Returning Multiple Results (UDT?) From An Interop Call - VB6?

May 7, 2012

like an Interop user control (VB.NET) to return and to accept multiple values from a get/set call. I assumed a user defined type (UDT), would be the correct way but I keep getting a "Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic¯ from the VB6 compile. How is passing multiple values between an interop control and the VB6 application done?VB.NET (Interop) code, a control with a .NET ListView

Structure Employee
Dim Firstname As String
Dim Lastname As String


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Returning Multiple Values From A Function Call?

Apr 1, 2010

I have an active directory search function:

Function GetAdInfo(ByVal ADDN As String, ByVal ADCommonName As String, ByVal ADGivenName As String, ByVal ADStaffNum As String, ByVal ADEmail As String, ByVal ADDescription As String, ByVal ADTelephone As String, ByVal ADOffice As String, ByVal ADEmployeeID As String) As


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C# - Interop DLL Returning Member Not Found

Jun 21, 2012

OK, this is a shot in the dark as I'm at my wits end. I have two third-party DLLs that work great in VB6, but not so much in VB.NET or C#. In VB6, the below works just fine:


As stated earlier, the two DLLs (OAPPLICA.dll and OSESSION.dll) are third-party and allow an entry point into a third-party legacy system. Since it's legacy I don't have access to the third-party anymore, I've just been tasked with trying to prototype converting an existing Windows VB6 application into an .NET web application. My hunch is .NET is having an issue interpreting the interop DLL for the two COM objects, but I have been unable to find anything to point me in a direction.

View 2 Replies - LINQ-to-SQL Query Returning No Results?

Mar 5, 2011

I have a query using LINQ-to-SQL. It queries an underlying database table Rooms. It uses Where conditions to narrow down the results, namely:

Gender.Current Occupancy < Max Occupancy Available Flag is Checked I know this should return results but it keeps returning an empty set.Code is below


UPDATE: I've verified that the issue is with the statement where sh.is_available = 1, which doesn't make sense since this is a bit field.

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Javascript And .net Returning Incorrect Results?

Nov 17, 2010

We are noticing this occurs BOTH in javascript and in 2.0. So basically both in server side and client side code. Basically if you run this equation 975328 - 153279.43 you get the following answer 822048.57000000007. However, if you run 975328 - 153279.4, 975328 - 153279.433, or 975328 - 153279.5 everything is returned correctly. WHY the system calcuates the 975328 - 153279.43 with an answer with 11 decimal places? Not to mention adding the 7 in the 11th decimal place, thus making the equation answer incorrect.Of course I know I can trim, set the answer to appropiate decimal places, etc., etc.the above is proven by just entering the equation into the immidiate window, thus ellimnating varibables such as object types, etc., etc.

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LINQ To XML Query Returning No Results?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm doing some XLINQ in VB for work. I basically need to pull some values from a small chunk of XML as listed here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


... Leaving out the implementation of the For Each loop....So I have stuck a break point on the for each and the collection has no elements in it.

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VS 2008 LINQ Not Returning Results?

Mar 3, 2010

So, I'm not really sure if I have this setup properly or not. This is my first attempt at utilizing LINQ and I am trying to return data directly from an XML file.Here is my XML structure:

<folder lbl="_localhost" abs="C:\_localhostapache2triadhtdocs" unc="C:\_localhostapache2triadhtdocs" tag="default" />
<folder lbl="Programming" abs="D:\_prog" unc="D:\_prog" tag="default" />
<folder lbl="Anime" abs="D:Anime" unc="D:Anime" tag="default" />


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Using Word Interop SaveAs To Save A Text File Results In Errors

Nov 15, 2010

My application crashes when trying to save a word document as text. The error at SaveAs is "Type mismatch. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH))" I am opening and manipulating a Word 2003 Document (using Word 2007) and then trying to save it as a text file.


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DataTable Returning Incorrect Results In DataGridView?

May 18, 2010

I have been having an issue with returning records from a SQLServer database where the date the record was created is between 2 user specified dates. When I populate the DataGridView with the results, they are incorrect and do not follow any recognisable pattern.

For example, if I specify the dates 05/05/2010 and 12/05/2010 I get the attached data in the DataGridView.

Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click
'Clear the DataGridView


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Date Comparison Not Returning Correct Results?

