Required Privilege Is Not Held By The Client?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm trying to Export a RDLC report into a PDF file and email it as an attachment with the click of a button.

My issue is that I get A required privilege is not held by the client error in the following code.

On this line Dim fs As New FileStream("C:\TEST", FileMode.Create)

I Have Administrator Privileged on a Vista Machine.

Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim streamids As String() = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing


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TCP - Send A String Held In A Var To An IP Address And Port Number Both Also Held In Vars

Dec 9, 2011

I wish to send a string held in a var to an IP address and Port number both also held in vars. I also wish to listen to a signals coming in on a particular port number so when particular strings are received I can trigger other transmissions.

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Adding UsernameToken To An Old .NET 1.1 WS VB Client HTTP 401 Authorisation Required?

Dec 2, 2011

This question is about using VB for writing a web services client, so I hope it will be suitable for this forum.I've been asked to add a username/pwd token to the SOAP/HTTP request headers sent by an old WS client developed years ago with the .NET framework 1.1. I believe I have done everything it is needed, but I get consistently an HTPP error 401 (Authorisation Required). I hope some experienced WSE user may help me in solving this problem, without forcing me to upgrade everything.I have downloaded WSE 2.0 SP3 and updated the WebReferences in my VisualStudio 2k3 project: a new client service class myServiceWse has appeared aside the old myService.I have followed thoroughly the example "How to: Add Security Credentials to a SOAP Message" ( using the new service class and adding instructions to my old code. I have added lines to my web.config according to the sample WSE.config provided. I am enclosing the relevant lines at the end of this post.The only glitch is that the section <httpHandlers> in WSE.config mentions a class Microsoft.Web.Services2.Routing.RoutingHandler, which is actually not present in the Microsoft.web.Services2.dll file. Anyhow I'd say WS-Routing is not the issue here. I left that section out of web.config altogether.

I have tried all sorts of experiments with duration of the token, form of password sending (plaintext, hashed, none), etc. I enclose the lines of code and hope to get some useful hint.

Last details:

- the client code has worked fine beforehand, as long as authorisation wasn't required at the server. The problem is strictly related to my botched addition of WSE functionalities

- if I approach the server from another client (e.g. SoapUI) and provide the same credentials, the request is accepted no problem. So again the trouble is either in the code or in the configuration I presented in this post.


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The SMTP Server Requires A Secure Connection Or The Client Was Not Authenticated. The Server Response Was 5.5.1 Authentication Required

Nov 28, 2009

This emailing code wont seem to work in my program. I get an exception "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was 5.5.1 authentication required."

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class emailStudent
Private Sub sendEmailButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles sendEmailButton.Click


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Administrative Privilege In .Net 2010?

May 27, 2012

I want to use netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=YourVirtualNetworkName key=YourNetworkPassword

in my application which requires administrative privilege in Windows 7. Each of the time I have to click "Run as Administrator" from the executable files context menu to execute the file. Is there coding anyway so that I can open the program with Administrative privilege?

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Shutdown Pc Without Admin Privilege?

Dec 5, 2009

how to shutdown / restart with a non-admin acount using vb net code? logof is not needed because the logoff is alow!

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Temporarily Elevate The Privilege Of VB Code?

Mar 8, 2009

My VB program creates a file on a NAS drive via the SaveFileDialog component in a different user context than the person launching it.It works because the person who runs my ClickOnce deployed program uses RunAs from the program's exe (thereby bypassing the ClickOnce pre processor). The problem is that the program extensively supports drag and drop which doesn't work between the User and RunAs contexts.

The program is a VB 2008 Express Windows Forms Application running on XP workstations with peer-to-peer (workgroup) access control. i need to execute only the SaveFileDialog component with impersonation via the user account we've been using with RunAs. Something along the lines of what RunWithElevatedPrivileges accomplishes in SharePoint Services. This is not happening in a hostile security environment - so, the solution needn't be impregnable.

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Convert Elevated Privilege Code From C# To Use With SharePoint?

Apr 23, 2009

I have built a method to pull some UserProfile information out of SharePoint. It works great in C#, but I can't figure out how to convert one part of it to VB.NET. I'm not that great at VB but usually the basic code converters online get me past any problem I have.

The problem is concerning the SPSecurity.RunWithEleveatedPrivilages section below. Does any one know how to implement the delegate code in VB?


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Get Connected With Remote Pc With Admin Privilege Code?

Jan 6, 2009

i m using wmi to get connected with remote pc with admin privilege code works fine on around half of machines in my domain but in case of other machines just throw rpc server not available error i google to solve this problem but all in vain

i tried with

1. disabling firewall application
2. allow dcom 135 port for exception
3. checked wmi services are running

but i m in dark side and i really give up to this problem of "RPC unavailble" i hv wasted few days in this,

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Token Privilege To Change Time Zone?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying to write code in .NET 2.0 to change the time zone - long story short its toautomate server deployment. I'm having a problem adding the SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME privilege I found code online to add the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege which I adapted into the following code:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module ChangeTokenPrivs
Private Const ANYSIZE_ARRAY As Integer = 1


View 1 Replies Mvc - Make A Required Class Properties Not Required

Apr 8, 2011

I have a class set up to hold values on a registration form (VB.NET, MVC), and among the properties is a Password property:


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Administrator Privilege Error - Code To Get A Directory Of Files With A Particular Extension

Sep 1, 2010

I am using following code to get a directory of files with a particular extension. It throws an error that you donot have administrator privileges.


