Related Table Won't Save

Apr 13, 2011

The way it works is for each event, there can be multiple 'disciplines'. So I have a disciplines table related to my events table.

I save an event and save a discipline within it, when I open the application again, the event has saved but the discipline hasn't.[code]...

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Sql Server :: Display In A Bounded Datagridview A Field From Another Table Related To The Bounded Table?

Jan 20, 2012

i two tables named tblaccess(nID,nRoleID,nModuleID,cAccess) andtblmodule(nModuleID,cModuleName) and i have a datagrid which is bounded to tblaccess. the problem is, I want to display cModuleName from tblmodule instead of nModuleID. please tell me how.

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.net - Delete Row From Related Child Table?

Feb 5, 2011

I've created a combobox for navigating orders in a grid view.


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ADO.NET Related Table Concurrency Error?

Jan 28, 2009

I get an error when updating a related table, the main table can be updated but the related gives me a concurrency error but I don't know why. Btw I'm the only one using the program and it's connecting to sql server 2005 express.Inserting works like a charm.My piece of code, I hope you get it. The concurrency error is given on Me._objtblOrderinformatieA.Update(Me.objdtsOrders.orderInformatie)

If MessageBox.Show("Bent u zeker dat u deze record wilt wijzigen?", "Orderbeheer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = 6 Then


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How To Delete Row From Related Child Table

Aug 27, 2010

Is there a way to clear all the textbox and combobox in a form without looping through panels and tabpages, because those textboxes and comboboxes were place in a tabpages and panels.

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VS 2010 Save Data In Two Related Tables

Feb 16, 2012

I have a database created using sql server express 2008. There I have two tables called tbl1 and tbl2, which are related as tbl1.CityNumber=tbl2.CityNumber.

I have created the programme using VB 2010; there, a form has three textboxes.

Tables: tbl1,tbl2 ; (related as tbl1.CityNumber=tbl2.CityNumber)
Columns to be updated:tbl1.CityName , tbl1.CityNumber, tbl2.StreetName
TextBoxes on the VB form: txtCityName , txtCityNumber, txtStreetName


But, now the problem is, the two tables have not get updated,after going to the database in MS.SQL Server Management Studio. I think I'm very closer to have my required result. I have tried my best to track place,where I've gone wrong.I have been trying to find a method for last five days.

View 3 Replies - Sort A GridView Column Related To Other Table

Jun 10, 2010

i have a GridView bound to a DataView. Some columns in the DataView's table are foreignkeys to related tables(f.e. Customer). I want to enable sorting for these columns too, but all i can do is sorting the foreignkey(fiCustomer) and not the CustomerName.

I have tried this without success(" Cannot find column ERP_Customer.CustomerName "):

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Customer" SortExpression="ERP_Customer.CustomerName" >

A tried also the DataViewManager, but i've a problem to detect the table to sort:

Dim daCharge As New ERPModel.dsERPTableAdapters.ERP_ChargeTableAdapter
Dim viewManager As New DataViewManager(Me.dsERP)


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Linq Related Table Not Queryable Error?

Aug 17, 2010

I've got a problem with Linq in VB.NET.I've created a .dbml file from my db, and everything looks good - relation "arrows" between tables are visible, etc.But when I want to use simple query (taken from 101 Linq Samples by MS):

Dim q = From h In dc.Hours, w In h.WorkType
I receive an error:


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Load Related Entity's From Jump Table?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a jump table to relate the Customers and the contact, I want to load all contacts by a customer name.

Dim Q = From Cust In EnData.Customers Where Cust.CustomerID = ID Select Cust
ContactRow = Q.FirstOrDefault.CustomerToContacts.??? here I'm stock...

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Data Table Only Partially Updates (Parameter Related)?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a data table that I am updating. The table has 5 rows.The first row in the data table that has an ID of 1 will not update with new values, but the rest of the data table does update, I can't figure out why.

It is an access database I am updating, Is there a problem with my Update String? Because it updates all of my table except for the first row that has an ID of 1.

