ReadXML Implementation Of IXMLSerializable With Incomplete XML?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a class that implements IXMLSerializable. With this interface comes WriteXML, ReadXML and GetSchema. I've noticed that the ReadXML implementation crashes beyond repair (i.e hangs indefinitely) while deserializing when the XML Data is incomplete. For example, given the following XML

<SomeValue>This is a string</SomeValue>
<AnotherValue>This is another string</AnotherValue>

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ReadXML Implementation Of IXMLSerializable With Incomplete XML

Dec 8, 2010

I have a class that implements IXMLSerializable. With this interface comes WriteXML, ReadXML and GetSchema. I've noticed that the ReadXML implementation crashes beyond repair (i.e hangs indefinitely) while deserializing when the XML Data is incomplete.[code]

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VS 2008 Singleton Factory Implementation - Is Pattern Implementation Right

Mar 18, 2010

So I've been doing some research on the singleton factory design pattern, and I am wondering if my example implementation is correct (warning I did get carried away creating animals):


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Create A Generic Dictionary That Implements IXmlSerializable ?

Apr 19, 2010

I was trying to create a generic Dictionary that implements IXmlSerializable (credit to Charles Feduke).

Here is my trial:

Sub Main()
Dim z As New SerializableDictionary(Of String, String)
z.Add("asdf", "asd")


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Set User Agent With ReadXml

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to set the user agent for a request with XmlRead. [code]

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Incomplete Query Of Dbf Using Oledb?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm trying to connect and query a .dbf dBase table. I'm fairly certain I've got the connection string formatted properly, because I am no longer receiving errors that I can't locate the table.I've tried everything I can think of, and nothing seems to work to make a valid query. I've tried all sorts of syntax changes around the table name (which is just 'buildings'...nothing fancy). The error is a syntax error with an incomplete query on the executereader line.


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Readxml Using Attributes As Column Names And Values?

Mar 30, 2012

Is it possible to read in an xml string and use the attributes for column naming?

For example using the following xml.


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VS 2008 Cannot Import Data Into Dataset Using ReadXML

Jul 18, 2011

I have a Dataset Lets call it Dataset1. I have 1 table in this dataset created in designer called settings. I want to be able to declare the intial dataset in one form as a global variable and make a copy of it in another form. However I don't want to fill it until after I have made the copy except that it is not working.[code]The problem is the Dt returns the same amount of columns and the exact column names that I have in the settings datatable. When I do Dt.ReadXml("Myxmlfile") I don't get any rows populated yet the columns are in the xml file and in the dt copy of the datable.

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VS 2008 Using Datatable.readxml No Data Is Loaded

Apr 4, 2011

I've a xml file to load into the datatable, but no data is loaded, also without any error. the output is 0.[code]

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.net - Sending Jpegs By Tcp Socket Sometimes Incomplete?

Apr 17, 2010

I've been working on a project for months now (vb 2008 express). There is one final which I can't solve.I need to send images to a client from a 'server'(listener). The code below works most of the time but sometimes the image is incomplete. I believe this might be something to do with the tcp packet sizes varying, maybe limited by how busy it is out there on the net. I have seen examples of code that splits the image into chunks and sends them out, but I can't get them to work maybe because I'm using a different vb version. The pictures to be sent are small 20k max.

Any working code examples would be wonderful. I have been experimenting and failing with this final hurdle for weeks.


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C# - WebBrowser Control Document Seem To Be Incomplete

Apr 17, 2012

I use the webbrowser control in my program but when after navigate to a site. I try to get some element on the using the document of the webbrowser (like getelementbyid ... ) I notice that some element are missing. I know that elements are dynamically inserted into the page by some javascript. I searched method to get those element and I try to get them injecting a javascript to be executed in the page and return some element by window.external method (or just to try by alert) but even if this script are executed they just return the same result as the method on the document in the original code. Is there a way to access to this 'invisible' element in my program in some way just like I access them by pressing F12 in Internet Explorer?

Here is my code:
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//injecting and executing my javascript code
HtmlElement head = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0];
HtmlElement scriptEl = webBrowser1.Document.CreateElement("script");
IHTMLScriptElement element = (IHTMLScriptElement)scriptEl.DomElement;
[Code] ....

At the end of the execution both test and test2 have the same html were some element are missing.

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Image.PropertyItems Incomplete On Windows 7?

Jun 11, 2010

Reading tags from a Geo-TIFF file works great on XP and Vista, but does not work on my new Windows 7 box using the exact same code and image. Several of the critical tags are missing. Here is my sample code:

Dim b As New Bitmap("C:myMap.tif")
Dim list As String
For Each p As PropertyItem In b.PropertyItems


On XP and Vista, this is the result:

256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 284, 296, 305, 320, 339, 33550, 33922, 34735, 34736, 34737

On Win7, this is the result:

256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 284, 296, 305, 320, 339, 34735, 34737

Why would it be different? I'm compiling as 32bit (crashes if I try 64 bit); running as admin, have tried running the exe with various compatability modes difference.

