep 29, 2010

I developed a program using Vb.Net that is data based enabled, it has a field for serial number etc. its working fine but the serial number failed to update when a record is deleted, its always keeps tracks of its formal numbering, even when the program is restarted, unless reinstalled.How do i also backup the data stored in such program.

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VS 2010 Copy And Move Data Between Two Access Databases?

Feb 27, 2012

I have two MS Access database; Mydb1 and Mydb2. I would like to do the following:

1. Copy all records in table (MyTable1) from Mydb1 to Mydb2. MyTable1 also exists in Mydb2

2. Move all records in table (MyTable2) from Mydb1 to Mydb2. MyTable2 also exists in Mydb2 which needs to be flushed.

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Supported For External Data Sources Or For Databases Created With A Previous Version Of Microsoft?

Aug 11, 2007

Ok, most of my Visual Basic experience I admit was with VB 3 and VB 5. I'm just starting with VB 2005 Express, and get this error when trying to connect to a new database.

I'm using Windows Vista and have the latest Microsoft JET version, so I have no idea why I'm getting that error.

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Binding Data Or Load Data To Combobox Using SELECT Query?

Jun 3, 2011

i hve create combobox & text box and add database source to my project...i know how to binding data or load data to combobox using SELECT query..but can i change SELECT to INSERT query cz i wont when i type data into textbox,data will be in database...second..can i binding without add database to project..i mean mydatabase in debug folder..i hve problem binding data if database is not in myproject..

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Crystal Enterprise 10 Adhoc Query Rounds (trims) Data To 2 Decimal Digits : Get Exact Data (without Trim) As In Database?

Apr 5, 2010

I am using Crystal Enterprise 10 to run Adhoc Query to generate reports.My database has data with 4 digits after decimal point. But, the Ad Hoc query report rounds the data to 2 digits and displays that. Is there a way I can change this default behaviour to show the data as it is without rounding it?

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Combine 2 Data Grid View Into 1 Data Grid View?

Jul 15, 2009

how to cambine 2 data grid view into 1 data grid view

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Sql - When Run The Query In Query Analyzer, It Returns One Row But When Use The Same Query, No Rows Are Returned?

Aug 19, 2010

Here is the code:

Function getData(ByVal id As String)
Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim statement As String


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ASP / ADO.net Ver 4.0 Data Query

Apr 29, 2010

What i want to do is use specific rows from a table in a database and input the individual rows each in its own textbox. So the logic works like this: Database(deals_info.mdb) with table called ME with the following rows : Serial, telC, telO, telA, PostalAddress, Email, FullName.So i know i will be using a Dataset and DataAdapter but i dont know what the syntax should look like to get the individual rows' data in the textboxes of my form.[code]Those are the declarations of the names of my textboxes from my codebehind file, does anyone know how i would be able to get the table/row information from the ME table in my database to put each row(Serial, fullname, ect) in the relevant textboxes? I am using Visual Studio 2010 with .net 4.0 and this is an asp.net webform.

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Get Data From Database Without Query?

Aug 4, 2011

Is there any way to retrive data from Database with out writing any sql query . I mean i want to read data into my label fileds with out writing any query in sqlcommand. me how can i do this in c# or vb.netUpdate

protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string connectionString = @"Data Source=Data


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