Mar 5, 2011

I am pulling a date value from my database:
Dim qfresho = From p In dbConfig.Configs _
Where p.Description = "FROD" _
Select p.dateValue
Dim qfreshc = From p In dbConfig.Configs _
Where p.Description = "FRCD" _
Select p.dateValue

Then comparing these date values to the current date:
[Code] .....
But for some reason its always returning the Else condition - even though the values in the database should make the query true. I'm guessing for some reason its not pulling the results as a date?

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No Results Returning From GridView SelectedRow Cells?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a GridView which is showing results and from which I am deleting a result using the auto-created delete link. My code behind to remove the row and associated info. is:
Private Sub GridView1_RowDeleting(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDeleting
' The deletion of the individual row is automatically handled by the GridView.
Dim dbDelete As New pbu_housingEntities
' Remove individual from the bed.
[Code] .....
It seems that it is not able to grab the row that is being deleted, so it is always giving me a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

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Returning Query Results To Presentation Layer?

Mar 11, 2010

Im currently working on an n-layer application that does alot of database work.90% of all database queries are updates, and inserts and I want to be able to view the results of my query in the presentation layer.I was thinking of creating a QueryResult class that has a few properties like QuerySuccessful (boolean), Message (string) - holds success or error message, and optional field to hold any additional data that may need to be passed back to the presentation layer.So I guess my question is, am I going about this the correct way by creating a QueryResult class, and passing that back up through the layers to my PL?

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Searching A Database And Returning Results In A VB Form

Mar 30, 2009

I have a problem which I have tried to solve in several ways, and by searching the Internet for various terms, searching through books and Visual Basic instructional videos, but none have yielded the correct results. My goal is as follows:

1. Create a Database listing job names, job numbers, and a link to the file about the job.

2. Create a form with 2 text boxes, a search button, a box to display results, and a preview panel.

The two above steps have been completed. The following is where I get stuck

3. I want to search for either the job name, and/or the job number, have VB search through the database and return the results in the results box.

4. On clicking on one of the results in the result box, the preview panel will show a preview of the file.

i) The files being linked top are Microsoft Excel files.

ii) The box I have used for the results currently is a listbox, though I've no idea if this is the correct choice for what I want to do.

iii) The database I created is an *.xml database created in Visual Basic. I am a fair beginner to VB, learning as I go, but I'm stumped as to how to achieve this so any pointers on how to achieve points 3 or 4

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Searching A Text File And Returning Results?

Nov 25, 2011

I have been taking a class in Visual Basic and am currently working on my final project which I am having some trouble with. I am using Visual Basic 2010 express The project is to create an application that will store data in a text file, specifically, Last Name, First Name, Customer Number, Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Telephone Number, Account Balance, and Date of Last Payment. I have gotten everything done except the ability to search the file by Last Name or Customer Number. I have no idea how to go about this? I was thinking of ways to use indexof or Readline to be able to search the data, but I'm not familiar enough with the code to come up with a good solution. Below is a picture of how my form looks..As you can see, I'm currently using 2 separate forms to get the data from the user. Here is the code for Form1 which is the "Customer Accounts" form in the picture.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Public customerFile As StreamWriter ' Object variable
Public customerFile1 As StreamReader ' Object variable
Public strFile As String


There isn't enough room to post the code for my secondary form, but you get the idea. I would like to be able to enter a search term in the textbox on the bottom right of the form, and either search the data as its displayed in the listbox, or search the actual file? I was thinking that the results would be displayed in a messagebox?

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Difference Between Using The In Out Attributes In A Interop Method Call?

Sep 27, 2011

What's the difference between using the in out attributes in a interop method call such as SomeWIN32APICall(<[In],Out> Byval SomeVariable as SomeType) Vs SomeWin32APICall(ByRef SomeVariable as SomeType)? When I use the latter my app crashes.Edit: Fixed Typo

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Using Search Server 2010 Express Web Service Results Are Returning .aspx Pages Instead Of Documents?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a Search web reference (from a Search Server 2010 express install) in a application that is utilizing the QueryService Class to search a production Sharepoint foundation 2010 site.At a previous point in time, we had created a proof of concept on an entirely test system that has since been turfed. From my recollection on this test system when documents were uploaded as a specific site content type (that inherits from document) and metadata was provided, we could search for specific metadata by making managed properties for each, and search results would be returned as documents (with the isdocument flag set to true). Viewing the document then became simple, as we could simply use the filename and path to display the stored file.Now we are developing a production system and we have encountered a new behavior, where these results now are returned as aspx results such as


This of course makes it terribly difficult to locate and view the document, we can extract the Title which will then give us the name of the file with no extension, but that hardly helps, as the FileExtension data is aspx, not the documents file extension, so we don't have a full filename. We could display the page returned as a result, but would much prefer the document itself.

