Repopulating A ComboBox From Database Table

Dec 12, 2008

trying to figure out out to make a combo box re-populate itself with values from its data bindings from an Access database.

I have my bindings in the combo box, and it pulls the right column from my table, and returns the proper value to a different table. Everything saves properly to all of the tables, but what i am trying to accomplish here is this...

I have a combo box, it is populated with a database column of "G/L codes" (by the way that is not the column name) the combo box shows these values without problem.

These codes exist in a table that is editable (basically so the user can add a G/L code to the list if one is missing), a button is supplied that opens a new form, which contains DB related text boxes, and a data binding navigator to look through the data base records, save, add new records, etc. When this form is loaded, the user can add a new record, save the info, and then close this form, which brings us back to the main form where the combo box is located that is populated with the values of this G/L code table, what I am trying to get working is updating this combo box now that a new G/L code has been added.

I have been looking for a solution for days, tried many forums, read all posts on this site that had a keyword of "combo box" and I can still find nothing. I have tried many code samples such as...

Private Sub Repopulate()
Me.G_L_Code___DescriptionComboBox.DataSource = Me.Db1DataSet.GLCodes
Me.G_L_Code___DescriptionComboBox.DisplayMember = "Combined"
Me.G_L_Code___DescriptionComboBox.ValueMember = "Combined"
End Sub

have tried calling this when the combo box gets focus in the attempt to update the combo box every time it is selected.

Have tried reloading the table adapter as well when the combo box takes focus with the following

Private Sub G_L_Code___DescriptionComboBox_TakeFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles G_L_Code___DescriptionComboBox.GotFocus
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Db1DataSet.GLCodes' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub

Honestly I'm at wits end trying to get this combo box to repopulate its values from the database. I don't get any error codes when running either, all my attempts simply do nothing

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Repopulating Access Database View?

Jan 29, 2010

We built a cool system to load trucks with coal.When a truck driver presents his RFID badgethe system kicks on and loads the truckNow the end user wants the system to print tickets.This is also OK.But, not just print tickets.. store ticket information into a database, look up truck information andThat is the problem.I am writing an interface in Visual Basic.NET 2008I cheated and let the Visual Basic wizards load all the data sets

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Combobox Items To One Database Table

Jan 12, 2010

I have 22 item in combobox which i want place in one table. Why the code below do not work? [Code] I try learn database program but the code add first combobox item 22 times! What wrong with concept I use?

View 6 Replies

Insert Sql Table Names From Database Into Combobox?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to add the table names from a database in sql server to a combobox with windows programming.

Its a customer accounts database where for instance I add a new Account holder which creates a new Table and when I want to view a specific account holder a want to select that account holder from a combobox that views the Table names.

View 2 Replies

Add One Single Item In Combobox After Populating It Form Database Table

Sep 7, 2009

i have imported names from database table into combobox..i want to add item"all" above all can i just add one single item in combobox after populating it form database tabel.

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VS 2005 Load Database Table List, Including Linked Tables, Into ComboBox?

Apr 9, 2009

I need to load a list of tables and linked tables in an MS Access Database into a combo box. I have this. Imports System.Data.OleDb


1. How do I load the access tables and the link tables into my combo without the system tables showing up?

View 7 Replies

Apparent Bug When Repopulating A Datagridview?

Jul 27, 2011

I am using VS2010 and .NET 4. My form has a DataGridView (dgvTest), and a checkbox (CheckBox1). I am selecting 2 or 3 fields from a table, depending on whether the checkbox is checked (which it is initially). My possible SQL statements are "SELECT ID,strForenames,strSurname FROM tblAlumni" and "SELECT strForenames,strSurname FROM tblAlumni".

I have used SQL Profiler to confirm that these are the queries sent to the DB. All seems well when I load the form (I see 3 fields, in the order I expect), and when I uncheck the box (I see 2 fields, in the order I expect). However, when I check it again, the ID field appears THIRD in the columns of the DataGridView, not first! I have found a couple of reports of something similar to this (mis)behaviour on the Net, but folks just seem to find some other way to do the job rather than ask is this a problem with DataGridView that needs fixed.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System


do your experts agree this is a bug? The "fix" is to wipe the DataGridView between repopulations, but I'm not sure I should have to?

dgvTest.DataSource = Nothing

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Repopulating DetailsView Control?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a DetailsView1 control that is databound in many fields but also has fields that I prepopulate upon loading the page for the first time. Example being fields named ROW, FLAG, PRINTED. The user can then input data into the other fields Like FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, COMMENTS and press INSERT. I should also mention that these fields are templatefields.