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Client-Server-Client Multithreading - Instant Message Another Client

Jun 21, 2010

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the "Life Lines" we want to use is "Ask a friend", where one client is able to Instant message another client for a short time to get help on the question.


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Simulate Key Being Held Down?

Sep 5, 2011

Well i've been trying to make something run with a lot less code(and faster) but it seems with SendKeys some things are getting lost(or discarded) by the program, its only the arrow keys as I try & make it complete a pre-defined maze to see how fast it can be completed.

If I use SendKeys("RIGHT 8") for example the maze usually only moves a few times, sometimes maybe only 1.

Also I looked up how to hold a key down/simulate it but it's not working for the arrow keys(untested on other keys).

The only way i've made it work is delays, decently delayed like 200ms & it's a huge maze but if i hold a key manually I can go much faster yet sendkeys method can't go that fast using individual presses this is why I want to simulate a holding down action.

---it must be working xample code I can make it work for my purpose if it works like on button click, etc....but I tried copying full (supposedly working) codes before & they never worked for me/my key, xample cause i've looked & tried hard(with only failing results).

MORE INFO:Also I tried SendKeys.SendWait() which is meant to wait for keystrokes to be processed & that didn't help either so my best guess is the keystrokes are processed but discarded(like a movement delay code that doesn't queue movements but rather ignores extra movements)

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Access Data Held On The Device?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a sim card reader, that is a usb-to serial device. It has a sim card inserted. what i need to do is access that sim card to get the data, phonebook and sms for example. I CAN connect to the reader but i cannot send any commands or recieve any data.

What are the commands i could use to access data held on the device. The chipset is pl-2303

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Get A Single Form That Is Held In A Dictionary?

Jul 6, 2009

I can't seem to get a single form that is held in a dictionary(of integer, <Form>) to create instances passed 229 times.

For instance i can only open 229 instances of the same form. I open and close the form. So technically i open 229 forms and close 228. Any forms opened afterwards give a win32 exception. I clear the the dictionary key upon form close.

I have changed the dictionary declaration to (of long) but get the same issue.

View 23 Replies

How To Release Resources Held By Process

Apr 27, 2009

I have a little problem with my program, Boot Animation Previewer.Firstly, it loads the .zip file and extracts the boot animation in a folder called Temp. If there are existing files in the Temp folder it deletes them. But, once the boot animation is previewed, you can't select another boot animation, until you restart the application, because it gives an error, saying that the program can't delete the images, because the process is using them

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If Statement To Check If Value Is +-1 Of Initial Value Held In A Var

Mar 9, 2012

I need to run an If Statement that will check a few conditions.

Basically I want to get it to check a value held in a variable "Temperature" and if the value is within "1" eaither way i.e. +-1 of the value held within the variable to then to output a text string to Label200.Text Else if the condition is not met then out put another text string to Label200.Text.


Say if Temperature value held in the variable Temperature is 8.5 the if statement checks to see if the DewPoint value is "between" +-1 of the temperature value. i.e. 7.5 to 9.5 as well as the value in Humidity is equal to or greater than 90 and Pressure is Less than or Equal to 1013.25 then the conditon is met, else the conditon is not met.

I have put some code together below in NotePad++ to see if what I am trying to do is the correct way to go about it (note I have not yet tried this code in VB.NET as I don't have it at work).

pass comment on the code and if it is wrong explain what I should do to get it to work.

Dim DewPoint as Single
Dim Temperature as Single
Dim Humidity as Single


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Navigate To URL That Is Held As A String In An Array

Jun 24, 2011

I have aproblem with WebBrowser Naviagtion.I would like to navigate to URL that is held as a String in an Array...IF RadioButton.Checked Then WebBrowser. Navigate (Array(0, 0))

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Parse An XML Dataset Held As A String?

Jan 24, 2010

I am writing a VB.NET application which needs to extract data from an XML document. The Dataset.ReadXML function would be suitable, if the XML document was held in a disk file. However I would prefer the XML document to be passed via a string property of my class object, not as a disk file.

Is there a way to make the ReadXML function take its input from a string instead of a file ? If not, are there other functions which can be made to parse XML which is held as a string.?

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Release Resources Held By My Process?

Aug 1, 2011

Firstly, it loads the .zip file and extracts the boot animation in a folder called Temp. If there are existing files in the Temp folder it deletes them. But, once the boot animation is previewed, you can't select another boot animation, until you restart the application, because it gives an error, saying that the program can't delete the images, because the process is using them.

