Read Entire Table Into Array And Plot Rectangle

Jan 30, 2009

I have created several different colored 6 x 9 pixel rectangles (with a white border). I'm placing these rectangles on a large map, based on x y location and color code from a database. As I'm building the database, I occasionally run the program using the Debug in VB Express just to make sure everything is being place in the right location. I started getting an error when my rectangle count got up around 4500.

System.ArgumentException was unhandled
Message="Parameter is not valid."

The release .exe works fine with no errors and a count of 6700 ... so far. As it is now it's taking near 60 seconds to place the 6700, and I'll eventually have 10,000 plus. (P4 3.20 GHz - 1 GB Ram). I'm placing each rectangle on the image as I read a row of data. Would it be beneficial to read the entire table into and array and then plot the rectangle?Would I be better off drawing each rectangle as needed or placing a my pre-drawn rectangle ?

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C# - Read Entire File Content

Sep 1, 2010

get the whole and same content of any file i uploaded, for my editing purposes in my editor w/c retrieves file from the database. i.e of files are ".doc and .txt"and by the way what i meant by same content is the whole same appearance of my .doc or .txt file i.e "if the text is bold, forecolor is red and etc.."

i successfully established a file upload and a function to store it in a database... but what i'm missing is the whole and same content of the file. Another thing is i don't want the file to be saved in a local folder or somewhere..i just want it to be save directly to my database Below is my sample code of trying to retrieve the content.. but it is an error when you run..

Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If filMyFile.PostedFile IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fs As FileStream


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Can't Make The Search For The Entire Table In Sql?

Aug 13, 2011

this code get the data from the sql where the name = @word which is the variablecontaining the word to search for my problem is i want to check all the table columns not only one column ? is it doable ?

Public Function Search(ByVal word As String) As DataTable
Dim Dt As New DataTable
Dim Adp As New SqlDataAdapter


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DB/Reporting :: Read Entire DB Into Dataset - 2003

Feb 14, 2008

I am trying to read an entire database in to a dataset. I have this so far..


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Clearing An Entire Database Table(access)?

Feb 23, 2010

do i clear and entire database through the program?

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Store Entire Xml Document In A Sql 2005 Table?

May 4, 2010

store entire xml document using in a sql 2005 table

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VS 2008 Write Entire Table To An XLS File

Aug 12, 2009

I coded in it along time ago, back in middle of the 90's, but not heavily, so I don't remember that much, and never really worked with databases or file import/export. I'm trying to write code in to take my table or recordset thats active and export it to a XLS file.


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VS 2010 Returning Entire Row From SQL Table To Combobox?

Apr 11, 2011

I am designing an clock-in/clock-out program as a learning exercise. So far I can type the name of an employee and add them to my timeclock database in a row called "EMPNAME". The issue I'm having now is that I need each of those employees in column of EMPNAME to appear in a combobox when I hit "GET LIST". Is there a simple way to do this using a SELECT statement for the commandtext? I've tried to google but cant find exactly what im looking for.


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Output An Entire Array?

May 25, 2009

I am trying to make a simple program that generates random musical notes, and for the most part, I'm done, but at the end, I'm left with an array full of notes that I'm not sure what to do with. I want to output the notes to a label, and the array length is variable. I really have no idea what to do. I am trying to display the array OutputNotes:


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Store Entire Xml Document Using Program In A Sql 2005 Table?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a column in the table with datatype xml.

how can i store the entire xml document in that column using

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Create A Button Which Basically Clears Entire Table In Your Database?

May 17, 2012

Is there any way to create a button which basically clears a entire table in your database?

I was hoping to have 2 buttons, 1 to empty a table 1 to fill the same table again.The idea is to store a year long values, and at the end of the year delete all of those with a button.The other button i want to use to fill the same table again.Starting from 1st day of the year untill the last day of the year.

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Rectangle Shapes - Index Was Outside Bounds Of Array

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to put all my rectangleshapes in an array so that it saves writing lots of code of collision for each rectangle. But I get the error "Index was outside the bounds of the array.".

Dim i As Integer
Dim shape(i) As Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape
shape(i) = RectangleShape1
shape(i) = RectangleShape2
shape(i) = RectangleShape3
[Code] ......

View 14 Replies

Iterate Through An Entire Data Table, Using An Index And By Clicking A Button To Move To Next Record?

Jun 4, 2011

how can i manually iterate through an entire datatable record by record, but only moving to next record after clicking a button. am using vb 2008 express and below is the code i wrote: Private Sub STARTButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles STARTButton.Click

Dim RealName As String
Dim UserName As String
Dim PASSWORD As String


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List(of Rectangle), Rectangle.offset(x,y) Doesn't Work?

Jul 26, 2010

i've got a little problem with List(on T) variables.


It works perfectly fine. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Identify Subtriangle Within A Rectangle Given A Coordinate In That Rectangle?