Dim sqlSSRTotalUpdateParameters As String = "UPDATE [SSRTotalChecker_" & FullName & "] SET [Totals]=@Totals,[Category]=@Category,[Materials]=@Materials, [Labour - Field Effort]=@LabourFE," & _
" [Labour - PMO]=@LabourPMO, [Labour - Supervision]=@LabourSuperv, [Labour - Administration]=@LabourAdmin," & _


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Typed Dataset Binding Fields Of Related Table?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a typed dataset with 2 tables and a relation between the 2 tables. The relation is a 1 to 1 relation.First, who cane help me how to bind both the fields of the parent and the child table to a textbox.And second, in the dataset designer you cane preview the data. There a see for each record 1 row with all fields of the parent and also the fields of the child table. How cane i have the same result in a datagridview?

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Data Table - Datagridview - On Running The Code A Second Time The Related Data Is Lost

Aug 6, 2011

I have two data tables. the second related to the first. Using a datagridview for the first table I am able to enter and save data ok. if I run the code twice in a row the data is still there. When I edit the data in the related table in it's own datagirdview the data is there and displays correctly, but on running the code a second time the related data is lost. In both cellendedit events I am using



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Adding Association (link Table Record) Without Creating A New Related Record?

Jul 31, 2011

I have two tables Products and Categories with a many to many relationship. I am trying to copy the categories linked to one product (OriginalProduct) to another product (newProduct). The problem is when I execute the SaveChanges() method, I not only get the records in my linking table, but it also creates another copy of the categories in the categories table. I've tried this in many ways but here are the last couple that I've attempted:

' Copy Product/Categories
For Each oneProdCategory In OriginalProduct.Categories
Dim relatedCategory = _productContext.GetObjectByKey(New EntityKey ("ProductInfoEntities.Categories", "RecordId", oneProdCategory.RecordId))


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DataGridView Saving - Set Employee ID In The Related Table In The Grid to The Value From The Employee Record?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a VB project with a form where user adds/modifies the data, data are stored in SQL. On the form there are 2 tables that are linked by employee ID. When I test the process and insert a new employee record and add new comment for this new employee in DataGridView - when I save it I get an error that "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". During more detailed debug it says that CurrentCell is set to Nothing - even that I do have values in all fields.I do set employee ID in the related table in the Grid to the value from the employee record - so all primary keys do have value and the comment is saved after all but I get an error and saved comment dissapears from the screen right after saving. When I pull the same new record again - everything is saved. What am I missing and how to avoid the error and dissapearing of the saved comment?

Also - I tried to save the new employee data in the first table first and then add comments - it didn't solve the problem. But if I add first part of information in the main table, save and close the form, then go back and add comment - it works fine. The problem is - it's not convenient for the user - they'd like to enter everything at once.

Private Sub TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click

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Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table?

May 11, 2011

I'm receiving the following error:"You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'FORN_NIB'."

I cannot understand this error fr the related record really existe on the FORN_NIB table. It is even picked up from there. Here's the code where the error occurs at the .Update instruction:

HTML With rst
.Open("DADOS_RECIBOS", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)
.Fields("NUM_FORN").Value = Me.TextBox1.Text


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Replace Column By A Related Column From Another Table In DataGridView

Dec 14, 2011

I have:

- Table1 with columns: PK_ID1, LOCATION, DIRECTOR, SELLER, SELLERID, WORKTIME (relationship), WORKCODE

- Table2 with columns: PK_ID2, WORKCODE (relationship) & WORK_DESCRIPTION

My DataGridView do a SELECT * FROM Table1;How can I replace WORKCODE with WORK_DESCRIPTION in DataGridView, please?

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Save Table A Last ID Into Table B Simultaneously Using Linq To SQL

Apr 10, 2012

I have 2 Tables Table "A" and Table "B". Here is little details.

Table "A"
ItemID (Primery Key)


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Save Img To Table?

Dec 13, 2010

i have a parameter error

check this statement
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


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Save Jpg Into A SQL Table?

