Re-setting Dictionary Counts?

Dec 6, 2011

I have set up text boxes to count how many times a certain item appears in my DataGridView but I want it to reset every time I click on a new index in a list box. How do I do it? Here is my code:

Dim myDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Interger)
Dim machineName As String
For Each row As DataGridView In grdTest.Rows
machineName = row.Cells("ProtosDataGridViewTextBoxColumn").Value.ToString()
If myDict.keys.Contains(machineName) Then


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.net - Does Not Throw Compiler Error When Setting Dictionary To IList

Jul 6, 2011

I am updating a legacy application, and it was reading a dll from another project for a Dictionary(of Guid, String) of items and using them.

The requirements have changed, and the method that was returning the Dictionary is now returning an IList.

This is the odd behavior of this; the intellisense is not throwing a cast error, nor is the compiler. It does not throw an error until runtime when it tries to set the Dictionary to the IList.


Dim someDictionary As Dictionary(Of Integer, String) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Dim someList As IList(Of Integer)
someDictionary = someList

why the compiler is not catching this?

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Use Linq ToDictionary To Return A Dictionary With Multiple Values In The Dictionary Items?

Jan 25, 2010

I want to group items from a linq query under a header, so that for each header I have a list of objects that match the header title. I assumed the solution would be to use ToDictionary to convert the objects, but this allows only one object per "group" (or dictionary key). I assumed I could create the dictionary of type (String, List Of()), but I can't figure out how to write it. As an example I have written a simplified version below.


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Dictionary In A Dictionary - Collection Of Data To Pass Back ?

Apr 27, 2009

I have created a class with a function in it. I have a collection of data I want to pass back. I tried an arraylist first. Now I am trying to use a dictionary. My problem is that it creates the dictionary ok, but I am only get the last row of data from my

Function GetWeldAuditInfo(ByVal ResourceId
ByVal VendorId


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Flatten A Dictionary Of Dictionaries And Sum The Values Of The Inner Dictionary With LINQ?

Apr 16, 2012

I have the following object:

countDictionary As Dictionary(of Category, Dictionary(of Date, Integer))

The Class has a Enumeration Property. For the purposes of demonstration, I'll call it MasterCategory.I have been trying to get out an object that looks like the following:

groupedCountDictionary As Dictionary(of MasterCategory, Dictionary(of Date, Integer)

The best result I could get was:

Lookup(of MasterCategory, Dictionary(of Date, Integer))


countDictionary.ToLookup(Function(o) o.Key.MasterCategory, Function(o) o.Value)

Which results in a IEnumerable (Of Dictionary(of Date, Integer)) for each MasterCategory value.However, I need that IEnumerable of Dictionary flattened to one dictionary with all the integers summed (total counts) for each date. I then tried to use various selects and group bys (from numerous stackoverflow posts) to "flatten" it, but my efforts have fallen short.

Current Code

[Category Class]
- MasterCategory As Enum
- Name As String etc


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.net - Filter Custom Dictionary With LINQ ToDictionary - "Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2"

Jul 7, 2010

I have created a Dictionary class (MyDictionary for the example). I am currently trying to pass MyDictionary into a function, filter it into a new instance of MyDictionary and pass this new instance into another method. When I am attempting to create the second instance from the filtered first instance of MyDictionary via Lambda Expressions and the ToDictionary Method, I am getting the following error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String]' to type 'MyDictionary'. I have simplified the example and recreated it in LINQPad and am getting the same error.

Here's the simplified version of my code:


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Dictionary In Particular The Dictionary.ContainsKey Method

Jan 6, 2011

I use VS2005 and I have just started working with the dictionary in particular the Dictionary.ContainsKey method. At the bottom of the page in the msdn library it says the following in the community content How to make sure that Contains functions properly.

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Label Only Counts Up To 9?

Apr 21, 2011

am working on an app that generates 2 random numbers. When the numbers match it plays a sound. I'm trying to keep count of each time this accurs by using a label to hold the number each time it counts. It's working but when I use a label it only counts up to 9 then goes back to one and stays there. Here is a snippet of the code I wrote.

Public Class Form1
Public int As Integer = 0
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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.net - Group Duplicates With Counts?

May 6, 2011

I need to go through a list of strings and count the number of duplicates and then print the string with the number of occurrences in one line to a file. Here is what I have but I need to only print the string once and its count.


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Array With Changing Counts

Jan 13, 2012

I've used this method in the past and it's worked but I can't figure out what's different about the environment now that's stopping this from working.I have a string that I want to assign array values to. I dim it then I go to assign and I get "Object reference not set". [code] If I change it to the following it works but my UBound is too high for proceeding calculations and loops or too low to accept the total input I need it to take

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Keeping Counts Win Form App. Has Run?

Apr 23, 2010

using Vb net (2005) Wandering if it is possible to use AppSettings in this case: Keeping counts how many time my Win Form app. has run, could someone show me if this can be done

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Linq2SQL Counts Getting Cached?

Sep 23, 2009

I've got a very simple data structure. I'm using SQLExpress with Linq2SQL and



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Sum The Counts With Lambda Expressions

Feb 3, 2012

I have a List(of T) where T has a property that is a list of checkboxes, what I need is a Lambda expression that will count all the checked checkboxes in the list. I tried with:


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Counts The Number Of Check Boxes In A Form?

