Remove An "orphan" Dll From File System > Application Folder?

May 4, 2011

In a solution with multiple projects, one project that compiles to a .exe and a .dll has hitherto been successfully included in the Application Folder list and worked fine. After a recent revision to that project I deleted the .exe reference in the Application Folder list to remove both files prior to using Add > File to relist the new versions, but somehow although the .exe has gone the .dll remains in the listing and I now can't get rid of it - the right-click Delete function is disabled, and I can't see another way to remove this orphan file reference. Also if I now Add > File and point to the new .exe to bring it into the File System Application Folder list, after a couple of seconds the whole VS environment closes without an error message and I have to open VS again to restart.

Does anyone know how to unscramble this - presumably by editing something to remove the orphan .dll from the list? I use VS-2010 but this solution was imported and updated from VS-2005 some months ago, and since then has been fine.

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File System Watcher - Application That Monitors A Specific Folder For File Changes Such As Modify Deletion, Update

May 4, 2011

I am developing an application that Monitors a specific folder for file changes such as modify deletion, update, etc. The only problem I have is , the application doesn't fire up File events.

Here is the code:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Class Form1


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Can Drag File From Outside Of Application Mean From System Folder To Datagrid

Jan 11, 2010

can i darg the file from out side of the application mean from system folder to Datagrid when i drop i need to get the fileinfo of the file is it possible how to done this

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Add/remove Application Shortcuts From The Startup Folder Or Desktop?

Apr 11, 2009

How do I add/remove application shortcuts from the Startup folder or Desktop?

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Copy A File In System32 Folder From Resources Folder .resx File Of Windows Application?

Mar 14, 2009

how should i copy a file in system32 folder from resources folder .resx file of my windows application?

View 1 Replies Cannot See A File In System Folder On Windows Server 2008 64bit

Jan 28, 2010

I have a utility that is a simple exe that is not installed compiled with VS2005 and works well. But when I upgraded to VS2008 the utility can no longer locate files in the active system folder. I have UAC turned off and am logged in as the Administrator and it still can not locate a file that I can see in Windows Explorer. The file I am looking for is PakMgr.exe.

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Avoid System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException By Detecting A System Folder Before Writing A File?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a vb .net application where the user can choose a directory into which an excel file is written. If the user selects a system directory (yes, my users do this, don't ask me why) then a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException is thrown at runtime. I am handling this exception telling the user to please select another directory.

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Remove A File Under System32 Drivers Folder?

Nov 24, 2010

Let me start this again. I just started working at a company and this company sells customer label printers and its software. The printer drivers are not designed well and creates problems between version updates. When a customer calls in and compalins that are some communication problems, we have to login to their computer and remove printer, it's drivers and driver files that gets installed into system32 folder.

So, my goal was to have the customer download a file , run it and remove these files before they download the latest files.[code]...

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Option To Remove A File Or Folder From Appropriate Database Table

Jun 22, 2010

I have a very simple app (at the moment) that stores file names/paths and folder names/paths in an SQL database and displays them in a ListView and TreeView respectively. All fine and dandy.I have an option to remove a file or folder from the appropriate database table and then recreate the associated list.[code]I've checked and double checked the folder table adapter (even to the point of recreating it c/w Insert, Update and Delete commands) to no avail.

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Copy Each File From Your Resource Folder To An Application Folder?

Nov 27, 2010

I want the user to have the option to choose between a lot of pictures in a project folder. So I made a new project folder called: Images.

And when the user presses a certain button this folder should be opened.I want to achieve this like this:


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System.IO.File.Copy - Move A Lot Of Pictures From FOLDER A To Another

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to move a lot of pictures from FOLDER A to another, FOLDER B. However, some of the pictures already exists in the FOLDER B. This stops my program saying it cannot copy the pictures over because they already exist. I'm trying to make it so any pictures from FOLDER A will copy over the pictures in FOLDER B if they are similar in name. Like... Folder A's pictures will just replaced the Folder B pictures if they have the same name. I was told to use the System.IO.File.Copy tool. Here is my code.


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Windows - Remove File If Application Is Not Running?

Apr 6, 2011

Not sure whether this is possible, but I'm creating a file encoding applcation. When a file is decoded, it is saved temporarily in a temp directory, after which it can be opened regularly. However, I actually need to be certain the file is removed as soon as the application that has opened it, has closed it (e.g. has shut down). Otherwise, the decoded (secret) file is just hanging in the temp directory without supervision.


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C++ - Can An Application Pretend To Be A File Or Folder

Feb 19, 2012

I've been looking into centralising my computer game saves to make it easier to backup and restore as well as putting them up on the cloud via dropbox but there in so may places that it makes it quite difficult. I noticed the Windows 7 and Vista now support Symbolic links so I've been playing around with that but I was wonder the follow:

Is it possible (code example or a point in the right direction) for an application ( or C++) to spoof a file or folder?

E.g. Application A (a game like Diablo III or Civilization V) attempts to read or right from file A (the game save), application B (the save repository) detects this read/write request and pipes the request through itself preforming the request on file B (the actual game save in another location). Application A is in no way altered and treats the file normally.

Note: I realise there are many simple ways of preforming the same task in essence such as monitoring the use of Application A or periodically checking file A and copying it if it has been altered since the last check etc but all these methods have draw backs and less interested in making it work than if it is possible.