Feb 22, 2010

Given a rectangle of width w and height h. and a coordinate x,y in that rectangle I would like to identify which triangle I am within.

i.e. the function should take parameters(x,y) and return a,b,c,d or a zero based number representing that triangle index i.e. (0=A,1=B,2=C,3=D) if they are in that order.

I think this would be something like >= the formula of the red line and >= the formula of the green line?

I'd like to implement this in VB.NET

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Draw Rectangle Divided To Four Rectangle?

Dec 3, 2011

This code is to draw rectangle. How can I draw rectangle divided to four rectangle or more

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Coral, 50, 200, 30, 40)

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Drawing Rectangle Inside Another Rectangle?

Jul 26, 2009

I'M creating a kind of photo viewer, and I cannot figure out how to orient the scroll buttons with the photos I want to draw because they all are different sizes.This is really hard to explain so please ask questions if you don't understand.I'M thinking if i could draw every photo on a single rectangle and then the scroll bars will position that rectangle up or down. but is there a way to make a rectangle inside another one so it only shows inside that rectangle?

View 10 Replies

VS 2008 Binary Serialization - Save An Array Into My .bin File Then Read The Array Again

Nov 27, 2009

Can I save an array into my .bin file then read the array again just like a string or Integer??

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Read Part Of Text File Into 1d Array Other Half Into 2d Array?

Mar 28, 2012

im trying to make an example program for a teacher friend of mine



thats just what i have so far but im really having trouble getting the other part into a 2d array. i want the second half to look like this when done: the oppsite of what it looks like in the file.


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Create Temporary Table And Insert,delete,update,read In Temporary Table

Mar 15, 2008

i am using visual studio 2005 and database sql server 2000. i want to read table of database and readed data insert in temporary table again update that inserted record.

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.NET : Chartarea 2D Line Plot?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a chartarea, which take too long to print the data when the count is over 100,000 points. is there a better way to show my data in a graph that is faster?

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Charting - Plot Data Using The First Value

Nov 29, 2011

I have been learning and developing a software using VB for my company. I seem to have some issues with Chart function. [Code] Those 2 points will plot 2 datas (xval, finvall) & (xval, finvall2). Here is the thing. When I do the plotting, the starting points are always at (0, 0). That points come from the data point collector editor in the series properties. The question is: How do I plot data using the first value that I have? I don't want to start at (0, 0) but instead using (xval, finvall) & (xval, finvall2). I can't change the data point at run time. Many thanks!

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Move A Line Across An X-Y Plot

Jun 7, 2009

If I have an X-Y plot on a graphics and I also create a verticle line on the same graphics. I want to move the line cross the X-Y plot without disturbing this X-Y plot.

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Picture Box To Plot Graph?

Nov 18, 2010

points on picture box by several mouse down operation, perform either linear regression for best fit straight line for these points or best fit circular curve fitting for these points.User can use radio button to select either straight line or circular curve fitting. Plot the best fit graphic accordingly and save these graphic to a data file (result.txt).

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Read A Boolean Value From A Table?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to read a boolean value from a table. For some reason, when the statement executes it kicks me out of the method and back out to .show() method. The data read takes place in a procedure that is called by the Form_Load procedure. Any idea why it's kicking out? I've tried several versions of the command but with zero change. Here's my code. The offending command is in line 51. Every time I run debug I get to that line and then am kicked back out to my method.The end goal is to read a Boolean value Posted. If it is false then we read the data from this table to an accounts table to post the payments that are pending.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class BankForm
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
Private Sub BankForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Create A Scatter Plot With 2 1-D Arrays?

Mar 4, 2011

my only objective is to create a scatter plot with only x and y axes. the data source should be from a 1 dimensional array. say i have these arrays:


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How To Plot A Double Variable Function

Mar 14, 2012

I'm currently working on an assignment for university and I could really use a hand.I need to plot the equation y=0.2*sqrt(1-(0.25/x)^2)

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How To Plot Graphs Using MS Chart Control

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to plot a graph in VB.Net, using MS Chart Control. I'm receiving streaming data, distance vs X data (Sine wave) and Z data (Cosine wave) every 1 msec. maximum data points varies from 2000 to 5000. I would like to plot this streaming data on a graph, distance on x-axis and two series X data and Z data on Y axix.

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Interface And Graphics :: 3D Plot And Rotating?

Jun 18, 2009

I'd like to be able to graphically represent a position in a 3D graph and be able to rotate the grid to match a certain perspective. I've looked for tutorials online, but they all mention how to import or create common file types. I don't want or need to do this. I just need to know where to begin. I have the DirectX SDK, but I'm not sure where to start with it and need some direction.

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VS 2005 Plot A Excel Graph By Vb?

Jul 24, 2009

i am a newbie to visual basic 2005. i have a excel file contain x value and y value of points.i wan to plot a graph using these few points.after that display the graph in the vb.How can i do that??

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