My question is: how to stop using the images? I've tried to dispose the form that loads the .zip file, but with no success.

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Simulate A Key Being Pressed Or Held Down On The Keyboard?

Feb 2, 2010

I know how to send keys using Sendkeys.Send("{RIGHT}") I even know how to use Send keys In a timer, to repeat the key press... But it's just a key press, and it lets the key up. So If I tried to put sendkeys.send("{RIGHT}") under a Timer, then it will press/release the Right Key. I don't want that. I want to HOLD THE KEY DOWN. Here's Some Code, that I know how to do that Simulates a Mouse Click, Left Down, AND Left Up. Mouse Click. Ok...? So here's some example code of how to Send a simulated Mouse Click.

Public Class Form1
'To allow to detect keyPresses. latter on in your code.
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer


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VS 2005 Variable / Constant Name Held In String

Oct 13, 2011

suppose I have variables named A1, A2, A3 ... B1, B2, B3 ... Z97, Z98, Z99. I have a certain operation I want to do using each one in turn. I CAN write a line of code for every single variable, but this will get pretty tedious. I'd prefer it if I can make a function that takes the letter and the number as arguments. So, if it gets the arguments "E" and "10" it will perform the operation on variable E10. What is the syntax for this? say a simple operation such as: result = E10 * 3 Is the syntax any different if I use constants instead of variables?

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File Appears To Be Held Open After Being Sent As Attachment By SmtpClient

Feb 8, 2012

I have a number of files that are generated in a function defined as:[code]These files are immediately printed and the files are automatically saved to a directory; the files themselves are not for use by the actual software users. I timestamp the files to keep them uniquely identified for auditing purposes.I've now received a requirement to email some of these files externally to the company, and someone has complained that the current filenames are not user-friendly.So, I tried copying the generated file to a temp directory, with a friendlier name, emailing the friendlier file, then deleting it, leaving my audit trail intact, like so: [code]This throws a System.IO.IOException on the line System. IO.File. Delete (friendly FilePath) because the file is still in use, after it has been emailed.I've taken out the email code, which makes the copying and deleting work fine, so it's apparently attaching the file to the email which causes the problem.I've also tried breakpointing before the delete line, waiting five minutes, confirming the email has been sent, then advancing the code, but the same exception is still thrown.

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Query - Combo Box Which Contains Names Of Teams That Are Held Within The Database

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to make a database program in VB 2008 and have come across a problem with a query that I'm not sure how to solve. I have a combo box which contains names of teams that are held within the database, when a team name is selected I have 4 queries that will separate players (in that team) by their position, using this information I will then be able to display information about the players in a collection objects so that it can be edited and what not.

My problem is that I need to be able to refer to the records in the query so that I can assign a players details to objects on the form, I've used a piece of code to do so that I used previously to select individual records from a table, however when I click on a team in the combo box it throws up the error: "Could not format node 'ClientQuery' for execution as SQL.". Not being a particularly experienced VB programmer this error doesn't exactly mean too much to me, although I am not exactly sure of another way to tackle the problem.

The code for this query is:

Dim GK(3, 2) As String
Dim c As Integer = 0

For Each Record In GoalkeeperQuery


All the fields in the query are strings. If this is not enough information I can post the query I used to select the records in the query used above or anything else that's related.

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Sender Not Updating On MouseMove If Dragging Or Mouse Button Held

Sep 10, 2011

I am trying to implemented a custom dragging operation to sort panels.

I assign an object to a variable in the MouseDown event and track it's relative position by examining the MouseMove event of the neighbouring panels as I drag the mouse over them.[code]...

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Handles MyBase.KeyDown - Prevent A Picturebox From Continuously Moving If The Key Is HELD DOWN

Sep 2, 2011

I have a picturebox set to move when the arrow keys are pressed. How do I prevent it from continously moving if the arrow key is HELD DOWN. I want to make it so the user has to press the key each time manually to move the picturebox.

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VS 2010 Create A Program That Can Access Information Held In An Excel Database And Show It In A Simple Form

Feb 27, 2012

how to create a program that can access information held in an excel database and show it in a simple form.

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Textbox Validation - 'REQUIRED" Property Or Control That Allow You To Make A Textbox A "required" Field?

Jul 18, 2011

Does vb 2010 have a 'REQUIRED" property or control that allow you to make a textbox a "required" field? I googled and saw something about required property in controls in toolbox but somehow I could not find it anywhere in my vb 2010 toolbox. Would it be easier to write it? Does anyone have sample code?

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Writing A Program With 1 Client And Server Where Client Side Creates A Text File

Dec 1, 2008

I have been reading through Atheists posts in regards to client-server and TCP client/server connection's. But how do i go about writing a program with 1 client and server where the client side creates a text file.Once the server sees there is a text file it connects and downloads it to itself or the client pushes the text file to the server.Once on the server i will read the text file and put its info into a sql db.

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