Refreshing Screen With New Graphics From Button/text Box Event?

Jun 26, 2011

The program below works fine except for the problem for which The program below allows input of a volume and value which are both successfully drawn to the screen. I will be adding variables to retain the value of each new Volume and new Value input. However, I need code to delete the volume and value graphic numbers
drawn to screen when new volume and value's are input. At present new numbers are drawn on top of the existing graphics rather than replacing them. Every attempt to clear, draw over etc has failed. from a very grateful member about to go on holiday and I need this to work for use on hols.

The private sub resetting() does not work but I cannot see why.


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Prevent Graphics Drawn In Panel From Refreshing?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm making a plotting program. The panel (vs picturebox) is necessary because the data doesn't all fit into one screen so scrollbars are needed. I'm using graphics to draw the background layer and buttons for the data points.

When I scroll, the background is redrawn incorrectly since the top left corner of the panel is no longer the top left data point. Ideally, I'd like to prevent the background layer from redrawing entirely (after the initial draw). Alternatively, how do I take in consideration the new position of the scrolled panel in drawing the shapes & lines in the background layer?

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VS 2010 System.Drawing.Drawing2d.Graphics Refreshing

Apr 28, 2010

So basically I created Dim gr As System.Drawing.Graphics on my picturebox and I am drawing on it.

Each time I cover my window with anything or move it away from the screen whatever was covered/invisible becomes missing.

As I understand I can do:


But I just can't figure out when should I call restore().

Tried on:


When should I restore?

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How To Create ' Temporary' Graphics With Text Changed Event

Feb 27, 2011

I'm in an upper level industrial engineering class in which we're learning some entry level VB programming. We're working on building a program to solve the travelling salesmen problem (finding the shortest path through a collection of cities while visiting each only once) and I'm trying to add some 'fancy' to it so I can learn some more skills. The basic program is designed to load a bitmap file of a map into a picture box and a text file with the xy coordinates of any city positions. From there, the user can plot the cities with red squares, draw a random tour through the cities, or tour the cities by always visiting the nearest neighbor not yet visited. The modification I'm working on is a method of pointing out a specific city with a black square by entering the city's number (determined from the coordinate file) into a text box.

Private Sub TxtFindCity_textchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TxtFindCity.TextChanged
Dim ObjFindCity As Graphics = picShowMap.CreateGraphics
Dim City As Integer


So far, the program works, but I want the black squares (but none of the other graphics) that are created to go away once the text box is cleared. As of now they just hang around on the screen until I refresh the entire image with a 'clear map' sub. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

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Refreshing Form - Display Two Forms On The Screen?

Jul 31, 2011

I need to display two forms on the screen. When I change the record being viewed on form1 I need to change the display info on the second screen. I now know how to share the info, but need to be able to 'refresh' the information on the second form


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VS 2005 Text Box Leave Event And Button Click Event?

Jun 30, 2009

Can i Know how to catch between these 2 event, Leave and Click?

I have one checking in a textbox Leave event. I will go check whether this ID is already exist in DB or not. If exist, I will prompt MSG box to user.

When I click on Close button while focus is on textbox, this textbox Leave Event will trigger first before Button Click event.

So, the form remains open without trigger Button Click event.

how to prevent this textbox leave event or how can i catch/control this situation?

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Webpage Is Constantly Refreshing After Clicking Button?

May 13, 2011

I am navigating to a web page and when I programicly click a button to go to the next page that next page is constantly refreshing over and over.Is there anyway to stop the page from refreshing constantly?

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Validate Text Box On A Button Click Event?

Mar 27, 2009

Is there a nice simple way I can validate that text box using an If statement to make sure it follows the rule [#][#]:[#][#] (The #'s are single numbers) and not allow anything but a ':' to separate the pairs?

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On Load Event - Display Variables On Screen Load In Rich Text Box

Mar 20, 2011

I want a rich text box to display public variables like (pizza toppings links etc that have been selected in other forms) these variables have declare in a module. But I want the rich text box to display these variables as soon as the screen loads ( a on form load event) if you know what I mean.

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WebBrowser Control - Disable Refreshing In Such A Way That The Button Can Still Be Used For Stuff Like Flash On The Page Still?