Then the insert of the data begins and creates a SQL record. This works as designed the first time thru.The problem begins when I try to populate the same fields for the next record using the same logic that I used the first time but the fields will not come to the screen populated the second time. What do I need to do in order to get the fields in the DataView1 to be populated after the first INSERT command has cycled thru its process?

View 2 Replies

Database Table Attributes - Query A List Of Table Names In The Database Ordered By Date Created

Jan 22, 2011

[Code] my issue is that now i need two cases, first i need a query that will return the date created and modified of the table and i also need to know if its possible to query a list of table names in the database ordered by date created but that have a certain thing in their names. for example the database contains the following tables: [Code] and what i need the query to return is the tables that contain "Data", settings and employees are for the other functions of the program. so the query should return the 4 data tables in order of date created. but i have no idea how to go about doing that in the query, does anyone know how this is done?

View 6 Replies

Get All Items From One Column Of Database Table To The Combobox Items

Apr 28, 2012

I want to get all items from one column of database table to the combobox items.

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Combobox.items.add - Combobox To Have A List Of Choices From A Table In A Db

Jun 14, 2011


I'm making a combobox on a form. I want the combobox to have a list of choices from a table in a db. The two columns are a String and a Date. I want the date column to only show the year. I'm hoping I have the code right as it is above, but I'm not positive I've done the whole date thing right.

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 : Make The Combobox Get Data From One Table And Input It To Another Table?

Jul 7, 2011

I have 1 access database with 3 tables How do I make the combobox get data from one table and input it to another table?ex.I have a table with all my Carriers and another table with jobs that are assigned to Carriers?

View 3 Replies

Get Particular Table On Data Grid From Selecting Table Name On Combobox?

Jun 7, 2011

i have a combobox on the form and a datagrid viewer .no i want to display the table which selected on combo box..

View 1 Replies

Populate Local Database Table With Remote Server Database Table ?

Aug 11, 2012

I am having a remote server it has INVENTORY DATABSE , and also iam having same databse in my local system. I want to populate by local database table with my Remote database table through code by click a button. How to do this .

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Add New Table In An Access Database And Copy All Content From An Existing Table To New Table

Aug 30, 2009

I want to add a new table in my accdb and copy the content tfrom an existing table into the new one.
Is there an easy way to do this?

View 8 Replies

Adding Items From A Different Table In A Combobox Which Is A Different Table

Jun 2, 2011

I have two table called

1.Register product table

2.Sell product table

Register product table consist of (Product Id (txtProdId.text) and Product Name(txtProdName.text)) NB. All are textboxes Sell product table consist of (Product Name(cboProdName.text) and ProdPrice (txtProdCost.text)). NB. ProductName over here is a combobox.

When someone saves record in the Register product table, items should be added into the combobox into Sell product table.

View 3 Replies

Delete Table That The Name Of The Table Is In The Combobox?

Jan 12, 2012

this the code for creating new table in the same database


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Resize An Imagelist/listview Image Without Repopulating The Image List?

May 17, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to resize an imagelist/listview image without repopulating the image list? I am using scroll bar to change the image size from 25 point to 256 point. When I leave the scroll bar the imagelist repopulates from the files list. This can be very slow when working with high resolution pictures. I don't want to limit the image size to 2 sizes by using large and small imagelist.

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Database - Visual Basic: Copying A Random Row From One Table Into Another Table At Runtime

May 16, 2011

I have a database that has two tables in it. One is a table of items (table1) and the other is the table of current items (table2).On form load I need to generate a random amount of the items from table1 and populate table2 with them. I was trying to do something like this:


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Added Table To Database But Can't Reference Table Adapter In Code?

Feb 26, 2011

I added a table to my Access database. I added that table to my dataset. Using Database Designer VB Studio, my table and tableadapter show up in the design view. The class definition is in the datasetdesigner.vb, and it shows in the object browser. But, I can't reference it in code. I am a newby and obviously missing somethning.

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Update Dataset Table With Mysql Database Table?

May 22, 2011

How can I update local dataset with mysql database without making duplicates. Assuming I set some column in mysql as primary key, which has unique string.

adapter.fill will just add duplicates, but adapter.clear before that is not an option.

So I want to update if the key column is the same with mysql data and if there is option for ignore adding new row.

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Update Access DataBase Table From Another Table

May 1, 2010

I need to Update Access Database Table with Data from a Different Table. Not all the rows of original Table to be Updated will be affected. How do you loop through the 2 Tables to do the required Update.

The Table to be updated is called "RecordList" and Table with new Data is called "RecListReport".Every attempt I've made won't work. I tried to Use 2 Datagridviews but couldn't get it to work right.