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Incomplete - Computer.Network.UploadFile?

Feb 8, 2011

Incomplete - Computer.Network.UploadFile?

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Incomplete Webpage Source Returned?

Nov 19, 2009

I am working on an app that requires searching the source code for a printer's web page for some information. I have used several methods to retrieve the source code (WebClient.DownloadString, HttpWebRequest.GetResponse) and in all cases recover only a portion of the web page. I can use View Source on the webpage and it is a 14K file, but using the VB functions I only get 5K of it. In these cases the data stops just prior to a <div class="tabBox"> tag containing data specific to the printer. I have also added code to pause the app, thinking that maybe it needed time for the page to complete before returning the code. Any ideas what I need to do to get the whole page?

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.net - Does Dataset.ReadXml() Set All Columns Datatype In Its Table As String

Aug 12, 2011

Following is the code which gets xml data from web service and then dataset reads using ReadXml method. This Xml has ID and MyDate tags for each table row (so table(0) will have ID and MyDate columns) and this Xml data does not have schema associated with it. When page is loaded first time, it sorts by ID in asc order. It was working until ID was 999. When next ID came as 1000, even in ID asc, 1000 is showing before 999 in datagrid.

I wanted to confirm that when dataset is loaded using ReadXml, all the columns in its table are treated as string even they are numbers or dates and that's why in ID asc order 1000 is coming before 999.

Also, MyDate tag has date in format "01/31/2011" (mm/dd/yyyy) and it seems that sorting is wroking fine for date. Would sorting by date always work even when dataset table MyDate column is of type string (assuming that my above statement is correct)? Are my two above assumptions correct?

stream = New System.IO.StringReader(XML data returned from web service)
With dataset
dvView = .Tables(0).DefaultView


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DB/Reporting :: ReadXML And WriteXML As Backup Solution For SQL Database?

Mar 2, 2009

I have developed a program that tracks expenses for business trips that uses just a local SQL CE database on the user's pc. I chose SQL CE because the install process was much quicker and easier than Express. I have distributed the solution and I am looking for a way to allow users to backup and restore the data. I though that the readXML and writeXML methods from the dataset sounded like a good method, but I can't get it to work. I have tried a couple methods which have ended in either foreign key errors or not being able to keep the same primary keys as when the data was exported using readXML.

The basic structure for the data is:SQL CE Database -> DataAdapter.Fill -> Dataset -> Displayed to user through binding sources and other means The problem is not exporting the dataset with .writeXML, but getting the data back into database. The one shot .updateAll from the main table adapter creates foreign key failures, so I have reverted to iterating through the dataset and sending one row at a time, but I still can't get it to work.


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VS 2010 - Dataset Readxml - Read Only Certain Elements (columns)

Oct 5, 2011

Dataset's ReadXML() method would read an XML document. But how would we skip certain columns? [Code] So, if I use ReadXML(), it would read the whole document and the dataTable would have "id" column, "name" column and "price" column. But I want to have only "id" and "name" column. How can I skip certain columns from reading it?

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VS 2010 Picture Download (Webclient) Incomplete?

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to download a 163 KB jpg file from the web with Webclient. The dimensions of it are ~332 x 491 pixels.


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Why Is Form Display Incomplete Until Code Stops

Aug 21, 2009

Form A accepts user input, closes and calls Form B when user wants to see results. Form B starts calculations automatically. Meanwhile, it partially displays and can disappear completely leaving an empty window. The calculations can take some time. It seems as if a form needs code to stop running and be awaiting user input before it finishes drawing itself. Is there a way to circumvent this? Aside from the aesthetics, I would like user to see progress reports posted to status bar and without needing to press another button (so removing automatic start). Form B has only a return button for input.

I have tried various places for Me.Show and addressing the form's controls from the modules it uses.

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Incomplete Binary Deserialization - Message Box Only Displays First Entry Into File And No Other

Jun 24, 2010

To object oriented programming and programming with visual basic .net (vb 2008 express). regarding storing of information but not in a database. Someone mentioned using binary or xml serialization. So I researched that and after two long 8 hour days of messing around with binary serialization and about a dozen different code techniques i finally found one that seems to work. I created a module that serializes two variables and appends them into a file. The same module also has a sub that deserializes the information from the file and displays in a message box. If needed I'll provide the code later.

Really the problem I am having is that my message box only displays the first entry into the file and no other. So I can append any number of variables to the file but every time I call the subroutine in my module it only displays the first entry. How do you read all of the file? Also can I search the file for a particular value of a variable? The variables are codependent. The two variables are simply a date and a string representing a changing code that corresponds to that specific date. So I'd like to be able to say search for a date and retrieve both the date and the code.

However I don't have any idea how to do this. Also the method is probably not the best way to illustrate the information in the file but I'm still new and I'm not sure the best way to show all the info in the file. For instance if I wanted to show the entire contents or just the codes corresponding to certain dates. I know a database is probably the better answer but I've gotten this far without one, lol, I'm too stubborn to change now. Once I figure this out, I'll switch and try the same technique with a database.