Mar 13, 2012

1. Is there any way to disable refreshing in such a way that the button can still be used for stuff like flash on the page still? All my methods have blocked using the button in the flash which is loaded on the page....

2. Is there any way to get the new scrollbars of IE10 or metro style scrollbar or what not into the webbrowser like the desktop version of IE10 does in Windows 8 Consumer Preview?

3. Is there any way to allow the close window called from javascript to be detected & actually close the window in my program?

4. Is there any way to make it so when new window is called it will open a new window with my application in a new instance? stopping me now is it seems to want to open in the same window if I use the event NewWindow to cancel the event from happening but it gets script there any way to retrieve the link to what it needs to open so I can handle this properly? Or at least tell it what else to use? besides the default browser....I want it to open inside my own program & not IE.

View 8 Replies - Javascript And Html - Insert Text Box At Event

Apr 26, 2012

I have to insert text box at event. for this I've been using this code implement it, in ASPX.VB file. below code refecting attached screen shot, which displaying the textbox beside to the delete button. Issue: Example: If we insert any simple text box in ASPX page, then we can take that textbox id and we can play with that in aspx.vb file . in the same way I would like to play with the below code by having the textbox Id. How? How I need to take this text boxId(id = ""txtExperimentalStressdays"") and save the user entered data into database.


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Make Textbox Text Will Not Disappear On Button Click Event?

Apr 5, 2011

I have textbox and button1 on my webform ...I want when i click button1 then the text on the textbox will remain the same as it is ... it will not disappear .... on button click event

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Text Box Not Refreshing

Jul 29, 2009

I have a VB (2008) program that I wrote that will not refresh the info in a textbox. I've tried to refresh, update, hide/show the data but cannot get it to work. Here is a code snippet:[code]The concept of what I'm trying to do is quite simple. the user selects one or more sites to check, the program shells out and SSH's into the device(s), grabs the output an parses the data. It then turns different boxes to different colors based on the output. The maddenign thing is it works for the first time through and sometimes the second, but never any farther.At the end it paints everything just fine and if I insert a blank msgbox within the code it refreshes fine as well.

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Interface And Graphics :: Capture The Pixel Of All The Screen?

Aug 2, 2011

Is there a way to capture the pixel of all the screen? with all the applications of Windows?

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Interface And Graphics :: Get All Supported Screen Resolutions

May 3, 2010

I'm making a shell for a computer system this shell is going to be distributed with lots of different computers.The shell is designed to replace the standard windows look (not important but anyway), and as such, i need a way of allowing the user to change the screen resolution to what their monitors/display adapters can support. I'm looking for a way to call all the supported screen resolutions into a combo box.Preferably with the x and y values as separate variables, but that's not a major thing.

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Interface And Graphics :: Screen Capture From In Game

Aug 7, 2008

i am wanting to write a program to capture video from in game, the thing is that the video has to be small enough to then broadcast online simultaneously with a three minute delay, i have no idea where to start but am hoping to use VB,

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Interface And Graphics :: Docking Form To Bottom Right Of Screen?

Nov 5, 2008

I have a form that I want to dock and move to just above the task bar on the right side of the screen. How could I do this?

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Windows - Drawing Digits/graphics Directly To The Screen?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm putting together a small program in Visual Basic Express 2010, and part of it is to take a delayed screen shot.

I've got the main code working, I've got Visual Basic delaying taking the screen shot with System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Sleep(5000), but what I'm looking for is a way to draw directly to the screen the number of seconds remaining.

You know how in Windows, in the Display Properties under Settings, when you click on Identify you get a huge number displayed on each monitor?

I'm trying to recreate that, with the number counting down until the screen shot is taken, giving the user plenty of notification to get their required applications in focus for the screen shot.

Is it possible to do this? Or is it something that will take a heck of a lot of coding?

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Avoid Screen Flickering When Painting Graphics On A Windows Form?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm writing a simple paint program in VB 2008 that allows the user to create rectangles using MouseDown event to anchor one corner, MouseMove to stretch (or grow) the rectangle, then MouseUp event to complete the rectangle.The last statement in the MouseDown event is Me.Invalidate() to trigger the form's paint event where all the rectangles are drawn (refreshed).