May 10, 2010

There are about 1000 jpg files need to save into SQL server as image type. I created two fields in the table tImage: one is [Filename] which will take jpg file name and another field is [NewImage] which will store jpg as image. How to code to loop all jpg files and save into SQL table? (jpg is located at d:jpgfiles)

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SAVE Changes To Dgv NOT Bound To Table?

Nov 27, 2010

I added a datagridview box to my form from the tools menue. I added some columns and would like to place a save button that allows users to save the data they put in those columns. The datagridview is not bound to a database, it is only being used for design reasons and a database is not necessary. What code can I use in the button to save the changes?

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Save Datagridviewvalues To Sql Table?

Nov 15, 2011

i have a form with two sections.header part and detail part.header part contains some text boxes and detail part includes datagridview.when i enter the values to datagridview while runtime ,i want to insert the datagridview values to sql table.when i insert the first row of datagridview will save to sql table but another rows willn't save to sql table and showing an error"Procedure or function Insert_Sales_Detail has too many arguments specified".how can i save all rows in to sql table?

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ASP Table Doesnt Save State?

Jan 30, 2012

I created an ASP Table Control and added a row to it programatically. I then repeated the process to add another row. The first row that I added disappeared and only the newest row is being displayed. Is there a property that needs to be set to allow the state of the table to be saved?EDIT:All I do is click a button on the page and it adds a row to the table. Repeated clicks of the button only add one from to the table., here is the function that adds the rows.

Protected Sub addItemButton(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
'get the id of the item they selected
Dim id As String = CType(sender, Button).Text


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Error Save Image To Table

Dec 13, 2010

i have a Access table named "Loginnumber" with columns "personeelscode ", "filename". "foto" all i want to do is update this table with new info in VB i have a form with an picturebox1 and a textbox for personeelscode and a textbox for filename change it to the right code cause i think there is something wrong with my commandtext

Private Sub Searchpicture_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles searchpicture.Click
With OpenFileDialog1


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Save All Data To A Table In SQL Server?

Dec 8, 2011

I have a datagrid with three columns of data and i need to save all those data to a table in SQL Server.

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Save Data To A Table In A Database?

Apr 30, 2010

I am quite new at this so bear with me. I am trying to just download data, save it row by row into a database, then upload it (sorta a backup). I am using vs2010 and VB. The database I have in vs is a .sdf (not sure if i should remake as a .mdf) and the download of data is working fine. Saving it into a table isnt going so well. I am using a form to click a button to start the download, and most of my vb code is in another vb file. Making it into a method is causing me no end of pain due to the object refernce errors and nonshared reference errors. But I go to far for this. Anyways I tried to use


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Update A Table With A Save Button?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a form that i am entering data into and then click a save button to update to the database. but i can not give it to update.[code]....

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VS 2010 Save Image To Sql Table?

Dec 17, 2011

I think I am almost there but can't find the final piece of the puzzle.The code all works fine if I dont include an image as part of the save but need help with setting the correct parameter for the image.


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Hash Password And Save Into Database Table?

Jan 14, 2012

I have a register.aspx and a login function and i am using

in my register.aspx...i have a user name textbox and a password text and a submit button. IF the user click on the submit button, the password will be hash and store with the username in the database table called "Customer"

1st Qn: i have a problem is that i never try before hashing, so i not sure how to code it , hopefully if someone got a sample or example to teach me it will be nice

2nd Qn: besides that, in my login function, how am i going to compare the hash value for password that is store in database with the password in the textbox to allow to login?

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Save Access Table To Text File?

Jun 15, 2009

i have a comma delimitted text file that i need to add three fields and update the contents of those three fields and then save the text file.

right now i bring the file into ms access and alter the table to add the fields and then update them but i don't know how to export the access table back into a comma delimitted text file.

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Save Datatable Content Into Sql Database Table?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm creating an small application where I search from the databse table tems and add the result line to a datarow of my datatable "dt", I the set the datagridviewe datatsource to this same dt.How can I save this dt content into another table of the same database.I'm not ussing stored procedures and dont understand much of parameters.

Dim cs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=myserver;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;Integrated Security=True")
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet("Chosed")


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