I've made a test document library, with just bare bones setup, (not using the site content type, or site columns) and uploaded some documents on the same site, and they are returned in the same fashion, so I don't believe the document library, or content type are the issue.

With a fairly limited understanding of both Sharepoint and Search Server, I don't know if this is a setup issue with the search service itself, with the site configuration, or with the querypacket I am sending. We also have a third party application (Knowledgelake) installed on the server that ties into sharepoint which could have changed configuration somewhere as well?

I don't think the query packet has changed since it was working in the proof of concept, other than the custom data column names. I will provide it here in case there is something glaringly obvious to an external reader.

<QueryPacket xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search.Query.Document'>"


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Early Binding Of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WordBasic Call ?

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to call this code in VB.NET with "option strict on":

Dim application As word.Application = New word.Application

The WordBasic object is dynamic, there is no type library available.Now the compiler will complain, because late binding is not allowed.

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ASP.NET MVC AJAX Returning New Page On Simple Call

Jul 15, 2009

I'm not sure what's wrong with the following setup. I have a View that lists a number of records, and each has a dropdown associated with it to change a value on that record. I had it all working without AJAX, but you had to change a bunch of the dropdowns then click a Submit button. I wanted to change it so that it would save the dropdown choice immediately.

My stripped down View (of type IEnumerable(Of MyTable)):

<script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftMvcAjax.debug.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


What I would like to happen is for the dropdown change to trigger the Update controller, but probably not return anything - just update the database and let the user move on. What's happening though is that a blank page is displayed with the Content value on it (i.e. "123: ABC"). It's the correct id/code combo, so the Update seems to be firing correctly, it's just choosing to wipe out the html.

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.net - One Dataset With Multiple Results Sets (multiple Select Statements) SQL Reporting Service?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a question regarding the dataset usage in Reporting Services. I have a stored procedure which returns multiple select statements (result tables), and I created a Dataset in Reporting Services 2005 with this stored procedure. The problem is that I can not reference the second or third result table, and I can only use the first select statement fields. Is this the limitation on Reporting Services Dataset or is there a way to use multiple table results in one dataset?

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.net - Interop Cannot Call Get_Range, And Cannot Use Two-dimensional Object Array Returned By Range().Value2?

Jun 1, 2011

Trying to replace Cells(RowIndex,ColumnIndex).Value() calls by row-wise references for performance, I permanently fail at referencing the result. Starting with Excel Interop - Efficiency and performance, which contains the tip to use get_range, i.e.

//get values
object[,] objectArray = shtName.get_Range("A1:Z100").Value2;
iFace = Convert.ToInt32(objectArray[1,1]);
//set values
object[,] objectArray = new object[3,1] {{"A"}{"B"}{"C"}};
rngName.Value2 = objectArray;


However, referencing Values with two dimension indices always returns an "index was outside the bounds of the array" exception. Inspecting the array with the debugger shows a nice 2-dimensional array which should has 17 elements on the second dimension, so Value (0,0) should indeed be a valid reference -- but it isn't:

The debugger lets me inspect Value, I can also drill down to Value(0,0) and see the correct value, but re-evaluating just that element, i.e. inspecting "Value (0,0)" returns above message.

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ASMX Call - Returning Response Header As XML Instead Of JSON

Dec 29, 2011

My ASMX call is returning Content-Type = text/xml; charset=utf-8
I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and jQuery.Ajax. Have added these things are per numerous suggestions from Stack Overflow. I have done these things

Done this at web.config
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false"
type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
[Code] .....

But whatever I do, the response header is still of type xml. What part am I missing here?

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Call ADODB.Command.Execute - Not Returning Recordset?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a classic ADO command which execs a sproc and returns a RecordSet. This is being executed from a VB.NET using the PIA.However when I .Execute the command, the result returned is not an ADODB.Recordset but a System.__ComObject.

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Call SQLServer CLR Storedprocedure From Client Returning A Datatable?