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Interface And Graphics :: Get Form Boundary Position With Respect To Screen

Sep 3, 2008

I have a ScreenCapture class that allows me to capture the content of the screen by specifying a X Y value of the top left and X Y value of the bottom right corner of a rectangle. This all works fine, however the problem that I have is that I want to capture the content of a panel on a form, the panel obviously has a location X and Y which gives me the top left position and I can use the width and height propoerty of the panel to determine the bottom right position. The problem that I have is this obviously gives me location of the panel on the form and not the screen. The other problem that I have is that this form is a MidiChild for another form.

So basically what I want to know is how can I get the location of the panel but as a screen position?

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Interface And Graphics :: Let A Hedgehog Walk From Behind A Bush Towards The Other Side Of The Screen?

May 19, 2009

We are trying to let a hedgehog walk from behind a bush, towards the other side of the screen. The code we are using is:

dim hedgehog as integer
imgHedgehog.left = 11520 - hedgehog
hedgehog = hedgehog +50

It does move on the screen to the left, but the problem is that the picture keeps flashing while it's moving, so it's like its extremely bad quality.

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Dynamically Created Event - Button To Simply Set A String Variable Equal To The Clicked Buttons Text

Mar 14, 2009

I have a form that I am adding a set of buttons to. I am adding an event to those buttons. I need this event to function slightly to determine what button was pressed.

I need the button to simply set a string variable equal to the clicked buttons text so I can determine what button was pressed.

How can this be accomplished?

''Adding the buttons''
For Each dr In dtMenus
Dim strMenuName As String
strMenuName = dr.Item("strMenuName").ToString


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Interface And Graphics :: Print The Entire Portion Of The Screen Which The Form Occupies?

Jul 24, 2008

how I would be able to print the entire portion of the screen which the form occupies,Basically, my problem lies in that the way I print now will properly print the form's buttons/labels/textboxes etc. But it will not print the WebComponent AxChartspace that I have added to it. So basically my form is partially blank.

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Interface And Graphics :: Simple Code To Detect When A Pixel Changes Color Anywhere On Screen

Aug 19, 2010

I'm trying to figure out some simple code to detect when a pixel changes color anywhere on the screen. Maybe with just a msgbox popup when it changes.

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Update The Button Text On A Form From A Backgroundworker.do_work Event, And It Failed With The Usual Cross-thread Exception Message?

Nov 14, 2011

I tried to update the button text on a form from a backgroundworker.do_work event, and it failed, with the usual cross-thread exception message.However, by pure chance, I also tried to update text in a also from this backgroundworker.do_work event, and it DOES work. Question: why is this? Is it perhaps because theres some kind of implicit shared behaviour with

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Interface And Graphics :: Image Previewing - Run VB And Select To Preview Through USB Webcam Shows Dark Screen

Jan 11, 2009

I have develop VB 2008 that can preview the image through 2 webcams. However, when i run my VB and select to preview through my USB webcam, it display dark screen. But i select to preview through my built in webcam, it works.So, can anyone can the code attached for me?For your information, the USB webcam can function properly using other video/image software.

VB version: VB 2008
OS: Windows Vista
Webcam brand: LifeTec

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Access Button Click Event On Modal Popup Button Click Event?

May 14, 2011

my source code in design part is:

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Style="display: none" CssClass="modalPopup">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" Style="cursor: move;background-color:#DDDDDD;border:solid 1px Gray;color:Black">[code]......

Ok button click is not accessing click event.

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Interface And Graphics :: Calling The Paint Event?

Mar 22, 2012

This is a working example which draws a rectangle on different location every timer_tick and I fully understand now how it's working:

Dim i, timercount As Integer
Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint


Now I'm looking for a way to draw this rectangles without refreshing them every single tick. I've just started using Visual Basic and I really don't know how to call/raise PictureBox1_Paint event every timer_tick or how to store drawing data in member variables?

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Interface And Graphics :: ToolStripMenuItem Event Handler?

Sep 3, 2011

In my Main class I have this event which as you can see simply closes the form. It is triggered from a ToolStripMenuItem called miExit.

Public Sub miExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles miExit.Click


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Show Script Alertbox On Button Click Event In Webpage If Textbox1.text=""?

Dec 20, 2010

How to show javascript alertbox on button click event in webpage if textbox1.text="" ?

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