Aug 20, 2009

I need a code that counts the number of check boxes in a form this is my cod Public Class frmCount Dim counter As integer = 0 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Stopwatch - Counts Down To Zero From A Random Time Set When The App Loads

Jul 31, 2011

I have a stopwatch that counts down to zero from a random time set when the app loads. Now what I want to do is when that timer runs out and someone clicks reset it again is random rather than the same time as before. My code is


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Timer - Counts A Number Up In Sequence In A Label

Feb 9, 2009

I have a timer that basically counts a number up in sequence in a label. On the On Text Change sub for the label I have functions run when the label is at a specific number. Everything works fine, the only problem I have is I have information pulled from an ODBC link to a pervasive database every second, which slows down the program. I have several flash components that run so slowly because of the data update. Now I have tried both using a dataset and coding the query but it is still ver slow and processor intensive, I think its because the Pervasive ODBC link is somewhat slow. Is there a way to have my data pull timer run in the background so that it doesnt effect the performance of the rest of the program?


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Button It Lowers The Number In The Textbox And Then Counts Back Up?

Jun 10, 2011

im a bit new on asking questions if you have a hard time reading this ill try and make t a bit clear for you but anyways.with this code in a button it lowers the number in the textbox and then counts back up


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Forms :: ListBox Counts Item And Pass To Textbox

Sep 12, 2010

How can I count the number of items in my listbox. Here is my codes:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
myListbox.Items.Add(txtText.Text & "")
End Sub
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
txtTextListCount.Text = myListbox.Items.Count
End Sub

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Make Program That Counts The Frequency Of Each Letter In The Alphabet?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to make this program that counts the frequency of each letter in the alphabet for a set of ciphertext, the calculation i want to do is:lettersum*(lettersum - 1) + lettersum*(lettersum - 1) for however many letters example: User puts aabbcc in the ciphertext box , the output should be
2(2-1)+2(2-1)+2(2-1) =6 If the user inputs aaaaab the output should be 5(5-1)+1(1-1) = 20 The code I have so far only counts the last number of letters for example: aabbcc only reads the cc part and only outputs 2(2-1) = 2 instead of 2(2-1) + 2(2-1) + 2(2-1) = 6.The code below is part of a button_Click item


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VS 2010 Make A Webbrowser That Counts A Specific Word

Mar 24, 2011

this is my first post here on the forums... well here's my problem; I'm trying to make a webbrowser that counts a specific word example:


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Write A Program That Counts The Number Of Spaces In A String?

Dec 17, 2011

Write a program that counts the number of spaces in a string provided by the user

-You need to use the InStr function and start it at different points within the string on each loop of the Do Until control structure.

output- needs to state how many spaces that are in the string that was inputed in the text box

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VS 2008 - LINQ Query - Groups And Counts On A Single Dgv Cell ?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a LINQ query that groups and counts on a single dgv cell. What I want to do is group and count on 2 dgv cells. So I modified my existing query by adding a SELECT statement highlighted :


But I am getting an error on the second select variable stating: Range variable 'Value' is already declared

What I have read shows that I can select more than one variable.

What I am trying to achieve is this:





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Dynamically Change The Height Of A Windows Form Based On Increasing DataGridView Row Counts?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a Windows form which contains a DataGridView within a GroupBox which is within a TabPage which is within a TabControl.The scrollbars property is set to 'Both' so that the user can scroll down to see all available rows in the grid.

I want the Windows Form to initialize to allow the user to see 7 rows but to expanded vertically to the size of 32 rows which is the maximum possible in this application.

Is there a way to size the form dynamically so the Form's Height property can be changed as the DataGridView's rowcount increases?

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Sample Program / Project Which Uses Multiple Queries To Display Counts In Text Boxes

Jul 24, 2009

i'm new at (though i have extensive vb6 experience and oracle experience), and i need a sample program/project which uses multiple queries (of the same oracle database namespace) to display counts in text boxes.user will use a pull down list to select action from there.

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Checkbox - Number Variable Won't Addition By 1 And Display In A Label Everytime The Timer Counts 1000ms?

Apr 5, 2012

Here is my code:

number = 1
If chkFN.Enabled = True Then
If ProgressBar1.Value < 100 Then
number += 1
lblFN2.Text = number


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Setting Short Function By Setting Poker Game Points?

Aug 23, 2010

I need help and wondering if you can help me to get my first's a hobby and wondering if you can get me code for this so i can see how it does it* Evaluate( ) Prints the evaluation of the hand to the evaluation Label.

o If IsFlush( ), prints "flush; "
o calls SetPipArray( )
o Uses a For Loop to go through pipArray. For each element, uses a Select Case statement to


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Setting Variables To Store User Setting For Applications

Feb 13, 2012

In our projects we use setting variables to store user setting for the applications. Moreover, with every latest version of the applications, we upgrade these variables to retain user settings.Normally, this works fine, but recently one of my end user reported an error i.e.Configuration System failed to initialize". The error is related to user.config file. Therefore we requested the user to send us his file.After received the folder, we noticed that it contains 3 files (3begfjb.newcfg,3begfjb.tmp and user. config). 3begfjb.tmp is an empty file, while 3begfjb.newcfg and user.config are identical files. We tried to open these files but the data in user.config isn't proper xml rather its unreadable formatted file.Do any you guys had experienced this sort of issue or any ideas how and what may have created these files and corrupted user.config file.

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Copying Every Value Of One Dictionary List To Another Dictionary List?

Feb 26, 2010

How would I go about copying every value of one Dictionary list to another Dictionary list.

Here is what I've done:
' Assign values to player pairs enumeration
Private Enum cmptrPairsList
empty = 0


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Get The Page Documents Counts For Documents Stored As Tif Files

Feb 2, 2010

I've been asked to get the page counts for documents stored as tif files. What I have now is looping through our third party software to open them and then get the page count. I can't stop the image from flashing and it is very slow. Does anyone know of a way to loop through them quickly and can the page counts (one image can have many documents)?

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How To Use Dictionary

Jun 21, 2012

I have written this function to auto correct gender to M or F from different values in a string array. It works fine but my manager told me to use Dictionary which he said is more efficient.[code]

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