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Tsql - Parametized Queries - Error For An Incomplete Query Clause

Jul 11, 2011

I built a prototype system with some database queries. Since it was just a prototype and I was very new to databases, I just used a direct string. This is the string I used and it works fine:

command = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "CanonicForms WHERE Type=1 AND Canonic_Form='" + item + "'", dictionary_connection)

Now, in putting it in a real system, I wanted to use the more secure parametized method, so after some googling I came up with this:

command = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM @prefix WHERE Type=1 AND Canonic_Form=@form", dictionary_connection)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prefix", prefix + "CanonicForms")
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@form", item)

But all I get is an error for an incomplete query clause. What have I done differently between the two?

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Bad Implementation Of IDisposable?

Oct 20, 2009

I am a budding MCTS so I am not a 100% sure of whether I am correct in this instance.I am looking through a windows forms application created by a developer who has left our company some time ago. Within the code I have found a custom form derived from the standard form baseclass which explicity implements IDisposable.The custom form does not call any COM object or do any file IO operations and has only one database call which is closed and disposed off in the method that calls it. However within the code of the form there is the following,[code].....

Looking at this am I right in thinking that this should be removed including the implements IDisposable line at the top of the form since,

1. The listeners collection will go out of scope when the form does as the collection only references listener objects (which do not implement IDisposable).

2. The controls do not explicitly need disposing, since when the form goes out of scope this will be done anyway.

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Implementation Of C++ Code In .net ?

Aug 20, 2009

I have developed a C++ program code .Now, I want to access this code in .

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.net - IBindableComponent Interface Implementation ?

Jan 19, 2011

I need to implement the IBindableComponent to the the following code:

Public Class InfragisticsToolStripBindableButton
Inherits Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
Implements IBindableComponent


1 problem: Warning: event 'Disposed' conflicts with property 'Disposed' in the base class 'DisposableObject' and should be declared 'Shadows'

2 problem: Error: Class 'InfragisticsToolStripBindableButton' must implement 'Property Site As ISite' for interface 'System.ComponentModel.IComponent'. Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers.

Why should I implement "IComponent" if I implement "IBindableComponent"?

3 problem: How should I override "Dispose", if it's already implemented in the base class, but is not virtual apparently.

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.net - Performance Of Implementation Of IComparer?

Jul 14, 2011

I'm sorting a collection of type "Document" (usually around 100k records). Sorting usually takes around 4-5 seconds, and I'm wondering if there's a way to speed up sorting by modifying my "DocumentComparer" class which implements IComparer(Of Document). Since the Compare() method would be called hundreds of thousands of times, are there any performance improvements that could be made here that I've overlooked?


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.net - Some IBindableComponent Interface Implementation?

Feb 8, 2011

I need to implement the IBindableComponent to the the following code:

Public Class InfragisticsToolStripBindableButton
Inherits Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
Implements IBindableComponent


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2d - .NET Liang-Barsky Implementation?

Nov 6, 2010

After some research, I've decided to use the Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm in my 2D game. Google did not deliver on any VB.NET implementations of this algorithm but plenty C/++ ones. Therefore, as I have knowledge in C++, decided to port one found on Skytopia over to VB.Net. Unfortunately, it does not work with:

Public Class PhysicsObject
Public Function CollideRay(ByVal p0 As Point, ByVal p1 As Point, ByRef clip0 As Point, ByRef clip1 As Point) As Boolean
Dim t0 As Double = 0.0
Dim t1 As Double = 1.0


However, the CollideRay method fails on its 3rd edge iteration (edge = 3), r < t0, therefore the function returns false.

View 1 Replies - Error On An Icomparer Implementation

Nov 12, 2010

I created an array sorter to sort arrays like in Win Explorer in a DNN module. As in the answer to a preview question: Sorting an array of folder names like Windows Explorer (Numerically and Alphabetically) - VB.NET


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C# - Free Implementation Of Printf?

Mar 1, 2010

The problems:

I can't use string.Format, I have C style format strings;I can't call the native printf (no P/Invoke);I can't use because of the license, I need something GPL-compatible.Is there a free implementation of printf/sprintf for the .net framework? Other than the above link, I couldn't find anything.

I cooked up a sprintf function that supports basic format strings, you can find it here: [URL].. I'll try to make it a complete implementation if I can.

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Conversion Types For DLL Implementation?

Aug 23, 2010

I need to use some functions from a DLL written in C++. Problem is when I try to use those functions in VB (Visual Studio). The only way I get to pass the debugger without errors is if I use the VariantType type, but I get all screwed up values. Can anyone tell me how can I "translate" the use of char [6] into VB from C++? My problem when Implementing is with the variable INFO, the content comes back after execution with errors..This is the original code from the DLL Manual:

Int Get_Info(A Handle, char *IPAddr, InfoType *Info)
where the parameters:
A [IN] Handle.
IPAddr [IN] IP address


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