Dim Testconn2 As New OleDbConnection(NewTestConn1)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter


View 6 Replies

Transferring Data From One Field In A Table In A Database To Another Field In A Different Table But Same Database In .NET?

Jul 22, 2010

I am creating a database in VB.NET for a movie rental place. I currently have three forms;

Member Information
DVD Information
Borrow DVDs

What I would like to do is when I am viewing a member's details, if I click a button 'Borrow DVD for Member', the member's ID number transfers over to the Borrow DVDs table in the Member ID which also would hold some information from the DVD Information table, but I'm sure if i can figure out how to do this firstly, I will be able to apply the same rule and work it out myself.I have been trying to use a query statement like;

INSERT INTO [Borrow DVDs].[Member ID] [IN goodstuffvideos.mdb]
SELECT [Member Information].[Member ID]
FROM [Member Information]

but that has been coming up with error codes and completely not working.

Borrow DVDs table fields are: Borrow ID, Member ID, DVD ID Number, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit?

DVD Information table fields are: DVD ID Number, Title, Rating, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit Member?

Information table fields are: Member ID, Family Name, Given Name, Address, Town/Suburb, Postcode?

The error coming up is; Error in INSERT statement. Unable to parse query text.And under that it says The query cannot be represented graphically in the Diagram and Criteria Pane.

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Combobox Filled By Table?

Apr 9, 2010

We are filling a combobox with information of a table. (we read a field for filling the combobox and the id)

It's necessary that if we choose an item in the combobox we also get the id of the table.How do we put the id into the combobox so can read this id after selecting an item.

View 2 Replies

Bind Table To DataGridView Using Combobox?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a DataSet with many tables and a single DataGridView. I need to select a value from a combobox and then pressing aButton to show the selected table to the DataGridView. For example if I select from combobox "Selection1" I would like to show to the Datagridview the contents of the table called Selection1. I paste the event that I thought might work but doesnt show a think: Private Sub aButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles aButton.Click


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Binding A Combobox In A Datagridview To A New Table?

Apr 29, 2012

I have set up at DataGridView "cdgvExp" for data entry. cdgvExp.Datasource = ExpTab. The datagridview can accept new rows according to how many entries there are. I will then use the data in ExpTab. The Fourth colum is called "Lot" and is a combobox in the datagridview. The goal is to have the Combobox in the fourth column have the datasource be LotTab which is populated according to other choices in the form. I am hunting for something that would work like an independant combobox like cbLots.datasource = LotsTab

How do I dynamically set the Datasource and Datamember of a combobox that is already set up in a datagridview?

View 9 Replies

Binding Table Record Into Combobox?

Jun 3, 2011

I want to retrive data from table into combobox ..when the user click combobox items it's corresponding data will be show.In details :I have PERSON table , my program allow to the user search by : Person Name When the user enters the name into TextBox the combobox items will be all names existed in database same which user entered. when the user selects item from combobox a new form will show all person' data


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ComboBox Value Selection - Using Specified Table As Reference?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a vb application sitting on an sql server with 4 different tables. I want a scenario where when I select any table from the combobox, every query I will run should use that table as a reference.

E.g. ComboBox values(tables)=A,B,C,D

If A is selected then
SQLQuery="Select * from A "

If B is selected then
SQLQuery="Select * from B " etc

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Display The Sql Table Fields In Combobox?

Sep 24, 2011

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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Fill ComboBox From Table In Access

Aug 6, 2010

I am creating a form for entering technical data about a part into an Access database. In the same form I have several ComboBoxs that need to have their lists filled from the same reference table in my database. I have a number and unit field for the twist and bending radius properties. I made the unit fields ComboBoxes and I am trying to bind them to referance table in my database called UnitsLength. The relevant structure is as follows....

Form: NewPartForm
Database: CableDataSet
Main Table: PartMechanical - with fields: TwistNom, TwistUnits, BendingRadiusNom, BendingRadiusUnits
Reference Table: UnitsLength - with fields: Unit, Shorthand, Conversion Factor

First tired the following settings....
Data Source: Other Data Sources > NewPartForm List Instances > CableDatase
Display Member: UnitsLength.Shorthand
Value Member: UnitsLength.Unit
SelectedValue: PartMechanicalBindingSource > [The associated unit field]

But the lists didn't populate.... Then I tried these settings
Data Source: UnitsLengthBindingSource
Display Member: Shorthand
Value Member: Unit
SelectedValue: PartMechanicalBindingSource > [The associated unit field]
But now every ComboBox displays the same value but still stores the data in the proper field... it just sets them all the same.

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