Nov 29, 2010

Call SQLServer CLR storedprocedure from client returning a datatable

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What Rounding Methods Need To Call To Get The Preferred Results

Apr 12, 2011

I have 4 rounding options: None, Standard, Up, Down If they choose None and the number is 108.7879, I just want to display 108.78 with no rounding. I know I probably can use Math.Ceil for Up and Math.Floor for Down, but I am not sure what to use for None or Standard.


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Call Sendinput In .net For Multiple Mouse Down Events For Multiple Emulated Mice?

Sep 13, 2011

Iam wanting touse sendinput in a dos or background type app (can be a regular app thats hidden) that emulates mouse clicks and sends mouse moves to another multimouse application. an project that im working on for my school i work at and i need to send the input to it. The overview of the project is i need to have this code be in a service that runs in the background that when a person does a gesture with my kinect code then it clicks the left mouse or sythesis it with sendinput (need mouse up and down sent for this to work). The end programs that receive input are: a program written in the multipoint sdk and mouse mischief. I though about using the default usb mouse driver as an emulated mouse driver to handle the part about creating a usb mouse device that works
since most newer computers are using usb.

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Returning Multiple Values From Function

Mar 17, 2009

I am working on a project I would like to use a function in a class I created to return multiple values in order to populate a listbox. I wanted to use a do until loop to achieve this. I will just post a simplified example of what I am doing :

Public Function Listboxfiller
Dim astring As String = "This is a string"
Dim Counter as integer = 0
Do until Counter = 5
return astring
Counter += 1

Then on the form I would do something like :

What happens right now is that the listbox only gets the first value, when I ran through in debug mode I found the loop only runs once, even though it should go multiple times.

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Web Services And Returning Multiple Values

Jan 14, 2009

I am struggling here with introducing web services into a site I am currently working on. The background is as follows.

- I have a page switchboard.vb which will recieves incoming xml requests.
- I parse these xml requests extracting its values, then setting them equal to the relevant global variables in switchboard.vb.
- One of these variables will determine a 'requestType'. Based on this requestType I want the page to call particular web services that I will add.
- These web services will then validate the user calling has permissions to access and execute it.
- The switchboard.vb page will then generate an xml respose which will post to the client.

Here is a summary of the process

The ways I can see to do this are:
1. Pass the variables into the required Function allowing it to pass back a pre formatted xml string.
Pro: Simple
Con: It is not really using the web service as it should be.

2. Pass the variables into the required Function as 'ByRef' values hense changing the original value on switchboard.vb
Pro: allows me to format the outgoing xml on switchboard.vb and gives me more functionality with more individual variables as opposed to one string being passed back.
Con: Is this taking advantage of a web service? When I tried this the web service form didnt give options to input test data. Possibly because I am using ByRef?

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C# - MVC: Returning Multiple Rows Of Data To Controller?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a table with several rows of data that I need to return to the controller. In my view, I initially load the table by selection of a time period and clicking a button. The table loads all my relevant records but one of my table cells contains a dropdown list. So I should be able make a selection in the dropdown click "update" and my controller saves the changes.

So everything works until I try and save. The model that is sent to the controller is completely null. The list property I have tied to the table cells returns to the controller null.


NOTE: This is written in VB.NET but C# help is welcome. I am familiar with both languages in MVC.

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Returning Multiple Datasets From A Stored Process

Jan 19, 2010

I have an encrypted SQL Server stored proc that I run with (or the vb .net equivalent code of):[code]this returns 2 datasets and the output parameters for the results, the datasets are made up of various table joins etc, one holds the header record and one the detail records.I need to get the 2 datasets into a structure in VB .net (e.g. linq, sqldatareader, typed datasets) so that I can code with them, I don't know what tables any of this comes from and there are alot of them Whooopeee...I came close using Linq to SQL and IMultipleResults but got frustrated when I had to recode it every time I made a change to the designer file.

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Sql Server - Returning Multiple Columns From SQL Procedure With .NET

Feb 21, 2010

I am using this code file to call a procedure to get dates (among other things). When I execute this procedure in SQL 2005 Server Management Studio, I get about 10 columns. However when I execute this code, the dataset seems to only have one index value, maybe I am misunderstanding something. When I change this



ds.Tables(1).Rows.Count.ToString <---changing the index value to 1
(or higher)

I get no information. So my question is;

Does the DataSet contain the other columns, only not indexed like an array? What I want to do is choose which of the columns to filter out and turn the rest into JSON formatted strings.

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