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Delete File From The Folder Via The Application?

May 25, 2009

I am working on a application that store files.The user has the possibility to remove this file from the folder via the application.The problem is that if the appliction is open i can not delte the file.what is the best strategy to deal with this kind of problem?

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Store Bunch Of Jpeg Files From A Folder In Local File System To A Column In Database With Datatype Image?

Jan 5, 2012

I Need to Store bunch of Jpeg files from local file system to a column with image datatype in databse.Can any one please provide me some code to do it?

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How To Download A File Straight To The Folder Of The Application

Jan 4, 2012

im trying to download a file to the exact area of the application where ever it might be on hte computer the code im using now only downloads it to the computer and this cant work becuase all computers are diffrent


could any one show me how that code could work but instead of to the computer but to where the application is so that who ever uses it can move there application folder where every they want and it will still work

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Save Settings In Same Folder Of Application Is In .INI File

Apr 30, 2011

How do I save my settings in the same folder of my application is in .INI file.[code]And how do I delete the app.config folder in the AppData Local dir?Because what I noticed is.. It creates new folders everytime I release a new version of my application.It doesn't consume much space though but still it creates new folder corresponding to the application version.

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Copy The File To Destination Folder From Running Application?

Feb 26, 2011

I have created an application in VB.NET 2008 with SQL Server 2005 edition and having a probelm to take the backup of database namely Burakhe.mdf I want to copy the file Burakhe.mdf to the selected folder when this file is still used by other application ie.during running the program ..

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Open File Stored In Programs Application Folder?

Sep 6, 2007

I would like to place the code below in a click event for a button to open a word file. I have added the document (group2.doc) to the Application folder of the target machine in my setup project. how do I write a dynamic file path that will open the file?


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Move File From File System To Application Resources

Oct 21, 2009

I want to know if it's possible to move a file from the file system into my applications resources.And if so, how?

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Choose Folder By Browsing And Copy File From Application Directory

Jun 6, 2012

I am trying to create an application where you can browse to a folder, press install button and it will copy some files to the directory of your choosing? I found some example code but how do i go on with my code from here? Cant figure out how to copy the files. You can see at last in the code i tried to copy files but its not really working, how do i use the function? I want the files to come from the application directory. And copy to the browsed folder.

Public Class Installer
Private Sub Installer_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Creating A Button In Vb That Could Get The Path Of Any File/folder Or Application In A Textbox?

Jul 8, 2011

I want to create a browse button in with a textbox when ever user clicks the button it will show all the drives, folders and files on the system and when user clicks the file/folder or anything the textbox should display the complete path e.g. C:My DocumentsMyPhotos .

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Close Application Root Folder Or Sub Root Folder At The Time When Application Is In Running Mode?

Oct 8, 2009

how to close application root folder or sub root folder at the time when application is in running mode?

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Deployment - Move Files To A Specific Folder When Run The Setup File For Application?

Jan 4, 2010

I have created deployment package for VB.Net appolication and it runs fine. When setup is rnning, I want deployment package to move a file from bin folder to other specific folder. how can I move this file to specific folder.

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Visual Basic A Resource File In An VB Application Move To Another Destination Folder

Oct 19, 2010

1st i make resource file 2nd in module i make this : I don't have errors but it is not working here's i want to do; i want to move a file that a player/person who is using this doesn't see how it copy and past into folder


I don't have errors but it is not working here's i want to do; i want to move a file that a player/person who is using this doesn't see how it copy and past into folder

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Save ".nfo" System Information File To Specific Folder?

Jan 19, 2011

I want to use Msinfo32.exe to save " .nfo" file to specific folder with the help of vb code without poping up-viewing the Msinfo32.exe.

I want all the procedure to handled by code (Run Msinfo32.exe --> File --> Save).

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Create A Folder In A Networked System From Another System?

Sep 17, 2009

i want to save a jpeg file from one system to another system which is connected through network.its in a windows target system's name is "abc".how can i do this ?

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Changes To Application.dll.config File Does Not Reflect Inside System

Jun 29, 2011

I'm quite new to this app.config function. Hope someone can show me the road on this. I have a solution which comprise of 5 projects and one of them just to retrieve the value from the app.config file to be read by other projects. So, in the app.config file, i have my connection string stated inside and i can use it nicely.


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How To Remove Access From A Folder

Sep 19, 2010

I am developing an application to give acess to a folder like read, write etc and also i need to remove access from the folder form a pirticular userI have given access to a folder using the following code

dInfo As New DirectoryInfo(CurrentPath)
Dim dSecInfo As DirectorySecurity = dInfo.GetAccessControl(AccessControlSections.Access)
Dim myRuleValue As Integer = 0


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Office Automation :: Orphan Excel Process Started Via Automation

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using excel via interop in application.Sometimes users kill application that created excel instance and that results in excel instance sitting in memory without any chance of disposing it.First I tried to tackle this using ROT(running object table) looks like not all instances of excel are registered there.Than I tried to somehow mark excel process after it is started via interop.[code]This works as long as excel is visible but in my case excel window is invisible.All I need is to somehow mark process that started via automation with the parent PID, so that later I can kill it if parent does not exist.

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